30 Times When People Had A Gut Feeling That Ended Up Saving Their Life, As Shared in This Online Group
Our intuition plays a crucially important role whenever there's an action involved that requires some serious decision making. We always hear this particular phrase that encourages us to go with our guts and trust our feelings whenever we're about to make a meaningful conclusion that will somehow affect our lives.
The beloved technology genius, Steve Jobs, once said a very thought-provoking quote: "have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary". Sadly, it's true, most of us are terrified of listening to ourselves, as we fear that it might lead us to some sort of failure – however, wouldn't it be healthier to know that you can fully trust yourself? Who knows, maybe following your instincts could someday save your life.
For instance, someone curiously asked on one of Reddit's communities to share a situation in which one's gut feeling miraculously happened to save them from troubles. The question received over 13K upvotes and 4.2K comments, where people shared their frightening yet gripping stories. Do you have similar stories to tell?
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Worked as a Shot Girl at a pub. One night I rejected someone who attempted to get my number. Not unusual and he didn't seem that bothered. The whole exchange wasn't strange to me. In the early hours after the bar closed I went to leave through the back door into the car park like usual when I saw the sensor light outside was on. Someone was stood just outside the door. I felt uneasy so went out the front and asked one of the bouncers to walk me round the back to my car. As we rounded the corner we spotted this guy lurking outside the door holding his belt like a makeshift garotte. When he saw us he started screaming that I was a f**king b**ch and I should die. He scampered off into the road and never came back.
If I owned a business with a back door like that, I'd have hidden infrared cameras to see what is out there.
I was driving on the road one night and I saw a car in the middle of the road with two people lying on the ground. My gut feeling was that something is suspicious here and I decided to act on it by driving past the car and the two people.
I stop to take my phone out and call the police and I look at my rearview mirror to see the two people lying on the road stand up with five other people coming out of the bushes.
At age 5 I was almost abducted by strangers at the park who had a bunch of toys on a blanket and tried to lure me into their motor home. I looked back to my dad, who was talking to his friend maybe 100 yards away, I got a “tummy ache” when one of them tried to coax me by reaching for my arm to lead me away, and I screamed and ran like hell back to my dad. Years later I found out those same people had abducted other kids who weren’t so lucky. Never ignored a gut feeling since.
I am a petite woman, and was 19 at the time. Had a late shift that ended at 10pm. Hit the grocery before my walk home (about 10 blocks). I’ve got arms full of groceries and notice a car drive past me in the opposite direction. Heard it pull a U-turn behind me and park. I tell myself, ‘probably just getting home from work too’, but then i hear foot steps behind me. I turn around and its a man in his 30s, I’d guess. He doesn’t say anything, but stops walking when i stopped walking. I keep walking, bit faster now and I can hear him speed up too. I turn around again and say, ‘hey man, whatsup?’. He says nothing. I turn around and keep walking, almost at a mini-jog pace and I hear him speed up too. I was about 4 blocks away from home. The adrenaline kicked in, I dropped my bags and booked it. Made it home, told my boyfriend what was happening. As he goes outside to find the guy, dude drives by in his car. Right past my house. We call the cops, give them a description and the operator tells us they’ve had other calls about the same guy. Really hoping he never actually caught someone. Really hoping his creepy a** wound up in jail. Really happy I listened to my gut.
My daughter was a year and a half at the time. She had a cold, but bedtime went off without a hitch. I woke up in the middle of the night that night, really uncomfortable and anxious. Something was off and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I got up, had a midnight snack, tried to calm my nerves. I decided to check on my kids, who shared a room, before trying to go back to sleep.
I get in there and immediately I hear a light sound coming from her crib—wheezing. It was so quiet, there was no way to hear it outside of the room. I got her up and saw that her breathing was fast and labored. I took her to the hospital, where she ended up with an overnight stay, oxygen, and nebulizer treatments because her oxygen had dipped. She was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease due to the cold (which triggered the asthma attack).
I woke up at 3am once sitting upright in bed. I felt on alert and my heart raced when I saw that my cat was on alert too, wide awake by my feet with his ears perked up. But I didn’t see or hear anything weird. Something didn’t feel right and I couldn’t relax. So I got up and went to the kitchen. Turned on some lights and ate food even though I wasn’t that hungry. Eventually went back to bed.
We discovered the next morning that someone had stopped while in the process of using some kind of tool to silently cut a big hole in the glass window in the living room. They were trying to break in. Right next to the bedroom. I think the lights I turned on scared them away.
to add that we had 3 long years of issues with our neighbors. They repeatedly came into our property and were angry that we put up a 9 foot fence to keep them out. This attempted break in happened right after the fence went up and 2 days before they all moved out. Glad those pieces of s**t are long gone.
I'm a firefighter. We got called out to a tree fire started by fallen power lines. We pull up in the truck and I'm trusting that my driver and crew leader are doing their job and have good situational awareness.
