Girl Shames Friend For Achieving Everything Because Of ‘White Privilege,’ Doesn’t Expect Response Like This
While it’s undeniable that white privilege is a very real thing that affects many facets of modern society (including the way we discuss violent events), calling it out where it doesn’t exist – like most social issues – only serves to make the problem worse. A screenshot is now going viral that shows a prime example of this happening in a Facebook comment thread, and everyone is calling it ‘cringe-worthy.’
“I understand the reality of privilege, I’ve benefited off that system my whole life. What I don’t understand is this approach to gaining allies via insults and guilt tripping. Eroding their achievements does not create friends of your cause. It adds another wall between us,” one Imgur user poignantly commented.
See it for yourself below, and let us know if you thought this was social justice delivered, or gone terribly wrong.
People were quick to voice their opinions on the matter:
What do you think? Leave your comments below!
Share on FacebookIt is important to discuss privilege - the advantages of money, colour, gender. But using it as a staple to be smug and rain on other people's parade is not just pathetic, it is crippling an important discourse. Apart from being a total jerk, the accusing girl is doing an immense amount of harm to everybody by tainting an important point.
@Katinka Min thank you, this is exactly what I wanted to say. There is a time and a place to discuss white privilege (and I would suggest that people google Peggy McIntosh's essay "Unpacking The Invisible Backpack" before they insist that white privilege isn't real). However, this was not the time or place for Melissa to bring up white privilege and her case of sour grapes is the reason why people think "SJWs" are crazy.
Load More Replies...What a jerk. Props to our girl on getting into yale, though, congrats!
This sounds more like someone trying to stir s**t up than to actually make an argument about privilege. In case anyone wasn't aware, "white privilege" only refers to the extra privileges that the colour of your skin get you (e.g. favourable treatment by the police, more likely to pass an interview, etc.). It doesn't mean "if you're white you must have an easy life". Race is only one of many, many axes of privilege.
Just like that woman who got thrown off the plane the other day. SAME kind of person. How sad that "everything is about race" to people like this. I cannot IMAGINE saying something like that to someone (ANYONE, regardless of circumstances) who worked hard enough to get into Yale Medical School. To me, that was just awful. Instead of congratulations, this person wrote what she did and THEN after the young lady going to Yale explained how "wrong" it was for that person to assume her success was because of "white privilege" she got that pathetic response. That was unreal. The person who posted the mean remarks will definitely have a hard time in life, she's proven in her short posts that she will always be a "victim" and ultimately a loser in life. Solely because of her attitude. Pity.
Load More Replies...Some people in this world will always see themselves as a victim of society and circumstance. So instead of striving to change their life for the better, they become ever more bitter and resentful at the success of others. There's little that can be done apart from feeling pity toward them! And even that's not worth anyone's time. Be proud of your achievements! And ignore anyone who tells you that hard work and determination didn't play a massive part!
i gotta admit, when im down in the dumps or feel lonely i get a bit bitter about couples posting baby pics together or people showing everyone this new car they got. but even when im envious of what they did i still reconize good achievement when i see it. otherwise i just move on and try to find some cat pics.
Load More Replies...It's funny how non-whites can claim to know SO much about white life, but whites get shut down with "You don't know what it's like to be black so you can't comment" if we make observations about non-whites. Hmmm. Sounds like a bunch of people looking for excuses for their personal and communal failure to accept responsibility to me. I guess it's only okay to have stuff handed to you for free if you're "a person of color" and it's welfare benefits. God forbid a person's grandparents and parents work hard, and then want to help their grandkids and kids along.
Such a excellent point. I am Latino and just seeing the bs both sides pull on each other is frustrating. Racial divide in this country is really getting bad. This girl was so salty she had to just say some bull to take away from this girls achievement. Completely judged she had a easy life just because she was white and got shut down.
Load More Replies...There is such a thing as white privilege and anyone who denies this is just stupid; however, the chick who made the comment was way off base here and should be ashamed of herself. She was just an a*****e. End of story.
I love how most of the replies here are acting like white privilege is purely about the police. Shows that none of them actually know what the term means, which makes arguing its existence ridiculous.
Load More Replies...What an a*****e. For real. This serves NO purpose. She's not only making assumptions about someone she clearly doesn't know that well, but she's also doing a huge disservice to her own cause -- because it's s**t like this that makes people start to roll their eyes and turn off their ears when they hear things like "white privilege".
I think people just use this 'privilege' smear as an excuse to appease themselves on why they aren't where they want to be in life. The minute you think it's because of your gender/race that keeps you from achieving, then you'll never get anywhere. The most notable people in history didn't get there by saying "Oh, well I guess I can't because I'm a woman/black/muslim/ect." They just ignored it and did what they wanted to do anyway, regardless of circumstances.
Why would you say something so heartless!!?!? There was NO white privilege in her story at all!!! She overcame so much, felt with so many things, and got into her dream school. And YOU HEARTLESS JERK DECIDED IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO TALK ABOUT THIS AS A RACIAL THING!?!?!? *throws up arms* I can't, I just can't!!! 😤
Just want to say "black privileged" also exist. Just depends on where in the world you are. That person should move to South Africa if she feels "underprivileged". There is this thing called B.E.E. for the past 23years, you don't even need a qualifications to be president. the south african president has gr4. Thats his only qualifications... Don't understand why people keep fighting about race. We are all humans trying to survive in this messed up world. Can't we just be happy with one another's achievement
Why should she move to Africa? She's an America as well.
Load More Replies...Wow. This is exactly why people are fighting. No matter WHAT, there are those who are always going to be this way and like the woman who got kicked off the plane the other day, this particular person is just like that woman and thousands others like her who just want to fight, claim racism anytime they can and be the victim. I, personally, am sick of people like that. THEY are the ones who make EVERYTHING about race (and sadly everything IS about race to them.)
I mean white privilege does exist but it's not okay to project your anger on anyone
When will it end? It is so important to be politically correct and to not be seen as racist that minorities usually do get the job even if they are less qualified than a white applicant. Institutions only worry about keeping their numbers politically correct. I have seen it over and over. A hard working person, no matter what race or gender, should be rewarded in life and opportunity. A person who does not work hard, no matter what race or gender, should not be given anything freely except healthcare. I'm so sick of this damn country, bending over backwards to make sure not to hurt anyone's feelings.
If you’re not racist, you should stop spreading their misinformed ideas. Because that is indeed what you just did.
Load More Replies...Because they’re Facebook friends. That’s literally what contacts are called on Facebook.
Load More Replies...Screw Melissa! You can't just throw that "privilege" grenade every time you're feeling jealous. A true friend would've already known her backstory anyway and congratulate instead of player hate.
Says the person combating discrimination by generalizing an entire population based upon their skin color... smh
White privilege is just this: a positive reputation granted to your and by your skin. It does lower a few gates, but nobody got anywhere off it without a few virtues, luck and hard work. (OR other kinds of blessings.) People soon find out if you're not the real deal.
White privilege is a real thing, but we don't all have equal amounts of it. I have enough so that I can pretty much count on getting a minimum wage least I did until I turned 50.
privilege is real: race, gender, religion, age, looks... that said, this student is AMAZING and has overcome 100x more than i could possibly fathom, and exceeded beyond most people's wildest dreams! her "friend" is a total a*s.
Its quite obvious this moron has no morals then alone self achievement goals. Jealousy will get u nowhere sweetheart. I give mad props to you sweetheart for achieving everything that your intelligence and go getting attitude get you. And also a thumbs up for knowing how to deal with condescending idiots like her. 👍
Sounds like a pretty s****y friend. Good for this girl for shutting that s**t down. White priceless is not responsible for EVERY success.
This modern trend of calling people "racist" just because they're white, or putting down people's accomplishments because of their supposed "white privilege" is about the most racist thing I've ever encountered. White people don't ask to be born white, any more than black people ask to be born black. We are what we are by no choice of ours. What matters in life is not what you were born, but what you make of yourself while you're here. If you make yourself a racist complainer, you're going to have some serious difficulty in relationships. If you make of yourself a generous, caring, helping person with the guts to work toward success, you'll have strong, positive relationships, no matter what color you are. Everyone has problems. We don't all go around blaming everyone else for those problems. Some of us work to overcome them.
White privilege exists and there are plenty of examples out there. This is not one of them. I hate seeing fellow activists call people out on things that aren't even an issue--it makes it that much harder for others to voice their opinions, experiences, and accomplishments! (Btw I'm white and I'm aware of the privilege I do have and the circumstances in which it is evident and where it is not)
My boss is very wealthy, his teenage daughter, extremely intelligent. Aces all her grades, did not get accepted to Yale or Princeton or any other Ivy League university. There’s hundreds of thousands trying to get in. So it’s not a white privileged, it’s a privilege if these ivy leagues even look at your application. Not many know that.
The concept of "White Privilege" is Cultural Marxist Claptrap. Once we collectivize people we demean them. Each human is an individual and deserving of RESPECT and DIGNITY no matter what their ethnic origin.
Too bad most members of society don’t see it that way and thus treat each other with more favor based on stupid factors like money and color, which creates an advantage for those with money or the right color.
Load More Replies...I think this a perfect example of why we should talk about privilege - This perfectly illustrates how you cant take anyone or anything at face value. You never know what has gone on (is going on) behind the scene.
This post is going to spark some arguments... good job Bored Panda, I guess?
I prefer this than the 'Disney princesses reimagined' posts to be honest... Discussions are good and it is honestly the main reason I love BoredPanda. People these days don't discuss things enough, too many people just see the world in black & white, as the person that made the 'white privilege' comment in the post.
Load More Replies...Life can be hard if you're white. Life won't be hard BECAUSE you're white.
Reminding the fat guy [jogging] that he *is* fat is the surest way to end his interest in jogging- the commenter added zero value to racism discussion nor to their friendship
I don't even know this girl, but I just love her!! She has overcome so much and struggled to get where she is!! What an awesome person. She has come so far!! So proud of her!! As for her so called friend -------not so much!!! Good Luck !!
Privilege exists in different forms but they should never be used to undermine another person or as a veneer to an underlying envy or snark as it was here. With that said a lot of people here denying the existence of privilege apparently have a warped understanding of what it is. Please watch this video to understand. Being aware of privilege is simply acknowledging all the little things in life we have been blessed with but not others.
when people bring up white privilege, it bothers me to not end. Before saying something like that do they even know the persons background and what they had to over come? just because some one is white do not mean they are privileged. it sickens me. why does everything always seem to boil down to race? that to me seem like the most racist thing of all
It doesn’t boil down to it. It’s just one facet of it.
Load More Replies...White privilege is real. AND the new Yale student had a very difficult childhood, and through lots of work, is doing great. Those things are both true. The abused foster child's pain and accomplishments do not negate the pain or accomplishments of people of color who also often struggle in a tough world. The friend who brought up white privilege should have said, yeah, sorry, you've had it tough, kudos for your hard work. She was wrong not to. But the comments here surprise me - people are like, "well that's an example of why there is no white privilege." Which is just as short sighted as the response from her friend who insists white privilege is the only thing involved. How hard is it to see that institutional racism/ white privilege is real AND the pain of a foster child is real? The most understanding reaction I've seen so far is the one from the woman who got into Yale who fully acknowledges that white privilege exists, but it's been a long road for her too. Life's complex folks.
Susanne Carvin. The "friend" that brought up white privilege should have kept her opinion to herself. Just because she MAY have had it hard too, doesn't give her the right to c**p on another person. Not all of us have it hard. In fact, I know few other African Americans that have gone through anything as difficult as this foster child claims. Of course white privilege exists. So does black privilege, and female privilege, and male privilege, etc. They just vary based on degree and context. What purpose does it serve to read an article like this and comment something like 'yeah, but black people have it hard too and white people are privileged.' I don't think this is the way to go to limit what I assume both of our causes to be, that is to end racism.
Load More Replies...Congrats on all your hard work. It's a privilege to hear about your success!
I wish that white people wouldn't hold up stories like this as "proof" that privilege doesn't exist. Racial privilege is a *factor* that exists and is very real. It is not the only factor, and shouldn't be used as a bludgeoning tool against individuals, but rather as a descriptive tool for society and social norms that make it easier for groups to succeed, all other things being equal.
Congratulations to the girl for getting to follow her dream. And also for getting rid of the toxic freindship in the process.
Fuming right now....Just yesterday my nephew's English teacher told him that he is set in life because white people are handed everything. WTF!!!!! So missed right now!
That person is a complete and utter asshat. I don't care what color you are or how wealthy your family is. It's take a ton of hard work to get into Yale Medical School. The person hating on the future doctor is jealous and a complete piece of trash.
My feminazi neighbor is like this. Always accusing every man in the building of white male privilege . Works it's way into nearly every conversation. People avoid her...even women.
@Gerry Higgins, a better term would be "new age feminist". I used the term "feminazi" once on here, and got shut down. After that, I understood why that was the case. Sorry, I just had to point that out. Feminists fight for equal rights; new age feminists hate men. Kind of sad, isn't it?
Load More Replies...In the words of Jason D Hill, a black immigrant and philosopher, in an open letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates, "By what impertinence would you hold any white person guilty for the crime of simply being born white? You would, perhaps, imply that an accident of birth confers on them a white privilege for which they are to spend the rest of their lives atoning. Here’s another idea: How about blacks just ask that white people not regard them as anything special and not obstruct their efforts to enhance their lives?" It is a beautiful letter, here's it's entirety:
Wow now isn't the the big green eyed monster right there!!! aka jealousy!!!!!
People who deny white privilege the loudest are the ones who benefit from it the most. It’s not just with the child getting into the university but even in the system it’s often easier to place white children than dark skinned or children with ID/DD. they don’t have to overcome racial beliefs of teachers to get their education or access to services and resources they need. Racism is woven into the every system in America to the point that is has become a system on its own. And just because you don’t see it because you don’t want to or really believe their is social equality in America doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. That would be the same as saying hunger and food insecurity does not exist because of McDonalds and children eat at school.
I deny there is white priveledge. If you want to claim there is rich priveledge, I will be happy to agree with you. Being a low income white female, I have never experienced this so called white priveledge. Personally, I believe that those who claim there is such a thing as "white priveledge" are race baiters.
Load More Replies...Where does the white privilege exist? Are we supposed to feel sorry about being born white? And why are we worrying about this, we have bigger f*****g problems.
Insulting without any reason, getting personal without any reason. Melissa is a horrible person.
Ad Hominem ! when you have no counter-argument , you attack the person, not the argument itself...
Load More Replies...Let me make one thing clear: this was NOT a discussion about privilege. It was a put down. ONLY a put down. Nothing more. This envious, lower achieving "friend" was not interested in improving anything for anybody. She just wanted to put a damper on this girl's success. If you asked this "friend" to donate to a scholarship fund for minorities right then and there she'd mumble something about how she has to wait for her next paycheck. She made sincere discussion around privilege look stupid and peevish. I have no sympathy for this "friend" whatsoever.
Another butt hurt person sitting on a bar stool screaming white privilege.
How typical of SJW's. She got called out for her ignorance & stupidity, and instead of admitting she was wrong, she ran away.
F**k this c**t. How in the f**k can you take a giant steaming s**t all over a friends achievements?
JadeChandler, there have been several really important stories here, and all you are talking about is your website. No one cares. Have some respect. My friend always accuses everyone of being racist or anything about us having white skin. She claims that we're being racist when the only one one being rude about race is her.
It's either white "privilege" or you're a "racist". Getting so tired of a******s who don't seem to have any other words in their vocabulary. Get off your a*s and stop criticizing people who work hard to achieve their goals. Maybe if you tried a little to accomplish something, you wouldn't be such a bitter, racist, b***h! Congrats on your acceptance to med school!!!!
Saying that a white person only is successful because of WP is like telling a black person they are only successful because of affirmative action. Those 2 terms are an easy "go to" excuse to marginalize someones success...people see AA or WP..but don't see the extreme discipline,they don't see the nights u choose to study instead of party,they don't see the late nights and early mornings,they don't see the road blocks that were turned into stepping a way,those that scream about AA or WP,are just searching for a way to explain why they person is successful and they are not
I'm sure I'm going to Hell. Bet the ticket's been printed. Because I'm sick of feeling that I have to be Uber-Conscious of everyone's feelings, have to be on my tip-toes when writing anything, yet, so be it. Melissa is a bitter, self-pitying, enraged, toddler. The young lady in question has over-come intense troubles and set-backs that would lead a weak, vindictive, Mellisa to booze and drugs, because she's PATHETIC.
What if the children of Barack Obama, Will Smith, and any other African American celebrity's child would be outed as only getting their first choice of college because they were "privileged"? There are as many white as black people who struggle below the poverty line or with other issues that make them far from privileged. That person needs to get her brain working before working her mouth.
What would I say? I would say that when you begin grouping people together and labeling them, you run into trouble, but that doesn't seem to trouble those who most often label others who might be objectively disadvantaged within our society. It is that combination of tone deafness and hypocrisy that I find difficult to tolerate.
