Naming your family pet is always a fun experience; less serious and with more room for creativity than naming a child, the pet names can be meaningful but still a bit silly. Because after all, the other animals aren't making fun of little Moonpie for his ridiculous name. Or are they?
Your local vet has an incredibly challenging, rewarding and often heartbreaking job, but hearing all the hilariously inventive and funny names that people have chosen for their furry friends must provide a welcome bit of light relief. This viral Twitter thread began at the vet where Caskie Mushens literary agent Juliet Mushens was waiting, and she overheard some of the unique pet names as they came and went. “I have two British Shorthair cats, Neville and Luna, and they were there having their jabs,” Juliet explained to Bored Panda. “Funny pet names are clearly a universally popular theme! I am a fan of old man names for pets, but I also enjoyed the incongruous names like ‘Tinkerbell’ for a Rottweiler.”
What about you? Scroll down below to check out some of the best tweets of funny puns in animal names below, and share your own stories in the comments!
Juliet started a twitter thread sharing the funniest animal names she's heard at the vet
Image credits: mushenska
Soon, many people joined in:
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One of my cat is named Ned and the other one Flanders. I thought it was funny 13 years ago...
I never watched star wars(never had the time) but this is adorable---------Turns out people are freaking out over me never watch star wars. I can't sit still long enough I have like 4 TV shows I have to finish (Lucifer, sex education,re-watching the office and criminal minds) OH and the lead singer of My chemical romance has a new tv show coming to Netflix sometime this month and I gotta support my baby Gerard Way!
My wife named all of our chickens, some of the names include: Elinore, Beatrice, Florencia b. Chicken, Victoria, and more. She gave them all proper English names except for the one I named. Which is a black chicken by the name of Morticia.
We have 2 cats. One black one named Ninja & a tortoiseshell one named Turtle.
My tortoise is named Zippy. I wanted her to have a positive self image. You can call her Missus Zippy.
Reminds me of the three little French kittens, une, deux and trois, who went for a walk on the ice, but the ice was too thin and the kittens fell in, and une, deux, trois cat sank.
My Aunt adopted a 3 legged cat in the nineties. He had been brought in to the shelter after he had been knocked down by a car. My cousin insisted on calling him Chumba Wumba after the pop group who was around at the time had a hit with the song "I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again. ".
in 2017 after Hurricane Irma, my girlfriend found a 3 month kitten under our car. we took him in and named him Mr. Meowgi. Our vet loves his name every time we take him for their shots
Dachshund named Stinkweasel. Leachie gecko named Butchy McBitchtits. Female dog called Reggie. Snake called A Boa Named Sue.
We recently took Pom-Pom Pompington to the vet. Well admired fluffy bunny she was and there was some giggles and laughter.
I adopted a very furry male cat that looked like a girl. The rescue center even had him named Mia. I knew I had to pick a manly name but Spike would just not cut it. So now he is Fluff Daddy. My wife nixed Flea Didy Fluff-Dadd...796360.jpg
My GF and I adopted a cat years ago, and named him Officer Friendly (he was very friendly, and had a black & white outfit, not unlike a police car). He had been to the vet before, and had his name recorded there. On a subsequent trip he was in a grouchy mood and at check-in she said he was being "officer surly" today. Not long after, they called "OFFICER SURLY!" The receptionist had actually changed the name in their computer system.
My favorite was a woman I knew who adopted a 3 legged rescue pup and named her Ilene.
My cat is named "Lucky". When I gave him that name, it never occurred to me that some day I'd have to walk into the Vet's office and announce, "I'm here to get Lucky!"
My husband and I took in a stray kitten that we were going to find a home for so we refused to name her because once you name them, they are yours... We called her The Cat, the day the ad went in the newspaper seeking a home for her, my husband said, "I'm tired of calling her The Cat, I'm going to call her TC for short" I told him he should call her Gray C. (pronounced Gracie) since she was a Gray Cat. Long story, short, her name was Gray C. for 16 years until we had to put her down from Cancer.
My pet names are pretty unique, My ferret who is a tiny little thing is named Sir Gregor Clegane, My dog is Named Shiva (after the hindu goddess of distruction, unfortunately she lives up to her name sake.), my Crawfish named Ebirah (after the giant lobster in Godzilla vs the Sea Monster) and my favorite, my fat frog named Agustus Glop
Name your dog "5 Miles" so you can tell people you walk 5 Miles every day.
When I was 11 I named our then-kittens Butter and Baguette. My family isn't letting me name pets anymore.