We get out of the truck and we've parked next to a set of power lines (not fallen). It's a very windy night and I can see the lines swinging so I voice my concerns to my crew leader who says it'll be fine.
We get out hose out (risk of the tree fire catching onto a house outweighing potential risk of arcing plus the line disconnected when it fell) and I'm on the branch ready to start putting it out with 2 others near me when I get a chill. I look up see the lines swinging violently and yell "everyone f**king move". As the 3 of us sprint and dive out of the way we hear a thwip and crack and sure enough the line we were under came loose and stayed connected to the power pole. If I hadn't got that chill chances are we would have had 3 fried firies.
Not me but when my mum was a teenager on 18th November 1987, she was going to London to visit a friend. It was around 7:20 pm and she decided she was going to take a taxi instead of going by tube because it didn't feel right (King's cross tube station). Ten minutes later the whole station caught on fire and 30 out of the 40 people passed away. If she had decided to take the tube she would likely have passed away.
I live in Southern California and growing up living by the beach I would go surfing a lot. Almost every day during the summer with my buddies. One day I wanted to go but no one else could go so I decided it was fine and i would go by myself. Not a huge deal I’ve gone surfing alone in the past and there are always other people in the line up to hang around. Anyway, I get to the beach and when I paddle out I noticed there wasn’t anyone out yet. “More waves for me”, I thought, but after a while something just felt... off. I don’t really know how to explain it but it was a very, very eerie feeling as if I was being watched. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such an acute feeling like that before or since then but I just listened to my gut feeling and paddled in and went home. The next morning a swimmer passed away at that exact beach from a great white shark attack. I haven’t been surfing since and that was 10 years ago.
I was in Turkey for vacation when I was about 7 or 8 years old and I made friends with some other tourists but also some locals, all around the age range of 8-16. These two local guys were about 16, and at one point during the late afternoon they asked if I wanted to go with them to go-kart outside of the hotel area, and I agreed. Approximately 30 seconds of walking along with them, I got the most chilling feeling I've ever had in my life. All the hairs on my skin rose up and I had this super uneasy feeling deep in my gut. It actually felt like some supernatural force was beckoning me to dip. I turned on my heels and sprinted so fast to get back to the hotel. I didn't even look back. When I returned, my mother asked where I had been. I told her I was taking a rough s**t.
Oddly enough, I was quite fond of those guys before this happened. But, thinking about this in retrospect, why would two local 16-year-olds have any genuine interest in go-karting with a young 8-year-old tourist? I feel like I may have dodged a bullet. We may never know.
I has just gone out to lunch with my mom and we were walking across the parking lot to our car.
I don't even remember grabbing her arm, but I did, and yanked her backward (I was less than half her size, as I was quite young at the time).
A car suddenly pulled out of a parking spot at lightning speed, right to where she was standing.
I ended up leaving nail marks on her arm and one of her knees twisted, but at least she didn't get hit.
Those will heal. But you can’t heal from being compacted into car park surface
I was going to go camping in Western Maine.
I was on a small mountain and the weather just felt off. I had just pitched my tent to but I had a feeling I wasn't going to enjoy the night so I packed up, hiked out, and went home.
Next day I find out a tornado ripped through the area I was in.
Next week I go out to find the path of destruction it left went right through where my campsite was.
Was hiking by myself (real smart). I get this feeling that something wasn't right, but I normally act on that feeling. That day however, I ignored it. Went to a lookout, turned around and headed back. About the same place as I got the feeling I noticed cougar tracks cross mine in the snow. They followed mine for a few meters and then went to a bit of shrub that overlooked both where I was now, and the lookout. I immediately left and avoided going anywhere near something that would give a cougar cover. Occasionally behind me I would notice a small rustle in the bushes and trees or some snow falling off a disturbed branch.
One time I went hiking with a friend’s dog. She stopped in her tracks at one point and started acting all kind of distressed and nervous, hiding behind my legs and tugging me to turn around. I have no idea what she saw, but you bet I turned around with her immediately and got out.
I stood up and had a quick Matrix like wave (just like how the walls flex in the move). I turned to the closest person and asked for a ride to the emergency room. Honestly, it felt like a little head rush or light headedness that I've had a hudred times before. If I would have brushed it off as such, I would pass away. My lungs were at 30% capacity as I was drowning from fluids and had absolutely no other symptoms than the brief lightheaded feeling. Also, I had been feeling a bit down and hadn't eaten. The more I analyzed the situation I have no idea why I asked a stranger for a ride to the hospital.
I'm just now getting over pneumonia. I never had it before and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was having so much anxiety and panic attacks way more than usual was on my way to the ER and boom in the car I all of a sudden couldn't breathe wo struggling. Scariest feeling in the world.
The day I had my son. I was 34 weeks and was feeling great but something felt different. I ended up going to the ER and having an Emergency C section. I was told that if I hadn’t listened to my gut, my son most likely wouldn’t have survived and I probably wouldn’t have either. But here we are, healthy and happy!
