40 Hilariously Relatable Art Memes, As Seen On This Online Group
Interview With ExpertThe artistic mind is a curious one. It's always searching for new ways to interpret the world and can find inspiration even in the mundane and unexpected.
And the subreddit r/artmemes embodies that spirit perfectly. A hub for artists, meme enthusiasts, and casual browsers alike, it invites folks to share their takes on the creative process, popular works, and everything else in between.
So we took up the role of a curator and handpicked a collection of its top posts to help you familiarize yourself with this awesome online community. Enjoy!
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Peace Is Not An Option Always
I prefer to say WWJJD...what would Judge Judy do? Im a rational person.
A Legend
To learn more about art, memes, and their impact, we contacted art historians Melanie V. Taylor and Dr. Ben Street.
Taylor specializes in 16th-century symbolism in European illuminated manuscripts and paintings and believes that memes can have a positive impact on the art world by, for example, sparking deeper conversations about it, but to do so, they need to avoid oversimplifying the subject.
"Where art is concerned, they can [...] poke fun at some aspects that the general public has difficulty understanding, such as performance art. Many do not understand that, and find it weird," she told Bored Panda.
He Clearly Did Not
He goes from teen to serial killer eyes and then schizophrenic
It Do Be Like That
My Charisma
"A meme may spark some interest, inspiring an individual to look deeper into the subject, and then they will find that the cave paintings and various sculptures from as long ago as 40,000 years ago could equally be mistaken for having been created within the last 70 years of post-WW2 expressionist movements," Taylor added.
Dr. Ben Street, who is an author, lecturer, and educator based in London, United Kingdom, agrees.
"I think memes can definitely have a positive impact on the art world," he told Bored Panda. However, he believes they shouldn't tackle questions surrounding the meaning of art. "No one's going to agree on that and it's not urgent. Instead, they should focus on wider problems in the art industry. There are so many. Memes can draw attention to them."
Meow You Rest In Peace
Every Single Time
I ache, with the bending of spine, dear, But much more for the blessing divine, dear, I can contort, Your favor I court, As I dance to the Medieval Limbo! (apologies to Tom Lehrer for that)
Got Em
*checks Microwave To Make Sure It Doesn't Spontaneously Combust*
BP, you missed one! Now I will be traumatized for life! /jk
One of such issues discussed on r/artmemes is the rise of AI in the creative industries. Many community members are concerned that the technologies can overshadow traditional artistry, and create posts about its authenticity, ownership, and the future of human creativity.
Their worries are understandable. After all, Los Angeles is even set to introduce the world's first AI art museum. Dubbed Dataland, it is expected to open its doors in 2025, in a new development next to the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Broad Museum, and the home of the LA Philharmonic, penetrating the space of the city's most prestigious cultural venues.
So r/artmemes does offer a medium for relevant conversations.
I Summon The Great Bob! (Not Mine.)
Strike A Pose
I find it hard to believe Sleeping Beauty never once had to get up to pee.
Daniel Was Saved Because He Said Pspspsps
Street, the author of How to Enjoy Art: A Guide for Everyone, acknowledges that memes can be a form of art in and of themselves, but questions the necessity of categorizing them as such.
Indeed, according to researchers looking at modern forms of communication, they are a language in themselves, with a capacity to transcend cultures and construct collective identities between people.
Simpler Times
There is a common misconception between life expectancy and life span. There are a lot of ancient Roman records showing people living well into their 90s in the 1st century AD. The human life span has been around 90 years for the last 2000 years at least. The question is whether you'd survive into adulthood, and then if you'd make it to middle age.
Poe Boy
Now I'm easy lore never more. Now I'm Usher House, never mouse. The Cask of Amontillado..... For meeeeeeeee.....
Just Don't
As Paolo Gerbaudo, a reader in digital politics and director of the Centre for Digital Culture at Kings College London told the BBC, these pictures "are one of the clearest manifestations of the fact there is such a thing as digital culture."
Memes are said to tap into collective online consciousness and have been referred to as digital folklore – or "Netlore."
They Gonna Kill Me
Louis Wain's Deteriorating Kaleidoscope Cats Are A Mood
These were supposedly the cat portraits by Louis Wain, documenting his descent into schizophrenia. However, while he did spend the end of his life in mental hospitals, we don’t know his diagnosis, and these paintings were not dated - he used this ‘psychedelic’ style earlier on in life too. It’s a cool story, but not necessarily true.
Clear Vision
As John Fisher highlighted, comparisons such as Hamlet versus South Park or Beethoven's Fifth Symphony versus Justin Bieber's "Eenie Meanie" can provoke thoughts about distinctions between "high" and "low" art. And so can memes.
But this line of thinking, according to Melanie Taylor, is a very personal one.
"Since the advent of photography (an art form in its own right from its beginning in 1839 on both sides of the English Channel) and the spin-offs such as cinema, newsreels, [and] docudramas (so many!), art is no longer a representation of a recognizable individual, place or time in history," she explained.
The context becomes intertwined, and "memes pointing to the content of paintings such as 'The Wreck of the Medusa' (1818-19) by Theodore Gericault would inspire some to look deeper into this history painting."
F In The Chat For My Boy Van Gogh
I've Got Stories For Days!
"The Medusa was a French naval frigate wrecked off the coast of Mauritania. 147 made a raft and in the next 13 days before they were rescued, 15 died and the survivors ate them to survive," Taylor continued.
"The painting was displayed in the Paris Salon of 1819 to wide acclaim as the wreck had caused a scandal in the French newspapers. Since the papers were the social media of their day, people flocked to see Gericault's painting and it made his name."
Every format serves its own purpose, and as Taylor beautifully illustrated, saying that one is "lower" and therefore less important than the other can be simply unfair.
What Do You Think Of This?
You Weren't Supposed To Do That!
Was One Of Those Kids
Is this supposed to be a painting of Michelangelo? That's pretty cool.
"When it comes to 'low' art, using Gericault's painting as an example, I put myself in his place as an emerging artist of the early 19th century," Taylor said. "In 1819, the painting was a representation of an event brought about by the incompetence of the captain of the ship, so [it] could better be described as a visual journalistic piece rather than the more academic history narrative that it now enjoys."
"This poses a further question: when does some 'low' art become 'high' art? The jury will always be out, especially with the more modern pieces, such as those by the American abstract expressionists [... like] Jack the Dripper — better known as Jackson Pollock — or even Picasso, [...] the Young British artists, such as Tracy Emin, Damien Hurst, and others [... as well as] those hopefuls emerging from the myriad number of art schools across the world; all have their place, and all have to start somewhere."
So do memes!
I'm Not Used To This
Their Faces Are Hilarious
First Contribution
Drawing Is Hard
The Irony
I'm really glad I haven't seen or heard from my bullies in almost 30 years.
And Now We Wait
Story Of My Life
I wouldn't do what he is doing, I'd be buck naked on that couch. Gotta get comfy and let it all loose and airy.
It’s The Cutest Story…
What? That's Outrageous! ... She Should Be On Roller Skates
Understanding images and iconography in memes is pretty much how I put my Art History degree to use these days...
Understanding images and iconography in memes is pretty much how I put my Art History degree to use these days...