This Account Collects The Most Beautiful And Witty Tumblr Conversations, And Here Are The 50 Best Ones
InterviewYou probably already know how much we love reading books, dear Pandas. However, there’s a lot of beauty, wisdom, and wit to be found on the internet, too—you just need to know where to look. Tumblr, for instance, can be a wonderful inspiration for all kinds of writers, no matter the genre.
The @authorinmyhead Instagram page features some of the most interesting and funny writing prompts and advice from Tumblr. But you’re bound to enjoy these whether you’re a literature geek and writer (hello there!) or not—these Tumblr conversations crack open a window and provide a fresh perspective on real life and fantasy. Check out the best posts and don’t forget to upvote your faves as you scroll down.
Bored Panda got in touch with the founder and curator of @authorinmyhead, writer Maria Artemis Mavridou, the author of the dark fantasy book, ‘Of Shadows, Demons, and Lost Brothers.’ We asked her about the project, Tumblr’s culture, and the advice she’d give her fellow writers. Read on for our full interview with her!
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This is so sad. It makes me ashamed to be a man.
Load More Replies...That’s disgusting and awful. I completely get that. I was 5 and it was my uncle.
Load More Replies...aaand forevermore... you will talk to a 18-to-20-something male friend of yours who was chill for many years.. until he decides it's 'totally fair' for him to start dumping on you about how it's such BS that women are getting any consideration and whining about how men are all villainized... and THEN they are so miffed and shocked at you when you AREN't on board with their "Yeah, women get pregnant, so they're more costly to a company, don't hire them" attitude.
The nice thing about being a 75 year old woman is hopefully never having to put up with stuff like this anymore. Have been ogled at and whistled at etc. since I was 10 years old. Btw I was flat chested, dressed poorly and did nothing to make boys and men think it is ok to harass girls and women. Living the good life at 75.👍🏻👍🏻😉
Totally. I'm 43 and people kept telling me that women become invisible when they age and I was like "Do you promise?". I don't dye my hair or shave my legs and now that I'm unfückable, I don't exist to men any more. And it's everything I ever dreamed it would be.
Load More Replies...I’ll join in I am 7 years old a boy is bullied to the point of leaving summer camp for wearing pink and having pigtails I am 9 years old my teacher is fired for having relationships with high school girls I am 12 years old a boy is in my personal space and touching me while walking to class I yell for him to get away from me he doesn’t listen nobody cares I am 13 years old my 10 year old sister is told to pick a different dress because it will send the wrong message I am 15 years old I am verbally assaulted and threatened while walking to class I am 15 years old I am picked up by my mom while hanging out with friends because she’s too scared to let me walk a half mile home I am 15 years old I ask to go on birth control since I could get raped and pregnant and be forced to keep the child I am 16 years old I am cat called by a handful of guys and I worry if they will hurt me nobody tells them to stop I am 16 years old I type this message I want this to end I want to feel safe I dont
My Mom grew up in the 40s and 50s. She once told me that she wasn't popular with boys growing up because the boys in middle school and high school used to punch girls on the arm, and the girls were supposed to say "Ow! That hurt! Wow! You're so STRONG!" My Mom would punch them back. In the 1980s, my Mom was working at a place where men, with the SAME job title, same experience, etc. were literally paid 1/3 more than women. My Mom, a single mother of several kids, told them it wasn't fair and she should be paid the same. They said "Well, they're men, they have to be able to support a family." She mentioned some of them were single "Well, they'll GET a family later." She mentioned she HAD a family to support. They said "Well, you can get married and then your husband can support you!" to which she replied "I don't WANT to get married or be supported. I want to support myself!" My Mom may not have been popular with other people, but she was a great rolemodel to me.
Right? This is depressing as hell! I didn't expect this list to go so dark, so soon. Jeez.
Load More Replies...Sad that some boys/men think it's ok to behave like this. I'm proud to be raising 2 boys who stick up for girls. My older lad had to tell off another lad because he was trying to take a picture up a girls skirt.
