This Artist Has A Dog And Cat, And She Portrays Their Adventures In Her Comics (35 Pics)
Meet Brittany, the talented artist behind "Off Key Comics," a fun webcomic series that brings everyday thoughts to life with lots of humor. Since early 2020, Brittany has been sharing her funny observations and experiences through cute drawings featuring her dog, her sister, her cat, and the everyday stuff we all deal with.
Brittany has always loved cartoons, and starting Off Key Comics was a big step in her art journey. Her comics are known for being random and silly, telling stories that many people can relate to. With 42K fans on Instagram, the artist's work has captured the hearts of many who love lighthearted stories.
More info: Instagram | patreon.com
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me at my best friend's house trying to pet their pet chickens: have I displeased you some how?🥺😞😭
Send this to every dog-parent you know to prove that cats have won the war.
me and my sibs cleaning our room be like: these are mostly YOUR THINGS!
My usual New Years Goal is to make no New Years Goal, so that I don't need to feel that I failed.