Workplace etiquette is very important. Good manners and politeness is what allows people to create harmonious office environments which are crucial to the well-being of employees. Respectful greetings and small talk is the glue that turns an array of different people with wildly different backgrounds and work styles into a cohesive team.
Now that a lot of workplace communication happens online, the need for courteous exchanges also extends to emails and instant messages. Internet etiquette or netiquette is a set of common rules that you can’t veer off of because of how easily written words can be misinterpreted.
However, sometimes it’s very tempting to go off script and cuss out a boss who clearly doesn’t get your boundaries. Or simply leave out the emotionally taxing pleasantries and get to the point right off the bat. Why are we in such a desperate need to start each exchange with “I hope this email finds you well”?
If that’s how you feel, the collection of posts below will make you feel seen. The list consists of netiquette fatigue as well as accidents including wrong attachments, unfortunate typos, and email avoidance. Prepare to relate and dive in.
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As He Should
So why is netiquette so tricky? It’s partly because the online communication channels and approaches to them are always changing. For example, a few years back, adding a GIF to an instant message or an email was common and signified a sort of casualness of the conversation. These days, GIFs are considered to be outdated. Ryan Broderick, and internet culture writer told The Guardian that these days GIFs are “basically the cringe reaction image your millennial boss uses in Slack. Rather than what they used to be, which was a decentralised image type for communicating on blogs and message boards.”
The everchanging nature of internet communication rules became even more obvious during the lockdown, when the online exchanges were, arguably, at the all-time high. When Zoom entered the scene, many people were arguing what’s more appropriate: turning on your camera or keeping it off? And if you do turn it on, do you use a background, blur your surroundings, or reveal your interior design choices to your co-workers? Should you or should you not use a beauty filter? There was no consensus there, we had to make those decisions on our own.
I'm Celebrating 10 Years Of This As My Email Signature At Work. To Date, Not One Person Has Noticed
Europeans Work To Live, And Americans Live To Work
When making such decisions about what’s appropriate, we tend to follow vague concepts we have learned over the years. In a paper published in 2023, the researchers found that it’s either things we have learned through personal experience of online correspondence or by observing what other people consider appropriate. That is to say, that there are usually no hard rules about what is acceptable and what’s not.
We do have some written online communication rules, of course. Most of them are actually related to emails. A quick search online will inform you about most important do’s and don’ts one has to abide by. Do write informative subject lines, but don’t overshare in your Out of Office message. Do format your messages correctly, don’t use all caps or stylize your email with bold and italics too much. Don’t forward spam or chain emails. Don’t email people about urgent matters—call or message them instead. And, for the love of all that is holy, do not click “Reply all” when responding to company-wide announcements, we don’t need to know how you feel about them.
I Wish I Had The Courage To Do That
Better Later Than Never
In My Defense R, And T Are Quite Close
Then there are, of course, unwritten rules that depend on your workplace and co-workers. What’s considered an email at one job can be a lengthy Teams message at another. One employer might be very liberal about emoji usage while another might consider them inappropriate and unprofessional. One employer might be adamant about keeping your camera on during meetings, while another is more lenient and allows people to keep it off at all times. What’s even more baffling, is that this can differ from person to person, all in the same company, making juggling these rules quite a feat for the employees.
Me Most Of The Days
Odd Ways To End An Email
Tag, You're It
That's perfect! You can also use 'up yours' for the more personal/professional emails.
Rules related to politeness, however, can make exchanges feel too sanitized. For example, many rulebooks tell people to avoid exclamation points as much as possible. Still, people love using them. It’s often the go-to for people who wish to convey positive enthusiasm while still refraining from using emojis. In a similar vein, the above-mentioned study also referred to a time when an employee witnessed their boss swearing during a Zoom call. And while for some this might show an awful lack of self-containment, the employee loved it as it made them feel more at ease with their boss.
HR At My Work Was Sending Emails To A Different Andrew In Australia For Over A Year. This Is His Response
I googled "drop bear". Can't stop giggling. It's the Australian version of the Monty Python's rabbit of Caerbannog.