Put a piece of furniture up for sale on Craigslist. Nothing fancy or crazy expensive, just a used bike. Guy emailed and said "I got 140 for it today." And I got the thing new for 160, so I was psyched. Said, ok, and gave him a general address (not exact). Didn't hear from him all day, which isn't weird with Craigslist...but something felt weird so I googled his name (from his email) and it turns out he's been arrested several times for home burglary and robbery. Blocked him and gave the bike to friend for free.
Maybe their referring to the bicycle as a piece of furniture; like I refer my exercise bike as a coat rack lol.
Load More Replies...Plot twist:. The friend got the bike for free and called his buddy the burglar and thanked him. It worked!!
I hate selling things online. So much stress about scammers and safety and stuff. I rather take it to a secondhand store now.
If you’re someplace that has the non-profit Goodwill nearby, just know that the proceeds of their sales (after administrative costs) go toward job training for people getting back on their feet after a setback.
Load More Replies...For me it's the other way around, i find something I want to buy but it's at someone's house. I never go alone to some stranger's house, i always ask my guy friends to go with me.
Never give addy to anyone always meet at local police station, if they balk, they’re up to no good.
Right Yort. And I don’t think English is this person’s first language l
When I was about 20, many years ago, I had taken up the sport of skydiving. I was scheduled to make a jump at a small town about 60 miles from the major city in which I lived. I got on my motorcycle to make the trip but my gut feeling was I shouldn't do this today. After driving a block, I turned around and went home. I didn't bother to call the jump master and tell him I wouldn't be there. The next time I was there to make a jump he asked me about that day, why I never showed up. I told him about being on the road and having this really queasy feeling about it. He said "yeah, when you get that feeling you always need to obey it." No one ever mocked me for being chicken. Who knows if there was a motorcycle accident waiting for me or a bad jump with a chute that wouldn't open? But I'm 62 now and lived to tell this story!
I know someone who was a relatively experienced skydiver, she no longer needed to be strapped to someone. Bizarrely both her main and reserve chute failed to open. She broke so many bones and had a lot of internal injuries. She wasn't expected to survive, but she did with the only after effect being a phobia of heights.
A couple years ago I was walking to my car after a baseball game. A guy came up to me and asked me if I could lend him any money for a taxi. Not having any cash on me I politely declined. He told me there was an ATM nearby and being the naive guy I am, I said okay. As I started to walk with him, I got this feeling that I needed to get out. Now. It wasn't just an instinct, it felt urgent that if I didn't just go to my car something would happen. So I acted like I got a an emergency text, made an excuse and ran away. A week later I saw a man who looked very similar to him on the news for robbing somebody at gun point in that general area I was in. I don't know 100 percent if it was the same guy, but that feeling I got told me it was.
Aww man this happens all the time. In prague there's a number of streets with money exchange offices and atm machines. There are also a lot of homeless people but even men with dogs who don't look homeless and pretend to be homeless. I walk through that street at least once a week and I'm always holding on tightly to my wallet and phone in my pockets with my head down. This one guy with two dogs talks in czech to people passing by but whenever I pass by him he talks to me in english and it freaks me out because how does he know I'm english?!! He must be watching me and eavesdropping on me. Lots of pickpocketers in prague. Be careful.
I was walking on a hiking trail, and got that being watched feeling. this was in the woods, no one was around, and I just decided to be safe rather than sorry. I turned around and walked back out to the trailhead and went hone. on the news that night I saw a mountain lion had been hunting there and attempted to attack another hiker later that day.
The most important thing in that situation is the WALKED back...you never, ever, ever want to trigger the chase instinct of a big, heavy cat that will ALWAYS win that race!
When I was little I had gotten sick. I get sick often because I have a weak immune system, so whenever my mom asks me if I want to go to the doctor I always say no, and just take medicine/rest. This time around was different, it felt worse than usual so I asked my mom to take me to the doctor. When we got there the doctors took my temperature, after that they put me in a room took off my clothes and packed me down in ice from head to toe. They said if my fever had gotten even just a little bit higher my brain would have fried.
On holiday when I was younger, my parents told me that I was finally old enough that I didn't have to share a bedroom with my brother, and could have my own room downstairs if I wanted. Got a gut feeling that I shouldn't and ended up rooming with my bro.
Within a day or so, burglars broke into all the houses in the complex, and were using what would have been my room as a safe-point to loot through all the stuff they'd stolen. Don't know what would have happened if they walked into a room with an 8 year old girl alone, asleep.
Was riding my motorcycle with a friend on the back. We were going down a country road behind a truck hauling a bunch of old car tires when all of a sudden I decided we shouldn't be there, so I slowed way down to let the truck go ahead of us. Just as I did one of the tires fell off the truck and landed right where we would have been.
I'm glad they were fine, but this seems like common sense. You shouldn't be driving closely behind any vehicle with an unsecured load, especially if you're on a motorcycle.
