There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for our four-legged friends. Especially if they have special needs. But this heartbreaking story from a caring teen girl shows that some human hearts are just too cold for animals.

“We have a special needs cat, Muffin, and she’s quite financially demanding,” the author started her post on the r/AITA subreddit, and continued: “Money is tight but I’ve saved up a pretty decent amount.”

Recently, her stepdad got an idea to euthanize Muffin, claiming that “if we were stranded on a desert island she’d be the first one to go.” Horrifyingly, the spine-chilling scenario almost turned into reality when the teen caught dad trying to sneak out the poor cat to euthanize it.

As you can imagine, the teen couldn’t risk the life of her beloved Muffin, so they ran away. She asked the internet if it was the right thing to do as the fear of ruining the bond with her mom started creeping in.


    This teen was forced to run away with her special needs cat after her stepdad tried to sneak out and euthanize it

    Image credits: barnimages (not the actual photo)

    So she shared her heartbreaking story on r/AITA amid the fears of jeopardizing the close relationship she had with her mom


    There are around 1.3M stepfathers in the United States. Fatherly reports that more than 1,300 new blended families form each day, and more than 50 percent of children under age 13 live with one biological parent and one stepparent. The current divorce rate can be to blame. Various studies showed that on average, a marriage in the US lasts seven years and roughly half of all marriages end in divorce.

    It’s no secret that the formation of blended families affects kids of all ages, and while for some the transition is smooth, many struggle. Researchers have suggested that kids who have experienced the divorce of parents have twice the risk of developing behavioral problems than kids with both parents.

    James H. Bray, a former president of the American Psychological Association, told Fatherly that “Most research shows that 15 to 20 percent of kids in stepfamilies do not develop within normal limits, compared to about 10 percent of kids from non-divorced families.” Having said that, he added that “the vast majority of kids in stepfamilies do quite well,” so it all depends on the particular situation.

    And this is what people had to comment on this whole incident