There are so many kick-ass things that come with being a woman, but harassment by creepy men is not one of them. These unwarranted advances come with an array of excuses, for example, the way she was dressed or her chosen profession. In the digital age, technology has provided an additional space for men to be pervy towards women, the most famous of all being the “dick pic.”

Well, one woman has gone viral on the internet for her genius response to one such photo. Adult entertainer Ginger Banks(nsfw) posted a screenshot on Twitter of an encounter she had with her harasser along with the caption, “My new response every time I get an unsolicited dick pick.” Scroll down below to see the creative way she responded and people’s reactions.


    Entertainer Ginger Banks recently received an unwanted ‘dick pick’ again

    Image credits: avn

    And came up with a genius response to fight back




    Image credits: thegingerbanks

    People on the internet applauded her for the creative idea