To Express His Protest Against Unjust Rules, This Artist Humorously Hijacks Road Signs And These Are 30 Of The Most Creative Ones
Interview With ArtistStreet art is a unique form of art as it is often an expression of someone’s opinion or reaction to ongoing events. It is also different from traditional painting because the environment has to be part of the art and the artwork cannot usually be transported from one gallery to another.
Usually when we think of street art we imagine a wall or the ground as the canvas for expression. But French street artist Clet Abraham, who is based in Florence, Italy, chose to join his art with street signs and the results are quite interesting.
More info: Instagram
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Migration in Miami.
Migration is the story of humanity.
Clet Abraham studied art at the Fine Arts Academy in France. Before he moved to Florence and opened his studio, the artist restored antique furniture and was a carpenter.
Now he is most known for his sticker art and more precisely, his art on street signs. He shares his wok on Instagram where he now has over 90k followers. Sometimes the revamped signs are just fun and creative pieces but most of them have a deeper meaning behind them and are often related to current events.
It is strange, but looking at the three people of this image, the one that seems to me the least human of all it's the one in the middle.
Only who takes himself too seriously may end up looking like a clown.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you're not willing to laugh at yourself there are plenty of people willing to do it for you.
Bored Panda reached out to Clet to find out why he was attracted to street signs and he explained that road signs are a simple way of communication and he likes the directness of them, “I don’t want an art for learned professors but instead for those who do not usually compare with culture.”
He continues, “Road signs are also the symbol of a constant presence of authority, we are in a democracy and I think we must have the opportunity to question the rules, to discuss them, with the ambition of being able to improve them. I mean, we’re not just here to obey.”
We are looking for someone to control the controllers who control those who control the controllers who control the ....
It's curious, but since the bars reopened the street signs are different .......
Musician counter current, by night.
Love has no limits. No borders
When talking with Agata from Guide Me Florence, Clet explained that he is not against rules, but he is “against unjust impositions. Sometimes the rules aren’t just or justified.” Clet also says that even if he doesn't agree with some street signs or rules, he won;t go and destroy them but rather built something out of it.
He told Bored Panda, “I claim the concept of improving road signs, people look much more at them in my work, creating empathy instead of rejection of authoritarian and obtuse character. I think there is an educational character in my work that could also be of use to road safety.”
Once again, a human being has died under the weight of authority. "non mi uccise la morte ma due guardie bigotte, mi cercarono l'anima a forza di botte" (De André)
I tried translating the lyrics, but they certainly do not cross over to English well. Besides losing the rhyming, it loses a lot of the undertext, but I'll give it a shot anyway "It wasn't death that killed me, but two bigoted cops, they found and removed my soul with their kicks and their fists". This is not literal at all, but it conveys the message better than a literal translation (which I don't think can exist and still make sense)
As expected, the "strange animals" passed at the roundabout at La Carrière (Cap-Sizun, Brittany) and destroyed my character 2 days after it was edited.
If to a directional arrow I add two arms that point in the same direction, objectively I reinforce its safety message.
So when a public service employee destroys this work, there is no longer any consideration of public safety but only respect for orders.
So there is no longer a real public service but above all a service to one's own quarry.
And this with the taxpayer's money.
I would like to work for a better world and demonstrate through my work that claiming absolute respect for standards is the first obstacle to improving them ..... and therefore the first obstacle against a better world.
Democracy is not going to vote, it is on the other hand the freedom to criticize and to express this criticism, at all levels of society.
Particularly for civil servants, the duty of reserve and obedience to orders is a formidable obstacle to the improvement of society.
And I am amazed at the acceptance of this fact by society itself.
Today is the end of the lockdown in France, I don't know about you but personally I have the feeling of coming out of a very very deep hole.
But even if he doesn’t destroy the signs and sees his activity as art, not everyone accepts that. The authorities often consider the stickers on the signs as vandalism. The artist says that it actually depends on the country and on the city, sometimes the stickers can be removed the day after and in some places they stay for years and years.