Reminds me of the cat from tumblr, Yardstick, who has only 3 feet. Love him so much. I have a female cat named Ashlyn, but we call her Satan. She’s, quite frankly, an evil little s**t.
I always like the names of Steve's cats from Ghosthunters. First was Ms. Sassylashes. The second was Home Depot (where he found the cat.)
A friend has a kitten called The Great Catsby. My literary heart melts every time...
Here is Charlie, he arrived at the house at the same time as the events of Charlie Hebdo in Paris. We were looking for a name and he logically answered "Je suis Charlie" IMG_6117-5...e-jpeg.jpg
I wanted to name our dog Doug. My parents didn't like it... so i was sad.
I named my Pomeranian Scarlett because although she was a very pale blonde puppy, her parents were the color of Irish Setters. I thought she'd darken later. 4 years later she's still blonde. Turns out her mom had an affair with a blonde Pom. Don't worry, I told Scarlett the shame was not hers.
When I was a kid my mom had a friend with a pet Boa Constrictor named Sneakers. I have a friend with a pit bull named Fluffy. But now as a someone who works in the veterinary field my favorite names were a Persian cat named Cyrus P Fluff Daddy and a family with 2 cats 1 named Mac, 1 named Tosh which I didn't get until the receptionist called their name out loud together.
I used to have a cat named Dog. Lol. He knew that it was his name too.
Me and my partner love the idea of big dogs with small names and small dogs with big names our first one is going to be ODIN!!!... the corgi xD
My dog is Argus, like Argus Filch from Harry Potter and I used to own a hissing cockroach, named Akaril Macaripolski Atanasov Madagascarski. It makes a little more sense in Bulgarian... or maybe not.
I named my dog as a contrast of her colour. She's completely white, and her name is Mud. In my native language sounds hilarious and people are giggling at. Also the cat is named Murder, he's white too with a tiny yellow strip, they live with my mum. I am planning with my boyfriend to adopt two cats this summer and name them Avocado and Humus.
I had a Netherland dwarf rabbit named Flareon, if she could she would set all the cats she attacked on fire. She was 1.4 kg on her heavist(the breed should be 1kg) but could gladly chase cats five times her weight. I never seen my friends huge 8+kg cat run from a tiny black rabbit who almost had a backflip when her leash ran short growling loudly, trust me when I say pissed rabbits make scary noises. My Flareon were after blood.
My ex used to rescue animals, and he was amazing at naming them. I had two favorites. There was a cat that he named Sylvie after the old blues song "Bring a Little Water, Sylvie" because her favorite thing in the world was to knock over anything with liquid in it. His first ever rescue he named Sovay. Also the name of an Andrew Bird song, sovay is an Appalachian slang that is a portmanteau of so very. It is used to describe any emotion that you experience to the overwhelming extreme. I thought it was perfect because you experience so many overwhelming emotions during your first rescue.
I've come across some great ones. There was a bonded pair of Pekingeses at a shelter that I volunteered at named Muscles and Capone. My mom's dog's name is Farrah. We picked her up out of a busy street called Farrow Rd where she was about to be hit by a car. Coincidentally it was the same day that they unveiled Farrah Fawcett's bathing suit in the Smithsonian. Plus she's kinda prissy (miniature poodle), so it suits her. My cat's name is Beatsie. My ex named him after a Beastie Boys song where Biz Markie sounds like he calls them the Beatsie Boys. Very few people at the vet actually get his name right.
I know a Donkey called Trevor, a Dog named Indiana (the family surname is of course Jones), a rat called Odo and a Cat called Leia.
I once had a cute little puppy and his sister we were going to adopt. I kept seeing a huge mouth on the male so I named him JAWS. His mouth! LOL They were little shih tzu's. We named the female CJ. Short for Calamity Jane. A little boy once asked her name and after we told him he thought we'd named her CUJO! lol I wish we'd have thought of it! lol
My cat's name is Aiedius, the beauty of Troubadour... we did not name him.
I have a cat called Mr. White. I called the cat Mytosis White (white toes). My husband renamed the cat Mr. White which is fine until it comes to vet visits. Mr. White is female.
I named my cat Twinkleberry but he goes by Twinkie :) paper-shre...873b85.jpg
I had a parrot named Bimbo - my dad called her that for her sillynes, and the name stuck 🤷♀️
Best dog name was Dammit. Kids told dad to name him that because he was always yelling damnit get in here! Damnit get off that!Damnit let's go! He came walking down during my friends outdoor wedding at her parents' ranch. Her dad hollered at him, it was funny!!
My kids named a chick Caroline. Caroline grew into a majestic rooster but he knew his name, so we just changed the spelling to Karolion.
