50 Times People Posted Something So Hilariously ‘Dumb’ On X, It Ended Up On This IG Page (New Pics)
In the past, if you had a particular funny or insightful thought, at best you might get a chuckle from your friends. If you were really good, you might try your hand at stand-up comedy, but that’s a shot in the dark for most folks. But in the age of the internet, it’s never been easier to find an audience.
The “Really Dumb Tweets” Instagram account (ironic) is dedicated to collecting and sharing chaotic, random and hilarious posts from what was formerly called Twitter. So get comfortable as you read through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own thoughts in the comments below.
More info: Instagram
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I would like to join this coven! Perhaps we should start an unofficial one on BoredPanda.
I find a lot of times, turning around a passive aggressive statement or a creepy compliment or a double standard rule, turn it around on the person who said it to you, it's quite hilarious. They usually "get" what you're saying, they usually don't have a response, but at the very least, you can get really good at turning comments around. Practice makes perfect
As with any social media, Twitter took a moment to really find its audience, but its golden age was in many ways dominated by writers and comedians. In short, as it turns out, the character limitations are a perfect way to stimulate people’s creativity, as it takes away all the “freedom” that can leave creative folks struggling to come up with new ideas.
After all, on Twitter, you need to be short and catchy which, as it turns out, is a very important strategy in comedy as well. It’s very hard to make a joke that needs ten minutes of setup without a punchline.
This is a fantastic idea. It could be implemented on a city wide level. Libraries for happy et companions. The adoption rates would inevitably go through the roof.
People who are good at “Tweeting” (or posting, depending on your preference in phrase) know that you have to communicate your story or setup very quickly, to get across your idea in, literally, a handful of words. This is often a lot harder than it seems, as anyone who has tried to reduce an idea to a few sentences can attest to.
I think we needed to read a good air travel story about generous strangers pulling for someone. Not the usual fair we've been hearing about these last few years.
The flipside is that, if you have a good feed, you can truly hit a joke a minute just browsing Twitter (or X, if you really insist) on an average day. Of course, with more algorithmic content, you will also get exposed to some more questionable ideas, but at the very least, you are unlikely to be bored.
My nose is not runny. But I have a sore throat, a cough, and an earache. I might prefer a bit of a runny nose, honestly.
You should check for reflux, had the same for a long time and never thought of it because i did not have the typical symptoms of reflux. Some eldery specialist for throat and nose and stuff checked on me, she looked in my mouth for 2 seconds and decided i have silent reflux. Gave me an acie blocker, i thought this is complete bs, took it anyway. 3 weeks later it was gone 🤣. She was right, not all doctors are complete morons
Load More Replies...I actually do this. Every night before I go to sleep I try to think of a few things that I'm really grateful for, even if they're only small, and usually one of them is I'm so glad that I'm not sick right now even if it's just a cold, I'm so glad.... When times are tough and everything's expensive and life is stressful and everything is a struggle, life just feels overwhelmingly bad. Trying to think of three good things even if they're only small, before resting your brain for the night, I think it really helps.
I do a version of this with my daughter at bedtime: one thing that made us happy, one kind thing someone did for us, one kind thing we did for someone else, one thing we want to say thank you to our body for.
Load More Replies...My nose is runny 24/7, I have my father's genes to thank for that.
I did not know it could be genetic, my nose has been running since about 1983.
Load More Replies...My nose is NEVER not runny. It's why I have a tissue box and trash can in every single room of my house. And yes, I take meds and have had sinus surgery. I'm just doomed to be permanently snotty. ;)
I love this! My nose is often runny but instead of being annoyed by that I'm going to take this advice and appreciate the dry times like right now.
Had my sinuses cleared and nose surgically straightened after breaking it quite a bit in my youth. It's life changing!!! Get it done!!
I am just getting over a cold and have a sinus infection. I fully understand this post and will be very joyous on the day when I have NO drainage down the back of my throat!!
You never appreciate breathing out of both nostrils until a cold hits and it's gone.
I'm just happy & thankful when I can breathe equally out of both nostrils at the same time! rare, but awesome when it happens
I can't be 5ft from a tissue. Between allergies and 2X broken nose, it's constantly dripping. But what I'm noticing since setting up my humidifier is that I'm able to breathe through my nose. Both nostrils! At the same time! Aaahhhh.
Get cloth handkerchiefs. They won't hurt your skin like tissues can.
Load More Replies...My nose *and* my eggs are runny. I'm not the greatest breakfast cook.
As someone who’s been addicted to nasal spray for the past 43 years, the only time my nose DOESNT run is when I’m out of nasal spray, which is rare, and my nose is 100% blocked so nothing can escape. 🤕😞😰
I am 100% behind a racoon navy. I volunteer for admiral....Full disclosure, I will take my Racoon armada to Nassau and re establish the Pirate kingdom there.....also, I will be drunk like , 85/99% of the time.
