People In This Facebook Group Are Sharing Hilariously Unfortunate Names Parents Actually Give Their Children, Here Are 30 Of The Worst Ones (New Pics)
Every parent wants what’s best for their kid, bottom line. Name included. So no doubt they will be choosing it carefully, with time to reflect, think of alternatives and ask for feedback from people whose opinion they trust. Or so we think.
Well, this hilarious Facebook group with a whimsical name “That name isn't a tragedeigh, it's a murghdyrr” shows what happens when things take a very different direction. For one reason or the other, the result is a bunch of crazy, funny, and somewhat bizarre names that got shared on this group. They make us not only question the value our names carry, but also appreciate the one we have.
Scroll down though the hilarious collection below and be sure to check out our previous article with more names from “That name isn't a tragedeigh, it's a murghdyrr.”
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Bored Panda reached out to Ruth Zschoche, sci-fi author, artist and the creator behind the Facebook group “That name isn't a tragedeigh, it's a murghdyrr” to find out more about the community as well as her insights into the crazy names that get shared on there.
The idea for this miscellaneous group was born during the pandemic when Ruth turned to Facebook to be more connected to others in times of isolation. She went on joke groups, local and fan-based groups, shaming groups and other communities to distract herself.
When Ruth gave birth to a baby, she was active in a couple of mom and pregnancy groups and had to go through the baby naming process. She said to us previously that the group started on a whim from a funny tagline and it took off like crazy.
“We have over 75 thousand members now. It has been nuts,” Ruth told us. Today, she manages several hundred posts a day. “I wish I was getting paid for it,” she added.
The community has a lot of discussions that arise that are only peripherally name related, and that takes perhaps the most energy to manage, Ruth argues. “But they are, some of them, important discussions. The challenge is to make sure everyone (within reason) can share opinions on topics while being decent and polite to each other. These include race, gender, politics, religion, parenting, and cultural differences.”
Ruth believes that “any conversation can be held productively between people who differ on topics as long as people are able to see each other as real people with humanity, rather than just vestiges of a political stance they detest.”
Moreover, the group has seen more people sharing their own stories with naming their children or being named themselves. “We also have more people sharing anonymously from workplaces such as amusement parks, hospitals, schools, etc.”
Meanwhile, in terms of the names themselves, Ruth said that she has noticed more and more examples of names that are based on words that are not traditionally used as names. “Recent examples I have seen include Ridge, Rustler, Richochet, Umbrella, Tangerine, Pistol, Shield, Skylight… you get the point.”
When asked why people are so fascinated with all the crazy names, Ruth says that it has to do with the fact that naming is power. “Naming is identity. Naming places stickers of the world and history over the essence of folks before they are even born.”
“I also think that there is some truth to saying that people like being the observers of the strange and other, like seeing someone do a crazy stunt or watching a variety show. You want to admire the shenanigans and wince at the same time,” she added.
They are exactly the names I would imagine a “mommy blogger” would give her children.
Meanwhile, Ruth argues that people are also aware that what is “normal” is changing over time. “Things we see as tragedies now may be the Jennifer and Henry of tomorrow. This shift, like any generational shift, is fought against and marveled at. Judged and admired for the audacity. It will be interesting to see, in perhaps 20 years, what this generation of children think about their own names. What will be the tragedies of their parental generation? Will names come full circle or will they get even more wild?” the creator of the group wondered.
Having seen so many names so far, Ruth shared some insights on how NOT to name a baby.
“Top (though not all) tips to avoid being on this group:
- Do not respell common names in ways that violate how letters and phonics work in the English language. Recent examples – Graiesonn, Tammiey;
- Do not make body parts a segment of your respelled name. Recent examples – Tiphiknee, Toenee;
- Do not place apostrophes in your name if at all possible. Recent examples (also good for example, J’uelz Maxwell and J’uwelz Max.”