My cat's name is GreTa. Its short for GREy TAbby. no one ever gets it.
My cat is named Suri (souris), aka Mouse, in French. Bc he looks like a mouse. XD and gets on his legs like a meerkat (suricat in French)
Let me introduce you to P. Ping the Tom turkey DSCF0047_s...49b705.jpg
We have a puppy named Zuzu - got her around Christmas time. Her full name is "It's a Wonderful Life". Unless you're a big Christmas fan, most people don't get it. And my parents had 2 cats named Heyyoo and Whomee. Calling them was really fun.
My current cat is Mocha, but I have had some strange cat names, like Purplesaurus (after the kool-aid) a huge a*s cat named Kitten and one named little S**t to name a few,
My nephew had a kitty that would jump straight in the air frequently. Named him Cocomo Joe SureHopsALot.
My mum has two cats, Magic, and Little Midd (missy for short) And my brother has a cat named Munchies I love them all
A pitbull at the dog shelter I used to collaborate with: Marlon Brandon
I had a lovely cat called Nzuri (which means beautiful), a chicken called Copernicus (known to all as Copper Nickers), another cat called Al Harijafa (a ginger called the Hairy Jaffa by everyone) - I like weird names for my animals.
I once had a 30 pound solid black cat named Spooky. He was such a frady cat. He was afraid of his own shadow. Never once did I see him.
My brother's Rottweiler has a mole on his cheek so his name is Robert DeNiro, Bobby or The Bobster for short.
My brother's turtle that I got him years ago for his birthday is named Jitters.
This is my 18 year old ragdoll cat called Miss Kitty Fantastico but we call her fluff bum I also have a 3 legged tabby, formally known as Mistress Mable but also Stumpy. IMG-201812...dc044c.jpg
Meet Polly Polydactyl, I trapped her near where I work. We have not been able to pet her for 7 years. She decided a few months ago that my husband may now have the honor. This is her right before her spay. Look at those toes. :-) Polly-5c5c...d24e16.jpg
We had a hen with an injured leg who never walked quite right, her name was IHOP.
We had another old hen who had lost a lot of feathers and had way too much skin showing. Her name was “Roti”, short for rotisserie.
I have a female cat called MARCO POLO, like the famous italian explorer.. I found her with other two kittens, maybe they were one month old, the mother abandoned them and they were so little I couldn't understand if they were male or female. so i called them, in honor of Venice, near wich I live: MARCO POLO, FENICE and DOGE.
My Aunt adopted a 3 legged cat in the nineties. He had been brought in to the shelter after he had been knocked down by a car. My cousin insisted on calling him Cuumba Wumba after the pop group who was around at the time iii
My scientific cats. Niko (Nikola Tesla) and Ada (Ada Lovelace) :) Niko likes to eat and hunt. Ada likes to destroy and watch demoscene videos? Her favourite is CoCoon - Terminal 7 miaus-60ba...c52490.jpg
Over the last forty years, we have named all our Basset Hounds after Italian food: Pepperoni, Panini, Linguini, Cannoli, and Lasagna.
I know someone who bought a purebred dog officially named Wascally Wabbit. He called it Fudd. I also know a dog named BradPett. And once knew a cat named Chaircat Mao (RIP). His owners said they believed he was a reincarnation of Chairman Mao because he was born on the day Mao died, and the first thing he ever said was, "mao".
My kids named a chick "Caroline" who grew into a majestic rooster. Caroline knew his name so we just started spelling it Karolion.
my friend had a cat called popcorn when she was a kid. I now have a very fat one called Bavin
I want to name a pet The Plague. A vet will come out and say, "The Plague!"- "How did you get that mark on your arm? It was The Plague." -"Is The Plague in the house or outside?" - "*arrives at the groomer* I'm here to get The Plague" - And should it get loose, "The Plague escaped! Help! Stop The Plague!" and ultimately "Don't worry, I caught The Plague!" The best name I've seen personally was a group of 4 dogs at the park. Doodle, Streudel, Noodle and Oodles. They were all in a wagon labelled The Poodle Caboodle. I had to take a picture with them! Cutest little things I've ever seen!
Got a pup named Prince but I've been calling him Bubbie (like the whale from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, even tho he's small and not a round pup) and Pub for most his life.
My friend has a 3 legged rescue dog who he calls 'Tripod', very simple but always gets people talking.
That puppy is so cute I love him or her well she or he reminds me of my neighbors dog
I think my two faves are a mastiff named Lady Catherine De Burge. (Pride & prejudice ref) And a cat named Yardstick.... who has 3 feet.