We cant deny that privilege exists, and at the same time we cant deny that some people really have a hard time doing everything. This girl has all her effort behind her, but we also cant say that privilege will not play a part in her life. Its seems mean that someone, whithout knowing her background, just throws this at her, sounds like she doesnt know her, and maybe she doesnt or maybe she does. There are different contexts, but we cant deny that even in small things, white people have privilege above others. I mean, this girl probably wont be afraid if cops ever make her stop her car.
Geez Caitlyn. You're all over the place with hatefilled what-about-me defensive derailing comments. One moment it's "not everyone" the next it's about twisting people's words to be about "all white people." Whiteness IS a Factor. of. Privilege. The accuser is wrong in terms of assuming her to be financially privileged and just being plain jealous.
Load More Replies...How many black people got into college SOLELY for being black? That sounds like privilege to me.
White privilege is unfortunately a thing. However, this is not it. She’s not getting into Yale for rich white parents who paid for it. She’s getting in via perseverance.
Load More Replies...It broke my heart to watch this girl's struggles and accomplishments so casually marginalized and dismissed. Not all white people are benefiting from white privilege. Black people need to learn that we do NOT own the monopoly on suffering. I noticed that the a*****e in question didn't say anything about that young lady's traumatic experiences. I'm so exhausted with the perpetual victim nonsense.
When will people stop seeing color and just start seeing each other as human?
This idiot is pathetic and doesn't deserve the friendship of this amazing accomplished person. I would call it Reverse Prejudice...but I don't believe in Reverse Prejudice..ALL Prejudice is Prejudice!!! Disgusting!
I wouldn’t have been able to answer as respectfully as she did. My mom got sick when I was in the 4th grade, and I’m still taking care of her and I to this day. It all fell on me, because my father is an abusive drug addict that I spent most days getting hit by in order to stop him from stealing my mom’s medications. I graduated top of my class, and moved my mom and I to Boston. I’m in my second year of medical school at Harvard now, and getting married to a great guy who cares for my mom just as I do. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t do something or that you didn’t earn it. You know the truth, and so do the people who actually matter. That deluded girl blaming anything other than her own shortcomings for her failures doesn’t change the reality that you earned it on your own.
Sounds like the commentator learned about White Privilege last week is Sociology 101 and is now being the prophet of something only she has known. Congrats on getting into Yale (After you graduate, THEN you can be supported by Privilege, but then that's because you graduated from an Ivy League University, which I believe in the U.S. is the first step to sainthood :) )
I am white and have yet to benefit from this ethereal, so-called white privilege. As a matter of fact, as a member of social programs I sometimes encounter racism against whites.
It's really easy to blame others for your lack of achievement. It's a really nice way of shifting the focus so you can keep being mediocre and say it's "this or that reason". To hell with your white priviledge, PC, BLM, Antifa anarchists. The sooner those morons figure out that good things come to those who work for them, not to those who wait for some government to hand it to them, the better. The gal going to Yale rocks!
ya I have that privilege also, hm i often wonder why that privilege won't afford me healthcare or why I have a job that no matter how hard I work the only reward is go back the next day and do it again.
She did her thing. Even if she was another color the road she traveled was still bumpy and she made it home for dinner all on her own.
I just want to point out that I really don't agree with this person. It's a s****y thing to do. But for those saying, you should focus on your own success, you are not aware of how institutionalized racism actually works. Read some scientific (mind you) articles on this topic (for example on the effects of institutionalized discrimination in schools). It's real and it exists.
I have to agree with the original poster. I too am white but have always had to fight to get anywhere in life. My gains were never given to me. I had a back ground similar to hers too so I know what she had to go through just to get where she is today. I find that that so called friend really needs to check herself. She clearly does not understand what white priveledge truly is. She only comes off as racist and it isn't pretty either. She needs to stop judging others and blaming them for where she is at in her own life. For most people, they have to work really hard to get to where they want/need to be. It isnt going to be just handed to you, no matter your color.
congrats to the young lady that worked hard on getting into college. I can't believe another idiot is claiming racism. in reality she is probably just jealous bc she did not get in. never judge another person bc there life might be harder than yours. what an a##hole.
i wonder what she ever acomplished....sounds like shes on her fat a*s all day complaining shes got no chances in life........................happiness and oppurtunities arent always just there, sometimes creating your own is the way to go.......
White privilege is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. But if there is such a thing please can I get blessed with it. I am a white male that came from a un-privileged home and has no "white privileges" to this day!
There is always someone like Melissa ready to put you down. You work ward to achieve your goal and then someone like her comes alone and tries to tare you down, she is most likely to dang lazy to do it for her self so she tares other people down for achieving what she wants but is to lazy to work for it. Babe you be proud of what you have done. Congratulations on your achievements.
people talk about privilege in the USA yet they don't agree that a health care system for everyone should exist, only those that can pay, double standards much lol
Dont yall just love kapitalism, SJW`s , and the overall state of the world we live in??!!??!!
Load More Replies...The future doctor got where she is through hard work, lots and lots of studying, and determination, and dealing with an awful childhood...all while supporting herself and her brother. She has earned it! It sounds like her "friend" doesn't want to work for anything...just wants it given to her while she sits on her backside. Color, ethnicity, etc., has nothing to do with what you can achieve. You have to want it badly enough to work for it, and not expect it to just be handed to you.
If people stopped worrying about so-called privileges that others have and focused on their own lot in life they would be a lot better off. How many examples of this do we see a person who has had a real crappie start at life to be focused on what they want and achieve it. The rest who sit back and winge and lay fault at others privilege will do so their entire pitiful life.
There will be never rationale discussion with people whose opinions about life are fuelled by pure anger. As a Polish expat in the UK I am facing ignorance on daily basis but I do not make a big deal about that. The best way to move forward is to improve yourself so you jump above heads of those who are ignorant. Never argue with irrational anger.
<-- Dumb American here: Can you explain Why being Polish and living in the UK causes you to face ignorance daily? Are people in the UK racist against Polish people or purposely seek to demean them over there? If this seems offensive somehow, it truly is an innocent question.
Load More Replies...She just jealous and burned up with jealousy to a black crisp! Lol.. That girl responded back with no malice, just so humbly and matter of fact. She will go very far in life , but she already has!! :)
I think that person was a sore loser and couldn't measure up to the other woman & decided to be mean. Shame on her.
Okay can we stop calling it 'white privilege' and start calling it 'wealthy privilege' makes much more sense, we have to remember there are many privileged people of colour in the world too so saying that makes more sense and takes away a term that is simply going to lead to more resentment between races and we really need to stop with the hate between each other, life is a struggle for most of us, regardless on clolour
Favor based on your race has nothing to do with money though. Wouldn’t make sense to call it wealthy privilege. Wealthy people of color aren’t seen the same way as wealthy whites. Just because we aren’t racist doesn’t mean other people aren’t. It’s fine to use a term to describe it.
Load More Replies...Theres always who wants to steal the spotlight and make everything about them.
Jealous much because you didn't work as hard as the other person, to, get to where you want to be. I am so tired of this privileged c**p. If you want something in life work for it. That's it.
If there's no privilege, eliminate the NAACP, UNCF ACLU and other "perks" given to people of color. Let us try White Entertainment Television and we'd be branded racist. Privilege my a*s!
Jesus ... not even after this girl mentioned all the difficult situations she had to go thru in life and the effort she made (like real fight) that other woman acted like a piece of s..., shame on you pathetic jerk.
Melissa's embarrassment and awkwardness was as palpable as her envy. Had she not possessed the immaturity of a fetus, she would realize the feeble attempt at masking her jealousy has likely damaged her reputation with common friends reading that post.
Yes there is such thing as white privilege, but not everything is because of privilege. The person who commented is just a closeted racist him/herself. People like this contribute to the actual problem of racism and inequality.
My niece and nephew were privileged with wealthy parents. It got her arrest after arrest, prison several times. Him, cheated on finals, got kicked off the basketball team. Camethisclose to a pro career. HARD WORK. HARD WORK, SELF DISCIPLINE brings rich rewards.
I was born into an average middle class white family. While my parent expected me to go to college, they never offered to pay a cent. I made my way through college by working and taking out loans. I’ve worked my whole adult life, and still support myself solo. I was not born into white privilege by any stretch of the imagination, and for this person to just presume that is how this hard working woman got into med school by that token is just insulting. Congrats to you, young woman, on your achievements! You WILL have continued success. That “friend” needs to be slapped, and then forgotten.
You still benefit from white privilege. All white people do. But so what. That doesn’t mean you get the world handed to you. You’re struggling more than some black people. That’s not what white privilege is.
Load More Replies...I think someone is jealous. dont worry whether its an Ivy league school or some second rate community college, only a very small percentage of people do what they get their degree in. So that jab was not necessary.
There is privilege everywhere. Don't think for one second there isn't black privilege too. The black teacher who gives the black kid a better grade over the white kid, or the black interviewer who gives the job to the black interviewee. White privilege may be more prevalent, but don't think both sides don't exist. That goes for all races by the way. This girl had no privilege with her history. She worked her a*s of and got what she deserved, acceptance into Yale. The ones that usually cry out about some kind of privilege are the ones that usually don't want to work for it. Some people are just lazy and want everything handed to them. I have known people of color that have worked their a*s off and got where they wanted to go, and some white person downing them because they knew somebody, "that's how they got the job" etc.. NO, they worked for it and showed they could be the best person for the job.
What about the white girl who sued because she didn't get into the college of her dreams and black black people? Or what about all of the white people complaining about how minorities took jobs or places in college that they most likely weren't qualified for or is it only a black thing?
Load More Replies... this is great video to explain how the b******t idea of white privilege is just that b******t.
How naive. Schools like Yale look for outstanding individuals because they are an outstanding school. They could have been from any race and Yale would have seen what this individual did as incredible. Good for them.
Selb-absorbed yellow SJW idiot is not understanding that what she calls privilege is based on averages and does not necessarily apply to individuals.... And she has a skewed idea of what contributions come from what red person _does_ and what red person _is_.
all white people are priviledged, just like all black men are racists, all actresses only get work on the casting couch , all women drivers are useless at parking etc etc. The truth is to get into med school takes hard work and to be a doctor takes even more hard work. Well done, we need more people like you.
I rarely do so, but on Facebook (where this exchange appears to take place, one can delete comments appearing on your page without unfriending the person making the comment. Sometimes, as in this case, someone makes a comment so stupid or so insulting that it doesn't deserve a response. Deleting it is the best option in those cases. There is little to be accomplished in arguing with an idiot.
I apply the same logic to obtusely racist old people. There is no point arguing with ignorance.
Load More Replies...I would say that when people group others into categories, broadly, and label them (and judge them) not as individuals but parts of ostensibly-monolithic groups, you run into trouble, but that doesn't seem to bother those who regularly label others who are, in fact, objectively disadvantaged within our society. It is that tone deafness and hypocrisy which I find most galling.
Jeez, what a rude person. I seriously understand that white privilege is a real thing in many situations, but to respond like that after this hard working girl explains that she worked really hard to get where she is? AUGH it makes me GRIND MY TEETH! Congratulations on getting into Yale, you go follow your dreams no matter who the hell is rude about it!
A word of caution. NEVER believe one side of an argument when you haven't heard the other side. When have you ever heard someone describe a conflict s/he had with another person and end the statement by saying, "...and the whole thing was entirely my fault."
Trying to excuse sour grapes jealousy and bitchiness by playing the race card. Not cool at all
Seriously. Huge congrats to hard work, dedication, and overcoming all the odds. Stuff that stupid person. Some people can't allow the sun to shine on others and have to justify with some stupid gender/racial/privilege /minority/etc etc card that they themselves don't understand the meaning of. I hate bullies. Dumb bullies are the worst.
Privilege as a whole comes from good decisions and generations of good decisions. Don't be jealous because you didn't get off your a*s to study further to make yourself better or that you spent all your money on alcohol or shoes instead of investing it into your future. Be angry at your parents for not investing in your future. Stop blaming whites.
The height of racism is the woman claiming Yale due to white privilege! Look, I am white and I was white in an area of Memphis where my daughter was one of two white children in class. I get racism, I hate racism in EVERY form!!!! STOP IT PEOPLE! We are all here together and nobody gets out alive and the best revenge to those that want us divided is to unite but, with a*s hats like her it becomes next to impossible because they just want something to blame for not being willing to get off they butts and work for it!!!
Many people who are white are not born privileged . Just as many born of other races are to say so seems to me to be racist.
White privilege is a thing. It comes in the form of b******t we never have to put up with, so it's easy to never notice it cause we don't know what we're missing. That said, bringing up the topic while someone is celebrating getting into college is a Grade A A*****e move.
People playing the race card, as always. Some serious chips on some shoulders.
That piece of s**t calls herself a friend? she needs to be blocked on every social media forum . Bloody jealous worthless b***h .
You are amazing! You will be extremely successful. Your "white privilege critic,is a loser and will be so the rest of her life. She didn't have the guts to make something of herself so she resorts to blaming everyone for her short comings.
truth is, is the that sir strongbad, its everywhere not just in US, in Asia is more so
So what are people who benefit from "white privilege" supposed to do in life?? Every time some thing positive comes about because of their hard work, step out of the way and pass it to a POC??? A white person gets approved for a home loan should let a family of color move into that house instead??? Should a white mother feed her neighbors black children before her own?? How Dad?? Does he take the Black Dad to work before himself?? Does the white family buy the black family Christmas before themselves and if there is not enough money left over for the white kids, OH WELL!! Should this white person give her spot up at Yale for a POC??? IS there not a single white person in America that got what they have because they earned it??? Personally, I you say white privilege to me, online or IRL you are going to hear some profanity directed at you!
10% of population has more wealth than the rest put together. There's your f*****g privilege. The rest of us just work bloody hard.
No, it is totally deniable that white privilege is a thing. It is not. It does not exist. The phrase "white privilege" is a racist call, spilling from the lips or racists. It is no different than yelling "Ni@@er."
that is b******t , and an attitude like this puts some people (no matter their skin color) into a group thinking that they deserve more than they are actually trying for, pathetic....
There is absolutely white privilege in the world, no doubt about that but this "person" assumed way to quickly to know another person's story... there are many regardless of race, gender, etc who are struggling to get ahead and have not had a head start in life...well done to this person for achieving what they have, its a steep slope when you come from such circumstances and takes an amazing determination to beat the status quo.
If you really think about it, the privilege is attractiveness. You get a pass more if you are slim, attractive, etc. than if you are average or less endowed in the beauty department. You've seen more handsome men or more attractive women that make it up the ladder much faster than those of us who are just another face. How many times have you heard about how an attractive person gets out of tickets, or gets an amazing deal when buying a car, or how that attractive person is the teacher's pet. ANYONE who works and sacrifices isn't privileged, they are driven. The person who doesn't want to put in the work will say that someone else is privileged because they are jealous.
if White Privilege means hard work ,sacrifice, coming from a foster home , Making your own way in the world to get what you what to eb then hell I know a lot of Black people that have White Privilege.
I have had this conversation many a time about being white, male, etc. My situation is not quite as extreme but also not too dissimilar to this person in that I had a variety of issues as a child, was thrown out of my home when I turned 18, etc.. I worked full-time day, went to school full-time night, took out loans, put myself through college, had to pay off my loans (one of the happiest days of my life was writing that last check) had nothing handed to me and had to bust my a*s for all I have achieved. Everyone has a story and everyone has to fight for their own accomplishments. To say otherwise demeans the hard work of the individuals who have striven hard to get where they are or where they are going and just breeds resentment, She should ignore her friend's ignorance and enjoy her achievements over hardship, she earned it and no one can tell her otherwise!
Sadly Perception is reality. Hate it when I am mistaken for a Privileged White. Oh, just like all mexicans are rapist, African American are lazy, and of course all you whites are privileged. Yeah, I get it, but you have to live with such a LIE! Don't you?!
The lady in this does not understand white privilege. Sure, the guy's skin color might have helped, but his study and dedication to get what he wanted helped way more. So this is NOT white privilege. B***h needs to go back to school herself and make something of herself.
Labeling someone as privileged because of the color of their skin is just as racist as labeling someone inferior or superior because of the color of their skin. That person is a bigot.
The "white privilege" here is that, if she were anyone else but white in that exact same life situation, she'd have been shot, or deported, or been denied & discriminated many of the jobs, opportunities, scholarships & loans that she struggled to have...fact, plain & simple.
Those schools still use affirmative action!! White privilege only mad it harder and more impressive for her to get accepted! People with grades two letters below her but are Mexican or black get in....isn’t that privilege
Yeah....I just love the purposeful ignoring of all the black millionaires out there, that actually put the SAME hard work into MAKING THEIR WAY as the whites, and actually achieved their goals! THEY struggled just like the rest of us, but they are not criticized SIMPLY because they are of color, and it doesn't suit the agenda of the "people of color" that have a welfare mentality, and just want a handout rather than working as hard as their peers!!
Privileged use to be the American Dream. Come educate get a job and work hard save and buy what you want. How did things get so screwed up?
So I guess it is okay to point out anyone of color must have automatically got to where they are thanks to Affirmative Action.