Had a friend who said we should go to this party he was invited to by a classmate of his. We ended driving out to it, we noticed the neighborhood was not to pleasant and sketchy. We saw that house had some lights on in backyard but kind of quiet for a party.
I decided that we should not go since something felt really off. Friend ended finding the classmate that invited him got robbed and threatened when he went to party. It ended up being a fake party.
Was in Pennsylvania for Memorial Day weekend camping. Everyone wants to go to get a few things left out. I felt like something was off so i stayed back in my hammock. I was the only one who stayed, and a drunk driver ended up hitting the car all my friends were in.
I was like 5 or 6 when my mum and sisters wanted to go for a drive out of town. I cried and cried because I just didn't want to go with them for some reason, and decided to go with my other sister in her car. Turns out, my mum and other sisters ended up crashing, and they said "if you were in the car, you would've had to sit in the middle, and you would've passed away." Luckily my fam was okay though... But I sure did feel really cool after that.
I applied for a job in a company that did "personal finance advice" or something like that. I am a student so I basically applied there to be a secretary. The thing that was odd is that they were offering me a lot of money, and flexible hours so I was kinda confused. They also kept telling me how talented and special I am, and that I should learn some economics/finance things so I can be an advisor as well.
On the second interview it turned out that they were a huge pyramid scheme, and in order to get paid I had to get at least 3 of my family members/friends into using their "service".
Last week my mirrored wardrobe door had half broken off and was hanging on by one hinge. I had slept a few nights opposite this door and thought nothing of it. One night I was struggling to get to sleep and couldn’t get the image of this huge mirrored door falling and the glass shattering and hurting me. I get up out of bed to check just how secure this hinge is and before I could touch it the whole door falls off in front of me and literally into my hands. If I had ignored those feelings I absolutely believe that glass would have shattered and badly injured me.
Another one that seems like it should have been common sense. Glad the person was fine, but it shouldn't take a gut feeling to not sleep underneath a mirrored door hanging on one hinge...
I had something like this one time in elementary school when we had a recess. It was pretty average and we left at the normal time but it just felt very off to me, but because I was 8 and didn't have common sense yet, I brushed the feeling off. Turns out that there was literally a guy that had been scoping out the playground for kids to lure to him in a stereotypical large white van.
Scary. I used to live between two primary/ elementary schools for a while and a huge white van pulled up on my lawn (my house had the best view of both school sides & when school finished, both schools have to walk past van man to get anywhere) I walked out and was like ‘ you do realise how suss you look doing what you’re doing’ and he was genuinely confused and having a lunch break between fixing air cons 😂 but he said he didn’t think about how he looked pulling up all slow and suss ten minutes before schools out. So glad it was a good misunderstanding.
Pulling over before engine seized on icy road, we were in a s**tbox and I knew the engine was going out so the wheels would've stopped sending us into a tree
That's not a gut feeling, that's common sense. "My engine isn't working properly, better pull over before it breaks down and I crash."
My ex-gf... I dated her while she was separated and going through a divorce (she had 2 kids, not mine). We broke up, she dated another guy, got married and pregnant within 6 months. They are now going through a divorce... while she is dating a new guy
Bullet dodged.
Can we start spamming “died” in the comment to protest boredpanda’s infantile censoring of that word, either blurring it out or saying “passed away”? Died died died died died
Is that why everyone is "passing away"? Absolutely absurd.
Load More Replies...One summer road construction was in full swing and dump trucks full of rocks were passing an intersection coming from Walmart all the time. It was a blind hill along the main highway, so everyone trusted the stoplight. I had been waiting at the light and it turned green, but I didn't immediately go through like I usually do and wondered why I was hesitating, just then a dump truck full of rock barreled through at 50 mph not wanting to slow down because of the weight and hill. If I had gone, I would be gone.
Green, despite so many people thinking otherwise, does not mean "go", it means "proceed with caution", exactly because of things like this. Also, you'd have been dead, not "gone".
Load More Replies...When I was bout 11, my friend's Mom, in the middle of dinner suddenly said, "Get in the car, kids! Your Dad needs us." She was a very no-nonsense type. She was very busy: a nurse with 5 kids in the late 70s before microwaves. But they left their dinner on the table and she drove out to where her husband was working on their new house that they were building - a 15-20 minute drive. Turns out he had fallen off a ladder while chainsawing a branch and cut himself badly. No cell phones, he couldn't walk. It was new development and no neighbors could hear him. He was unconscious when she got there. He survived, but wouldn't have if she hadn't listen to her gut. In this case, I think it was more than "gut".
My aunt rearranged my cousins room the night before a limb came through the roof right where the bed would have been! If she hadn’t moved the bed the limb would have stabbed her in her gut !