Moreover, Ruth’s advice is to not use a word that has a tragic meaning or context, unless the word is already in cultural use as a name. “Recent example – Macksim,” she noted. Another thing to avoid while naming a baby is to “not make matchy-matchy twin names, or have siblings who all share the same first syllable. Recent examples – siblings Jaden, Jaed, Jaidlynn, and Jadee.”
Ruth’s advice for a baby name is “to not replace vowels with y’s just because you can. Recent examples – Reyly, Brynzlee.” She added a couple more tips on how not to name a baby:
“Don’t add 'lyn' or 'lynn' to random words or names that really could do without. Recent examples – Jimmelynn, Wormlyn;
- Do not create your baby name by mashing your name with your partner’s name. Recent example – Christephany;
- Do not use names from a fandom that are not really names (often they aren’t for good reason). Recent examples – Caleighsi, Cruella.”
For those wondering if there’s an end to just how many crazy names can exist out there, Ruth believes there’s no end to inspiration.
“Ever hear the saying that given enough time, even a monkey can type out Shakespeare? Well, given enough time, an infinite number of names can exist. With a huge variation of how the letters in the English language can be rearranged to make names, if there is no limit on how many names or how long the names, the number of options are, in fact, infinite,” she explained.
Ruth continued: “And this is the true inspiration for the group – the endless variety of how humans imagine themselves and envision identities for their children,” she said and added that she finds it fascinating.
I read this quite early in the article... now I'm afraid
Load More Replies...My mom's name is actually Polaris. It's the North Star.
Load More Replies...Polaris is the North Star, and it's in Ursa Minor, so this makes sense. As Nikki wrote, not all that bad a name.
Polaris is the name of a buggy and ATV/UTV manufacturing company as well.
Not the worst, but could have changed it to star or something
This is not even half bad actually, given the shite names I've read so far ;)
This is not terrible. Unusual, but not terrible. The joke is on them in 13K years when the north pole star will be Vega (because of precession or "wobble" of the rotational pole)
If you can't have a star named after you, name your child after a star!
We have the Polaris prize in Canada....I guess ehe'll feel comfortable or confused if she moves here...?
At the moment, Ruth said that she’s “working on a project that explores classic words that are not traditionally used as names, but are fascinating for their meaning and history. They offer uniqueness that doesn’t require the respelling of existing names, or the complete fabrication of new ones. And interestingly, this exploration also garners a majority of names that are, in essence, nongendered definition-wise.”
The creator noted that some people have already started to explore this trend, but she thinks it can be taken much further. Ruth shares some of the names from this project, and some of the more wild names from the Facebook group, with commentary, on the Twitter account @NameMurghdyrrs so be sure to check it out!
We need to follow the lead of some European countries. You pick from names on an approved list, or you must submit a name for approval. The welfare of the child needs to supercede the parents desire to be idiots.
I think I'm still having a stroke because of the absolute stupidity of people and this list of names. This is why some people just shouldn't procreate and never be responsible for anything more than a pet rock. 🙄
If I had a child it'd be named Pfremylyx'ia78 (pronounced "dave"). I know it's an uh-mazeballzz name but please fellow Pandas don't steal it, it took me all of 9 seconds to think of it.
I´m so glad we have a government agency in Sweden for name approval to protect the children from stupid parents.
I was born Michael James Hunt, Michael Hunt, Mike Hunt (say aloud). My mother was informed four days after my birth by her friend exclaiming "do you know what you have named your son". Thankfully she changed it afterwards to her surname instead of father's.
The part that always gets me is the terrible spelling/letter choices. Sometimes "Alec" is fine, it doesn't need to be "Ællÿck".
So this is just proof of how stupid a lot of people are. I'm fascinated by how some of these so-called adults have lived long enough to reproduce without being eaten by bears or stepping in front of buses.
I lived in Japan for a few years. I knew a guy named Yohei (pronounced “Yo Hey”). I always greeted him by saying “Yohei, what’s up?”
Thank you mom for changing your mind about spelling my name "Stefany" so I don't have to spell my name for the rest of my life.