As a man I agree I think it’s really important my gender hear this again and again and again.
Reading/Hearing about this kind of thing makes me so extremely scared for the future.
The comment about this happening to every girl is the one that is just the final gut-punch. Like, yeah, that's *exactly* why people need to hear this, understand it, and most importantly, STOP it.
... and rightly so. Anti-feminists need to understand that nobody WANTS this to be a sort of gender-specific ideology, but a notoriously reproduced part of the population doesn't allow society to overcome these fückedupperies yet, so ... the very least one can expect as an unavoidable result of being decent and reasonable is to be supportive of feminism. It's not all some discussion about words and the choice thereof - this is the real deal, this is happening, and opposing it, it seems, is - in the public opinion at least - linked to feminism, not to reason, decency or egalitarism. But, these have thesame results - not normalizing things like this, not shifting the blame to society or, which is especially cruel and disgusting, the victim. All those "She asked for it" ... the people claiming this to be should just imagine watching themselves from the outside ... sitting in the court room, having answered the tributes bureaucracy (date of birth, names of some ancestors, income, blablablablablabla), and then saying "Well, she wore that short skirt again, and I had already seen a glimpse of her panties - I'm not saying she explicitely said she wanted it, but her actions were speaking a different intention - if she wouldn't have wanted me to grab her by the [stupid censorism], why would she even wear panties in my favourite colour? If she hadn't wanted to get it on with me, why'd she have been moist already?" - just imagining being THAT one, I'd love to be able to hope, should at least stop a fair share of them from actually expressing these halfassly made-up excuses ... I really would hope that thoughtlessness would be a greater share of the people giving such statements than actually being convinced of having the right to ignore the explicitely expressed will, just because they saw or heard (or even just imagined to) something they find attractive. Also, I can't understand how people ca accept themselves being so controlled - and thereby proving to be controllable - by the means of instant sexual gratification. Isn't there, at least, SOME expectation applied to oneself?
I am 37 and was asked to cover myself while nursing my newborn by a man with a pornographic lock screen on his phone that sowed lactating breasts. Incidentally, I was at the hospital for a bilirubin checkup for my baby and he mentioned he was there to visit his sister who just had a baby.... do yeah, me too.
Heard stories from well-meaning men who didn’t realize how creepy some of their actions were. Such as asking a good friend to touch her boobs.
So I was about 7ish, and we were going on vacation with extended family (think cousins, aunts, uncles) and my mom told me to be careful what I packed for pajamas (my sister and I wore like frilly nightgowns and shorty shorts to bed) because my male cousins and uncles would be there. I remember spending a LOT of time wondering why I would need to cover up around family. Friends, sure. It makes me wonder if something happened to my mother growing up.
I never experienced anything like this. Only the „boys like you if they are mean to you“, but not if he had thrown rocks. Then he would have been scolded. Boys do not grab random girls asses neither. If they would, the girl would be perfectly in her right to slap him. And girls don‘t have to cover up if men come over. We have no dress code either, so there are no „dress code violations“. Boys and men are held accountable for what they do. They don‘t lack restraint. I often read the phrase „r*p* culture“…… this story sounds like the epitome of that phrase. Edit to add: I did not write this to be „superior“ or whatever some might think. I just wanted to show that it does not have to be like that and that it isn‘t like that everywhere! Life can be good for women too! There are lots of countries where women are treated fairly, equally, normal! I never had to fear going out after dark for example and never have I ever met a boy/ man who thought I owe him something when he was nice to me or that I wanted him when I was nice to him.
You were lucky, most of us aren't. Most of us have pasts like OP. You shouldn't talk of your experience as the only one.
Load More Replies...I'm sorry to say this but you need a "yet". If by some miracle you haven't experienced it before, you will. Sexism happens to everyone eventually. Men, women, boys,'s an unfortunate fact of life.
Load More Replies...Writer Mavridou has been running @authorinmyhead for 4 years now. The idea to start the page first came about when she was dealing with writer’s block—something that many of us have faced time and again.