A couple of friends and I were about to walk into a pedestrian tunnel under the freeway at night. We passed a car that parked facing the tunnel with a man it. The moment we stepped in the tunnel he flashed the lights and a man appeared at the other end. The driver got out and walked toward us, but I had told my friends, “Turn around and walk back now. Don’t stop.” We walked past him and he said, “Is there a problem?!” “No, problem at all. Have a good night.” There’s no way that wasn’t going to be a robbery.
Love the idea of pedestrian tunnels but they can be scary at night when you are alone.
Load More Replies...A friend of mine got off a plane he just boarded. He even paid a fine to get his luggage. The plane crashed mid-flight.
Back in my 20's my gf (now my wife) and I would park at a public city park overlooking the city, up on a hill. There was usually no other cars around because the park was closed after dark, but we liked to sit and watch the city lights. One night I noticed a car pass by, slow down, and make a u-turn. It slowly pulled up right behind our car. The entire street was empty so I realized something was not right. As I was talking to my gf I was watching as a man stepped out of the car and walked to his trunk and opened it. Without saying a word to my gf I placed the car in neutral gear so we slowly and quietly rolled down the hill and away from the other car. After about half a block I turned the car on, raced down, turned into another street and parked where I could see if the car followed us. Minutes later it sped down the hill. I explained to my gf and still believe we probably avoided something very bad that night.
I was walking my dog as usual, the usual route, the usual time, when I suddenly started getting anxious. Something felt wrong, but I couldn't figure out what it was, so I just turned back and went home. Ten minutes later, we heard about 15 gunshots. There had been a shooting in the park were I'd have been at that time
I put my two year old son to bed for a nap and left the room. A few minutes later I felt a need to check on him. He had swallowed a quarter he'd found and was choking on it. Heimlich maneuver saved the son and the money. My quarter now.
I was staying with my sister for a bit. One day we went to a local gas station get gasoline for her car, I went in to pay and got an all encompassing feeling of evil. I told my sister to never go to that station ever again. The victims name was Jennifer Moore, the perpetrator (gas station manager) had killed her within a month of my warning my sister. This freaked her out to no end. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-04-22-mn-1984-story.html%3f_amp=true
In 2015 was a massive fire at a local bar in Bucharest, my husband went there with 2 friends and with some minutes before the fire start he tell the friends that they should leave the place because he's having a bad feeling. He never listen to his gut before that, I'm glad he did it that night..
When i was 3 y.o., my mom woke up in the middle of the night with a very strong and bad feeling about me. She got up and was looking inside my room from the corridor, with no lights on. There i was hanging with my head on the bed, the body in the air and my throat trapped hard between the wooden plate (like a fence for the bed to not fall out) and the mattress. She screamed, my father and her had to break the wooden plate apart, because they weren't able to bring me out either way. I remember waking up with my heartbeat in the head and unable to breath. I couldn't scream because the mattress and wooden plate were strangling me. I saw my mother in the dark. Then her scream and my father arriving. They put on the lights and my world went dark. I could hear them discuss and lost the feeling of my mothers grip to hold me. I saw the scene from above, like watching from the outside. Then the plate cracked and i woke up, gasping for air. We never knew how i was able to get in there while sleepin
I once went out to eat with my mom and her friend and the restaurant was in a shopping center that was mostly empty with the exception of a grocery store across the parking lot. My mom needed something from the grocery store and because I had finished my food I offered to walk across the parking lot to get it. In front there was a man who was asking for money. I didn't take my purse because it was dark and I thought that was just asking for trouble. But I did have a few bucks in my pocket and gave them to him on my way in. As I left and started walking back across the dark parking lot I felt like something was wrong. Just as I was about to sprint back to the restaurant I hear an employee of the grocery store yell "Stop following her! I'm calling the cops!" Come to find out the man I'd given money to had started following me to the darker part of the parking lot. I don't know what he would have done and to be honest I'd rather not guess.
Aww man you gave money to him and he still tried to screw you over
Load More Replies...A friend of mine left work one day and had a gut feeling to not wear his seatbelt. On the way home another driver ran a red light and t-boned his pickup truck on the driver's side. He was able to roll to the other side of the truck just before the car hit him. Not wearing his seatbelt and his quick reaction saved his life that day.
Idk if this counts but my two friends and I have a running joke that we all share one brain cell. We say it's a joke, but whenever I'm feeling sad or nervous or something one of my friends texts or calls. Whenever I get the feeling that something is off I text one of them and usually they are feeling down. It's seemed to be a very effective method of keeping up with each other, even though I moved from my old school
Stopped at a red light. Decided to send a long text. Light turned green. Felt really bad finishing the text but nobody was behind me and had a long day at work and didnt get to reply all day and something told me to finish it. Right when I finished and only a few seconds after light turned green, a red lightunner sped through the intersection and would have hit me.
