“He Thinks It’s Funny”: 30 People Anonymously Reveal The Most Disgusting Things Their Partners Do
Openness and trust are fundamental parts of any happy and healthy relationship. In short, you want to be able to be honest with your partner. Even though everyone has their quirks, there’s a common sense limit to what should and should not be done. Some behaviors are downright shameful.
In a candid thread, the members of the r/AskWomen online group opened up about the grossest things that their partners do, and it is shocking. Scroll down for their stories.
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The butt crack.... I just... I can't. I can't divorce the love of my life, the father of my kids, the person with whom I can laugh and cry together, my life partner in sickness and health, good times and bad... over the fact that he will NOT pull up his pants. The crack is everywhere. Cute video of the kids? He is inevitably bending down at some point in the video with his crack to the camera. Skyping my parents? Sure enough, he is in the background picking something off the floor crack to camera. At the dog park? Let him pick up this dog toy, crack to the world.. crack crack crack.. I gave up on it but that doesnt mean it doesn't bother me. I live with a butt crack.
Duluth Trading sells extra long t-shirts as a cure to the butt crack.
Why does every top comment gotta do with hygiene?? I was just going to say my guy f****n drinks pickle juice...
When he pops his pimples/blackheads, he wipes it on the wall next to the mirror. He also wipes his boogers on the side of his driver's seat, it's foul.
Healthy relationships are grounded in honesty and trust, as well as mutual respect and support. Ideally, you want your partner to know that you’ve got their back, no matter what—and they’ll have yours, too. Part of that means embracing your partner's character flaws and personality quirks. After all, nobody’s perfect. Fighting over every tiny little mistake would probably drive the relationship to the ground.
However, love doesn’t just mean blindly going along with whatever your partner does. You can be incredibly supportive while also wanting them to grow, improve, and reach their potential. And, let’s be honest, it’s not a lot of fun being next to someone who’s constantly doing something really gross.
Picks off his toenails and chews on them. Even saves a ‘good one’ for later if it’s not the right time to chew right there and then. His favourite nail is the big toe. So disgusting 🤢.
Call me old fashioned, but I prefer there be an element of mystery in the relationship.
So he is 72 and this has just been an issue for 4 or so years, but he just farts up a storm as he walks from here to there in the house. The farts are so full of sound and very long in duration that I can hardly believe he has not pooped his pants. It’s frequent and funny and awful all at the same time.
My grandmother used to say "Wherever you may be let your wind blow free."
Leaves his poop in the toilet and justifies it as “if it’s brown let it mellow” followed by “you don’t have to wipe every time”.
To put it simply, if you’re genuinely embarrassed by your partner’s behavior and what they do is affecting you in a negative way, you have to talk about it. Nobody is going to ever behave ‘perfectly’ pristinely in any setting, but there are limits to gross behavior, whether that’s in public or in private. You’d think that it’s all common sense, but it’s really not. All of us could do with an outsider’s perspective once in a while.
The important thing to remember is not to make it seem like you’re attacking your partner. Talk to them about their behavior without judging them. Yes, you want to be heard and for them to change their behavior, but you’re on the same team. Remember that so you don’t come across as too harsh, even if it's a serious issue.
He pretends to go in for a kiss, then burps.
Picks his nose AND EATS IT.
It's not the picking of the nose that distinguishes us but what happens in the aftermath ~ Rostralus
Not washing his hands. Not before preparing food, not after pooping, not before preparing food after pooping (🤢). And every time I tell him he should wash his hands, he lies and says he did it already. Ugh. Like, dude, I've been watching you like a hawk for the past 7 months, don't gaslight me, just go wash your damn hands.
I remember being a young dumb kid with this, then a dumb college kid. Finally it clicked. I realized how nasty it was to prepare food other people may eat without washing, prepping, and sanitizing for other people.
If every argument turns into a battle, soon enough, you both might stop bringing any issues up out of fear of things getting out of hand. A bit of friendly humor can help defuse the tension when you bring up your partner’s non-stop nose-picking or smelly farts.
Maybe there’s actually an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Like the fact that your partner might feel anxious or stressed all the time or they might have some serious digestive issues that need to be addressed. They might need your perspective and a bit of supportive advice.
I love my wife desperately, but she doesn't eat any fiber and will not clean the bathroom or even flush in the middle of bad poops so sometimes death itself seems to be wafting directly into our bedroom.
