50 Times People Captured Such Perfectly Timed Pics, They Had To Celebrate It By Sharing Them Online
What makes a photo memorable? Is it the lighting? The mood? The angle? Sure, all of those things are important. But! What. You. Really. Need. Is… impeccable timing! In fact, timing and rhythm are what great photos and wonderful comedy have in common. Without them, no technical know-how will save your work from falling flat on its face.
Fortunately, the world’s full of quality photographers who, either through skilled reflexes or sheer luck, take a snap at the right moment and capture a hilarious moment. Upvote your favorite perfectly timed funny pics as you scroll through this list compiled by the hard-working Bored Panda team and let us know which pics you loved the most and why in the comments.
By the way, you’ll find some more amazing photos that were timed so right you’d think the Universe was directly involved in our posts right here, here, as well as here. It was actually French photography legend (and our personal idol) Henri Cartier-Bresson who coined the term ‘decisive moment’ which is the point at which the photo is most significant.
Bored Panda wanted to learn more about the importance of timing in both photography and comedy, so we reached out to professional photographer Dominic Sberna. Have a read through what he said below. Psst, he's also got some advice for amateur photographers who constantly find themselves missing out on hilarious moments.
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Booped By Floppy Fren
This Cat Assembling Itself
Perfectly Timed
My brain keeps insisting that this really IS the woman's eye. The bit of bald skin around the eye and the base of the beak doesn't help. PERFECT line-up, perfect timing, I'm stunned.
Load More Replies...Wow! This is indeed perfectly timed. Gorgeous bird. Is it some sort of parrot? I've never seen quite that colouring before).
That is a beautiful bird. Does anyone here know what it is?
In any case it's a lory. Could be the black-capped lory. Very cute a playful birdies. :)
Load More Replies...It looks like it would be a cool idea for a mask for one of those dances that you need a mask for (Idk what it’s called)
On my screen, the ad for the BP post of a lady who does amazing face make-up was just alongside this pic, so you can guess where my mind went. But it's a super photo.
WOW!!! This one wins the prize!! Perfection, like she's wearing a mask!! So beautiful!!!!!
The person who took that picture was probably going crazy how epic it looks
Um, looks really pretty, but isn't the mask supposed to cover the mouth and beak?
According to photographer Dominic, timing is a "valued asset and skill" to some degree in the hierarchy of all the things important to a photographer. But it might not be the main thing, depending on the style of photography. "Planning out a shot or scene (depending on your style) takes time and planning. Composition is probably the most important in my mind though. One doesn't have to necessarily follow the rules of composition, but how a photo is laid out is going to make or break a photo. Some of the best photos in the world don't necessarily follow the rules of composition because their layout is made that much better by breaking them in a way that challenges the norm," he explained.
Dominic stressed that the style of photography we prefer to shoot will determine just how important timing is to us. "In sports photography, it's the timing of the shutter being clicked to capture that perfect moment. In landscape photography, more times than not, a photographer has planned an exact time to be at a specific location. In nature photography, it's a bit of both, as well as a bit of luck thrown into that one to see that special animal you're looking for."
This Diving Photo I Took Of My Friend Makes It Look She's Doing A Handstand On Water
Caught This Incredible Exploding Meteor When I Went To Rattlesnake Lake In Washington, USA Last Weekend. Zoom In To See The Exact Moment It Explodes In Two
Slipped And Fell While Photographing A Wedding Party. Snapped A Pic On The Way Down
How people react to a person falling, from quiet anticipation via a sneaky grin to sheer terror.
"Timing means something different to everyone, but it is of utmost importance at the end of the day. Some will say it's luck, some will say it's skill, but at the end of the day, I truly believe it is a bit of both combined with experience and the ability to learn from your previous work," the photographer told Bored Panda.
According to Dominic, if you ever find yourself constantly missing out on taking the perfect comic snaps, you have to keep trying until you improve, just like with any other skill. "Unless you know a hilarious moment is coming by recognizing that it's about to happen, is that it's a matter of just trying. Keep trying and it'll pay off eventually. Maybe not as fast as you would like it to, but like anything, if you work at it enough, it will come to you in time." So grab that camera or phone and keep at it, Pandas.