It sounds a great deal like sour grapes to me! Her background, doesn't scream white privelege! How dare that other girl says so! She is also not a friend, and if she said she was, she lied. The be so envious of another person, that you need to denigrate her accomplishments, is extremely sad. I also think, it it were the reverse, the other girl wouldn't say something like, " way to get that minority society choice working for you!" It's just rude and unkind, and she needs to be kicked to the curb !
I traced back the origin of this alleged exchange to Shareably ( And from Shareably to this page: You're all getting played by far-right-wing trolls. Don't fall for it.
What do I think? Melissa is a stupid b***h. Nothing more needs to be said.
Pure jealousy. People just can't be happy for others for some reason. But this is jealousy. They moron needs to get off her lazy a*s and quit waiting for a hand out
says white privilege is real, uses the lies of Shaun "thinks he's black, but is white" King.... you guys who wrote that article are idiots for using that piece of sh** as source
I had to carry a rifle to pay for college.. There were no scholarships specifically for me ...
I don't buy this post at all. I think it completely fabricated in order to make a point.
I don't know what I don't know what's wrong with people these days there's no such thing as white privilege the only privilege there is is of the criminal kind and the ones that commit fraud through the government there's no such thing as white privilege. Congratulations for getting into Yale that's wonderful
I don't know what's wrong with people thinking there's a such thing as white privilege that's the craziest most absurd thing I've ever heard the only privilege in this world is the criminals and the people who commit fraud that's where their privilege comes from
That person was totally pathetic. I am white and I will NEVER apologize for how I was born. If someone as pathetic as that person doing the criticizing ever attacked me like that I'd turn around and give her a kiss and tell her to shut her freaking pie hole! We were so poor when I was growing up that my mother had to work three jobs at times just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. My father was sick and in the VA Hospital much of my growing up years. God bless my dear mother in Heaven.
The only thing I see here is a hardworking, dedicated and motivated young lady who through sheer will and determination has achieved her goal to bettering herself by not letting her past hinder her path in life. WHITE PRIVILEGE??! I fail to see any favouritism or strings being pulled to get her what she ultimately set out to to achieve. To the young lady who berated her, I will neither lash out or insult you, rather you should bare this in mind, we do not raise our standards by lowering everyone elses, through hard work, determination and unfailing focus on your goals, you too could achieve anything.............advice from an old fool!!!
We have the Black Miss America Pageant, Black Entertainment Network, NAACP, American Negro College Fund, Congressional Black Caucuas, Black History Month, and dozens upon dozens of black only organizations and groups. If we had white equivalent we'd be called racists. So who has the privilege? White privilege is just a tool used by the left to try to take whites down a notch and control them but nobody who isn't a leftist cry baby is buying it.
What is her problem? This guy broke out of a system which stifles people (I doubt she ever checked college attendance and graduation rates for kids from foster care -- but they are, let me assure, very low). Privilege is a system of unearned advantages -- which simply do not apply here in any way. I'm a white male. I know privilege exists (I don't have to panic if a cop pulls me over for a broken tail light--as an example). But I also know my Ph.D. was earned with late nights of hard work, and this guys entry into Yale Med is far more difficult than my road grad school was (we were comfortable, though not rich, and I lived with my parents who stayed married for 57 years and never abused any of us -- so, yeah, my road was way easier).
White privilege means you have to work harder than any other race to get into a good school, because of the "set-asides" for other races. So a white, for example, needs to earn, say, 90 points to get into a school where a black has only to earn 60 points, because they automatically get 30 points just for being black and meeting the school's "diversity" needs. In a perfect world, everyone would need to earn the same 90 points BY MERIT and not by what color they are, in order to get into that same school. But it will never happen.
This person will spend her entire life looking for her baby dady and living as a single mother instead of trying to get an education
My main privilege was having parents who were non s**t, in terms of intelligence, personality and genetics. That trumps every other kind of privilege.
Whether or not this article is true, a white person's admission to Yale requires extra high scores because scores of African Americans are given extra points for skin color.
everybody has an excuse why they can't be successful and this is apparently the situation. Anyone can make in this country if you work hrd...isn't it funny that you don't hear these comments from theAsian section of this land ...why because they came here and worked their butts off...they also had some horrible issues like internment camps etc. This made them more determined and most did not hold a grudge on everyday Americans...they got OVER IT and left it behind. Just one example of Americans that if anyone had a grudge to hold it could be them.
Why wasn't I invited to this "White Privilege" train? I'm dead broke.
@Matt_Heagraves_GreenArmy_ how was she being a b***h? All she is saying is that she didn't get that "white privilege" c**p, and was open and honest about being raised in an orphanage. If anyone is the b***h, it's the one who assumed that her "white privilege" is what got that person into Yale. The other person worked hard to get to where she got to.
The only folks that enjoy any kind of white privilege or otherwise outside of the rich are minorities that get a hand up via good 'ole affirmative action and the like. Imagine how many 'less privileged' folks may have gotten in with less than ideal grades or accomplishments. This Melissa is an example of liberal stupidity at its worst. Chance are, she is a failure and is needing to blame someone other than herself.
People are just nasty these days, there is no reason to bring the race card into everything, which is what is happening these days. That only stirs the pot even more. I believe that all the ones crying about privilege are just lazy and jealous. You are the one that determines your life and future. Too many expect to get what others worked hard for & they expect to get it with no work or planning. So be proud of what you have earned, it sounds like you have every right to it. Ignore those that try to diminish your achievements, you owe them nothing.
I don't understand why people can't just be happy for someone else's successes. There doesn't have to be a loser for her to be a winner. We should all be trying to elevate each other regardless of skin tone, religion, sexual orientation etc. I guess I'm old fashioned but... if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Congrats on all your hard work! You had a goal and you've achieved it. Good on you!!
White privilege doesn’t exist.. it’s a term racist blacks and white guilt addicted SJW’s came up with for something to blame when they make little effort.
i suspect this dear is someone who is too lazy to get off her butt and do a hard days work One of the YOU OWE ME people who expect everything must be done for him?her while they sit and do nothing You are a very Special person who has put in the effort and worked for what you got You don't need people like this in your life who try put you down Dump this jealous friend ASAP and get on with your life and make yourself PROUD
It's just a frustrated envious person that needs to be ignored. That girl overcame many obstacles to get into Yale and deserves praise for perseverance.
Her "privilege" was being born, working hard (Like everyone can), and reaping the rewards! I bet the other person has not achieved as much and is blaming this on it
What the hell has the colour of her skin got to do with this, I'd have punched her in the mouth then she'd have something to say about being privileged. This bloody Melissa is one sick b***h !!
What about the American Privilege that every race has just by being an American?
That wasn't a friend. She was nothing but jealous and trying to cover it up as smart.
The ideology behind white privilege is just racism under a new name. Having suffered from racism, you would think that people would be eager to leave it behind, yet it keeps getting renamed and re-justified.
Regardless of background or race, getting into Yale is a great achievement. Getting in after the things she endured is phenomenal. I hope she realizes there are some people who live to diminish others so they feel better about themselves.
I don't believe in white privilege. I believe that white culture is superior to black culture, and that white culture produces more socialized people who are better able to get along with others. That's a skill which is very valuable in society, and it has beneficial results even when not consciously applies. If black people want some of this white privilege, all they need to do is learn to get along better.
Personally, I am so effing sick of this white privilege BS! Let's take a look at this, shall we? There are NO: ~All White Colleges ~All White Clubs ~White History Month ~Affirmative Action doesn't apply to white people - although it damned well should now since apparently it's perfectly okay to discriminate against whites now. ~There are no special grants or scholarships for whites only To the B***H who tossed this white privilege BS out there downing this author's incredibly hard work to get into one of the best schools in the country? BRAVO honey, you are the definition of strong and you're also the definition of what America USED to be. Work hard to overcome your circumstances and make a life for yourself. I wish you nothing but the best and may you ace med school and come out to be one of the top specialists in your chosen field! As for this *couch* commenter? Think you need to look a little harder inside yourself and realize racism works both ways. ~
Well done that person. 'White Privilege' is a myth and should be addressed as it is, that is 'Wealth Privilege'. I get really angry when I see a non white celebrity, who can drop more in a tip at a restaurant than I have to live on for a month then accuse all white people of being privileged.
Sounds like Melissa has to justify her failures by blaming others for their successes. No doubt her attitude will infect every aspect of her life.
The person who commented was totally out of order and needs to be sharply rebuked. S/he needs to look in the mirror and examine why she felt the need to be so negative in the first place. Notwithstanding, to say that white privilege is a lie is being totally disingenuous. Have you been living in America or some other country?
Privlige does not mean that you got everything handed to you, just that one particular issue was not working against you. White privilege means that you most likely did not have institutional racially base bias working against you, not that any achievement you have is invalid due to your race. (Just my two cents, if you disagree, please tell me so, and why in a respectful manner. It is more important for us to have respectful discourse than to agree.}
Ma'am I don't know the race, color, or ethnic background, but I think you need to say "I forgive your totally racist statement against me, but as far as being a friend I don't think that is possible anymore being as you think so little of me and obviously hate me and my kind.
Tell her "I forgive your racist statement and hatred towards me and my kind, but we can no longer be friends if you thing so little of me and hate me.
I'm white, short, have red hair and freckles. Raised in an average income family. Joined the Navy in 1982 and retired in 2002. Now I am a substance abuse counselor working at an Indian reservation. I've never had to sit on the back of the bus, but I HAVE been victim to racist comments and have been dissed all my life for several reasons. I guess I'm trying to figure out how the "white privilege" stuff has benefitted me. me.
Another mindless lib-tard (I say that as a Liberal who is ashamed of these idiots) who uses White Privilege as a way to discredit any hard work or achievement done by a white person. The equivalent is saying a black person only got a job because of affirmative action. It's all racist.
I am a white person and I can tell you that I have not had it easy!!! I grew up in a family where my father everyday yelled and screamed at me, I was abused by a father and son at 8, I was beaten up everyday by the neighbourhood kids because I was white (they were coloured), I married a man at 18 who beat me every day for years, I was raped by many men, I never completed schooling past 16 and I am unemployed. BUT...I do have 3 awesome children, 3 wonderful grandsons, an incredible husband, and Im alive...I am now studying to be a social worker so that I can help others who are living the life that I had. I do however have to rely on the government to help me out. My point to my post is just because I am white does not mean that I have had it easy which I havent!. But all those things that have happened to me have made me stronger and not to depend on others but myself.
To that Melissa chick, you're the biggest piece of trash! Rather than be proud of your "friend" you condescend & prove just how much of a horrible person you truly are! You need to take a LONG, HARD look into the mirror! If you want something, you got to go out & work for it! There's just as many, if not More, "privileges" for people of different nationalities through scholarships & the like. Thank goodness it wasn't you getting into Med School, I'd hate to have a doctor like you for any need I may possibly have! 🖕
It's sad that people just can't be happy for others who make it, instead race has to get involved! She worked her a*s off to get where she is and good for her! No matter what the color of her skin is, she did it herself! Shame on anyone that doesn't give her the credit she deserves!
You're always going to put up with jealous and ignorant people the rest of your life so enough said about that, the only thing left is congratulations man on overcoming the odds that were so stacked against you and that was done with nothing but hard work. Job well done.
Sure, privileges exist, but if try to shove them into a face of someone about whom you obviously don't know the first thing that's how you end up looking.
Never say white privilege again. it doesn't exist. this person worked her buns off and succeeded on pure grit.
White privilege is a made up concept that is racist in its very definition. It's an excuse for those who're too damned lazy or incompetent to succeed.
Melissa just sounds like a bad friend but do not let that deter you nor let this override common sense and awareness because like it or not white privilege does exist. There's classism vs racial disparity but this is in some ways "intersectionality" This does not take away from your hard work and sacrifice but instead of putting up a defense try and understand it. Melissa should have had a productive conversation offline and well AFTER she congratulated her friend and discussed her feelings without criticism. Timing is way off but being open, honest, self-aware and SUPPORTIVE was needed rather than using a real issue just to be b****y.
There is no white privilege unless you're born into one of a handful of rich white families. There's non-white disadvantage, yes, but that's not the same thing. Stop tilting at imaginary windmills. . .
White privilege means having something handed to you on a silver platter without effort on your part. If you are someone who has worked hard to achieve your goals, you are to be commended for being a hard worker who went after your dreams no matter what color you may be. I think the "friend" is nothing but a bitter, lazy loser who would be jealous of anyone who achieved their dreams. If the Yale med student had been a person of color, the hater would have said it was because of affirmative action. There is no cure for bitter.
Jealousy is an ugly green eyed monster no matter what you call it. It destroys relationships and tears people down. Acting out in jealousy doesn't elevate you one bit. It tears you down, too.
This article is for s**t. It starts out claiming that, "White privilege is undeniable.." What an idiotic opening line that is. According to who; Louis Farrakhan?
Where is my white privelage? Just because my parents worked hard they're whole lives and havent had to depend on state benefits that makes us privelaged? No that makes us responsible. F**k outta here with your "White Privelage" I see it this way, you dont do s**t, you dont need to get s**t period. Thats the american way
The only privilege demonstrated in that exchange was the privilege to denigrate people for being white. So, why again the caveat about how bad the thing that's not in evidence in the story is? The injustice in this story isn't white privilege. The injustice is the constant, racist bringing up of white privilege even when it's not there, which this article repeats in its very first line. If someone falsely accused a mom of burning her baby, and you write the story still griping about moms who burn their babies, you're making yourself an accomplice to injustice, not justice. You're siding with the wrongdoer.
Racism comes in all colors. It does not matter what losers like her have to say. There will always be haters. They all come in all colors. They are the ones who have to put others down because they do not have the ability to achieve success. Their failures are blamed on others instead of taking responsibility for their shortcomings. Congratulations and Keep on Truckin'!
That person is a complete a*****e. While there is such a thing as white privilege, to tear somebody’s achievement like that down is as bad as when racist tell people of color their achievements are only because of affirmative action. I hate it when people do stuff like this where it’s completely unwarranted because when the time comes to actually speak on the subject, instances like this can be thrown out to discredit an entire argument.
after fifty years (for me) of fighting for racial equality for blacks, claiming whites should be judged by the color of their skin is okay? FAIL
What a jealous c**t. She'll be whining about the successes of others throughout her entire miserable life.
There's a lot of privilege, including wealth and class that race plays into. But this girl got dealt a s**t hand by any measure. So while there are some things she may not have had to deal with due to her race, there's a lot more c**p she went through that many of us in general don't have to deal with. And I say this as a black man who has dealt with a lot of racist BS over the years, including from cops and educators in power. Either way, unless someone is being a complete d**k or trying to tell you what to do or how to feel... I don't need to be calling them out for s**t. I'm not sure this other girl is her friend. If you're down, you're down and we're in this together. Her criticizer sounds like she's got her own social/life trauma to overcome and is bitter about it. I understand, she's hurting and is lashing out in a way. It sucks all around.
This response about white privilege is an excuse to say, "Sorry I am a loser and I own no responsibility for being one." When people throw around words like racism, white privilege and don't know what it means, it is like trying to start a riot and see what kind of secondary gain there is for them to benefit from. I feel sorry for that person who made the comment because clearly, she needs to figure out what she wants to do when she grows up instead of making childish comment to daunt others...
White privilege to a point.... but some of us ... no matter what race, have not experienced any privilege and have had to fight all our lives for everything we have achieved. Turning on your friends because they have achieved a great milestone in their lives shows your jealously. Using their race to do so shows how low you are willing to stoop. Not everything should be perceived as white privilege,
Jealousy finds any excuse to justify itself. All credit to the person who worked hard to overcome any obstacle. Do not be disheartened by adverse comments.
Being white does NOT automatically make you privileged, its so dumb that people do this s**t. Maybe 100 years ago being white was a privilege, now? now all you say as a straight white man is taken as sexism, racism, homophobic or transphobic and any achievements you reach are marked up to privilege rather than hard work and dedication. Wake up, idiots, the time we live in is the WORST time to be white.
Yeah, this is what social "justice" has been from the very beginning.
I agree with Sir Strong Bad. The only real privilege is wealth and only 1% have most of it. The rest of us are way more on an even plane than they would have you believe. This 'Melissa' chick is a vile, jealous, a*****e.
WTF is white privilege? Am I supposed to feel guilty of the color I was born? This is the dumbest s**t I've ever heard, maybe weak minded people will buy into this but not real men or women. This is all the creation of the globalists and the dipshit kids in our society today who are basically f****d as far as leading a prosperous and productive life goes. This is the result of a country that is so comfortable to live in that folks dont have anything better to do than stir the pot. We as Americans are all actually privileged no matter what color we are and people should not ever forget that because it can all go away in the blink of an eye. I don't have the fortune of ever seeing these people that tout this s**t where I live but if I ever do, I'm gonna punch them in the mouth!
I know for a fact that I have been privileged by being a white male for the past 61 years. When I look back at my life, I can clearly see three things that helped me get out of trouble, get a better grade, get a better paycheck, and even get laid, etc. I was born white, male, and when I was young I was kinda cute, frankly. There were times that worked against me, but now that I'm aware of the phenomenon, I can see it clearly. White male privilege is an inescapable fact. Expect more of the same. When a black man took the White House, it scared the c**p out of a lot of very white, very rich people. Now America has delivered a rich white supremacist sociopath to the presidency in the hopes of erasing all evidence of BHO.
envy :P I admire how she was still polite after the BS talk. I would be so rude to her in return if it was me 3:)
This is not sourced. I did a simple google search and couldn’t find anything remotely referencing this “exchange”. Seems like straight click bait, designed to get white folks upset, and argue with POC. Don’t fall for the trap.