He pees in the laundry sink. He has also peed in vases too.
He poops with the door open and tries to talk to me while doing it. He will also barge in when I’m doing the same and talk to me. I have trained him to leave when I tell him what I’m doing, but it took literal years.
I've always believed that pooping is something that should be enjoyed alone.... my dog seems to think otherwise tho
What’s the grossest thing that your partner does? Have you spoken to them about it? What advice would you give someone who wants their partner to change their behavior, but feel embarrassed bringing the topic up? Tell us what you think in the comments, Pandas.
Scratches his balls and then sniffs his fingers. Also tries to get me to smell them too.
1. Cleans with his spit
2. Licks the toothpaste out of the tube before brushing his teeth.
My husband is too lazy to walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night so he keeps a large bottle beside his bed that he can pee into…This would not fly if we were sharing a room. We have an 8 month old who bed shares with me. When hubby moves back in with me, trust that this will no longer happen. It makes me want to 🤮.
He doesn’t wash his a*s properly in the shower, and then wipes s**t on the towels. We now have colour coded towels & I try not to look at/think about his. I also don’t do butt stuff with him anymore.
She eats and swallows SO LOUDLY. Like her mouth is closed but like all I can ever hear from her is the loudest chewing like she chews not with her teeth but mashes it to the roof of her mouth or something, then GULPS her drinks every time.
Sometimes he'll pile his dirty dishes on top of his dirty laundry as if they're the same thing. I don't get it, at all, and it drives me up the wall. He's creating the perfect rat oasis on his side of our room and it's sheer luck we haven't had rats yet. I try to pick it up when I see it, but sometimes I don't, because he'll throw a shirt on top of a dirty dish. I wish I was kidding.
In literally, truly, not exaggerating, every other respect he is the perfect partner for me, so this one thing drives me crazy but isn't enough to make a huge deal about. But it is super nasty.
It'll suddenly be a huge deal once you guys have flies, maggots, roaches, rats, etc...
Mine are all nose related, he has a deviated septum and only one nostril works.
1. Snot rockets in and out of the shower
2. Constant nose picking and wiping it on his pants
3. Blowing his nose into his shirt
4. Pulls out nose hairs with fingers
I think that covers it all 😅.
He farts in his sleep. I sleep with my head under the covers :(.
I had an older roommate in prison who snored quite loudly. However, she couldn't snore and fart at the same time. I'd be lying on my bed, listening to the snores, they'd stop, the fart would come, and the snores would start up again. Oftentimes I'd accidentally wake her up from laughing so hard.
He drinks cold coffee that is over a day old. He also drinks coffee with any meal: lasagna, salad, breakfast, burgers, dessert, enchiladas, anything! This is not normal.
He forgets to flush a lot.
I always think about how my husband puts up with me. I have post nasal drip like you wouldn't believe. It irritates my throat so I actually reach back with my fingers and pull huge globs of mucus out every day multiple times. I'm so glad my husband doesn't seem to care. He just grabs me a tissue.
Has had a toe fungus on one of his big toes for over 12 years, that would easily clean up with an anti-fungal.
He's really clean otherwise so it drives me nuts that he won't address this.
It's only mild and doesnt seem to spread thankfully.
I have several tied for first place… brushes his teeth like once every 2 weeks, cuts his toenails once a year(his toe nails are like a 70 yr old), eats fast food nearly everyday.
My girlfriend has dandruff and tries to pick them without breaking the large flakes apart. She likes try to show me the larger pieces and will shake her hair out to see how much will collect in her lap. May not be that gross but it is a bit unpleasant to step in her scalp snow.
Ejaculates on walls and doors, brags about it, said it's making our home safer and stronger.
Reuses socks or underwear like sir pls don’t 😭😭 he has a lot of clean ones so I don’t get why he does this!!!
My husband constantly has his hand down his pants scratching his sack and butt. I'm a nurse and it drives me crazy telling him over and over that he does that then touches door knobs and light switches and I don't want him to spread his germs. I'm always saying 'get your hands out of your pants!'. He also sweats at night and his pillow always ends up stinking after a couple days. When he leaves the bed I throw it on the floor.
Two things:
1) he treats everything in our home as a tool to blow his nose. Blows his nose into towels hanging in the bathroom, his shirt, the blanket on the sofa. Anything.
2) he doesn’t lift the seat to pee and doesn’t really aim. Pee gets everywhere and I’m cleaning the bathroom almost daily.