My Girlfriend And Her Friends Tried To Take A Group Photo, Alfie Wanted To Be In It As Well
Attempted To Take A Cute Picture Of Me And My Dog. This Was The Result
Learning The Hard Way
Go ice skating, they said. It would be fun and easy, they said. Is he a furry Eddie the Eagle, by any chance?
“We work in unison with movement as though it were a presentiment on the way in which life itself unfolds. But inside movement there is one moment at which the elements in motion are in balance. Photography must seize upon this moment and hold immobile the equilibrium of it,” Cartier-Bresson wrote in the preface of his photobook, ‘The Decisive Moment.’
For him, a meaningful photograph lies at the intersection of deliberate composition and instinctively feeling when we should take the picture.
“Sometimes it happens that you stall, delay, wait for something to happen. Sometimes you have the feeling that here are all the makings of a picture—except for just one thing that seems to be missing. But what one thing? Perhaps someone suddenly walks into your range of view. You follow his progress through the viewfinder. You wait and wait, and then finally you press the button—and you depart with the feeling (though you don’t know why) that you’ve really got something. Later, to substantiate this, you can take a print of this picture, trace it on the geometric figures which come up under analysis, and you’ll observe that, if the shutter was released at the decisive moment, you have instinctively fixed a geometric pattern without which the photograph would have been both formless and lifeless,” writes photography grandmaster Cartier-Bresson.
At A Bonfire. Wife Instructs Me To Hold My One Year Old Son High To Get A "Cool Shot". I Think It Looks Like I'm About To Sacrifice Him
Lightning Striking Simultaneously On Chicago's Three Tallest Buildings
She Landed On My Shoulder
Taking grandmaster photographer Cartier-Bresson's words to heart, we can see that what makes a hilarious photo, well, hilarious, is a mix between skill and luck. The photographer might not be controlling the outcome or all of the circumstances, but they’re consistently out in the field, using their reflexes and listening to their instincts that conspire to make them take the photo at the right moment. Right when things are most decisive and powerful.
Just like in photography, timing means a lot in comedy as well. Just imagine blurting out the punchline to a joke before your audience even had time to absorb the wind-up. Or the opposite: revealing the punchline once all the tension and anticipation has already evaporated.
The same applies to comic photos. A second too early or too late and the humor is gone or the entire tone of the image shifts.
This Man Saved Our Dog. You Can See Our Cat Jumping Out The Window
My Wife Just Texted Me This Picture Of Our Cat Playing Behind The TV
My Father’s Chair Failing At A Coast Guard Change Of Command
Love At First Sight
Picture Taken Of Woman Falling Before She Realizes She Is Falling
The Timing Of This Image Makes It Look Like My Nephew Is A Waterbender
This Is The Best Photo My Mom Ever Took Of Me
Never Skip Arm Day
One Second Before Disaster
Giraffe's Shadow Looks Like A Unicorn
My Cat Seems To Have Misplaced His Body Somewhere
I Snapped This Photo Of A Cardinal Jumping And It Looks Like He Is Floating
Maybe She's Barn With It
This Picture I Took Of My Dogs As The Ball Was Being Thrown
The Mythical Annubis
Caught My Crow Buddy Mid-Blink, Making Her Look Very Sinister
Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
Tried To Take A Chicken Selfie And Got This
She Kicked The Phone Out Of My Hands At Exactly The Right Moment
Nice “Four Head”
My Friend's Dog Sneaking It's Tongue Into His Mouth While He Was Laughing
Just Trying To Take A Nice Picture With My Cat
This Picture My Wife Captured At The Perfect Moment Of Our Cats
I Photographed A White Stag Mid Sneeze
Girl Scratches Her Back And It Looks Like A Horror Movie
Just A Typical Family Photo With Our Furbabies
It Has Since Moved
I Had Just Finished Saying “I Can’t Believe She Never Falls In!”
The Lid Coming Off Jonah Hills's Drink
"The internet has been very interested in this photo of me dropping my coffee. But we’re all forgetting the real tragedy here. We’re forgetting to mourn this coffee. I didn’t know it long but damn was our time together special. As fleeting as it was. I’ll never forget you."
