50 Funny Memes Mocking The Absurdity Of Today’s Economy, Shared By This Instagram Account
Some might argue that memes are the currency of the internet, but a more accurate assessment is that they are like stocks, with rising and falling value based on just how many people think they are a good choice. At the end of the day, digital content currency isn’t what pays the bills, but we can still get a solid laugh out of it.
The “Wall Street Memes” IG page is all about the funny and often painfully relatable reality of money. So get comfortable as you scroll through, diversify your snack portfolio, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below.
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And when Trump takes over, you will lose your jobs if you are a Federal employee.
As often as some folks might see all this talk of debt, finances and financial instruments as overwhelmingly modern, the truth is that ever since we’ve started putting seeds in the ground, we’ve had a need to do more than just barter. Money, in the shape of a useful commodity, is multiple thousands of years old, which naturally means that laws around debt, contracts and payments are nearly as old as well.
The law code of Hammurabi, often considered the first codified legal system around, has multiple examples of property laws, including provisions for limiting debt collections from drought-hit farmers.
In 1980, the federal deficit was less than a billion dollars. After Reagan's trickle down policy, by the end of his second term, it was over three billion dollars, and it's gone up exponentially ever since.
And, instead of sharing, they want even more. As the French would say " off with their heads!"
It even specifies that the draught-victim would be immune from both debt repayment and interest repayment for a year. One has to imagine that this specificity was needed as folks interested in making money however they can have been around since the conception of civilization itself.
I don't mind paying taxes. It's getting my money ripped off by billionaire grifters and corporations that not only don't pay taxes, they get government subsidies, while I drive on pot holed streets.
There were even rules about investments, “If a merchant should give silver to a trading agent for an investment venture, and he [the trading agent] incurs a loss on his journeys, he shall return silver to the merchant in the amount of the capital sum,” which would fit right in with any amount of “Wall street memes,” given that, like the titular Wall street of old, these were used in places with actual walls.
Here your income must be three times your rent to qualify. Rents start at $1,000/month. Minimum wage, $15, works out to less than $3,000.
Incidentally, that is the actual origin of Wall street’s name, it was quite literally the street adjacent to the city wall in 17th century New Amsterdam. It was also a place where early merchants and traders would sell shares and bonds, unaware that this action would continue in this exact same place for the next three hundred years at a scale they could never have imagined.
He is not streaking. Streaking is running with no clothes on. So he shouldn't get any money.
Me at age 33 I don't want to wake up and pay for a place to sleep at. Life is better asleep.
I paid my student loans off after 16 years. But, I have no animosity toward people who had their loans forgiven. People should not have to suffer because they want to better themselves.
Money tends to attract money, which goes both for compound interest and financial institutions and business to flourish together. While recently Silicone valley has given it a run for its money, no pun intended, as far as gatherings of massive capital go, the name Wall street remains synonymous with money. And, as with nearly everything, humans take these ideas and hammer them down into memes.
I mean... 12 grand is still 12 grand. Frugal habits all 'round makes for homeowners.
Pay the loan, ditch the crazy fee structure and high interest rate. People who have been making their payments, but now owe more need help. A $30,000 loan that is now$100,000 is NOT the same loan you paid.
Except in the US, for-profit prisons make a lot of money for everyone except the taxpayers.
Tipping is out of control. I'm sorry, but I'm not tipping you for doing what you already get paid for and aren't doing anything to make my experience better.
Old fashioned boss. He wants to see his company succeed without huge debt, take care of his employees, and foster a safe, pleasant workplace.
Not gonna lie, I'm going to have to blame us the electorate for putting up with this nonsense.
In the 1950s, $8000 was a huge amount of money. Like two to four years' salary.
Gotta get that money to hand to the billionaires that have perfected regulatory capture.
i can cook 5 good meals for that money that will taste good. I cant afford delivery meals.
Some people got lucky. A colleague got into BTC back when it was below $400. Didn't buy a lot, but last time I checked he hadn't worked in the last 6 years. No, I didn't listen to him.
I have a spread sheet on my home computer that I keep all of my expenses.
I'm pretty old. I can remember 1968. Gas briefly dropped all the way to $0.23. Most of the time it was more like $0.30. With inflation today those numbers would be $2.09 and 2.72. Which is right about where gas is right now. (That's in Texas. If your gas is a lot higher it's mostly state taxes)
I don't think many people on this app voted for trump
I don't think many people on this app voted for trump