I used to work at a payment processing center and I had to look up a customer to make sure the amount was correct. The name: Harry Balls. Hope you’re doing fine Harry, who and wherever you are.
There was a politician in New Hampshire in the 90s named D**k Sweat.
Load More Replies...To be honest, i did this ... to my cat. And got it out of my system. I wish people could do the same.
Nothing here is quite as bad as what Elon Musk & Grimes have done to their poor kids. At least most folks can pronounce these dumb names.
The thing that was the scariest for me was #28 and the poster saying "tooken by me"
Pls don’t downvote bc it’s just my opinion, but I don’t think some of these are that bad. Reighnbeaux and Edge are ridiculous, but names like Myrakle and Royalty don’t seem so bad. My name isn’t common in the US (it’s Spanish), and I kind of like having a different name
But I'm sure it's a traditional name in your native country. These are just made up mockeries of names. My daughter has a common Polish name (Alina) and people think it's a made up one, lol
Load More Replies...1) I would like to thank my parents for my very common name (the worst I heard was stuff about Romeo) 2) thank the stars for the laws in my country! You can't just pull 7 random letters out of a scrabble box and call it a name
LOL. that's what my friends and I call these....Scrabble Tile Names...
Load More Replies...Got zero issue with "unusual" names, but that doesn't mean "Take a normal word and shuffle the letters". It means use sylablles that are phonetically unique together. Calling your child Elladayna is fine. Calling your child Everyday is not.
I went to 8th grade with these triplets. Two girls and a boy. The girls Porsche and Mercedes not awful names but the boy was named Chevrolet.... Also their parts both drive Toyota Corollas.
The Mercedes car company is named after the daughter of one of its founders.
Load More Replies...Lewis Black warned of this sort of thing when he met a social worker who had worked with children named Shithead (Shi-Thayd) and Abcde (Ab-Suh-Day).
My son has at least three boys in his school with variations on the name Jackson spelled with an X instead. I guess so the parents can insist on their kid's nicknames being Jax. I mean, you don't have to go through all that trouble. On a side note, went to school with a girl everyone called Dee. Later on, she reveals her full name to everyone and there was no Dee to be found. Turns out her brother had trouble saying Cynthia (or Cindy) so they nicknamed her Dee.
I've seen Jaxxxsin show up online. Really people don't pick out an onlyfans name fir your kid.
Load More Replies...I know things change over time so I wonder if a me from an earlier time would have found the changes in his time to be as trashy as I find these changes in my time. New names especially strike me as low-brow attempts to be clever or unique or whatever is the motivation.
We have a kid named Sincere at school and it always sounds odd to say it
And I used to complain about my mom spelling my pretty simple, classic name with “ee” instead of with an “i.”
I shouldn’t be allowed to have children. I would name mine after stars and stuff like Andromeda or Sirius… somebody stop me.
I very nearly had an Agatha Minerva five years ago. I held it back for our next dog.
Load More Replies...In my country the normal American name Steve pronounces and translates as ,,Stiff”. One family with surname ,,Swan” decided to name their boy Steve. In my language it sounded like Stiff Swan. I really hope that boy changed his name.
That's why some countries have laws that do not let you name your child "appletree" or "guindowlynn"
My girlfriend works in a hospital. One day she was helping in labor & delivery. When this woman gave birth, they asked her what the name would be. She looked around the room a little bit and then said "Nosmo King". My gf looked in the direction the woman was looking when she said the name and saw the "NO SMOKING" sign.....
Nick Cannon, Mariah Carey's Ex husband has 11 kids. Some of the names are: Morroccan, Monroe, Zion Mixolydian, Zillion Heir, Onyx Ice Cole, Legendary Love, Golden Saigon, Powerful Queen, Rise Messiah....the last one is Rise Messiah🤦🏻♀️ And Powerful Queen.
I don't get these rich guys who act like trailer park hillbillies. I guess men like Nick Cannon and Elon Musk enjoy paying child support.