She just couldn't accept the truth, and she obviously doesn't know what self-criticism is because the guy did self criticize himself about the hardship he went through to get to where he did
OMG... I my cousin's ex-wife posted exactly like this. And CONGRATS on your amazing accomplishments!!
May I also add that there is continuous victim privilege? Just because someone is black doesn't make them helpless and needy. I know black people who came from a very poor background and who ended up being team leaders in pharmaceutical labs or getting a very well paid job in engineering. That's because none of them had a chip on their shoulder and they worked hard. Then there are constant victims. Because they are black they claim that somehow they have given rights because their ancestors MAY have been slaves [chances are probably 0 though as Africa is a very large continent and only a tiny amount of people during a short time in history were actually slaves]. They get scholar ships I am denied as a white person, they get the job I have applied for because they are black and the company has a quota to fill, they get special this and special that and then they start moaning about white privilege. How about get off your backside and use those opportunities instead of moaning?
No matter how much privilege you have, you will NEVER get into Yale Med School without some serious brains. However, the orphan story would significantly help. If she were African American, especially at Yale, then that would be a major plus too. Schools like this love success stories.
Getting into Yale is either effort or wealth.... white privilege this girl got was not being profiled as a black , Muslim or Hispanic... idiots like the girl calling every accomplishment "white privilege" when not appropriate cheapens the term and hides real problems in our society..... much like a woman that calls consentual adult intercourse rape after the fact undercuts the rights and credibility of all of the women who are legitimately raped ...
I am FURIOUS. How absolutely ignorant..I can't even understand people like this. This is why people who use terms like "gender queer" and talk about "white privilege" "pronouns" and this and that annoy the hell out of me. This is why you get a bad rap. Yeah I understand white privileges. But that does not mean you can comment dumb s**t and assume things.
I,m sure glad I choose to be white before I was born so I could have this" White Privilege"....or cannot choose one's race or parents.....oops...never mind!
You don’t choose to have white privilege. Nobody is mad at innocent white people who didn’t ask for an advantage. It’s racists faults for creating that kind of environment, not yours. It’s just that white people dont have a disadvantage in society just for being white. That’s all it means.
Load More Replies...He looks like he came from a less than privileged background actually. Not the moment to have written that message. Sorry.
Being white didn't keep my father from being killed in war when I was 5 years old. Being white didn't keep my son from being deaf. Being white didn't keep my mother from having an aneursym when my father was killed and developing a seizure disorder. Being white didn't keep me from being raped - twice. Once by a white man and once by a black man. Being white did not fix my broken psyche and the PTSD. Being white did not replace work, studying and commuting 130 miles a day to get a college degree. with 4 kids at home.
I think the term white privilege is supposed to be some kind of social benefit. Not a physical power that controls terrible events. Unfortunately I am white and therefore not able to perceive what it really is.
Load More Replies...I never realized how unbelievably white Bored Panda is until this tone-deaf a*s article.
always makes me laugh you always complain about white privilege but you don't have an inclusive health are system except for those that are privileged lol
Used for when on is JEALOUS!! Also, people of color aren't accepted into Yale??
I don't think anyone should have to apologise or validate their own achievements. We all have our own problems and advantages. Obviously there are many that have more disadvantages than other and that's horrible, but I wasn't born to have it my fault and I don't need to give any account of the s**t I've been through to appear acceptable in the eyes of someone like this. This bitter person can simply f**k off. Stop complaining about what you haven't got and what people are not giving you and get on with it. Pointing out white privilege to ordinary people trying their best achieves nothing other than just showing your bitterness. White privilege does exist. I'm not ignorant about that but this b******t does not help the issue.
Yes, recipient of admission to Yale had white privilege. But being white only gets a person so far. She still had to make the grades and do the work necessary to be accepted. Kudos to her and tsk tsk to her "friend" for trying to rain on her parade.
This B***H Melissa has a Green Privilege & it is called JEALOUSY1 That usually comes from being really LAZY & begruging anyone who works hard for their acheivements! She SUCKS!!!
I come from a large WHITE family. I've always been poor. I grew up with alcoholic abusive parents. I hate it when people of colour claim THAT ANY of my accomplishments come from privilege. My ex husband went to O'Dea in Seattle which has many boys of colour. Many of them, not all, put NO effort into their school work, claimingredients that privilege wouldn't allow them to attend a decent college anyways. No, you're using your skin colour as an excuse to be lazy and take it out on the white population. So f**k you. She worked hard. She deserves it. AND privilege certainly did NOT play a role. I have even heard that I deserved the trauma I went through because I'm white.
Of course I am assuming after this she is "X" Friend; a real downer.
She won’t be the last hater this baby genius will encounter. I would have deleted her comment straight away. Good for you Yale!!
I can’t believe y’all believe this happened. 😒 when stuff like this happens it goes viral and the names aren’t scratched out. The name of this cite is bored panda for a reason. When they are bored they just make stuff up.
With friends like that, who needs enemies? Dump that friend - she is the ultimate fun sucker.
I can't name a single magician, who the f**k wants to be a magician lol, get a job.
Well, when you are a lazy low life that wants everything handed to you on a platter, while you sit on your good for nothing butt and draw welfare, of course you are going to whine about white privilege. Get off your duff and work hard and maybe you will amount to something too. Oh no! that's asking too much of you, isn't it!
I agree w/ the red person, but the last comment really pissed me off. What the hell SirStrongBad!
I just want to point out that I really don't agree with this person. It's a s****y thing to do. But for those saying, you should focus on your own success isn't aware of how institutionalized racism actually works. Read some scientific (mind you) articles on this topic (for example on the effects of institutionalized discrimination in schools). It's real and it exists.
One time i was walking with my cousin and my 2nd cousin. Actually i was walking with my cousin and carrying my 2nd cousin on my back when some man yelled "Yo you white girl! What you doin with them blacks. They'll just get you in trouble. Confused i looks around to see who he was yelling at and the man said "yeah you!" Realizing he was talking to me is said, " Um, these two 'Blacks' your being rascit about are my family." He said i should be ashamed and about how they are animals then i said "These two are more human than you'll ever be" and we walked away.
Hopefully this was one of those old ignorant people that should just be ignored. I would hate to think there are still people under 50 who walk around thinking those types of comments are socially acceptable to verbalize to random people. Not that there is an excuse for the behavior of old people. But let's be honest. What's the point of engaging them. Just ignore them. Teach the young so they will do better.
Load More Replies...The only privilege in the US is wealth. It comes with privilege, race is not a factor.
So Melissa, needs to be slapped and pretty hard. What an obnoxious person. The other thing I would like to point out, how can people get into Ivy League schools with that kind of punctuation and spelling?
Yes. There is privilege. White people with uhm... "Christian names", generally, and that gives the nuance: generally, overall, one group of people compared to any other group have a clear advantage to reach easier further with less hassle, less proving themselves, less hard work. The other groups of people are, in quite some cases, disproportionately behind, have to work harder, prove themselves more, and often doesn't reach as far. That is embarrassing, utterly wrong, off, racist, institutionalized, and in which I fully disagree. HOWEVER, that is the nuance, which does not mean that every single white person automatically have benefits from the overall privilege! Like this woman. No single fat person can be judged by an IG post, no "gangster in the hood" can be judged by an IG post, and, not every white woman who entered Yale can be judged by an IG post. I wish her well and that she succeeds!
don't know how to edit the post, but less should thus be lesser
Load More Replies..."I was LITERALLY on fire my entire senior year, in my seat, on the bus, ON. FIRE. I missed graduation for the skin graft surgery." "Yeah, but you're white."
After all that poor girl has been through! i am so proud of her and im here trying to pass 8th grade with all b's and giving it my best and nobody i know would say somtehing that stupid and rude to me! She should probably try harder and my aunt is from africa and she is married and due with a girl this month and she is graduating like a nice heres to that b*tch out there F u
Than person needs to figure her life out if shes gonna be like that,just because your a different color dosn't mean don't have rights. My aunt is from africa literaly and shes happily married to my uncle and is due this month with a girl and shes graduating collage
Fuming right now....Yesterday, my teenage nephew's English teacher told him that he is set in life because white people are handed everything. WTF!!!!!
I assume the child's parent will bring this up at the next parent teacher conference right?
Load More Replies...
Yeah, Bye Bye sweetie is right. Ugh. Cut that idiot out of your life. And btw: CONGRATS!!! You have done so amazing! Happy Yale-ing!
I think we have a proudly someone proud parading their prejudice against the lower classes. This is the world we live in, the exploiter becoming a victim. And the victim entering the game, the "awareness of privilege" is the definition of Racism. They give us that opportunity to speak, and show how "superior" they are. Instead don't show any respect for whom don't brings advantage.
Granted, the complainer might have been more articulate, , the Yale-y response is sort of like 'mansplaining' but with a privilege bent.
When this "privileged "person gets to be a doctor that invented a cure and that B***H has the illness and has to come to her.....Two things....Be the better person and help her or say...sorry , we dont take your insurance. This Melissa has been scratched off as a friend.... Yes, she has that privileged to dump a-hole friend. IN FACT...Friendship is a privilege to matter who you are !
I have never been more confused. Are you even trying anymore?
Load More Replies...This is exactly what white privilege is about though. Yes, she had to work hard, very hard by all accounts, and good for her for achieving that. But, a person of color with all of those same setbacks would have had to have worked even harder though. THAT is what white privilege is. Recognizing white privilege does not diminish the hard work that white people do, it simply highlights how much more work that people of color must do.
And that's a reason to point out the white privilege on somebody who is celebrating her success, because...?
Load More Replies...This person needs to be b***h-slapped senseless. Oh wait...... she already has no sense!!
Everyone here pretty much agrees the same. The person is a jerk right? However, this is just like something Trump would do. Let's all get worked up because this person is an absolute idiot. Let's all take it personal and get all up in arms because this person is insensitive. I'm so tired of these stories and responses. Yup, I think we are wasting time getting all worked up because one person said stupid s**t because they are stupid. I'm so tired...stop looking for fights
I do wish we could have more constructive conversations about it here on BoredPanda. Seems in earlier posts a lot of folks just wanted to be mad at others. And others just wanted to yell back in disagreement.
Load More Replies...Sigh. What a lousy response from a "friend." And yet, it is also true. Rude, crude, and untimely, but true. Do you think a black kid or hispanic kid under these circumstances could have gotten into medical school? With names like "Ramirez" or "LaBron Johnson?" There is some bias in favor of asian and jewish names, but until medical applications are blinded -- name, race, gender, white privilege will seep in.
That person is obviously jealous and biased. Not all white people are privileged. Sadly it's a claim that helps s/he feel better about themselves. Why do I suspect this is a she?
The entire comment thread here proves that everyone is divided among racial lines. SO. MUCH. HATE.
Not sure it is as much racial as it is those posting having a different view point, and having no want to find common ground with others who are posting an opposing opinion. When you have more than one person doing this, it quickly becomes a bunch of angry rants. It also seems that non real-time communications like this, Comments section make it hard to achieve anything other than grandstanding posts. Lastly we don't know each other so it is easy to assume every response is an attack, which leads to more over reaction. It's unfortunate I was hoping to see a lot of good points made on this post.
Load More Replies...The percentage of African Americans entering Yale’s Medical School is 11%. While this is lower than the percentage of Blacks in the general population, it is higher than the percentage of blacks with a college degree. Qualified African Americans have no trouble getting into good professional graduate programs. I don’t believe that this is a case of white privileged at all. That being said, white privileged does exist. As an older white man, I benefit from it all the time (note, I don’t seek it out) . We do have to do something about undergraduate education. About a third of blacks go on to college, while half of whites do.
White privilege does exist, but Melissa was just being a c**t. Methinks she didn't get into Yale. If Mommy and Daddy bought her way into Yale, that would be one thing. But you can't invalidate someone busting their a*s to go to medical school like that. Schools actually prefer diversity; if there were two applicants who were otherwise equal but only one slot, without question it would go to a PoC, religious, or sexual minority.
The only privilege in this country is wealth. Nothing else.
Load More Replies...I guess he's not privileged enough to have decent friends, but what do you expect when you befriend lefties.
guess hes not privileged enough to have decent friends, but what do you expect when you befriend lefties.
What do I think? I think this is fake. This reads like a badly-written morality play written by someone who has no sense for how to write dialogue. Btw, if it is fake, as I STRONGLY suspect it is, I can also guarantee with 99.999999% certainty that the writer is white.
"While it’s undeniable that white privilege is a very real thing" No, it's not real at all. "white privilege" is a VERY made-up thing, it is an excuse used by the privileged minority of color and by emotionally r******d college kids to marginalize the majority population of the United Sates.
please turn off your computer before I lose any more brain cells
Load More Replies...Total jerk... I understand many people feel that way, cause is true, white privilege exists, but in this case is just hard work.
I love how Bored Panda is the king of harshly judging without knowing all the facts (energy drinks cause holes in your head, all men will harass a woman today, straight white people are evil, etc etc etc) but then they post an article about someone making an idiotic judgment and BP is like, "look how bad this is!!"
It's FAKE. The name on the letter is Michael, and it's on Google images.
Can anybody explain me, why someone who was accepted on Yale don't know how to discuss such a topics? Although her life was rough, and not much far from my own experience, what is her point? That she has no benefits of being white?! Does she really think, that person of colour with the same life has exactly the same opportunities as her being white? Even white homeless people has higher posibility to start new life than any homeless of minority in the US. Although I was strunggle a lot with money and had to work and study hard to achieve of what I have achieved, many of the doors where open and people did not judged me for thing that I can't possibly change (skin colour, accent, sexuality and so on), cause I'm white European male. My life would be much harder simply if I would be a women.
Maybe her point is: Don't s**t on somebody's success without knowing him/her? What is the point of pointing out white privilege on that, apart from belittling her success?
Load More Replies...Maybe some of those Whites who struggle dont understand this, but the idea of this "White Privilege" comes from the fact that for being white, you will always be ahead of the competition. Doesnt matter how hard youve studied, or worked hard, you'll still get noticed easier/faster than a minority (black, hispanic, asian, etc.) who have to work 10x harder to get noticed. I think that's what this means to people.
The girl in this letter continues on to saying her parents were alcoholics, took care of her siblings, worked and went to high school at the same time.. thats great and all, but I'm sure Blacks in the inner city may do the same on top of that, struggle living in the ghetto full of drugs, prostitution and getting killed by cops, or a Latino who grew up surrounded by gang families, while struggle to find jobs because they are the poster child of trouble-maker minorities. This white girl may have struggled, but she still had an ounce more of privilege for being White. Its hard for you to understand this because you don't wear the color of minorities skin. Even Asians who White people dubbed as the "model minority" struggle, and those Asians who work 10x hard struggle to get in Yale because you hear news about them putting a CAP on Asians attending their schools. AND THAT Sir is straight up discrimination. Link =
Load More Replies...Can that accuser please get her fingers cut off? She doesn't need them anyway.
That's not nice, to wish that upon someone else.
Load More Replies...Can the accuser please get their fingers cut off? She doesn't need them anyway.
To say - as the intro does - that white supremacy doesn't affect social issues is incredibly ignorant. It affects everything.
WTF. F*****g RIDICULOUS! I'm not one of the type that chooses to keep my head in the sand while denying the existence of white privilege. And I 100% believe it's vitally important to start conversations about such things, as uncomfortable as they may be. Change is hardly ever easy. But with all that being said, there's a time and place for everything and this CLEARLY was neither. Plus, it's laughably clear that yellow didn't say that stuff to start a dialog on privilege. I'm not a min reader but I feel pretty confident saying thatthis war about jealously. Yellow wanted to try and take red down a few notches to make her own self feel better. As cliché as is may be, misery truly does love company. I'm not going to tell people what they should or shouldn't be offended over. But me person, I find it more offensive that yellow is attempting to use such a serious issue as her own personal "weapon" to seek revenge in such a petty, jealously way. She has no right to cheapen this particular issue and I feel like she should be so ashamed with herself. But people like that (narcissists) never feel guilt or shame. Makes me sick. From what little I know about colleges, this particular school is no cake walk to get into and I think it's suppose to be one of the best of the best. So Red had to have absolutely worked her a*s off to be accepted. But yellow can't be bothered with that info, Yellow's far too concerned with talking s**t about Red's race to bother noticing that Red actually does has put in the hard work and dedication it took to earn such a prize. Hmmmm sure wish there were a word to describe such behaviour......well some of a gun ,there is! YELLOW IS A DIRTY FILTHY RACIST.
Ok yall...before the Grammar Nazis show up, I'm well aware of my typos. I knew better than to not go not through and proofread so I do sincerely apologize if it's harder to read.