“When I started the page, in 2019, I desperately needed inspiration myself,” she said that she was dealing with writer’s block and that nothing seemed interesting to her.
“I was searching for anything to give myself the spark to continue writing, to keep myself motivated. So I decided to gather all the content I could find in one place, like an inspirational portfolio.”
If you're an overly empathetic person, this is your life mission. Can confirm.
In the beginning, @authorinmyhead was mostly meant for Mavridou herself. However, she soon realized that she wasn’t the only one struggling with the lack of inspiration. “I kept searching and I kept posting, always making sure the original creator is credited with their username visible on the post, and it has already been four years of this.”
Mavridou revealed that her Instagram page wasn’t focused exclusively on Tumblr in the beginning. “When I started, I was a kid who had no idea how to blog. I was regularly posting memes and my page had no consistency,” she opened up to Bored Panda.
“Soon, I realized that Tumblr has pretty much everything you need. In my opinion, Tumblr is the best online community to express yourself, but at the same time, it's the hardest to find people to listen to you. So I combined the two: Tumblr and Instagram.”
Get rid of dysphoria and terrorize my grandmother all in one fell swoop
We were interested to hear what advice Mavridou would give someone who’s just now starting to write stories or to work on a novel. Perseverance, according to her, is a vital skill to have.
“There will be a million things that make you feel like giving up. You should believe in your story and believe in yourself. See your story as your child: it came from you and it's your responsibility to help it grow and watch it bloom.”
According to the writer, many of her followers have reached out to her with their problems. The two most common issues that they face include perfectionism and a perceived lack of originality.
“They want the story to be perfect, and they edit and edit so much that they're never moving the plot forward, only staying at the same spot. Personally, what I recommend is don't edit your story until the first draft is completed,” she urged. And we agree. The ‘write now, edit later’ philosophy is a very practical one, in our experience, because it keeps up the momentum and helps with the flow.
“Maybe along the course of the story you’ll decide to change a major plot point, and then you'll have to go back to changing things you thought were perfected and spent hours on. Keep in mind this: all your first draft needs to do is exist, so create it,” Mavridou said.
Meanwhile, some writers also feel the pressure to be completely original. “They may feel like what they write has been written before. Maybe it has. But not by you. No one else can have your thoughts, no one else can feel what you feel. Keep writing, express yourself, and you'll be rewarded,” she told Bored Panda.
Writer and Bram Stoker Award-winning editor Doug Murano, the founder of Bad Hand Books, previously explained to Bored Panda that it’s important to consider the idea that the basic units of meaning might be sentences, not words.
"If you're a writer, that means vary up your sentence lengths and listen to the momentum you're creating. You can lull your reader into a groove with sentences that stretch on, describe setting, investigate a character's state of mind or follow action. Then add a punch at the end with a shorter sentence. It works,” he said.
... I can SO see Tom Ellis being on board with "A very Lucifer Special" being all about this.
I would not buy this. As evidenced by my username, I would like to be a pink frilly princess
Meanwhile, editing is a vital part of good writing. "New writers often believe more is more and, as a result, they'll start doing something I call 'tap-dancing in front of a burning building.' Essentially, this means you're drawing more attention to yourself as a writer than the picture you're trying to create because you lack restraint. Let the reader fill in some of the gaps in their own minds and resist the urge to toss descriptive and figurative language in every sentence,” Murano urged.
This.. makes sense. I mean... teeth.. bones.. really, not terribly different...
Getting over writer’s block is no easy task. We’ve found that changing things up helps a lot. It’s perfectly fine to take a break from writing. Take the time to be out in nature. Move more. Meet up with your friends and spends some time on the other hobbies that you love so much. In short, you have to give your creative muscles enough time to recover. Enjoy life while you get some much-needed rest.
Penguin Random House suggests putting less pressure on yourself. You can, for example, write a few pages of random scribbling that’s meant just for you and you alone. It’s freeing because you don’t need to censor or edit anything. It can also help to write badly, on purpose.