Load More Replies...I thought I gave one of my sons a fairly rare name for a child - he's now one of three at his school, I still like the name though (Peter)
Sorry to disappoint you but Peter is not really a rare name?
Load More Replies...Some parents really need to remember that their pwecious wittle angels name is going to be on id's, resumes, applications. That they are going to grow up with cruel children. These are all kids that are going to be teased so hard. Like please name ur kid Sarah like a million other Sarahs so they *don't* get laughed at every day.
Yesterday I saw not one but two weird spellings of Abigail. Avigail and Abiageal
I worked with a man, whose daughter & husband produced his first grandchild. Her name: ABCDEE (pronounced Ab`-Cidee. After I stopped laughing 10 minutes later, I told him they got it wrong. Her name SHOULD have been ABCDEF (Pronounced Ab`-ci-def) guy stopped working at my job. This was almost 20 years ago & I've always wondered about that poor girl & how much she was bullied for her parent's complete disregard for their daughter's feelings. Kids can be cruel to each other (adults, too). Did they not realize that she would be an adult eventually, applying for legal documents, jobs etc? I only hope that poor child had the sense to change it when she became 18. I support uniqueness, too but ABCDEE? Don't even get me started on Elon Musk's kids names, or the kid in Kentucky (I think it was) whose parents named him Adolph Hitler & it became a huge story when the bakery at their local Walmart refused to write "Happy Birthday Adolph Hitler" on his birthday cake. What is WRONG with people??
I have a question- What are people's thoughts on names like Savannah and Indianna? These were popular names about 10 years ago and I never heard anyone with these names being bullied etc. They don't seem far removed from names like Lake and London which often turn up on these lists.
My mom worked with a lady who truly believed that because she had not picked out a name for her newborn baby girl that the hospital had named her for her. Female, pronounced Fem-All-A.
I just wanna say we really should also look at initials. On my fifth child third boy in a row I named him Wyatt Tabor. His last name starts with an F. As a teenager of course he loves it. I was not thinking about initials at the time obviously. Just saying...
My brother's initials are MRH and we loved being able to call him Mr H, and even funnier when he got letters addressed to Mr MR H
Load More Replies...Had a cousin name her baby Stoney. And my brother once had twins in his class named Fire and Ice
No, suipur speshul khreayatyve Mommas, the rest of us are NOT impressed when you tag your kid with something that looks like a Scrabble set threw up, is guaranteed to get the kid lots of mockery throughout their school years, forces your child to waste lots of time having to explain the spelling/pronunciation, or sounds like you think everyone else will consider your spawn The Royal Center Of All Universes. We just think you're questionably literate and don't even realize that's a human being you're tagging with random letters/sounds to show off your "quirkiness".
Give your child a strong name that will lead them to success in their life not a stupid name that leads them to a stripper pole.
I am really so happy that we went for Jim. No one will ask him what it means, how it is spelled of where it comes from. Just Jim. A strong short and powerful name. I cannot understand why you would want to burden tour child with all that b******t coming from these weird and unnecessarily complicated names.
Stupid. Yes, that's my opinion. My 1st Ammendment right to freedom of speech.
I'm not comfortable with making fun of unique names, do whatever you want. That said, naming a baby Bodacious is not ok 😬
We need to follow the lead of some European countries. You pick from names on an approved list, or you must submit a name for approval. The welfare of the child needs to supercede the parents desire to be idiots.
I think I'm still having a stroke because of the absolute stupidity of people and this list of names. This is why some people just shouldn't procreate and never be responsible for anything more than a pet rock. 🙄
If I had a child it'd be named Pfremylyx'ia78 (pronounced "dave"). I know it's an uh-mazeballzz name but please fellow Pandas don't steal it, it took me all of 9 seconds to think of it.
I´m so glad we have a government agency in Sweden for name approval to protect the children from stupid parents.