Load More Replies...Naw you stupid, wealth is the only privilege and some one some where had to work there a*s of or get damn lucky. And that wealth can be wasted in no time.
Load More Replies...A f*****g Magician lol omg lol. I'm not positive but I doubt their is a black women on this planet who wants to be a f*****g magician lol
Load More Replies...This is fake. Tom Riedmiller assuming orphanages don't exist? Really?
Load More Replies...Ben Shapiro is an alt. right activist, why would anyone with half a brain follow his twisted logic.
Load More Replies...It is important to discuss privilege - the advantages of money, colour, gender. But using it as a staple to be smug and rain on other people's parade is not just pathetic, it is crippling an important discourse. Apart from being a total jerk, the accusing girl is doing an immense amount of harm to everybody by tainting an important point.
@Katinka Min thank you, this is exactly what I wanted to say. There is a time and a place to discuss white privilege (and I would suggest that people google Peggy McIntosh's essay "Unpacking The Invisible Backpack" before they insist that white privilege isn't real). However, this was not the time or place for Melissa to bring up white privilege and her case of sour grapes is the reason why people think "SJWs" are crazy.
Load More Replies...What a jerk. Props to our girl on getting into yale, though, congrats!
This sounds more like someone trying to stir s**t up than to actually make an argument about privilege. In case anyone wasn't aware, "white privilege" only refers to the extra privileges that the colour of your skin get you (e.g. favourable treatment by the police, more likely to pass an interview, etc.). It doesn't mean "if you're white you must have an easy life". Race is only one of many, many axes of privilege.
Just like that woman who got thrown off the plane the other day. SAME kind of person. How sad that "everything is about race" to people like this. I cannot IMAGINE saying something like that to someone (ANYONE, regardless of circumstances) who worked hard enough to get into Yale Medical School. To me, that was just awful. Instead of congratulations, this person wrote what she did and THEN after the young lady going to Yale explained how "wrong" it was for that person to assume her success was because of "white privilege" she got that pathetic response. That was unreal. The person who posted the mean remarks will definitely have a hard time in life, she's proven in her short posts that she will always be a "victim" and ultimately a loser in life. Solely because of her attitude. Pity.
Load More Replies...Some people in this world will always see themselves as a victim of society and circumstance. So instead of striving to change their life for the better, they become ever more bitter and resentful at the success of others. There's little that can be done apart from feeling pity toward them! And even that's not worth anyone's time. Be proud of your achievements! And ignore anyone who tells you that hard work and determination didn't play a massive part!
i gotta admit, when im down in the dumps or feel lonely i get a bit bitter about couples posting baby pics together or people showing everyone this new car they got. but even when im envious of what they did i still reconize good achievement when i see it. otherwise i just move on and try to find some cat pics.
Load More Replies...It's funny how non-whites can claim to know SO much about white life, but whites get shut down with "You don't know what it's like to be black so you can't comment" if we make observations about non-whites. Hmmm. Sounds like a bunch of people looking for excuses for their personal and communal failure to accept responsibility to me. I guess it's only okay to have stuff handed to you for free if you're "a person of color" and it's welfare benefits. God forbid a person's grandparents and parents work hard, and then want to help their grandkids and kids along.
Such a excellent point. I am Latino and just seeing the bs both sides pull on each other is frustrating. Racial divide in this country is really getting bad. This girl was so salty she had to just say some bull to take away from this girls achievement. Completely judged she had a easy life just because she was white and got shut down.
Load More Replies...There is such a thing as white privilege and anyone who denies this is just stupid; however, the chick who made the comment was way off base here and should be ashamed of herself. She was just an a*****e. End of story.
I love how most of the replies here are acting like white privilege is purely about the police. Shows that none of them actually know what the term means, which makes arguing its existence ridiculous.
Load More Replies...What an a*****e. For real. This serves NO purpose. She's not only making assumptions about someone she clearly doesn't know that well, but she's also doing a huge disservice to her own cause -- because it's s**t like this that makes people start to roll their eyes and turn off their ears when they hear things like "white privilege".
I think people just use this 'privilege' smear as an excuse to appease themselves on why they aren't where they want to be in life. The minute you think it's because of your gender/race that keeps you from achieving, then you'll never get anywhere. The most notable people in history didn't get there by saying "Oh, well I guess I can't because I'm a woman/black/muslim/ect." They just ignored it and did what they wanted to do anyway, regardless of circumstances.
Why would you say something so heartless!!?!? There was NO white privilege in her story at all!!! She overcame so much, felt with so many things, and got into her dream school. And YOU HEARTLESS JERK DECIDED IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO TALK ABOUT THIS AS A RACIAL THING!?!?!? *throws up arms* I can't, I just can't!!! 😤
Just want to say "black privileged" also exist. Just depends on where in the world you are. That person should move to South Africa if she feels "underprivileged". There is this thing called B.E.E. for the past 23years, you don't even need a qualifications to be president. the south african president has gr4. Thats his only qualifications... Don't understand why people keep fighting about race. We are all humans trying to survive in this messed up world. Can't we just be happy with one another's achievement
Why should she move to Africa? She's an America as well.
Load More Replies...Wow. This is exactly why people are fighting. No matter WHAT, there are those who are always going to be this way and like the woman who got kicked off the plane the other day, this particular person is just like that woman and thousands others like her who just want to fight, claim racism anytime they can and be the victim. I, personally, am sick of people like that. THEY are the ones who make EVERYTHING about race (and sadly everything IS about race to them.)
I mean white privilege does exist but it's not okay to project your anger on anyone
When will it end? It is so important to be politically correct and to not be seen as racist that minorities usually do get the job even if they are less qualified than a white applicant. Institutions only worry about keeping their numbers politically correct. I have seen it over and over. A hard working person, no matter what race or gender, should be rewarded in life and opportunity. A person who does not work hard, no matter what race or gender, should not be given anything freely except healthcare. I'm so sick of this damn country, bending over backwards to make sure not to hurt anyone's feelings.
If you’re not racist, you should stop spreading their misinformed ideas. Because that is indeed what you just did.
Load More Replies...Because they’re Facebook friends. That’s literally what contacts are called on Facebook.
Load More Replies...Screw Melissa! You can't just throw that "privilege" grenade every time you're feeling jealous. A true friend would've already known her backstory anyway and congratulate instead of player hate.
Says the person combating discrimination by generalizing an entire population based upon their skin color... smh
White privilege is just this: a positive reputation granted to your and by your skin. It does lower a few gates, but nobody got anywhere off it without a few virtues, luck and hard work. (OR other kinds of blessings.) People soon find out if you're not the real deal.
White privilege is a real thing, but we don't all have equal amounts of it. I have enough so that I can pretty much count on getting a minimum wage least I did until I turned 50.
privilege is real: race, gender, religion, age, looks... that said, this student is AMAZING and has overcome 100x more than i could possibly fathom, and exceeded beyond most people's wildest dreams! her "friend" is a total a*s.
Its quite obvious this moron has no morals then alone self achievement goals. Jealousy will get u nowhere sweetheart. I give mad props to you sweetheart for achieving everything that your intelligence and go getting attitude get you. And also a thumbs up for knowing how to deal with condescending idiots like her. 👍
Sounds like a pretty s****y friend. Good for this girl for shutting that s**t down. White priceless is not responsible for EVERY success.
This modern trend of calling people "racist" just because they're white, or putting down people's accomplishments because of their supposed "white privilege" is about the most racist thing I've ever encountered. White people don't ask to be born white, any more than black people ask to be born black. We are what we are by no choice of ours. What matters in life is not what you were born, but what you make of yourself while you're here. If you make yourself a racist complainer, you're going to have some serious difficulty in relationships. If you make of yourself a generous, caring, helping person with the guts to work toward success, you'll have strong, positive relationships, no matter what color you are. Everyone has problems. We don't all go around blaming everyone else for those problems. Some of us work to overcome them.
White privilege exists and there are plenty of examples out there. This is not one of them. I hate seeing fellow activists call people out on things that aren't even an issue--it makes it that much harder for others to voice their opinions, experiences, and accomplishments! (Btw I'm white and I'm aware of the privilege I do have and the circumstances in which it is evident and where it is not)
My boss is very wealthy, his teenage daughter, extremely intelligent. Aces all her grades, did not get accepted to Yale or Princeton or any other Ivy League university. There’s hundreds of thousands trying to get in. So it’s not a white privileged, it’s a privilege if these ivy leagues even look at your application. Not many know that.
The concept of "White Privilege" is Cultural Marxist Claptrap. Once we collectivize people we demean them. Each human is an individual and deserving of RESPECT and DIGNITY no matter what their ethnic origin.
Too bad most members of society don’t see it that way and thus treat each other with more favor based on stupid factors like money and color, which creates an advantage for those with money or the right color.
Load More Replies...I think this a perfect example of why we should talk about privilege - This perfectly illustrates how you cant take anyone or anything at face value. You never know what has gone on (is going on) behind the scene.
This post is going to spark some arguments... good job Bored Panda, I guess?
I prefer this than the 'Disney princesses reimagined' posts to be honest... Discussions are good and it is honestly the main reason I love BoredPanda. People these days don't discuss things enough, too many people just see the world in black & white, as the person that made the 'white privilege' comment in the post.
Load More Replies...Life can be hard if you're white. Life won't be hard BECAUSE you're white.
Reminding the fat guy [jogging] that he *is* fat is the surest way to end his interest in jogging- the commenter added zero value to racism discussion nor to their friendship
I don't even know this girl, but I just love her!! She has overcome so much and struggled to get where she is!! What an awesome person. She has come so far!! So proud of her!! As for her so called friend -------not so much!!! Good Luck !!
Privilege exists in different forms but they should never be used to undermine another person or as a veneer to an underlying envy or snark as it was here. With that said a lot of people here denying the existence of privilege apparently have a warped understanding of what it is. Please watch this video to understand. Being aware of privilege is simply acknowledging all the little things in life we have been blessed with but not others.
when people bring up white privilege, it bothers me to not end. Before saying something like that do they even know the persons background and what they had to over come? just because some one is white do not mean they are privileged. it sickens me. why does everything always seem to boil down to race? that to me seem like the most racist thing of all
It doesn’t boil down to it. It’s just one facet of it.
Load More Replies...White privilege is real. AND the new Yale student had a very difficult childhood, and through lots of work, is doing great. Those things are both true. The abused foster child's pain and accomplishments do not negate the pain or accomplishments of people of color who also often struggle in a tough world. The friend who brought up white privilege should have said, yeah, sorry, you've had it tough, kudos for your hard work. She was wrong not to. But the comments here surprise me - people are like, "well that's an example of why there is no white privilege." Which is just as short sighted as the response from her friend who insists white privilege is the only thing involved. How hard is it to see that institutional racism/ white privilege is real AND the pain of a foster child is real? The most understanding reaction I've seen so far is the one from the woman who got into Yale who fully acknowledges that white privilege exists, but it's been a long road for her too. Life's complex folks.
Susanne Carvin. The "friend" that brought up white privilege should have kept her opinion to herself. Just because she MAY have had it hard too, doesn't give her the right to c**p on another person. Not all of us have it hard. In fact, I know few other African Americans that have gone through anything as difficult as this foster child claims. Of course white privilege exists. So does black privilege, and female privilege, and male privilege, etc. They just vary based on degree and context. What purpose does it serve to read an article like this and comment something like 'yeah, but black people have it hard too and white people are privileged.' I don't think this is the way to go to limit what I assume both of our causes to be, that is to end racism.
Load More Replies...Congrats on all your hard work. It's a privilege to hear about your success!
I wish that white people wouldn't hold up stories like this as "proof" that privilege doesn't exist. Racial privilege is a *factor* that exists and is very real. It is not the only factor, and shouldn't be used as a bludgeoning tool against individuals, but rather as a descriptive tool for society and social norms that make it easier for groups to succeed, all other things being equal.
Congratulations to the girl for getting to follow her dream. And also for getting rid of the toxic freindship in the process.
Fuming right now....Just yesterday my nephew's English teacher told him that he is set in life because white people are handed everything. WTF!!!!! So missed right now!
That person is a complete and utter asshat. I don't care what color you are or how wealthy your family is. It's take a ton of hard work to get into Yale Medical School. The person hating on the future doctor is jealous and a complete piece of trash.
My feminazi neighbor is like this. Always accusing every man in the building of white male privilege . Works it's way into nearly every conversation. People avoid her...even women.
@Gerry Higgins, a better term would be "new age feminist". I used the term "feminazi" once on here, and got shut down. After that, I understood why that was the case. Sorry, I just had to point that out. Feminists fight for equal rights; new age feminists hate men. Kind of sad, isn't it?
Load More Replies...In the words of Jason D Hill, a black immigrant and philosopher, in an open letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates, "By what impertinence would you hold any white person guilty for the crime of simply being born white? You would, perhaps, imply that an accident of birth confers on them a white privilege for which they are to spend the rest of their lives atoning. Here’s another idea: How about blacks just ask that white people not regard them as anything special and not obstruct their efforts to enhance their lives?" It is a beautiful letter, here's it's entirety:
Wow now isn't the the big green eyed monster right there!!! aka jealousy!!!!!
People who deny white privilege the loudest are the ones who benefit from it the most. It’s not just with the child getting into the university but even in the system it’s often easier to place white children than dark skinned or children with ID/DD. they don’t have to overcome racial beliefs of teachers to get their education or access to services and resources they need. Racism is woven into the every system in America to the point that is has become a system on its own. And just because you don’t see it because you don’t want to or really believe their is social equality in America doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. That would be the same as saying hunger and food insecurity does not exist because of McDonalds and children eat at school.
I deny there is white priveledge. If you want to claim there is rich priveledge, I will be happy to agree with you. Being a low income white female, I have never experienced this so called white priveledge. Personally, I believe that those who claim there is such a thing as "white priveledge" are race baiters.
Load More Replies...Where does the white privilege exist? Are we supposed to feel sorry about being born white? And why are we worrying about this, we have bigger f*****g problems.
Insulting without any reason, getting personal without any reason. Melissa is a horrible person.
Ad Hominem ! when you have no counter-argument , you attack the person, not the argument itself...
Load More Replies...Let me make one thing clear: this was NOT a discussion about privilege. It was a put down. ONLY a put down. Nothing more. This envious, lower achieving "friend" was not interested in improving anything for anybody. She just wanted to put a damper on this girl's success. If you asked this "friend" to donate to a scholarship fund for minorities right then and there she'd mumble something about how she has to wait for her next paycheck. She made sincere discussion around privilege look stupid and peevish. I have no sympathy for this "friend" whatsoever.
Another butt hurt person sitting on a bar stool screaming white privilege.
How typical of SJW's. She got called out for her ignorance & stupidity, and instead of admitting she was wrong, she ran away.
F**k this c**t. How in the f**k can you take a giant steaming s**t all over a friends achievements?
JadeChandler, there have been several really important stories here, and all you are talking about is your website. No one cares. Have some respect. My friend always accuses everyone of being racist or anything about us having white skin. She claims that we're being racist when the only one one being rude about race is her.
It's either white "privilege" or you're a "racist". Getting so tired of a******s who don't seem to have any other words in their vocabulary. Get off your a*s and stop criticizing people who work hard to achieve their goals. Maybe if you tried a little to accomplish something, you wouldn't be such a bitter, racist, b***h! Congrats on your acceptance to med school!!!!
Saying that a white person only is successful because of WP is like telling a black person they are only successful because of affirmative action. Those 2 terms are an easy "go to" excuse to marginalize someones success...people see AA or WP..but don't see the extreme discipline,they don't see the nights u choose to study instead of party,they don't see the late nights and early mornings,they don't see the road blocks that were turned into stepping a way,those that scream about AA or WP,are just searching for a way to explain why they person is successful and they are not
I'm sure I'm going to Hell. Bet the ticket's been printed. Because I'm sick of feeling that I have to be Uber-Conscious of everyone's feelings, have to be on my tip-toes when writing anything, yet, so be it. Melissa is a bitter, self-pitying, enraged, toddler. The young lady in question has over-come intense troubles and set-backs that would lead a weak, vindictive, Mellisa to booze and drugs, because she's PATHETIC.
What if the children of Barack Obama, Will Smith, and any other African American celebrity's child would be outed as only getting their first choice of college because they were "privileged"? There are as many white as black people who struggle below the poverty line or with other issues that make them far from privileged. That person needs to get her brain working before working her mouth.
What would I say? I would say that when you begin grouping people together and labeling them, you run into trouble, but that doesn't seem to trouble those who most often label others who might be objectively disadvantaged within our society. It is that combination of tone deafness and hypocrisy that I find difficult to tolerate.
We cant deny that privilege exists, and at the same time we cant deny that some people really have a hard time doing everything. This girl has all her effort behind her, but we also cant say that privilege will not play a part in her life. Its seems mean that someone, whithout knowing her background, just throws this at her, sounds like she doesnt know her, and maybe she doesnt or maybe she does. There are different contexts, but we cant deny that even in small things, white people have privilege above others. I mean, this girl probably wont be afraid if cops ever make her stop her car.