Unhinged Email Sign-Offs Until My Boss Notices
So Crazy
My favourite to use is 'Oh, so sorry, it's still in my drafts folder and I didn't notice'
People also love getting less clean-cut emails because they can be more personal. Starting an exchange by asking your colleague how their vacation was or congratulating them on a big achievement can make them feel appreciated. Seeing your colleague’s pet or children, something that in a neatly organized work environment is not possible, can also help you relate to them and make you feel more connected.
Because You Spent Saturday And Sunday Thinking About That Email
We Got A Snowstorm Last Night. My (Female) Boss's Email Probably Shocked A Few People In Our Office
These contradictions and obvious gaps prompted scientists to dig into the topic. The researchers of the aforementioned study suggest that netiquette should be regarded as separate from in-person etiquette. In fact, according to them, thinking that it’s the same thing just online is what got us here, where internet communication is playing catch-up with the fast-paced online landscape. They say there should not be any do’s and don’ts as it is all dependent on the situation and the context.
Professional Work Email
Learn Something New Every Day
I Like This Way Better Than "I Hope This Email Finds You Well." This Sender Can Read The Room And Knows No One Is Being Found Well These Days
So, put those exclamation points wherever you want. Use an emoji here and there and attach a meme when needed. Talk to your boss about making a picture of Nicolas Cage your official signature—you never know what they might say. In other words, as long as you’re kind and polite, be your best online self that you can be.
I Was Just Going To Carry On Applying For Jobs With Chilli Beef Recipes
This Is So True
Free Like A Bird
Fair Enough
My husband uses “Regards”. I asked him why. He said he prefers it to “Sincerely” because that sounds like you’re trying to justify yourself as being honest. (My husband is the most honest man I know, who has an excellent reputation to uphold, so would never cheat anyone. Ever.) “Regards” sounds professional, but people will never know if it means high regards or low regards.
No One Will Notice
I Felt This
Company-Wide Emails Like This Usually Apply More To Some Than They Do To Others
“Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, "Would an idiot do that?" And if they would, I do not do that thing.” — Dwight Schrute
It's Monday And You Know What That Means
It's Almost Usable
Still working here because I have to pay bills, StitchIsCuteAndFluffy
Worst, Isaac / Still existing, Isaac / Just pay me already, Isaac / The living wage for a single adult without kids in New York, as of 2023, is about $35/hour (,, Isaac
I Literally Giggled About This All Day
I Wanted To Hurl Myself Into The Sun
Blame auto correct. Then include another example, preferably mentioning the new company policy requiring drop bears to be fed regularly in the parking garage... blame auto correct for that one in the same email, but avoid explaining what the original message could have possibly been.
Omg If I Were The Recipient I'd Be So Stoked. Would Show All My Friends And Make Them Jealous
Gotta Be The Second One. Do It For The People Who Are Not Paying Attention To What Is In The Middle
My Friend Sent This Email To His CEO And All Employees Using A Fake Account. "No One Should Have To Poop In Fear"
Unique Work Email Sign-Off
The Passive-Aggressive Smiley Gets Them Every Time
I had an email the other day that got my blood boiling. Being at home, I resisted the urge to reply immediately (which would not have been received well) and power washed the driveway to release my frustrations. That made all the difference because whilst I was outside, a second email arrived from the same source that dealt with the issue and I didn't need to answer after all.
As A Precaution, I Leave The Building After Every Email
My Husband Calls That Person My Representative
Same. I read my old clinic notes and wonder how the heck I wrote that.
Being A Millennial And Having To Deal With Work Emails
Apologizing For Your Own Existence Is Generally Just The Polite Thing To Do
I Don't Know Why Am I This Way
The Worst
A previous post suggests you leave the building immediately!!! Go!!!
It's A Matter Of Perspective
Maybe she's just trying to read the stuff in the bottom corner of her papers. :P