40 Photos From Polish Social Media Profiles That Raise As Many Questions As They Provide Answers
Poland is a country in Central Europe with a history that spans over a thousand years. Its diverse territory extends from the beaches of the Baltic Sea in the north to the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains in its south, but in order to truly understand this place, we must look at the people who live there.
Enter 'Pictures from Polish profiles.' This Facebook page collects all the colorful photos that Poles upload to their social media accounts, providing a no-filter glimpse into their everyday life. From priests and policemen to football hooligans and babcias, continue scrolling to meet the folks and see what they're up to!
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According to Culture.pl, a website about the country run by its residents, Poles are really hospitable. "[As one] Polish saying goes: 'A guest in the house [is a] God in the house'. Hospitality plays a crucial role in Polish culture," they introduced themselves. "Poles often choose to entertain guests in their households, which on many occasions involves the preparation of a proper, home-cooked meal by the hosts. A spectacular display of Polish hospitality takes place during the Christmas and Easter celebrations when people invite numerous relatives and friends over for meals that often feature a whole array of home-made dishes."
Also, Polish people won't admit defeat. "Some might consider calling Poles 'indomitable' surprising, since Poland was once partitioned for over a century. Nevertheless, Poles were perceived as such, for instance, by the great Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges," the folks at Culture.pl explained. "There are a number of good reasons to share his view. Whenever Poland fell to foreign powers, Poles would rebel over and over again. Admittedly, most of our uprisings turned out to be crushing defeats, but that didn’t break our spirit ‒ we would simply prepare for the next rebellion. In the end, here we are, free and prosperous."
As the last point might suggest, Poles are also courageous. "Poland was the first nation to stand up to Nazi Germany when Hitler invaded in 1939. Shortly after this attack, Poland was also invaded by the Soviet Union and for some time battled against the two great powers at once, showing tremendous courage. During World War II, the penalty for lending assistance to Jews was death. Nevertheless Poles are the most numerous national group among the Righteous Among the Nations, people decorated by Israel’s Yad Vashem Institute for rescuing Jews from the Holocaust."
If he is a real priest and this is real holy water and he says the right words, it counts.
All of the struggles made these people really sharp. "In the 1940s, the Soviet Union imposed communism on Poland. This system led to many absurdities such as food stores having nothing but vinegar in stock. These realities forced Poles to become resourceful. For example, the so-called 'line committee' was a solution for those who needed to wait in line for a very long time. It was possible to register your place in the queue with a committee formed by a group of volunteers, and therefore leave the line without losing your spot."
But no matter what, they remain in touch with nature. "Recently, an acquaintance of mine from abroad visited Poland and was startled to discover that, during the summer, you can get wild bilberries and blueberries for a few złotys on every street corner. In his home country, wild-grown produce is a great and pricey rarity. Meanwhile, Poles will often pick their own wild-grown fruit as well as many different kinds of edible forest mushrooms. Pretty cool considering that, coming straight from mother nature, these things are as healthy as it gets."
Sounds like a gang I'd like to meet!
Hotel and restaurant "Alicja"
Good for them for bringing some color and style to such a drab place.
theres someone right underneath i can see part of his head AND IS THAT MF TAKIN A PICTURE
'Damn it Jakub, this is not what people put on their LinkedIn accounts. You will never find a job like this.'
Little explanation: I am on the group of Polish Pictures Community. The aim is to gather pictures which are 'very Polish' in the way they look. So there are funny pictures, but also wholesome, sentimental, sad, everyday etc. They are not gathered to make fun. This is why there is a lot of pope (or The Pope, cause in Poland many people are obsessed with John Paul II), a lot of priests, a lot of Kaczynski, but also a lot of our mums and dads, a lot of shops we are doing groceries, streets we are walking. A little bit of absurd, a little bit of megalomania, a little bit of simple lives with addition of families making bigos and veggie salad all the time. This is Poland and these are pictures of it.
I found all photos endearing - a bit more text would have been nice
Load More Replies...Looks almost exactly like Russia of the 1990s, minus the Pope. I'm sure these photos are not representative of the whole country.
They are not. On polish websites we have even crazier picture compilations captioned "Russia is not a place - it's a state of mind" also not representative of russian nation either. Both share common themes - old people having fun (I consider such pics kinda wholesome), hot girls in weird situations (like that gal peeling potatoes in formal attire), some crazy drunk idiots and religious figures in the wild.
Load More Replies...Except for all the pictures of Pope John Paul II, looks like Wisconsin.
Little explanation: I am on the group of Polish Pictures Community. The aim is to gather pictures which are 'very Polish' in the way they look. So there are funny pictures, but also wholesome, sentimental, sad, everyday etc. They are not gathered to make fun. This is why there is a lot of pope (or The Pope, cause in Poland many people are obsessed with John Paul II), a lot of priests, a lot of Kaczynski, but also a lot of our mums and dads, a lot of shops we are doing groceries, streets we are walking. A little bit of absurd, a little bit of megalomania, a little bit of simple lives with addition of families making bigos and veggie salad all the time. This is Poland and these are pictures of it.
I found all photos endearing - a bit more text would have been nice
Load More Replies...Looks almost exactly like Russia of the 1990s, minus the Pope. I'm sure these photos are not representative of the whole country.
They are not. On polish websites we have even crazier picture compilations captioned "Russia is not a place - it's a state of mind" also not representative of russian nation either. Both share common themes - old people having fun (I consider such pics kinda wholesome), hot girls in weird situations (like that gal peeling potatoes in formal attire), some crazy drunk idiots and religious figures in the wild.
Load More Replies...Except for all the pictures of Pope John Paul II, looks like Wisconsin.