The guy ejaculating on doors and walls to make the house stronger is gonna live in my mind rent free. A gallon of unsee juice is not enough.
Some of these posts are really disgusting and makes me wonder how on earth did these people "catch" anyone? Most of these are huge turn offs and or dealbreakers to me. How do you even kiss someone that eats their own boogers? Or live with some dude that jizzes all over your stuff? It's a mystery.
We all do stuff that's gross. We all pick our noses, burp, fart, poop. Some people do it in private others don't really care who's around. For me though not brushing teeth is a deal breaker
My husband eats raw hamburger EVERY time I cook with burger. EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I put aside some in a baggie if he's not home.
Reading this has made me feel even more lucky to have married the man I did. These were horrifying.
most of these are unfortunately about men doing gross stuff... the lesson being, WOMEN, RAISE YOUR STANDARDS!
Bad/lazy parenting is responsible for many of these; others are just laziness or passive aggressive rebellion. All pretty unbelievable for most of us.
Sadly, perhaps not surprisingly given the stereotypes, most of these are about men. Hopefully these examples are few and far between. Hate to imagine someone like some of these people preparing my food, touching me, or anything I might have touched. Hygiene, manners, etiquette, and taking time to think and make common sense decisions are very important to have a good relationship with around you.
I’m a much higher class person than I’d thought. I DO trim my nails outside of the bathroom, but I spread paper towels or newspaper out to catch the clippings.
I guess these women are so desperate for a man they will live with anything. I won't. These were beyond disgusting, animals are cleaner than most of these men.
Where are all the gross things female spouses do? I am absolutely disgusting and my husband knows (and reflects) it.. I surely can't be the only one.
I think that if you raised children, nothing on this list is really surprising.
Use a tissue, wipe your bum, brush your teeth, wash your hands. And no dutch ovens
After reading a lot of these posts, my GOD! There are so many people in the world that are disgusting animals! What in the heck...?
My ex didn't wear deodorant. He's a long haul trucker and his reasoning was "it's just me in the cab...who else gets close enough to smell me?" Even when I bought him deodorant he didn't wear it. Peeew.
My husband is a messy eater and pretty much all his shirts have stains on them. 😬
The guy ejaculating on doors and walls to make the house stronger is gonna live in my mind rent free. A gallon of unsee juice is not enough.
Some of these posts are really disgusting and makes me wonder how on earth did these people "catch" anyone? Most of these are huge turn offs and or dealbreakers to me. How do you even kiss someone that eats their own boogers? Or live with some dude that jizzes all over your stuff? It's a mystery.
We all do stuff that's gross. We all pick our noses, burp, fart, poop. Some people do it in private others don't really care who's around. For me though not brushing teeth is a deal breaker
My husband eats raw hamburger EVERY time I cook with burger. EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I put aside some in a baggie if he's not home.
Reading this has made me feel even more lucky to have married the man I did. These were horrifying.
most of these are unfortunately about men doing gross stuff... the lesson being, WOMEN, RAISE YOUR STANDARDS!
Bad/lazy parenting is responsible for many of these; others are just laziness or passive aggressive rebellion. All pretty unbelievable for most of us.
Sadly, perhaps not surprisingly given the stereotypes, most of these are about men. Hopefully these examples are few and far between. Hate to imagine someone like some of these people preparing my food, touching me, or anything I might have touched. Hygiene, manners, etiquette, and taking time to think and make common sense decisions are very important to have a good relationship with around you.
I’m a much higher class person than I’d thought. I DO trim my nails outside of the bathroom, but I spread paper towels or newspaper out to catch the clippings.
I guess these women are so desperate for a man they will live with anything. I won't. These were beyond disgusting, animals are cleaner than most of these men.
Where are all the gross things female spouses do? I am absolutely disgusting and my husband knows (and reflects) it.. I surely can't be the only one.
I think that if you raised children, nothing on this list is really surprising.
Use a tissue, wipe your bum, brush your teeth, wash your hands. And no dutch ovens
After reading a lot of these posts, my GOD! There are so many people in the world that are disgusting animals! What in the heck...?
My ex didn't wear deodorant. He's a long haul trucker and his reasoning was "it's just me in the cab...who else gets close enough to smell me?" Even when I bought him deodorant he didn't wear it. Peeew.
My husband is a messy eater and pretty much all his shirts have stains on them. 😬