Why do I feel like ur also HR and u just need a little drama at work
I would like to add the work place to this list, you should not have to pay to go to work
I'd be so much more well-adjusted if I'd had this. Having said that, I (on my own) made friends with as many adults as I could from a tiny age onwards. Ex: when I was 4 or 5 and the kids in school went onto the playground for recess, I went into the school kitchen, sat on a stool and ate toast and (maturely) chatted with the kitchen staff. Age 10 or 11 I would make friends and go out on outings with teachers (the young ones - probably student teachers in their 20s). Ha - I even remember when I was also about 4 or 5, riding the bus with my brothers (no parents) and making friends with whoever was seated behind me - I'd say something cheeky to kick things off - often this was the big HS kids riding in the back of the bus. One of them, a tall black guy, brought me a tiny troll doll, which totally kicked off my childhood collection of trolls (zero barbies). Good memories during kind of tough times. Thanks for reading.
Sounds like a story I heard when I was pregnant: A woman showed up at the hospital in advanced labour. The medic wheeled her into the hospital lift and she started saying "I think the baby's coming out right heeeeeeeere!" After she calmed the woman down, the medic said "Don't worry love, we once had a lady give birth on the hospital lawn out the front!" And the birthing mother said: "I know! That was me!"
Aw, that’s sweet. I, now in university, recently got a chance to say hi to my primary school headmaster. Don’t think he remembered my name (fair), but he seemed to recognise my face.
Can you imagine the kids face if this person wrote down the address, adopted the cat, then showed up at his house with the cat? Obviously not a good idea but the kids mind would be blown.
Popping a wheelie is the most appropriate way to give thanks.
You know you're living the highlife when you can see your pillow, TV, and kitchen sink from the toilet.
How to get fired in 10 Seconds or Less, in the Financial Services Sector
My Irish a*s is keenly aware of the suns hatred of me... I am wary of it...it stalks me...like an assassin.
I would say this is fake, but having been a gym rat...yeah.. these guys exist.
My partner has a 20 year old daughter, their bathroom has (at the last count) 4,783 different products in it for use in the shower / bath. If the local spa runs short of a cleansing product they can give them a call. Me? I have one bottle there, it’s got a label that’s says 75 in 1 on it, or something like that. It’ll do hair, face, body, car parts, glassware, kitchens and industrial spillages 😂
I grew up in the 80's. We had three solid months of summer vacation. It was glorious beyond words. Parents just turned us loose. We ran, rode bikes, skateboarded.... I mean, yeah.... some of us got tricked into the "Free candy" van... but most of us didnt.
I'm not gonna pay for premium to read 10 more stories in a listicle when there's hours worth of reddit stories on YouTube.
Hey, BoredPanda, you are a website that lifts the best posts from reddit and reposts them here. You don't create original content. We accept that the cost of this service is all the embedded ads. But I don't think asking everyone to pay for access is going to be a long term model for.success.
I don't care how many of these were real, I still liked them! Even the ones I've read before.
Bored Panda, take your premium s**t and shove it up your a*s where it belongs.
the most entertaining part of this article was seeing what graf666orlok got upset about
Just about everything, I think.
Load More Replies...So for me, post #50 starts but fades and it says, "Continue reading with Bored Panda Premium, Unlimited content Ad-free browsing Dark mode" Um, No thanks BP. The last few months you are leaning more and more heavily into stories of trash people treating other people like trash, as well as scraping older and older Reddit threads. But hey, thanks for encouraging me to just go to reddit where 85% of your material came from in the first place.
I found maybe 9 or 10 in this list i have not read before.....many times
This should be called 97 tweets we replay every week across about 7 different titles but today we're just going to put them all here.
You got that far? I reached no. 50 and hit "Continue reading with Bored Panda Premium" lol. Yeah I've been missing those tweets so much, it must've been days since I read them last, lemme get my card
Load More Replies...I'm not gonna pay for premium to read 10 more stories in a listicle when there's hours worth of reddit stories on YouTube.
Hey, BoredPanda, you are a website that lifts the best posts from reddit and reposts them here. You don't create original content. We accept that the cost of this service is all the embedded ads. But I don't think asking everyone to pay for access is going to be a long term model for.success.
I don't care how many of these were real, I still liked them! Even the ones I've read before.
Bored Panda, take your premium s**t and shove it up your a*s where it belongs.
the most entertaining part of this article was seeing what graf666orlok got upset about
Just about everything, I think.
Load More Replies...So for me, post #50 starts but fades and it says, "Continue reading with Bored Panda Premium, Unlimited content Ad-free browsing Dark mode" Um, No thanks BP. The last few months you are leaning more and more heavily into stories of trash people treating other people like trash, as well as scraping older and older Reddit threads. But hey, thanks for encouraging me to just go to reddit where 85% of your material came from in the first place.
I found maybe 9 or 10 in this list i have not read before.....many times
This should be called 97 tweets we replay every week across about 7 different titles but today we're just going to put them all here.
You got that far? I reached no. 50 and hit "Continue reading with Bored Panda Premium" lol. Yeah I've been missing those tweets so much, it must've been days since I read them last, lemme get my card
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