Clet told Huck, “Where the authority or the power has some auto-criticism, my work remains, if not it disappears. The most violent and close-minded reaction came from Japan. In Europe I had some trouble in Brest (France) and Pistoia (Italy).”
I believe the cat because it is the living proof that hierarchy is not indispensable to a happy coexistence.
After 10 years in Florence, I thought it's time to pay homage to the Florentines who support me.
When you look through the photos on Clet’s Instagram, you quickly realise that he really likes the access denied street sign. The imagination never seems to lack new ways of seeing it.
We asked how the artist keeps coming up with new ideas when there is a limited amount of street signs. And we found out that it is the thing that inspires him, “I think that it is the limits that stimulate me, I do not tolerate the imposition a priori and seeing it generates in me the energy to seek an alternative. Our modern society is increasingly full of rules, I would rather encourage the sense of responsibility of each one.”
Is mister vaccine opening the door?
This can actually confuse people into thinking it's just art, and not a genuine sign.
I love bicycle.....
What are your thoughts on this kind of art and what do you think of the message that the artist Clet Abraham tries to send? Have you ever seen these signs in real life and what was your reaction? Tell us all about it in the comments and upvote the signs that you thought were the most creative!
Sunrise or Sunset?
Behind the cold rigidity of the authoritarian and conservative spirit, warm humanity, in its tolerance shines for all of us.
ARRÊT à Montréal, Québec. L’ART est une affaire d’équipe, comme l’amour. STOP in Montreal, Québec. ART is a crew story, like love.
Mai 68 Mai 2018. LIBERTÉ, OU ES TU ? Bordeaux (May 68 May 2018. FREEDOM, WHERE ARE YOU? Bordeaux. ).
Today, working on the street in Oslo, someone asked me:
-Is it legal what you're doing?
-This is not the good question I said, but rather: is it good or bad what you are doing?
Then he told me: -okay, but what does this design mean?
- it means that it should be forbidden to die in the Mediterranean sea just because you try to escape poverty or war.
I agree he says, but as long as there is misery and oppression somewhere in the world there will be those who try to escape, and we are all responsible even if this poverty seems far away.
Welcome to Oslo!
How to put a dragon in the street of Kaohsiung, Taïwan?
Just ask to the traffic engineering and the great staff of Pier2 Art Center.....
The law of the strongest.
Hey guys, courage, you just have 39678754 pieces left to stick!!!
It's vacation time!
I would love so much that all the authority obsessed, the psycho-rigid, the law-obtuse and the maniac of order would take a lot of time to rest well and why not, to do some gardening.
Perhaps contact with the beauty and bounty of nature could awaken in them more love and empathy for the others ...
Now here the real meaning of the sign is quite hidden. I admire the art, but...
Hi! In San Francisco there’s only ONE WAY
True gaming enthusiasts prefer to lose, like that the desire and pleasure to play is always there.
In fact, my condemnation by Italian justice to pay more than 10000 euros for sculpture of the "common man" is very stimulating.
I've had some interesting ideas about it and after summer I'll talk to you, the common man never dies!
This photo was taken last April in the beautiful city of Hamburg (you have certainly recognized it) where the allocation of car parks to citizens goes by playing at Rock, Paper, Scissors.
If the world is a beautiful red apple, then the prohibition is the worm?
This is just wrong road traffic sign is there for safety purposed and shouldn't be altered
The arrogance of this man is astounding. First, to claim the concept of something that people have been doing almost since the first road sign was put up is so false that it is ridiculous. Second, to potentially put others in danger is by definition to remove this from the category of art and places it squarely in the category of criminal vandalism. Shame on BP for promoting this!
This is just wrong road traffic sign is there for safety purposed and shouldn't be altered
The arrogance of this man is astounding. First, to claim the concept of something that people have been doing almost since the first road sign was put up is so false that it is ridiculous. Second, to potentially put others in danger is by definition to remove this from the category of art and places it squarely in the category of criminal vandalism. Shame on BP for promoting this!