My one: sitting at an outdoor cafe. Guy in suit arrives, does his covid check, saunters slowly through the tables. I notice a car messing around next to us, going into a parking spot, then out again. Back door slighly open as if someone is about to get out. I'm not worried yet because I see it often and usually people drop their passengers at the cafe then drive away. The peculiar thing was the car was Sh1tty and they had a free bay that they went into then out again. Ok. Weird. Instinct kicked in. I put my phone in my pocket and carry on chatting to buddy. Next thing yells at the other side of the restaurant. I see the suit guy vault over the balustrade around the tables, get into the back door of the idling car, and they speed away. A phone snatcher.
One time i was rushing out and notice i left my hair dryer plugged in and sitting on my blanket. I stood there for a sec and jokingly thought how we were tought to unplugg everything before leaving the house. In that momet the hair dryer turnd itself on. Like on it's own. I freaked, unplugged it. Do not want to think what would happen if i hadn't stopped for a sec.
Stopped at Forsyth Park in Savannah, GA to check out the Forest Gump bench & the canopy of trees. Spent the wked with friends & we went our separate ways to go home. Was in that chill mindset exploring, people everywhere, music playing. Felt safe. A young woman approached me & asked if I wanted to ck out a band so I said Sure. We walked across the park and I realized it was slowly just becoming her & me. Spidey sense went high alert. Quickly said, with a smile on my face, I had to meet a friend. She tried to pull me towards these houses where all the sudden people started appearing out of. Looked back & I was being followed until I got bk to the crowd & they turned around. Could hear my dad, ex-cop voice in my head scolding me for knowing better. But she was a woman, alone, it was noon, height of daylight, in a crowded place, Until it wasn't. Sharing this bc at any age you should never trust a stranger. No matter how innocent it seems & how safe you may feel before, you don't.
This would have been a good topic to just ask the people on BP. I'd love to hear more personal experiences. There's a lot of topics that would be nice to just let us put in our thought on. Reddit has some good topics but it can be done here, too. "Died"? is censored now? Cripes.
I remember one guy detailing how he had gone into business with a friend who was angry all the time. He felt intimidated, but said nothing because he wanted the business to succeed and his partner was the main investor. He ate his frustration gaining a lot of weight. He said when the business was set to go under and his partner left, he decided to sell to a San Francisco firm. It required that he fly out to meet the buyers. But being he was overweight, it would require 2 tickets to cover his flight, so United bumped him from the original flight and booked him on the next one. The flight he was bumped from was Flight 93 that crashed on 9/11.
If you guys want to find out more on this, I would recommend Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. It's truly a life saver!
I'd like to take this moment to tell everyone that "intuition" is one of the senses that we all possess. Just like smell, taste, hearing, etc. some people have better intuition skills, and some would call these people "psychic" or "gifted" or something similar. The good news is, it's possible to sharpen this intuition with practice and mindfulness. That "gut feeling" you have is real, and your brain has picked up on something subconsciously that you wouldn't normally notice. So, pay acute attention to your hunches every time you have them. Analyze all the details of the situation that led to that hunch; what did you hear, smell, feel, see, everything. The more you learn how your mind works, the more you can develop your intuition, or "sixth sense". We all have it, and we can all be good at it
My sister (10yo) and i (9yo) were standing under a chandelier: i was carving a doll, don't remember what she was doing, chatting. Next moment i stand on the couch, she's at the balcony door across the room. Mum rushes in, heavy glass chandelier shattered all over the carpet. Don't even remember the sound, not to mention any gut feeling.
I was 7 or 8 yrs old and rode my bike too far from home. I found what I thought was a cool place to ride, which was in the dry L.A. riverbed, near a freeway overpass and RR tracks. While riding around I noticed a guy under the freeway and didn't think much of it. Next time I looked he was closer. Still not too alarmed, just starting to get a weird feeling. I looked again and he was way closer, coming towards me. That's when my gutt finally said RUN and I took off as fast as I could too afraid to look back. Pretty sure I dodged a bullet.
a few years ago (i was ~9yo), i was biking to my friend's house adn i took a shortcut path threw the forest-y thing and i just had this feeling like i was being watched or something and i was alone and about 9 ys old so i went so fast through there. (i dont think) anything actually happened, but i didnt go on that path alone for a while (i usually went through there with a group of friends)
Can we start spamming “died” in the comment to protest boredpanda’s infantile censoring of that word, either blurring it out or saying “passed away”? Died died died died died
Is that why everyone is "passing away"? Absolutely absurd.
Load More Replies...One summer road construction was in full swing and dump trucks full of rocks were passing an intersection coming from Walmart all the time. It was a blind hill along the main highway, so everyone trusted the stoplight. I had been waiting at the light and it turned green, but I didn't immediately go through like I usually do and wondered why I was hesitating, just then a dump truck full of rock barreled through at 50 mph not wanting to slow down because of the weight and hill. If I had gone, I would be gone.
Green, despite so many people thinking otherwise, does not mean "go", it means "proceed with caution", exactly because of things like this. Also, you'd have been dead, not "gone".