Thought The Driver Of This Car Was Just Staring Me Down For No Reason
This Girl Looks Like She's Underwater And Jumping Into Water At The Same Time
My Baby's First Birthday. We Had No Idea There Was A Sparkler In The Candle
Years Ago My Brother Lost His Cellphone On A Roller Coaster. We Figured There Was No Way To Know When. Then She Saw The Ride Photo
Photo Of Me Noticing A Wasp Nest
What Could Go Wrong If I Take A Picture With This Gopher Snake I Found In The Road?
The Fall Of The Paella
My Parents' New Pupper Misjudged His Jump
I have learnt 3 lessons from this. 1. Don't hold your food out near the ocean. 2. Don't photo your fish until you are out of the water. and 3. Always check for bees.
4. Make sure you know where your cellphone is and that it's safe...
Load More Replies...i know that these posts were made on reddit, but i found this dude that had all the pictures from this posts, with the same description, in the same order on YouTube with almost 30K views. idk if this is bad r anything, but just thought it was weird... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrq0EAqhOo
there are more, this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC0Ep0OCY8k with this post: https://www.boredpanda.com/unique-pets-extra-toes-ears-polydactyl/ and this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXzTGB3fN3Y with this post: https://www.boredpanda.com/adopted-rescue-shelter-pets/
Load More Replies...Best reminder: Ask snakes first if they'd allow you a photo with them.
I'm not quite getting how this works? Last night I uploaded some pictures as it was taking submissions (my first time catching it, exciting!) The number in the title did not say 120, it actually reflected the real number--I saw 1-2 more posts after I submitted. They showed up. My phone shows my notifications that there has been a response. But the notifications don't bring me to the response, just the page---so I can't see who responds. My computer works that way - I click notifications, it brings me to the specific response. Yet, my computer does not reflect real time and shows notifications from my last log in, three months ago. I scroll down and it now only has 120 pictures, none of mine are showing. I get that there are probably SO many and algorithms only show you so much, and there were probably a LOOOOOT more submissions. But, why show that they went through, and show that someone did comment? I am confused!
Also: I am on the phone using Chrome, not the app. app doesnt work. I logged out of my laptop and logged in, and it gave me one notification from yesterday, and the rest from 127 weeks ago....BP Technical errors. They didnt respond to my email about this issue. I cannot edit my above post as it was made from the computer not phone. Anyway, I am side trailing a bit but that explains why I can't click a notification to go directly to a comment to me. UGH!
Load More Replies...I have learnt 3 lessons from this. 1. Don't hold your food out near the ocean. 2. Don't photo your fish until you are out of the water. and 3. Always check for bees.
4. Make sure you know where your cellphone is and that it's safe...
Load More Replies...i know that these posts were made on reddit, but i found this dude that had all the pictures from this posts, with the same description, in the same order on YouTube with almost 30K views. idk if this is bad r anything, but just thought it was weird... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrq0EAqhOo
there are more, this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC0Ep0OCY8k with this post: https://www.boredpanda.com/unique-pets-extra-toes-ears-polydactyl/ and this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXzTGB3fN3Y with this post: https://www.boredpanda.com/adopted-rescue-shelter-pets/
Load More Replies...Best reminder: Ask snakes first if they'd allow you a photo with them.
I'm not quite getting how this works? Last night I uploaded some pictures as it was taking submissions (my first time catching it, exciting!) The number in the title did not say 120, it actually reflected the real number--I saw 1-2 more posts after I submitted. They showed up. My phone shows my notifications that there has been a response. But the notifications don't bring me to the response, just the page---so I can't see who responds. My computer works that way - I click notifications, it brings me to the specific response. Yet, my computer does not reflect real time and shows notifications from my last log in, three months ago. I scroll down and it now only has 120 pictures, none of mine are showing. I get that there are probably SO many and algorithms only show you so much, and there were probably a LOOOOOT more submissions. But, why show that they went through, and show that someone did comment? I am confused!
Also: I am on the phone using Chrome, not the app. app doesnt work. I logged out of my laptop and logged in, and it gave me one notification from yesterday, and the rest from 127 weeks ago....BP Technical errors. They didnt respond to my email about this issue. I cannot edit my above post as it was made from the computer not phone. Anyway, I am side trailing a bit but that explains why I can't click a notification to go directly to a comment to me. UGH!
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