Geez Caitlyn. You're all over the place with hatefilled what-about-me defensive derailing comments. One moment it's "not everyone" the next it's about twisting people's words to be about "all white people." Whiteness IS a Factor. of. Privilege. The accuser is wrong in terms of assuming her to be financially privileged and just being plain jealous.
Load More Replies...How many black people got into college SOLELY for being black? That sounds like privilege to me.
White privilege is unfortunately a thing. However, this is not it. She’s not getting into Yale for rich white parents who paid for it. She’s getting in via perseverance.
Load More Replies...It broke my heart to watch this girl's struggles and accomplishments so casually marginalized and dismissed. Not all white people are benefiting from white privilege. Black people need to learn that we do NOT own the monopoly on suffering. I noticed that the a*****e in question didn't say anything about that young lady's traumatic experiences. I'm so exhausted with the perpetual victim nonsense.
When will people stop seeing color and just start seeing each other as human?
This idiot is pathetic and doesn't deserve the friendship of this amazing accomplished person. I would call it Reverse Prejudice...but I don't believe in Reverse Prejudice..ALL Prejudice is Prejudice!!! Disgusting!
I wouldn’t have been able to answer as respectfully as she did. My mom got sick when I was in the 4th grade, and I’m still taking care of her and I to this day. It all fell on me, because my father is an abusive drug addict that I spent most days getting hit by in order to stop him from stealing my mom’s medications. I graduated top of my class, and moved my mom and I to Boston. I’m in my second year of medical school at Harvard now, and getting married to a great guy who cares for my mom just as I do. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t do something or that you didn’t earn it. You know the truth, and so do the people who actually matter. That deluded girl blaming anything other than her own shortcomings for her failures doesn’t change the reality that you earned it on your own.
Sounds like the commentator learned about White Privilege last week is Sociology 101 and is now being the prophet of something only she has known. Congrats on getting into Yale (After you graduate, THEN you can be supported by Privilege, but then that's because you graduated from an Ivy League University, which I believe in the U.S. is the first step to sainthood :) )
I am white and have yet to benefit from this ethereal, so-called white privilege. As a matter of fact, as a member of social programs I sometimes encounter racism against whites.
It's really easy to blame others for your lack of achievement. It's a really nice way of shifting the focus so you can keep being mediocre and say it's "this or that reason". To hell with your white priviledge, PC, BLM, Antifa anarchists. The sooner those morons figure out that good things come to those who work for them, not to those who wait for some government to hand it to them, the better. The gal going to Yale rocks!
ya I have that privilege also, hm i often wonder why that privilege won't afford me healthcare or why I have a job that no matter how hard I work the only reward is go back the next day and do it again.
She did her thing. Even if she was another color the road she traveled was still bumpy and she made it home for dinner all on her own.
I just want to point out that I really don't agree with this person. It's a s****y thing to do. But for those saying, you should focus on your own success, you are not aware of how institutionalized racism actually works. Read some scientific (mind you) articles on this topic (for example on the effects of institutionalized discrimination in schools). It's real and it exists.
I have to agree with the original poster. I too am white but have always had to fight to get anywhere in life. My gains were never given to me. I had a back ground similar to hers too so I know what she had to go through just to get where she is today. I find that that so called friend really needs to check herself. She clearly does not understand what white priveledge truly is. She only comes off as racist and it isn't pretty either. She needs to stop judging others and blaming them for where she is at in her own life. For most people, they have to work really hard to get to where they want/need to be. It isnt going to be just handed to you, no matter your color.
congrats to the young lady that worked hard on getting into college. I can't believe another idiot is claiming racism. in reality she is probably just jealous bc she did not get in. never judge another person bc there life might be harder than yours. what an a##hole.
i wonder what she ever acomplished....sounds like shes on her fat a*s all day complaining shes got no chances in life........................happiness and oppurtunities arent always just there, sometimes creating your own is the way to go.......
White privilege is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. But if there is such a thing please can I get blessed with it. I am a white male that came from a un-privileged home and has no "white privileges" to this day!
There is always someone like Melissa ready to put you down. You work ward to achieve your goal and then someone like her comes alone and tries to tare you down, she is most likely to dang lazy to do it for her self so she tares other people down for achieving what she wants but is to lazy to work for it. Babe you be proud of what you have done. Congratulations on your achievements.
people talk about privilege in the USA yet they don't agree that a health care system for everyone should exist, only those that can pay, double standards much lol
Dont yall just love kapitalism, SJW`s , and the overall state of the world we live in??!!??!!
Load More Replies...The future doctor got where she is through hard work, lots and lots of studying, and determination, and dealing with an awful childhood...all while supporting herself and her brother. She has earned it! It sounds like her "friend" doesn't want to work for anything...just wants it given to her while she sits on her backside. Color, ethnicity, etc., has nothing to do with what you can achieve. You have to want it badly enough to work for it, and not expect it to just be handed to you.
If people stopped worrying about so-called privileges that others have and focused on their own lot in life they would be a lot better off. How many examples of this do we see a person who has had a real crappie start at life to be focused on what they want and achieve it. The rest who sit back and winge and lay fault at others privilege will do so their entire pitiful life.
There will be never rationale discussion with people whose opinions about life are fuelled by pure anger. As a Polish expat in the UK I am facing ignorance on daily basis but I do not make a big deal about that. The best way to move forward is to improve yourself so you jump above heads of those who are ignorant. Never argue with irrational anger.
<-- Dumb American here: Can you explain Why being Polish and living in the UK causes you to face ignorance daily? Are people in the UK racist against Polish people or purposely seek to demean them over there? If this seems offensive somehow, it truly is an innocent question.
Load More Replies...She just jealous and burned up with jealousy to a black crisp! Lol.. That girl responded back with no malice, just so humbly and matter of fact. She will go very far in life , but she already has!! :)
I think that person was a sore loser and couldn't measure up to the other woman & decided to be mean. Shame on her.
Okay can we stop calling it 'white privilege' and start calling it 'wealthy privilege' makes much more sense, we have to remember there are many privileged people of colour in the world too so saying that makes more sense and takes away a term that is simply going to lead to more resentment between races and we really need to stop with the hate between each other, life is a struggle for most of us, regardless on clolour
Favor based on your race has nothing to do with money though. Wouldn’t make sense to call it wealthy privilege. Wealthy people of color aren’t seen the same way as wealthy whites. Just because we aren’t racist doesn’t mean other people aren’t. It’s fine to use a term to describe it.
Load More Replies...Theres always who wants to steal the spotlight and make everything about them.
Jealous much because you didn't work as hard as the other person, to, get to where you want to be. I am so tired of this privileged c**p. If you want something in life work for it. That's it.
If there's no privilege, eliminate the NAACP, UNCF ACLU and other "perks" given to people of color. Let us try White Entertainment Television and we'd be branded racist. Privilege my a*s!
Jesus ... not even after this girl mentioned all the difficult situations she had to go thru in life and the effort she made (like real fight) that other woman acted like a piece of s..., shame on you pathetic jerk.
Melissa's embarrassment and awkwardness was as palpable as her envy. Had she not possessed the immaturity of a fetus, she would realize the feeble attempt at masking her jealousy has likely damaged her reputation with common friends reading that post.
Yes there is such thing as white privilege, but not everything is because of privilege. The person who commented is just a closeted racist him/herself. People like this contribute to the actual problem of racism and inequality.
My niece and nephew were privileged with wealthy parents. It got her arrest after arrest, prison several times. Him, cheated on finals, got kicked off the basketball team. Camethisclose to a pro career. HARD WORK. HARD WORK, SELF DISCIPLINE brings rich rewards.
I was born into an average middle class white family. While my parent expected me to go to college, they never offered to pay a cent. I made my way through college by working and taking out loans. I’ve worked my whole adult life, and still support myself solo. I was not born into white privilege by any stretch of the imagination, and for this person to just presume that is how this hard working woman got into med school by that token is just insulting. Congrats to you, young woman, on your achievements! You WILL have continued success. That “friend” needs to be slapped, and then forgotten.
You still benefit from white privilege. All white people do. But so what. That doesn’t mean you get the world handed to you. You’re struggling more than some black people. That’s not what white privilege is.
Load More Replies...I think someone is jealous. dont worry whether its an Ivy league school or some second rate community college, only a very small percentage of people do what they get their degree in. So that jab was not necessary.
There is privilege everywhere. Don't think for one second there isn't black privilege too. The black teacher who gives the black kid a better grade over the white kid, or the black interviewer who gives the job to the black interviewee. White privilege may be more prevalent, but don't think both sides don't exist. That goes for all races by the way. This girl had no privilege with her history. She worked her a*s of and got what she deserved, acceptance into Yale. The ones that usually cry out about some kind of privilege are the ones that usually don't want to work for it. Some people are just lazy and want everything handed to them. I have known people of color that have worked their a*s off and got where they wanted to go, and some white person downing them because they knew somebody, "that's how they got the job" etc.. NO, they worked for it and showed they could be the best person for the job.
What about the white girl who sued because she didn't get into the college of her dreams and black black people? Or what about all of the white people complaining about how minorities took jobs or places in college that they most likely weren't qualified for or is it only a black thing?
Load More Replies... this is great video to explain how the b******t idea of white privilege is just that b******t.
How naive. Schools like Yale look for outstanding individuals because they are an outstanding school. They could have been from any race and Yale would have seen what this individual did as incredible. Good for them.
Selb-absorbed yellow SJW idiot is not understanding that what she calls privilege is based on averages and does not necessarily apply to individuals.... And she has a skewed idea of what contributions come from what red person _does_ and what red person _is_.
all white people are priviledged, just like all black men are racists, all actresses only get work on the casting couch , all women drivers are useless at parking etc etc. The truth is to get into med school takes hard work and to be a doctor takes even more hard work. Well done, we need more people like you.
I rarely do so, but on Facebook (where this exchange appears to take place, one can delete comments appearing on your page without unfriending the person making the comment. Sometimes, as in this case, someone makes a comment so stupid or so insulting that it doesn't deserve a response. Deleting it is the best option in those cases. There is little to be accomplished in arguing with an idiot.
I apply the same logic to obtusely racist old people. There is no point arguing with ignorance.
Load More Replies...I would say that when people group others into categories, broadly, and label them (and judge them) not as individuals but parts of ostensibly-monolithic groups, you run into trouble, but that doesn't seem to bother those who regularly label others who are, in fact, objectively disadvantaged within our society. It is that tone deafness and hypocrisy which I find most galling.
Jeez, what a rude person. I seriously understand that white privilege is a real thing in many situations, but to respond like that after this hard working girl explains that she worked really hard to get where she is? AUGH it makes me GRIND MY TEETH! Congratulations on getting into Yale, you go follow your dreams no matter who the hell is rude about it!
A word of caution. NEVER believe one side of an argument when you haven't heard the other side. When have you ever heard someone describe a conflict s/he had with another person and end the statement by saying, "...and the whole thing was entirely my fault."
Trying to excuse sour grapes jealousy and bitchiness by playing the race card. Not cool at all
Seriously. Huge congrats to hard work, dedication, and overcoming all the odds. Stuff that stupid person. Some people can't allow the sun to shine on others and have to justify with some stupid gender/racial/privilege /minority/etc etc card that they themselves don't understand the meaning of. I hate bullies. Dumb bullies are the worst.
Privilege as a whole comes from good decisions and generations of good decisions. Don't be jealous because you didn't get off your a*s to study further to make yourself better or that you spent all your money on alcohol or shoes instead of investing it into your future. Be angry at your parents for not investing in your future. Stop blaming whites.
The height of racism is the woman claiming Yale due to white privilege! Look, I am white and I was white in an area of Memphis where my daughter was one of two white children in class. I get racism, I hate racism in EVERY form!!!! STOP IT PEOPLE! We are all here together and nobody gets out alive and the best revenge to those that want us divided is to unite but, with a*s hats like her it becomes next to impossible because they just want something to blame for not being willing to get off they butts and work for it!!!
Many people who are white are not born privileged . Just as many born of other races are to say so seems to me to be racist.
White privilege is a thing. It comes in the form of b******t we never have to put up with, so it's easy to never notice it cause we don't know what we're missing. That said, bringing up the topic while someone is celebrating getting into college is a Grade A A*****e move.
People playing the race card, as always. Some serious chips on some shoulders.
That piece of s**t calls herself a friend? she needs to be blocked on every social media forum . Bloody jealous worthless b***h .
You are amazing! You will be extremely successful. Your "white privilege critic,is a loser and will be so the rest of her life. She didn't have the guts to make something of herself so she resorts to blaming everyone for her short comings.
truth is, is the that sir strongbad, its everywhere not just in US, in Asia is more so
So what are people who benefit from "white privilege" supposed to do in life?? Every time some thing positive comes about because of their hard work, step out of the way and pass it to a POC??? A white person gets approved for a home loan should let a family of color move into that house instead??? Should a white mother feed her neighbors black children before her own?? How Dad?? Does he take the Black Dad to work before himself?? Does the white family buy the black family Christmas before themselves and if there is not enough money left over for the white kids, OH WELL!! Should this white person give her spot up at Yale for a POC??? IS there not a single white person in America that got what they have because they earned it??? Personally, I you say white privilege to me, online or IRL you are going to hear some profanity directed at you!
10% of population has more wealth than the rest put together. There's your f*****g privilege. The rest of us just work bloody hard.
No, it is totally deniable that white privilege is a thing. It is not. It does not exist. The phrase "white privilege" is a racist call, spilling from the lips or racists. It is no different than yelling "Ni@@er."
that is b******t , and an attitude like this puts some people (no matter their skin color) into a group thinking that they deserve more than they are actually trying for, pathetic....
There is absolutely white privilege in the world, no doubt about that but this "person" assumed way to quickly to know another person's story... there are many regardless of race, gender, etc who are struggling to get ahead and have not had a head start in life...well done to this person for achieving what they have, its a steep slope when you come from such circumstances and takes an amazing determination to beat the status quo.
If you really think about it, the privilege is attractiveness. You get a pass more if you are slim, attractive, etc. than if you are average or less endowed in the beauty department. You've seen more handsome men or more attractive women that make it up the ladder much faster than those of us who are just another face. How many times have you heard about how an attractive person gets out of tickets, or gets an amazing deal when buying a car, or how that attractive person is the teacher's pet. ANYONE who works and sacrifices isn't privileged, they are driven. The person who doesn't want to put in the work will say that someone else is privileged because they are jealous.
if White Privilege means hard work ,sacrifice, coming from a foster home , Making your own way in the world to get what you what to eb then hell I know a lot of Black people that have White Privilege.
I have had this conversation many a time about being white, male, etc. My situation is not quite as extreme but also not too dissimilar to this person in that I had a variety of issues as a child, was thrown out of my home when I turned 18, etc.. I worked full-time day, went to school full-time night, took out loans, put myself through college, had to pay off my loans (one of the happiest days of my life was writing that last check) had nothing handed to me and had to bust my a*s for all I have achieved. Everyone has a story and everyone has to fight for their own accomplishments. To say otherwise demeans the hard work of the individuals who have striven hard to get where they are or where they are going and just breeds resentment, She should ignore her friend's ignorance and enjoy her achievements over hardship, she earned it and no one can tell her otherwise!
Sadly Perception is reality. Hate it when I am mistaken for a Privileged White. Oh, just like all mexicans are rapist, African American are lazy, and of course all you whites are privileged. Yeah, I get it, but you have to live with such a LIE! Don't you?!
The lady in this does not understand white privilege. Sure, the guy's skin color might have helped, but his study and dedication to get what he wanted helped way more. So this is NOT white privilege. B***h needs to go back to school herself and make something of herself.
Labeling someone as privileged because of the color of their skin is just as racist as labeling someone inferior or superior because of the color of their skin. That person is a bigot.
The "white privilege" here is that, if she were anyone else but white in that exact same life situation, she'd have been shot, or deported, or been denied & discriminated many of the jobs, opportunities, scholarships & loans that she struggled to have...fact, plain & simple.
Those schools still use affirmative action!! White privilege only mad it harder and more impressive for her to get accepted! People with grades two letters below her but are Mexican or black get in....isn’t that privilege
Yeah....I just love the purposeful ignoring of all the black millionaires out there, that actually put the SAME hard work into MAKING THEIR WAY as the whites, and actually achieved their goals! THEY struggled just like the rest of us, but they are not criticized SIMPLY because they are of color, and it doesn't suit the agenda of the "people of color" that have a welfare mentality, and just want a handout rather than working as hard as their peers!!
Privileged use to be the American Dream. Come educate get a job and work hard save and buy what you want. How did things get so screwed up?
So I guess it is okay to point out anyone of color must have automatically got to where they are thanks to Affirmative Action.
It sounds a great deal like sour grapes to me! Her background, doesn't scream white privelege! How dare that other girl says so! She is also not a friend, and if she said she was, she lied. The be so envious of another person, that you need to denigrate her accomplishments, is extremely sad. I also think, it it were the reverse, the other girl wouldn't say something like, " way to get that minority society choice working for you!" It's just rude and unkind, and she needs to be kicked to the curb !
I traced back the origin of this alleged exchange to Shareably ( And from Shareably to this page: You're all getting played by far-right-wing trolls. Don't fall for it.