I was born Michael James Hunt, Michael Hunt, Mike Hunt (say aloud). My mother was informed four days after my birth by her friend exclaiming "do you know what you have named your son". Thankfully she changed it afterwards to her surname instead of father's.
The part that always gets me is the terrible spelling/letter choices. Sometimes "Alec" is fine, it doesn't need to be "Ællÿck".
So this is just proof of how stupid a lot of people are. I'm fascinated by how some of these so-called adults have lived long enough to reproduce without being eaten by bears or stepping in front of buses.
I lived in Japan for a few years. I knew a guy named Yohei (pronounced “Yo Hey”). I always greeted him by saying “Yohei, what’s up?”
Thank you mom for changing your mind about spelling my name "Stefany" so I don't have to spell my name for the rest of my life.
I used to work at a payment processing center and I had to look up a customer to make sure the amount was correct. The name: Harry Balls. Hope you’re doing fine Harry, who and wherever you are.
There was a politician in New Hampshire in the 90s named D**k Sweat.
Load More Replies...To be honest, i did this ... to my cat. And got it out of my system. I wish people could do the same.
Nothing here is quite as bad as what Elon Musk & Grimes have done to their poor kids. At least most folks can pronounce these dumb names.
The thing that was the scariest for me was #28 and the poster saying "tooken by me"
Pls don’t downvote bc it’s just my opinion, but I don’t think some of these are that bad. Reighnbeaux and Edge are ridiculous, but names like Myrakle and Royalty don’t seem so bad. My name isn’t common in the US (it’s Spanish), and I kind of like having a different name
But I'm sure it's a traditional name in your native country. These are just made up mockeries of names. My daughter has a common Polish name (Alina) and people think it's a made up one, lol
Load More Replies...1) I would like to thank my parents for my very common name (the worst I heard was stuff about Romeo) 2) thank the stars for the laws in my country! You can't just pull 7 random letters out of a scrabble box and call it a name
LOL. that's what my friends and I call these....Scrabble Tile Names...
Load More Replies...Got zero issue with "unusual" names, but that doesn't mean "Take a normal word and shuffle the letters". It means use sylablles that are phonetically unique together. Calling your child Elladayna is fine. Calling your child Everyday is not.
I went to 8th grade with these triplets. Two girls and a boy. The girls Porsche and Mercedes not awful names but the boy was named Chevrolet.... Also their parts both drive Toyota Corollas.
The Mercedes car company is named after the daughter of one of its founders.
Load More Replies...Lewis Black warned of this sort of thing when he met a social worker who had worked with children named Shithead (Shi-Thayd) and Abcde (Ab-Suh-Day).
My son has at least three boys in his school with variations on the name Jackson spelled with an X instead. I guess so the parents can insist on their kid's nicknames being Jax. I mean, you don't have to go through all that trouble. On a side note, went to school with a girl everyone called Dee. Later on, she reveals her full name to everyone and there was no Dee to be found. Turns out her brother had trouble saying Cynthia (or Cindy) so they nicknamed her Dee.
I've seen Jaxxxsin show up online. Really people don't pick out an onlyfans name fir your kid.
Load More Replies...I know things change over time so I wonder if a me from an earlier time would have found the changes in his time to be as trashy as I find these changes in my time. New names especially strike me as low-brow attempts to be clever or unique or whatever is the motivation.
We have a kid named Sincere at school and it always sounds odd to say it
And I used to complain about my mom spelling my pretty simple, classic name with “ee” instead of with an “i.”
I shouldn’t be allowed to have children. I would name mine after stars and stuff like Andromeda or Sirius… somebody stop me.
I very nearly had an Agatha Minerva five years ago. I held it back for our next dog.
Load More Replies...In my country the normal American name Steve pronounces and translates as ,,Stiff”. One family with surname ,,Swan” decided to name their boy Steve. In my language it sounded like Stiff Swan. I really hope that boy changed his name.