Load More Replies...When I was bout 11, my friend's Mom, in the middle of dinner suddenly said, "Get in the car, kids! Your Dad needs us." She was a very no-nonsense type. She was very busy: a nurse with 5 kids in the late 70s before microwaves. But they left their dinner on the table and she drove out to where her husband was working on their new house that they were building - a 15-20 minute drive. Turns out he had fallen off a ladder while chainsawing a branch and cut himself badly. No cell phones, he couldn't walk. It was new development and no neighbors could hear him. He was unconscious when she got there. He survived, but wouldn't have if she hadn't listen to her gut. In this case, I think it was more than "gut".
My aunt rearranged my cousins room the night before a limb came through the roof right where the bed would have been! If she hadn’t moved the bed the limb would have stabbed her in her gut !
A couple of friends and I were about to walk into a pedestrian tunnel under the freeway at night. We passed a car that parked facing the tunnel with a man it. The moment we stepped in the tunnel he flashed the lights and a man appeared at the other end. The driver got out and walked toward us, but I had told my friends, “Turn around and walk back now. Don’t stop.” We walked past him and he said, “Is there a problem?!” “No, problem at all. Have a good night.” There’s no way that wasn’t going to be a robbery.
Love the idea of pedestrian tunnels but they can be scary at night when you are alone.
Load More Replies...A friend of mine got off a plane he just boarded. He even paid a fine to get his luggage. The plane crashed mid-flight.
Back in my 20's my gf (now my wife) and I would park at a public city park overlooking the city, up on a hill. There was usually no other cars around because the park was closed after dark, but we liked to sit and watch the city lights. One night I noticed a car pass by, slow down, and make a u-turn. It slowly pulled up right behind our car. The entire street was empty so I realized something was not right. As I was talking to my gf I was watching as a man stepped out of the car and walked to his trunk and opened it. Without saying a word to my gf I placed the car in neutral gear so we slowly and quietly rolled down the hill and away from the other car. After about half a block I turned the car on, raced down, turned into another street and parked where I could see if the car followed us. Minutes later it sped down the hill. I explained to my gf and still believe we probably avoided something very bad that night.
I was walking my dog as usual, the usual route, the usual time, when I suddenly started getting anxious. Something felt wrong, but I couldn't figure out what it was, so I just turned back and went home. Ten minutes later, we heard about 15 gunshots. There had been a shooting in the park were I'd have been at that time
I put my two year old son to bed for a nap and left the room. A few minutes later I felt a need to check on him. He had swallowed a quarter he'd found and was choking on it. Heimlich maneuver saved the son and the money. My quarter now.
I was staying with my sister for a bit. One day we went to a local gas station get gasoline for her car, I went in to pay and got an all encompassing feeling of evil. I told my sister to never go to that station ever again. The victims name was Jennifer Moore, the perpetrator (gas station manager) had killed her within a month of my warning my sister. This freaked her out to no end. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-04-22-mn-1984-story.html%3f_amp=true
In 2015 was a massive fire at a local bar in Bucharest, my husband went there with 2 friends and with some minutes before the fire start he tell the friends that they should leave the place because he's having a bad feeling. He never listen to his gut before that, I'm glad he did it that night..
When i was 3 y.o., my mom woke up in the middle of the night with a very strong and bad feeling about me. She got up and was looking inside my room from the corridor, with no lights on. There i was hanging with my head on the bed, the body in the air and my throat trapped hard between the wooden plate (like a fence for the bed to not fall out) and the mattress. She screamed, my father and her had to break the wooden plate apart, because they weren't able to bring me out either way. I remember waking up with my heartbeat in the head and unable to breath. I couldn't scream because the mattress and wooden plate were strangling me. I saw my mother in the dark. Then her scream and my father arriving. They put on the lights and my world went dark. I could hear them discuss and lost the feeling of my mothers grip to hold me. I saw the scene from above, like watching from the outside. Then the plate cracked and i woke up, gasping for air. We never knew how i was able to get in there while sleepin
I once went out to eat with my mom and her friend and the restaurant was in a shopping center that was mostly empty with the exception of a grocery store across the parking lot. My mom needed something from the grocery store and because I had finished my food I offered to walk across the parking lot to get it. In front there was a man who was asking for money. I didn't take my purse because it was dark and I thought that was just asking for trouble. But I did have a few bucks in my pocket and gave them to him on my way in. As I left and started walking back across the dark parking lot I felt like something was wrong. Just as I was about to sprint back to the restaurant I hear an employee of the grocery store yell "Stop following her! I'm calling the cops!" Come to find out the man I'd given money to had started following me to the darker part of the parking lot. I don't know what he would have done and to be honest I'd rather not guess.
Aww man you gave money to him and he still tried to screw you over
Load More Replies...A friend of mine left work one day and had a gut feeling to not wear his seatbelt. On the way home another driver ran a red light and t-boned his pickup truck on the driver's side. He was able to roll to the other side of the truck just before the car hit him. Not wearing his seatbelt and his quick reaction saved his life that day.