What do I think? Melissa is a stupid b***h. Nothing more needs to be said.
Pure jealousy. People just can't be happy for others for some reason. But this is jealousy. They moron needs to get off her lazy a*s and quit waiting for a hand out
says white privilege is real, uses the lies of Shaun "thinks he's black, but is white" King.... you guys who wrote that article are idiots for using that piece of sh** as source
I had to carry a rifle to pay for college.. There were no scholarships specifically for me ...
I don't buy this post at all. I think it completely fabricated in order to make a point.
I don't know what I don't know what's wrong with people these days there's no such thing as white privilege the only privilege there is is of the criminal kind and the ones that commit fraud through the government there's no such thing as white privilege. Congratulations for getting into Yale that's wonderful
I don't know what's wrong with people thinking there's a such thing as white privilege that's the craziest most absurd thing I've ever heard the only privilege in this world is the criminals and the people who commit fraud that's where their privilege comes from
That person was totally pathetic. I am white and I will NEVER apologize for how I was born. If someone as pathetic as that person doing the criticizing ever attacked me like that I'd turn around and give her a kiss and tell her to shut her freaking pie hole! We were so poor when I was growing up that my mother had to work three jobs at times just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. My father was sick and in the VA Hospital much of my growing up years. God bless my dear mother in Heaven.
The only thing I see here is a hardworking, dedicated and motivated young lady who through sheer will and determination has achieved her goal to bettering herself by not letting her past hinder her path in life. WHITE PRIVILEGE??! I fail to see any favouritism or strings being pulled to get her what she ultimately set out to to achieve. To the young lady who berated her, I will neither lash out or insult you, rather you should bare this in mind, we do not raise our standards by lowering everyone elses, through hard work, determination and unfailing focus on your goals, you too could achieve anything.............advice from an old fool!!!
We have the Black Miss America Pageant, Black Entertainment Network, NAACP, American Negro College Fund, Congressional Black Caucuas, Black History Month, and dozens upon dozens of black only organizations and groups. If we had white equivalent we'd be called racists. So who has the privilege? White privilege is just a tool used by the left to try to take whites down a notch and control them but nobody who isn't a leftist cry baby is buying it.
What is her problem? This guy broke out of a system which stifles people (I doubt she ever checked college attendance and graduation rates for kids from foster care -- but they are, let me assure, very low). Privilege is a system of unearned advantages -- which simply do not apply here in any way. I'm a white male. I know privilege exists (I don't have to panic if a cop pulls me over for a broken tail light--as an example). But I also know my Ph.D. was earned with late nights of hard work, and this guys entry into Yale Med is far more difficult than my road grad school was (we were comfortable, though not rich, and I lived with my parents who stayed married for 57 years and never abused any of us -- so, yeah, my road was way easier).
White privilege means you have to work harder than any other race to get into a good school, because of the "set-asides" for other races. So a white, for example, needs to earn, say, 90 points to get into a school where a black has only to earn 60 points, because they automatically get 30 points just for being black and meeting the school's "diversity" needs. In a perfect world, everyone would need to earn the same 90 points BY MERIT and not by what color they are, in order to get into that same school. But it will never happen.
This person will spend her entire life looking for her baby dady and living as a single mother instead of trying to get an education
My main privilege was having parents who were non s**t, in terms of intelligence, personality and genetics. That trumps every other kind of privilege.
Whether or not this article is true, a white person's admission to Yale requires extra high scores because scores of African Americans are given extra points for skin color.
everybody has an excuse why they can't be successful and this is apparently the situation. Anyone can make in this country if you work hrd...isn't it funny that you don't hear these comments from theAsian section of this land ...why because they came here and worked their butts off...they also had some horrible issues like internment camps etc. This made them more determined and most did not hold a grudge on everyday Americans...they got OVER IT and left it behind. Just one example of Americans that if anyone had a grudge to hold it could be them.
Why wasn't I invited to this "White Privilege" train? I'm dead broke.
@Matt_Heagraves_GreenArmy_ how was she being a b***h? All she is saying is that she didn't get that "white privilege" c**p, and was open and honest about being raised in an orphanage. If anyone is the b***h, it's the one who assumed that her "white privilege" is what got that person into Yale. The other person worked hard to get to where she got to.
The only folks that enjoy any kind of white privilege or otherwise outside of the rich are minorities that get a hand up via good 'ole affirmative action and the like. Imagine how many 'less privileged' folks may have gotten in with less than ideal grades or accomplishments. This Melissa is an example of liberal stupidity at its worst. Chance are, she is a failure and is needing to blame someone other than herself.
People are just nasty these days, there is no reason to bring the race card into everything, which is what is happening these days. That only stirs the pot even more. I believe that all the ones crying about privilege are just lazy and jealous. You are the one that determines your life and future. Too many expect to get what others worked hard for & they expect to get it with no work or planning. So be proud of what you have earned, it sounds like you have every right to it. Ignore those that try to diminish your achievements, you owe them nothing.
I don't understand why people can't just be happy for someone else's successes. There doesn't have to be a loser for her to be a winner. We should all be trying to elevate each other regardless of skin tone, religion, sexual orientation etc. I guess I'm old fashioned but... if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Congrats on all your hard work! You had a goal and you've achieved it. Good on you!!
White privilege doesn’t exist.. it’s a term racist blacks and white guilt addicted SJW’s came up with for something to blame when they make little effort.
i suspect this dear is someone who is too lazy to get off her butt and do a hard days work One of the YOU OWE ME people who expect everything must be done for him?her while they sit and do nothing You are a very Special person who has put in the effort and worked for what you got You don't need people like this in your life who try put you down Dump this jealous friend ASAP and get on with your life and make yourself PROUD
It's just a frustrated envious person that needs to be ignored. That girl overcame many obstacles to get into Yale and deserves praise for perseverance.
Her "privilege" was being born, working hard (Like everyone can), and reaping the rewards! I bet the other person has not achieved as much and is blaming this on it
What the hell has the colour of her skin got to do with this, I'd have punched her in the mouth then she'd have something to say about being privileged. This bloody Melissa is one sick b***h !!
What about the American Privilege that every race has just by being an American?
That wasn't a friend. She was nothing but jealous and trying to cover it up as smart.
The ideology behind white privilege is just racism under a new name. Having suffered from racism, you would think that people would be eager to leave it behind, yet it keeps getting renamed and re-justified.
Regardless of background or race, getting into Yale is a great achievement. Getting in after the things she endured is phenomenal. I hope she realizes there are some people who live to diminish others so they feel better about themselves.
I don't believe in white privilege. I believe that white culture is superior to black culture, and that white culture produces more socialized people who are better able to get along with others. That's a skill which is very valuable in society, and it has beneficial results even when not consciously applies. If black people want some of this white privilege, all they need to do is learn to get along better.
Personally, I am so effing sick of this white privilege BS! Let's take a look at this, shall we? There are NO: ~All White Colleges ~All White Clubs ~White History Month ~Affirmative Action doesn't apply to white people - although it damned well should now since apparently it's perfectly okay to discriminate against whites now. ~There are no special grants or scholarships for whites only To the B***H who tossed this white privilege BS out there downing this author's incredibly hard work to get into one of the best schools in the country? BRAVO honey, you are the definition of strong and you're also the definition of what America USED to be. Work hard to overcome your circumstances and make a life for yourself. I wish you nothing but the best and may you ace med school and come out to be one of the top specialists in your chosen field! As for this *couch* commenter? Think you need to look a little harder inside yourself and realize racism works both ways. ~
Well done that person. 'White Privilege' is a myth and should be addressed as it is, that is 'Wealth Privilege'. I get really angry when I see a non white celebrity, who can drop more in a tip at a restaurant than I have to live on for a month then accuse all white people of being privileged.
Sounds like Melissa has to justify her failures by blaming others for their successes. No doubt her attitude will infect every aspect of her life.
The person who commented was totally out of order and needs to be sharply rebuked. S/he needs to look in the mirror and examine why she felt the need to be so negative in the first place. Notwithstanding, to say that white privilege is a lie is being totally disingenuous. Have you been living in America or some other country?
Privlige does not mean that you got everything handed to you, just that one particular issue was not working against you. White privilege means that you most likely did not have institutional racially base bias working against you, not that any achievement you have is invalid due to your race. (Just my two cents, if you disagree, please tell me so, and why in a respectful manner. It is more important for us to have respectful discourse than to agree.}
Ma'am I don't know the race, color, or ethnic background, but I think you need to say "I forgive your totally racist statement against me, but as far as being a friend I don't think that is possible anymore being as you think so little of me and obviously hate me and my kind.
Tell her "I forgive your racist statement and hatred towards me and my kind, but we can no longer be friends if you thing so little of me and hate me.
I'm white, short, have red hair and freckles. Raised in an average income family. Joined the Navy in 1982 and retired in 2002. Now I am a substance abuse counselor working at an Indian reservation. I've never had to sit on the back of the bus, but I HAVE been victim to racist comments and have been dissed all my life for several reasons. I guess I'm trying to figure out how the "white privilege" stuff has benefitted me. me.
Another mindless lib-tard (I say that as a Liberal who is ashamed of these idiots) who uses White Privilege as a way to discredit any hard work or achievement done by a white person. The equivalent is saying a black person only got a job because of affirmative action. It's all racist.
I am a white person and I can tell you that I have not had it easy!!! I grew up in a family where my father everyday yelled and screamed at me, I was abused by a father and son at 8, I was beaten up everyday by the neighbourhood kids because I was white (they were coloured), I married a man at 18 who beat me every day for years, I was raped by many men, I never completed schooling past 16 and I am unemployed. BUT...I do have 3 awesome children, 3 wonderful grandsons, an incredible husband, and Im alive...I am now studying to be a social worker so that I can help others who are living the life that I had. I do however have to rely on the government to help me out. My point to my post is just because I am white does not mean that I have had it easy which I havent!. But all those things that have happened to me have made me stronger and not to depend on others but myself.
To that Melissa chick, you're the biggest piece of trash! Rather than be proud of your "friend" you condescend & prove just how much of a horrible person you truly are! You need to take a LONG, HARD look into the mirror! If you want something, you got to go out & work for it! There's just as many, if not More, "privileges" for people of different nationalities through scholarships & the like. Thank goodness it wasn't you getting into Med School, I'd hate to have a doctor like you for any need I may possibly have! 🖕
It's sad that people just can't be happy for others who make it, instead race has to get involved! She worked her a*s off to get where she is and good for her! No matter what the color of her skin is, she did it herself! Shame on anyone that doesn't give her the credit she deserves!
You're always going to put up with jealous and ignorant people the rest of your life so enough said about that, the only thing left is congratulations man on overcoming the odds that were so stacked against you and that was done with nothing but hard work. Job well done.
Sure, privileges exist, but if try to shove them into a face of someone about whom you obviously don't know the first thing that's how you end up looking.
Never say white privilege again. it doesn't exist. this person worked her buns off and succeeded on pure grit.
White privilege is a made up concept that is racist in its very definition. It's an excuse for those who're too damned lazy or incompetent to succeed.
Melissa just sounds like a bad friend but do not let that deter you nor let this override common sense and awareness because like it or not white privilege does exist. There's classism vs racial disparity but this is in some ways "intersectionality" This does not take away from your hard work and sacrifice but instead of putting up a defense try and understand it. Melissa should have had a productive conversation offline and well AFTER she congratulated her friend and discussed her feelings without criticism. Timing is way off but being open, honest, self-aware and SUPPORTIVE was needed rather than using a real issue just to be b****y.
There is no white privilege unless you're born into one of a handful of rich white families. There's non-white disadvantage, yes, but that's not the same thing. Stop tilting at imaginary windmills. . .
White privilege means having something handed to you on a silver platter without effort on your part. If you are someone who has worked hard to achieve your goals, you are to be commended for being a hard worker who went after your dreams no matter what color you may be. I think the "friend" is nothing but a bitter, lazy loser who would be jealous of anyone who achieved their dreams. If the Yale med student had been a person of color, the hater would have said it was because of affirmative action. There is no cure for bitter.
Jealousy is an ugly green eyed monster no matter what you call it. It destroys relationships and tears people down. Acting out in jealousy doesn't elevate you one bit. It tears you down, too.
This article is for s**t. It starts out claiming that, "White privilege is undeniable.." What an idiotic opening line that is. According to who; Louis Farrakhan?
Where is my white privelage? Just because my parents worked hard they're whole lives and havent had to depend on state benefits that makes us privelaged? No that makes us responsible. F**k outta here with your "White Privelage" I see it this way, you dont do s**t, you dont need to get s**t period. Thats the american way
The only privilege demonstrated in that exchange was the privilege to denigrate people for being white. So, why again the caveat about how bad the thing that's not in evidence in the story is? The injustice in this story isn't white privilege. The injustice is the constant, racist bringing up of white privilege even when it's not there, which this article repeats in its very first line. If someone falsely accused a mom of burning her baby, and you write the story still griping about moms who burn their babies, you're making yourself an accomplice to injustice, not justice. You're siding with the wrongdoer.
Racism comes in all colors. It does not matter what losers like her have to say. There will always be haters. They all come in all colors. They are the ones who have to put others down because they do not have the ability to achieve success. Their failures are blamed on others instead of taking responsibility for their shortcomings. Congratulations and Keep on Truckin'!
That person is a complete a*****e. While there is such a thing as white privilege, to tear somebody’s achievement like that down is as bad as when racist tell people of color their achievements are only because of affirmative action. I hate it when people do stuff like this where it’s completely unwarranted because when the time comes to actually speak on the subject, instances like this can be thrown out to discredit an entire argument.
after fifty years (for me) of fighting for racial equality for blacks, claiming whites should be judged by the color of their skin is okay? FAIL
What a jealous c**t. She'll be whining about the successes of others throughout her entire miserable life.
There's a lot of privilege, including wealth and class that race plays into. But this girl got dealt a s**t hand by any measure. So while there are some things she may not have had to deal with due to her race, there's a lot more c**p she went through that many of us in general don't have to deal with. And I say this as a black man who has dealt with a lot of racist BS over the years, including from cops and educators in power. Either way, unless someone is being a complete d**k or trying to tell you what to do or how to feel... I don't need to be calling them out for s**t. I'm not sure this other girl is her friend. If you're down, you're down and we're in this together. Her criticizer sounds like she's got her own social/life trauma to overcome and is bitter about it. I understand, she's hurting and is lashing out in a way. It sucks all around.
This response about white privilege is an excuse to say, "Sorry I am a loser and I own no responsibility for being one." When people throw around words like racism, white privilege and don't know what it means, it is like trying to start a riot and see what kind of secondary gain there is for them to benefit from. I feel sorry for that person who made the comment because clearly, she needs to figure out what she wants to do when she grows up instead of making childish comment to daunt others...
White privilege to a point.... but some of us ... no matter what race, have not experienced any privilege and have had to fight all our lives for everything we have achieved. Turning on your friends because they have achieved a great milestone in their lives shows your jealously. Using their race to do so shows how low you are willing to stoop. Not everything should be perceived as white privilege,
Jealousy finds any excuse to justify itself. All credit to the person who worked hard to overcome any obstacle. Do not be disheartened by adverse comments.
Being white does NOT automatically make you privileged, its so dumb that people do this s**t. Maybe 100 years ago being white was a privilege, now? now all you say as a straight white man is taken as sexism, racism, homophobic or transphobic and any achievements you reach are marked up to privilege rather than hard work and dedication. Wake up, idiots, the time we live in is the WORST time to be white.
Yeah, this is what social "justice" has been from the very beginning.
I agree with Sir Strong Bad. The only real privilege is wealth and only 1% have most of it. The rest of us are way more on an even plane than they would have you believe. This 'Melissa' chick is a vile, jealous, a*****e.
WTF is white privilege? Am I supposed to feel guilty of the color I was born? This is the dumbest s**t I've ever heard, maybe weak minded people will buy into this but not real men or women. This is all the creation of the globalists and the dipshit kids in our society today who are basically f****d as far as leading a prosperous and productive life goes. This is the result of a country that is so comfortable to live in that folks dont have anything better to do than stir the pot. We as Americans are all actually privileged no matter what color we are and people should not ever forget that because it can all go away in the blink of an eye. I don't have the fortune of ever seeing these people that tout this s**t where I live but if I ever do, I'm gonna punch them in the mouth!
I know for a fact that I have been privileged by being a white male for the past 61 years. When I look back at my life, I can clearly see three things that helped me get out of trouble, get a better grade, get a better paycheck, and even get laid, etc. I was born white, male, and when I was young I was kinda cute, frankly. There were times that worked against me, but now that I'm aware of the phenomenon, I can see it clearly. White male privilege is an inescapable fact. Expect more of the same. When a black man took the White House, it scared the c**p out of a lot of very white, very rich people. Now America has delivered a rich white supremacist sociopath to the presidency in the hopes of erasing all evidence of BHO.
envy :P I admire how she was still polite after the BS talk. I would be so rude to her in return if it was me 3:)
This is not sourced. I did a simple google search and couldn’t find anything remotely referencing this “exchange”. Seems like straight click bait, designed to get white folks upset, and argue with POC. Don’t fall for the trap.