That's why some countries have laws that do not let you name your child "appletree" or "guindowlynn"
My girlfriend works in a hospital. One day she was helping in labor & delivery. When this woman gave birth, they asked her what the name would be. She looked around the room a little bit and then said "Nosmo King". My gf looked in the direction the woman was looking when she said the name and saw the "NO SMOKING" sign.....
Nick Cannon, Mariah Carey's Ex husband has 11 kids. Some of the names are: Morroccan, Monroe, Zion Mixolydian, Zillion Heir, Onyx Ice Cole, Legendary Love, Golden Saigon, Powerful Queen, Rise Messiah....the last one is Rise Messiah🤦🏻♀️ And Powerful Queen.
I don't get these rich guys who act like trailer park hillbillies. I guess men like Nick Cannon and Elon Musk enjoy paying child support.
Load More Replies...I thought I gave one of my sons a fairly rare name for a child - he's now one of three at his school, I still like the name though (Peter)
Sorry to disappoint you but Peter is not really a rare name?
Load More Replies...Some parents really need to remember that their pwecious wittle angels name is going to be on id's, resumes, applications. That they are going to grow up with cruel children. These are all kids that are going to be teased so hard. Like please name ur kid Sarah like a million other Sarahs so they *don't* get laughed at every day.
Yesterday I saw not one but two weird spellings of Abigail. Avigail and Abiageal
I worked with a man, whose daughter & husband produced his first grandchild. Her name: ABCDEE (pronounced Ab`-Cidee. After I stopped laughing 10 minutes later, I told him they got it wrong. Her name SHOULD have been ABCDEF (Pronounced Ab`-ci-def) guy stopped working at my job. This was almost 20 years ago & I've always wondered about that poor girl & how much she was bullied for her parent's complete disregard for their daughter's feelings. Kids can be cruel to each other (adults, too). Did they not realize that she would be an adult eventually, applying for legal documents, jobs etc? I only hope that poor child had the sense to change it when she became 18. I support uniqueness, too but ABCDEE? Don't even get me started on Elon Musk's kids names, or the kid in Kentucky (I think it was) whose parents named him Adolph Hitler & it became a huge story when the bakery at their local Walmart refused to write "Happy Birthday Adolph Hitler" on his birthday cake. What is WRONG with people??
I have a question- What are people's thoughts on names like Savannah and Indianna? These were popular names about 10 years ago and I never heard anyone with these names being bullied etc. They don't seem far removed from names like Lake and London which often turn up on these lists.
My mom worked with a lady who truly believed that because she had not picked out a name for her newborn baby girl that the hospital had named her for her. Female, pronounced Fem-All-A.
I just wanna say we really should also look at initials. On my fifth child third boy in a row I named him Wyatt Tabor. His last name starts with an F. As a teenager of course he loves it. I was not thinking about initials at the time obviously. Just saying...
My brother's initials are MRH and we loved being able to call him Mr H, and even funnier when he got letters addressed to Mr MR H
Load More Replies...Had a cousin name her baby Stoney. And my brother once had twins in his class named Fire and Ice
No, suipur speshul khreayatyve Mommas, the rest of us are NOT impressed when you tag your kid with something that looks like a Scrabble set threw up, is guaranteed to get the kid lots of mockery throughout their school years, forces your child to waste lots of time having to explain the spelling/pronunciation, or sounds like you think everyone else will consider your spawn The Royal Center Of All Universes. We just think you're questionably literate and don't even realize that's a human being you're tagging with random letters/sounds to show off your "quirkiness".
Give your child a strong name that will lead them to success in their life not a stupid name that leads them to a stripper pole.
I am really so happy that we went for Jim. No one will ask him what it means, how it is spelled of where it comes from. Just Jim. A strong short and powerful name. I cannot understand why you would want to burden tour child with all that b******t coming from these weird and unnecessarily complicated names.
Stupid. Yes, that's my opinion. My 1st Ammendment right to freedom of speech.
I'm not comfortable with making fun of unique names, do whatever you want. That said, naming a baby Bodacious is not ok 😬