My friend's dog is named DOG (pronounced Dee-OH-jee) and the cat is named CAT (pronounced See-EH-tee).
Got a cat named Luxus cause he waltzed right in, got comfortable and laid like a king in luxury. ;) A former she cat I grew up with was named graffiti, cause she was a calico. :) we just calles herwas fidi. Anotger I named after a pokemon, and another Loppe, which is the Danish word for Flea. XD
My mother-in-law has a cat named Betsy Macaroni because she let her then 4-year-old grandson choose her middle name. Recently we let him choose our kitten's middle name, so we have a kitten named Zuri Boo.
i have six cats with very creative names, unfortunately most of them have italian references (since i am italian) and explaining them would spoil the fun. flip harkonnen von throtta though has an international approach. flip is eega beeva's gangarone in the disney universe; harkonnen comes from frank herbert's dune saga; von throtta is a tribute to thomas mann's the buddenbrook (one of my all-time favourite novels) where lieutenant von throta is a minor character, doubled the "T" because flip likes to trot very much like a dressage horse XD
Two of mine are Bucky the Whisker Soldier and Furriosa (like Furiosa from Mad Max, but with fur)
I have a cat. Named her Cher. People think it's really stereotypical what with me being gay n' all but, really, it's short for Chernobyl. Found her as a kitten at a dumpster that looked like some nuclear wasteland.
I have a pug/chihuahua named Flapjack that is often called Bubbles and I used to have another dog named Taco Bella, she was also a chihuahua. We always had an affinity for food based names for dogs lol.
My dog's name is Snaggleface and my cat's name is Princess Meowzers
My friend had a persian cat named Shovel Face because of her breed's squished in face. We had a cat named Jello.
I once met an English bulldog named Cornwallis. Great name!
I've had a lot of crazy names for animals over the years but my favorites are all from the same family of rescue cats. All solid black with yellow eyes. Lestat, Boomstick, Thunderbutt, Goop, and Mr, Spock.
my friend Joe had a cat named "No Dad", they knew who the kitten's mother was, but not the kitten's father...
I had a cat called Claudius, on his first visit to the vet we found out he had a deformed palate so stammered. And we now have a dog called Kermit the Dog, the rabbits are much more prosaic with River and Valentine
When I was 4 I named my goldfish Simon and Garfunkle, it was 1982 I had a hamster named Nuit (night in French and she was a dark brown almost black colour). I had a beta fish named Archimedes, my daughter had fish named Max and Ruby and right now we have a dog Maverick, but we call him the doctor (among other things) because he has scruffy hair like the 11th Doctor
I had a cat named Lucifer, later changed to Lucyfer, because it turned out, she was female. Still called her Lucifer.
i have a cat nammed kiki bell. the reason we nammed her that was cause of my moms boyfriend cause hes deaf and thats the only thing he can say of a cat name
A friend of mine just got a new kitten, a small fluffy white one. I asked him its name, and with out skipping a beat my buddy says "Zorgon the Destroyer".
I had a rescue cat named Turnip...because he just turned up!! Also had a ginger named Milkshake!!
My friend named his cat Ivan Hoe (pronounced as E-van Hoe). And here I thought I was creative when I named my cat Banshee.
My Chantilly cats name is Mooch, or Moochi(y). Her full name is Moochindenomnoms, but she mostly answers to Mistress Fuzzypants. Her vet fawns over how beautiful and small she is lol 8 years old and bounces between 4 - 6 lbs
We always have jazz cats. The previous generation were Ella and Louis and now we have Nina, Sarah, and Charlie. I wanted to name Charlie Bird instead, but I was overruled.
My Siameses name is Jack the Ripper, Jack for short. You have to see my furniture to really understand.
I was very conscientious when getting my dog that someday I would be wandering the alleys of my town screaming his name at the top of my lungs at 3 AM, so Riley came to be. I now have a grandpuppy named Little Ooffy. *shakes head*
Mine are named Sushi and Geisha...a Japanese Spitz and a Chow Chow. Love those girls so much!
Our tuxedo tabby (meaning he's got 4 white feet) that we rescued from starving in a park in the late, late fall: Frost Claw, Winter's Herald. Last time we were at the vet, one of the assistants was raving about how she tells everyone that's her favourite pet name.
My Aunt adopted a 3 legged cat in the nineties. He had been brought in to the shelter after he had been knocked down by a car. My cousin insisted on calling him Chumba Wumba after the pop group who was around at the time had a hit with the song "I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again. ".
in 2017 after Hurricane Irma, my girlfriend found a 3 month kitten under our car. we took him in and named him Mr. Meowgi. Our vet loves his name every time we take him for their shots
Dachshund named Stinkweasel. Leachie gecko named Butchy McBitchtits. Female dog called Reggie. Snake called A Boa Named Sue.
