Bikes are an integral part of Dutch society. The flat landscape and short distances make it an ideal country for that.

84% of the Dutch population has one or more bikes. A world champion. We have 1.1 per inhabitant, more than runners-up Denmark and Germany, with 0.8. And way more than ‘bicycle country’ China.

On average, we ride 2.5 km a day, around 900km a year, totaling 15 billion km every year (compared to 175 billion per car).

We have 17,000 km of bicycle paths, 4,500 km of “scenic routes” and 65,000 km or roads fit for bikes. That’s twice around the world. Not bad for a tiny fleck of a country.

Some bikes are no longer fit to go around on, and get their pension, or are reCYCLED.

Here they are.


    Going Dutch

    The leftover

    A broken record comes to mind


    The yoga bike


    The flower girl


    Take cover. Blue



    Autumnal bikes

    Funky wheels

    The drop


    The high and mighty


    Hidden colors

    The missing link

    The DIY one

    Pretty in pink

    A very Dutch image (Haarlem)

    Playing nookie in the fields


    The bunk bikes

    The posh one

    Green is better

    The fallen ones

    Saddle up (rain protection covers)

    A bike parking in the center of Amsterdam features Delft blue images

    A clog on a bike, what could be more Dutch?


    Country bike, all happy in yellow

    A shop on a bike

    The hiding one

    Drunk, drunk, drunk


    The commercial one


    The museum piece

    Dutch, in flying colors

    Wet, wet, wet

    The parking lot

    The vertically challenged one

    The twins

    The flowery ones


    Not a bike bike, but a happy roller for sure