The art of trolling is said to test your love bond, so you might wanna pull a practical joke now and then to keep that flame burnin'. And sometimes all it takes is a hefty batch—400, to be precise—of googly eyes.

One loving girl in Austria did just that. She ordered a pack of sticky eyes and glued them all around her boyfriend’s apartment. All eyes were quite literally set on him—from his soda stream to individual eggs sitting in a box, all set and ready to transform into a breakfast. The Jodel app user “OJ” soon updated the community with “his reaction was very positive. Mission accomplished.”

Would any lovebird Pandas out there be up for this googly house makeover? Share what you think in the comments! And scroll down below to see what evolutionary psychologist Gil Greengross, who specializes in humor and laughter, told Bored Panda about their role in a couple's goals.



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    Leif Quickleaf
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *your snes mini is staring at you, waiting till you finally turn him on*

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    Have you noticed that sense of fulfillment after you do something real silly, and your significant other just gets it? Like an informal matching test, it instantly indicates you’re on the right track. Moira Smith, an anthropologist at Indiana University Bloomington, has said that jokes and pranks "are designed to show off the strength of the relationship by testing that relationship." Because “you have to know a person pretty well to know their foibles and what is guaranteed to get their goat." That’s why most lovebirds and BFFs tend to laugh at each other like there’s no tomorrow.



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    Sterling Wible
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    “My life open, close, open, close, open, close it never stops.”

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    Bored Panda contacted Gil Greengross, an evolutionary psychologist and behavioral scientist at Aberystwyth University, in a bid to find out about the magic fun and humor brings to our relationships. The professor believes it’s a fundamental thing: “humor is very important for attracting mates and when in a relationship.”

    Women tend to look for a sense of humor in a partner more often than men. “Women are attracted to men with a sense of humor while men usually want a partner that will laugh at their humor.” In a study conducted with 3,000 married couples from 5 countries, “both husbands and wives were found to be happier with a humorous partner.”



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    Andrew Gibb
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jamie Oliver suddenly spots a market in overpriced pasta and sauces

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    Having the same sense of humor is among the key criteria for the success of a long-term relationship. Prof. Greengross told us that “couples tend to share similar humor, otherwise there is a mismatch that can make their relationship a bit awkward if one partner tells jokes and the other one doesn’t laugh.” So it’s true—humor does put our love to the test. Interestingly, according to the evolutionary psychologist, “couples with fewer children laugh more, compared to couples with a larger number of children.”



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    Vicky Zar
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For those who do not know: Thats an electric kettle on the right.

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    ace redmond
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    they took the pic upside-down. there was a smile on the item before the eyes

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