Idk if this counts but my two friends and I have a running joke that we all share one brain cell. We say it's a joke, but whenever I'm feeling sad or nervous or something one of my friends texts or calls. Whenever I get the feeling that something is off I text one of them and usually they are feeling down. It's seemed to be a very effective method of keeping up with each other, even though I moved from my old school
Stopped at a red light. Decided to send a long text. Light turned green. Felt really bad finishing the text but nobody was behind me and had a long day at work and didnt get to reply all day and something told me to finish it. Right when I finished and only a few seconds after light turned green, a red lightunner sped through the intersection and would have hit me.
My one: sitting at an outdoor cafe. Guy in suit arrives, does his covid check, saunters slowly through the tables. I notice a car messing around next to us, going into a parking spot, then out again. Back door slighly open as if someone is about to get out. I'm not worried yet because I see it often and usually people drop their passengers at the cafe then drive away. The peculiar thing was the car was Sh1tty and they had a free bay that they went into then out again. Ok. Weird. Instinct kicked in. I put my phone in my pocket and carry on chatting to buddy. Next thing yells at the other side of the restaurant. I see the suit guy vault over the balustrade around the tables, get into the back door of the idling car, and they speed away. A phone snatcher.
One time i was rushing out and notice i left my hair dryer plugged in and sitting on my blanket. I stood there for a sec and jokingly thought how we were tought to unplugg everything before leaving the house. In that momet the hair dryer turnd itself on. Like on it's own. I freaked, unplugged it. Do not want to think what would happen if i hadn't stopped for a sec.
Stopped at Forsyth Park in Savannah, GA to check out the Forest Gump bench & the canopy of trees. Spent the wked with friends & we went our separate ways to go home. Was in that chill mindset exploring, people everywhere, music playing. Felt safe. A young woman approached me & asked if I wanted to ck out a band so I said Sure. We walked across the park and I realized it was slowly just becoming her & me. Spidey sense went high alert. Quickly said, with a smile on my face, I had to meet a friend. She tried to pull me towards these houses where all the sudden people started appearing out of. Looked back & I was being followed until I got bk to the crowd & they turned around. Could hear my dad, ex-cop voice in my head scolding me for knowing better. But she was a woman, alone, it was noon, height of daylight, in a crowded place, Until it wasn't. Sharing this bc at any age you should never trust a stranger. No matter how innocent it seems & how safe you may feel before, you don't.
This would have been a good topic to just ask the people on BP. I'd love to hear more personal experiences. There's a lot of topics that would be nice to just let us put in our thought on. Reddit has some good topics but it can be done here, too. "Died"? is censored now? Cripes.
I remember one guy detailing how he had gone into business with a friend who was angry all the time. He felt intimidated, but said nothing because he wanted the business to succeed and his partner was the main investor. He ate his frustration gaining a lot of weight. He said when the business was set to go under and his partner left, he decided to sell to a San Francisco firm. It required that he fly out to meet the buyers. But being he was overweight, it would require 2 tickets to cover his flight, so United bumped him from the original flight and booked him on the next one. The flight he was bumped from was Flight 93 that crashed on 9/11.
If you guys want to find out more on this, I would recommend Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. It's truly a life saver!
I'd like to take this moment to tell everyone that "intuition" is one of the senses that we all possess. Just like smell, taste, hearing, etc. some people have better intuition skills, and some would call these people "psychic" or "gifted" or something similar. The good news is, it's possible to sharpen this intuition with practice and mindfulness. That "gut feeling" you have is real, and your brain has picked up on something subconsciously that you wouldn't normally notice. So, pay acute attention to your hunches every time you have them. Analyze all the details of the situation that led to that hunch; what did you hear, smell, feel, see, everything. The more you learn how your mind works, the more you can develop your intuition, or "sixth sense". We all have it, and we can all be good at it
My sister (10yo) and i (9yo) were standing under a chandelier: i was carving a doll, don't remember what she was doing, chatting. Next moment i stand on the couch, she's at the balcony door across the room. Mum rushes in, heavy glass chandelier shattered all over the carpet. Don't even remember the sound, not to mention any gut feeling.
I was 7 or 8 yrs old and rode my bike too far from home. I found what I thought was a cool place to ride, which was in the dry L.A. riverbed, near a freeway overpass and RR tracks. While riding around I noticed a guy under the freeway and didn't think much of it. Next time I looked he was closer. Still not too alarmed, just starting to get a weird feeling. I looked again and he was way closer, coming towards me. That's when my gutt finally said RUN and I took off as fast as I could too afraid to look back. Pretty sure I dodged a bullet.
a few years ago (i was ~9yo), i was biking to my friend's house adn i took a shortcut path threw the forest-y thing and i just had this feeling like i was being watched or something and i was alone and about 9 ys old so i went so fast through there. (i dont think) anything actually happened, but i didnt go on that path alone for a while (i usually went through there with a group of friends)