She just couldn't accept the truth, and she obviously doesn't know what self-criticism is because the guy did self criticize himself about the hardship he went through to get to where he did
OMG... I my cousin's ex-wife posted exactly like this. And CONGRATS on your amazing accomplishments!!
May I also add that there is continuous victim privilege? Just because someone is black doesn't make them helpless and needy. I know black people who came from a very poor background and who ended up being team leaders in pharmaceutical labs or getting a very well paid job in engineering. That's because none of them had a chip on their shoulder and they worked hard. Then there are constant victims. Because they are black they claim that somehow they have given rights because their ancestors MAY have been slaves [chances are probably 0 though as Africa is a very large continent and only a tiny amount of people during a short time in history were actually slaves]. They get scholar ships I am denied as a white person, they get the job I have applied for because they are black and the company has a quota to fill, they get special this and special that and then they start moaning about white privilege. How about get off your backside and use those opportunities instead of moaning?
No matter how much privilege you have, you will NEVER get into Yale Med School without some serious brains. However, the orphan story would significantly help. If she were African American, especially at Yale, then that would be a major plus too. Schools like this love success stories.
Getting into Yale is either effort or wealth.... white privilege this girl got was not being profiled as a black , Muslim or Hispanic... idiots like the girl calling every accomplishment "white privilege" when not appropriate cheapens the term and hides real problems in our society..... much like a woman that calls consentual adult intercourse rape after the fact undercuts the rights and credibility of all of the women who are legitimately raped ...
I am FURIOUS. How absolutely ignorant..I can't even understand people like this. This is why people who use terms like "gender queer" and talk about "white privilege" "pronouns" and this and that annoy the hell out of me. This is why you get a bad rap. Yeah I understand white privileges. But that does not mean you can comment dumb s**t and assume things.
I,m sure glad I choose to be white before I was born so I could have this" White Privilege"....or cannot choose one's race or parents.....oops...never mind!
You don’t choose to have white privilege. Nobody is mad at innocent white people who didn’t ask for an advantage. It’s racists faults for creating that kind of environment, not yours. It’s just that white people dont have a disadvantage in society just for being white. That’s all it means.
Load More Replies...He looks like he came from a less than privileged background actually. Not the moment to have written that message. Sorry.
Being white didn't keep my father from being killed in war when I was 5 years old. Being white didn't keep my son from being deaf. Being white didn't keep my mother from having an aneursym when my father was killed and developing a seizure disorder. Being white didn't keep me from being raped - twice. Once by a white man and once by a black man. Being white did not fix my broken psyche and the PTSD. Being white did not replace work, studying and commuting 130 miles a day to get a college degree. with 4 kids at home.
I think the term white privilege is supposed to be some kind of social benefit. Not a physical power that controls terrible events. Unfortunately I am white and therefore not able to perceive what it really is.
Load More Replies...I never realized how unbelievably white Bored Panda is until this tone-deaf a*s article.
always makes me laugh you always complain about white privilege but you don't have an inclusive health are system except for those that are privileged lol
Used for when on is JEALOUS!! Also, people of color aren't accepted into Yale??
I don't think anyone should have to apologise or validate their own achievements. We all have our own problems and advantages. Obviously there are many that have more disadvantages than other and that's horrible, but I wasn't born to have it my fault and I don't need to give any account of the s**t I've been through to appear acceptable in the eyes of someone like this. This bitter person can simply f**k off. Stop complaining about what you haven't got and what people are not giving you and get on with it. Pointing out white privilege to ordinary people trying their best achieves nothing other than just showing your bitterness. White privilege does exist. I'm not ignorant about that but this b******t does not help the issue.
Yes, recipient of admission to Yale had white privilege. But being white only gets a person so far. She still had to make the grades and do the work necessary to be accepted. Kudos to her and tsk tsk to her "friend" for trying to rain on her parade.
This B***H Melissa has a Green Privilege & it is called JEALOUSY1 That usually comes from being really LAZY & begruging anyone who works hard for their acheivements! She SUCKS!!!
I come from a large WHITE family. I've always been poor. I grew up with alcoholic abusive parents. I hate it when people of colour claim THAT ANY of my accomplishments come from privilege. My ex husband went to O'Dea in Seattle which has many boys of colour. Many of them, not all, put NO effort into their school work, claimingredients that privilege wouldn't allow them to attend a decent college anyways. No, you're using your skin colour as an excuse to be lazy and take it out on the white population. So f**k you. She worked hard. She deserves it. AND privilege certainly did NOT play a role. I have even heard that I deserved the trauma I went through because I'm white.
Of course I am assuming after this she is "X" Friend; a real downer.
She won’t be the last hater this baby genius will encounter. I would have deleted her comment straight away. Good for you Yale!!
I can’t believe y’all believe this happened. 😒 when stuff like this happens it goes viral and the names aren’t scratched out. The name of this cite is bored panda for a reason. When they are bored they just make stuff up.
With friends like that, who needs enemies? Dump that friend - she is the ultimate fun sucker.
I can't name a single magician, who the f**k wants to be a magician lol, get a job.
Well, when you are a lazy low life that wants everything handed to you on a platter, while you sit on your good for nothing butt and draw welfare, of course you are going to whine about white privilege. Get off your duff and work hard and maybe you will amount to something too. Oh no! that's asking too much of you, isn't it!
I agree w/ the red person, but the last comment really pissed me off. What the hell SirStrongBad!
I just want to point out that I really don't agree with this person. It's a s****y thing to do. But for those saying, you should focus on your own success isn't aware of how institutionalized racism actually works. Read some scientific (mind you) articles on this topic (for example on the effects of institutionalized discrimination in schools). It's real and it exists.
One time i was walking with my cousin and my 2nd cousin. Actually i was walking with my cousin and carrying my 2nd cousin on my back when some man yelled "Yo you white girl! What you doin with them blacks. They'll just get you in trouble. Confused i looks around to see who he was yelling at and the man said "yeah you!" Realizing he was talking to me is said, " Um, these two 'Blacks' your being rascit about are my family." He said i should be ashamed and about how they are animals then i said "These two are more human than you'll ever be" and we walked away.
Hopefully this was one of those old ignorant people that should just be ignored. I would hate to think there are still people under 50 who walk around thinking those types of comments are socially acceptable to verbalize to random people. Not that there is an excuse for the behavior of old people. But let's be honest. What's the point of engaging them. Just ignore them. Teach the young so they will do better.
Load More Replies...The only privilege in the US is wealth. It comes with privilege, race is not a factor.
So Melissa, needs to be slapped and pretty hard. What an obnoxious person. The other thing I would like to point out, how can people get into Ivy League schools with that kind of punctuation and spelling?
Yes. There is privilege. White people with uhm... "Christian names", generally, and that gives the nuance: generally, overall, one group of people compared to any other group have a clear advantage to reach easier further with less hassle, less proving themselves, less hard work. The other groups of people are, in quite some cases, disproportionately behind, have to work harder, prove themselves more, and often doesn't reach as far. That is embarrassing, utterly wrong, off, racist, institutionalized, and in which I fully disagree. HOWEVER, that is the nuance, which does not mean that every single white person automatically have benefits from the overall privilege! Like this woman. No single fat person can be judged by an IG post, no "gangster in the hood" can be judged by an IG post, and, not every white woman who entered Yale can be judged by an IG post. I wish her well and that she succeeds!
don't know how to edit the post, but less should thus be lesser
Load More Replies..."I was LITERALLY on fire my entire senior year, in my seat, on the bus, ON. FIRE. I missed graduation for the skin graft surgery." "Yeah, but you're white."
After all that poor girl has been through! i am so proud of her and im here trying to pass 8th grade with all b's and giving it my best and nobody i know would say somtehing that stupid and rude to me! She should probably try harder and my aunt is from africa and she is married and due with a girl this month and she is graduating like a nice heres to that b*tch out there F u
Than person needs to figure her life out if shes gonna be like that,just because your a different color dosn't mean don't have rights. My aunt is from africa literaly and shes happily married to my uncle and is due this month with a girl and shes graduating collage
Fuming right now....Yesterday, my teenage nephew's English teacher told him that he is set in life because white people are handed everything. WTF!!!!!
I assume the child's parent will bring this up at the next parent teacher conference right?
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Yeah, Bye Bye sweetie is right. Ugh. Cut that idiot out of your life. And btw: CONGRATS!!! You have done so amazing! Happy Yale-ing!
I think we have a proudly someone proud parading their prejudice against the lower classes. This is the world we live in, the exploiter becoming a victim. And the victim entering the game, the "awareness of privilege" is the definition of Racism. They give us that opportunity to speak, and show how "superior" they are. Instead don't show any respect for whom don't brings advantage.
Granted, the complainer might have been more articulate, , the Yale-y response is sort of like 'mansplaining' but with a privilege bent.
When this "privileged "person gets to be a doctor that invented a cure and that B***H has the illness and has to come to her.....Two things....Be the better person and help her or say...sorry , we dont take your insurance. This Melissa has been scratched off as a friend.... Yes, she has that privileged to dump a-hole friend. IN FACT...Friendship is a privilege to matter who you are !
I have never been more confused. Are you even trying anymore?
Load More Replies...This is exactly what white privilege is about though. Yes, she had to work hard, very hard by all accounts, and good for her for achieving that. But, a person of color with all of those same setbacks would have had to have worked even harder though. THAT is what white privilege is. Recognizing white privilege does not diminish the hard work that white people do, it simply highlights how much more work that people of color must do.
And that's a reason to point out the white privilege on somebody who is celebrating her success, because...?
Load More Replies...This person needs to be b***h-slapped senseless. Oh wait...... she already has no sense!!
Everyone here pretty much agrees the same. The person is a jerk right? However, this is just like something Trump would do. Let's all get worked up because this person is an absolute idiot. Let's all take it personal and get all up in arms because this person is insensitive. I'm so tired of these stories and responses. Yup, I think we are wasting time getting all worked up because one person said stupid s**t because they are stupid. I'm so tired...stop looking for fights
I do wish we could have more constructive conversations about it here on BoredPanda. Seems in earlier posts a lot of folks just wanted to be mad at others. And others just wanted to yell back in disagreement.
Load More Replies...Sigh. What a lousy response from a "friend." And yet, it is also true. Rude, crude, and untimely, but true. Do you think a black kid or hispanic kid under these circumstances could have gotten into medical school? With names like "Ramirez" or "LaBron Johnson?" There is some bias in favor of asian and jewish names, but until medical applications are blinded -- name, race, gender, white privilege will seep in.
That person is obviously jealous and biased. Not all white people are privileged. Sadly it's a claim that helps s/he feel better about themselves. Why do I suspect this is a she?
The entire comment thread here proves that everyone is divided among racial lines. SO. MUCH. HATE.
Not sure it is as much racial as it is those posting having a different view point, and having no want to find common ground with others who are posting an opposing opinion. When you have more than one person doing this, it quickly becomes a bunch of angry rants. It also seems that non real-time communications like this, Comments section make it hard to achieve anything other than grandstanding posts. Lastly we don't know each other so it is easy to assume every response is an attack, which leads to more over reaction. It's unfortunate I was hoping to see a lot of good points made on this post.
Load More Replies...The percentage of African Americans entering Yale’s Medical School is 11%. While this is lower than the percentage of Blacks in the general population, it is higher than the percentage of blacks with a college degree. Qualified African Americans have no trouble getting into good professional graduate programs. I don’t believe that this is a case of white privileged at all. That being said, white privileged does exist. As an older white man, I benefit from it all the time (note, I don’t seek it out) . We do have to do something about undergraduate education. About a third of blacks go on to college, while half of whites do.
White privilege does exist, but Melissa was just being a c**t. Methinks she didn't get into Yale. If Mommy and Daddy bought her way into Yale, that would be one thing. But you can't invalidate someone busting their a*s to go to medical school like that. Schools actually prefer diversity; if there were two applicants who were otherwise equal but only one slot, without question it would go to a PoC, religious, or sexual minority.
The only privilege in this country is wealth. Nothing else.
Load More Replies...I guess he's not privileged enough to have decent friends, but what do you expect when you befriend lefties.
guess hes not privileged enough to have decent friends, but what do you expect when you befriend lefties.
What do I think? I think this is fake. This reads like a badly-written morality play written by someone who has no sense for how to write dialogue. Btw, if it is fake, as I STRONGLY suspect it is, I can also guarantee with 99.999999% certainty that the writer is white.
"While it’s undeniable that white privilege is a very real thing" No, it's not real at all. "white privilege" is a VERY made-up thing, it is an excuse used by the privileged minority of color and by emotionally r******d college kids to marginalize the majority population of the United Sates.
please turn off your computer before I lose any more brain cells
Load More Replies...Total jerk... I understand many people feel that way, cause is true, white privilege exists, but in this case is just hard work.
I love how Bored Panda is the king of harshly judging without knowing all the facts (energy drinks cause holes in your head, all men will harass a woman today, straight white people are evil, etc etc etc) but then they post an article about someone making an idiotic judgment and BP is like, "look how bad this is!!"
It's FAKE. The name on the letter is Michael, and it's on Google images.
Can anybody explain me, why someone who was accepted on Yale don't know how to discuss such a topics? Although her life was rough, and not much far from my own experience, what is her point? That she has no benefits of being white?! Does she really think, that person of colour with the same life has exactly the same opportunities as her being white? Even white homeless people has higher posibility to start new life than any homeless of minority in the US. Although I was strunggle a lot with money and had to work and study hard to achieve of what I have achieved, many of the doors where open and people did not judged me for thing that I can't possibly change (skin colour, accent, sexuality and so on), cause I'm white European male. My life would be much harder simply if I would be a women.
Maybe her point is: Don't s**t on somebody's success without knowing him/her? What is the point of pointing out white privilege on that, apart from belittling her success?
Load More Replies...Maybe some of those Whites who struggle dont understand this, but the idea of this "White Privilege" comes from the fact that for being white, you will always be ahead of the competition. Doesnt matter how hard youve studied, or worked hard, you'll still get noticed easier/faster than a minority (black, hispanic, asian, etc.) who have to work 10x harder to get noticed. I think that's what this means to people.
The girl in this letter continues on to saying her parents were alcoholics, took care of her siblings, worked and went to high school at the same time.. thats great and all, but I'm sure Blacks in the inner city may do the same on top of that, struggle living in the ghetto full of drugs, prostitution and getting killed by cops, or a Latino who grew up surrounded by gang families, while struggle to find jobs because they are the poster child of trouble-maker minorities. This white girl may have struggled, but she still had an ounce more of privilege for being White. Its hard for you to understand this because you don't wear the color of minorities skin. Even Asians who White people dubbed as the "model minority" struggle, and those Asians who work 10x hard struggle to get in Yale because you hear news about them putting a CAP on Asians attending their schools. AND THAT Sir is straight up discrimination. Link =
Load More Replies...Can that accuser please get her fingers cut off? She doesn't need them anyway.
That's not nice, to wish that upon someone else.
Load More Replies...Can the accuser please get their fingers cut off? She doesn't need them anyway.
To say - as the intro does - that white supremacy doesn't affect social issues is incredibly ignorant. It affects everything.
WTF. F*****g RIDICULOUS! I'm not one of the type that chooses to keep my head in the sand while denying the existence of white privilege. And I 100% believe it's vitally important to start conversations about such things, as uncomfortable as they may be. Change is hardly ever easy. But with all that being said, there's a time and place for everything and this CLEARLY was neither. Plus, it's laughably clear that yellow didn't say that stuff to start a dialog on privilege. I'm not a min reader but I feel pretty confident saying thatthis war about jealously. Yellow wanted to try and take red down a few notches to make her own self feel better. As cliché as is may be, misery truly does love company. I'm not going to tell people what they should or shouldn't be offended over. But me person, I find it more offensive that yellow is attempting to use such a serious issue as her own personal "weapon" to seek revenge in such a petty, jealously way. She has no right to cheapen this particular issue and I feel like she should be so ashamed with herself. But people like that (narcissists) never feel guilt or shame. Makes me sick. From what little I know about colleges, this particular school is no cake walk to get into and I think it's suppose to be one of the best of the best. So Red had to have absolutely worked her a*s off to be accepted. But yellow can't be bothered with that info, Yellow's far too concerned with talking s**t about Red's race to bother noticing that Red actually does has put in the hard work and dedication it took to earn such a prize. Hmmmm sure wish there were a word to describe such behaviour......well some of a gun ,there is! YELLOW IS A DIRTY FILTHY RACIST.
Ok yall...before the Grammar Nazis show up, I'm well aware of my typos. I knew better than to not go not through and proofread so I do sincerely apologize if it's harder to read.
Load More Replies...Naw you stupid, wealth is the only privilege and some one some where had to work there a*s of or get damn lucky. And that wealth can be wasted in no time.
Load More Replies...A f*****g Magician lol omg lol. I'm not positive but I doubt their is a black women on this planet who wants to be a f*****g magician lol
Load More Replies...This is fake. Tom Riedmiller assuming orphanages don't exist? Really?
Load More Replies...Ben Shapiro is an alt. right activist, why would anyone with half a brain follow his twisted logic.
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