Pretty sure... If someone advertises this service there would be people taking it.
Sigh... I guess no one has ever played the Monkey Island Games... the vegetarian Cannibals? Lemon Head? No? No one? Confirmed that they stopped eating humans because we are just awful for cholesterol?
At the time of writing, the @authorinmyhead Instagram page had just shy of 80k followers. It’s easy to see why so many people enjoy the posts. They’re fun to read and they’re overflowing with creativity. They’re also a fantastic inspiration for anyone who’s been dealing with writer’s block. The screenshots also provide a glimpse into Tumblr’s culture, a site that far from everyone uses these days but which still has a dedicated following.
Tumblr, which was launched back in 2007, was an immediate hit with internet users. It enjoyed immense popularity. So much so that, in 2013, Yahoo! Inc. bought it for a jaw-dropping sum: 1.1 billion dollars. However, the site’s power has waned over the years. In 2019, Automattic, the parent company of WordPress, bought Tumblr for less than 3 million dollars. Though still a large sum, it’s nowhere near what Yahoo! had paid for it.
According to Statista, in 2019, Tumblr had 472 million registered users and 376 unique visitors around the globe. Its decline started in 2018 after a public backlash due to the platform banning adult content.
Feel free to take a peek at Mavridou’s dark fantasy book, ‘Of Shadows, Demons, and Lost Brothers.’ She told us that the book is about a kid getting lost in the forest, his two brothers running after him, and the aftermath of it all. “It has magical creatures, a lot of dark moments, and a few emotional ones.”
Which of these Tumblr posts and writing prompts did you enjoy the most, dear Pandas? Are you working on any stories at the moment? Swing by the comment section to share your thoughts. And if you’d like some more witty Tumblr posts, check out Bored Panda’s earlier article right over here.
The rest of the movie involves involved schemes to get some other schmoe to save the person's life.
Too true. Then you play a TTRPG with 'adults' - and find out that some of them are just angry at you all the time.. then you find out it's because they're hurt or upset that they can't be glory hogs... so they are mad at you for actually having a good idea (that they did not think of)
been to italy. Italian Vampire: "What do you MEAN i can't be around crosses? IN ITALY?! Can't go out in the sun??? IN I T A L Y?????????"
I worked very late one night and was waiting for a train. While waiting, a group of young men walked up. They were wearing their "colors" which indicates gang members. I was a little bit scared but they talked among themselves and pretty much ignored me. When the train arrived they all jumped on but one young man held back. He motioned toward me and said "go ahead ma'am." I smiled a big smile and thanked him. It's easy to judge but not always accurate.
Lol similar premise to a Chinese webnovel, losing money to become a billionaire.
So... many of the Chinese 'wealth' lucky myth-creatures function like this... but they also don't have b**tholes because... they also function like a piggy bank... they keep all the wealth for you.. and it has no exit. Yeah. I know.. there I am, at 4 years old, listening to my parents tell me about the 3 legged frog... and why that third leg is planted squarely along the CENTER line of his rear...
I have often wondered about this... (remember reading the Narnia books as a child... that kid who turned into a dragon...) - I mean... DRAGON... why would I want to turn back into a human...? Dragon!!!!!!!! Seriously... you've met other humans. wtf, right?
Actual parents of depressed kids: “You have too good of a life to be depressed. You are spoiled. You’re just saying this so that your lazy a*s doesn’t have to do any work. You are so useless”.
Tumblr feels like all of the seventh graders in my school were given free internet access 24/7 which isn't good
My favourite Tumblr with prompt was one that had a zombie and a ghost come from the same dead body, so that the ghost is just watching the zombie just wandering into ditches and stuff. I think someone did a comic version too
Tumblr feels like all of the seventh graders in my school were given free internet access 24/7 which isn't good
My favourite Tumblr with prompt was one that had a zombie and a ghost come from the same dead body, so that the ghost is just watching the zombie just wandering into ditches and stuff. I think someone did a comic version too