We recently took Pom-Pom Pompington to the vet. Well admired fluffy bunny she was and there was some giggles and laughter.
I adopted a very furry male cat that looked like a girl. The rescue center even had him named Mia. I knew I had to pick a manly name but Spike would just not cut it. So now he is Fluff Daddy. My wife nixed Flea Didy Fluff-Dadd...796360.jpg
My GF and I adopted a cat years ago, and named him Officer Friendly (he was very friendly, and had a black & white outfit, not unlike a police car). He had been to the vet before, and had his name recorded there. On a subsequent trip he was in a grouchy mood and at check-in she said he was being "officer surly" today. Not long after, they called "OFFICER SURLY!" The receptionist had actually changed the name in their computer system.
My favorite was a woman I knew who adopted a 3 legged rescue pup and named her Ilene.
My cat is named "Lucky". When I gave him that name, it never occurred to me that some day I'd have to walk into the Vet's office and announce, "I'm here to get Lucky!"
My husband and I took in a stray kitten that we were going to find a home for so we refused to name her because once you name them, they are yours... We called her The Cat, the day the ad went in the newspaper seeking a home for her, my husband said, "I'm tired of calling her The Cat, I'm going to call her TC for short" I told him he should call her Gray C. (pronounced Gracie) since she was a Gray Cat. Long story, short, her name was Gray C. for 16 years until we had to put her down from Cancer.
My pet names are pretty unique, My ferret who is a tiny little thing is named Sir Gregor Clegane, My dog is Named Shiva (after the hindu goddess of distruction, unfortunately she lives up to her name sake.), my Crawfish named Ebirah (after the giant lobster in Godzilla vs the Sea Monster) and my favorite, my fat frog named Agustus Glop
Name your dog "5 Miles" so you can tell people you walk 5 Miles every day.
When I was 11 I named our then-kittens Butter and Baguette. My family isn't letting me name pets anymore.
Reminds me of the cat from tumblr, Yardstick, who has only 3 feet. Love him so much. I have a female cat named Ashlyn, but we call her Satan. She’s, quite frankly, an evil little s**t.
I always like the names of Steve's cats from Ghosthunters. First was Ms. Sassylashes. The second was Home Depot (where he found the cat.)
A friend has a kitten called The Great Catsby. My literary heart melts every time...
Here is Charlie, he arrived at the house at the same time as the events of Charlie Hebdo in Paris. We were looking for a name and he logically answered "Je suis Charlie" IMG_6117-5...e-jpeg.jpg
I wanted to name our dog Doug. My parents didn't like it... so i was sad.
I named my Pomeranian Scarlett because although she was a very pale blonde puppy, her parents were the color of Irish Setters. I thought she'd darken later. 4 years later she's still blonde. Turns out her mom had an affair with a blonde Pom. Don't worry, I told Scarlett the shame was not hers.
When I was a kid my mom had a friend with a pet Boa Constrictor named Sneakers. I have a friend with a pit bull named Fluffy. But now as a someone who works in the veterinary field my favorite names were a Persian cat named Cyrus P Fluff Daddy and a family with 2 cats 1 named Mac, 1 named Tosh which I didn't get until the receptionist called their name out loud together.
I used to have a cat named Dog. Lol. He knew that it was his name too.
Me and my partner love the idea of big dogs with small names and small dogs with big names our first one is going to be ODIN!!!... the corgi xD
My dog is Argus, like Argus Filch from Harry Potter and I used to own a hissing cockroach, named Akaril Macaripolski Atanasov Madagascarski. It makes a little more sense in Bulgarian... or maybe not.
I named my dog as a contrast of her colour. She's completely white, and her name is Mud. In my native language sounds hilarious and people are giggling at. Also the cat is named Murder, he's white too with a tiny yellow strip, they live with my mum. I am planning with my boyfriend to adopt two cats this summer and name them Avocado and Humus.
I had a Netherland dwarf rabbit named Flareon, if she could she would set all the cats she attacked on fire. She was 1.4 kg on her heavist(the breed should be 1kg) but could gladly chase cats five times her weight. I never seen my friends huge 8+kg cat run from a tiny black rabbit who almost had a backflip when her leash ran short growling loudly, trust me when I say pissed rabbits make scary noises. My Flareon were after blood.
My ex used to rescue animals, and he was amazing at naming them. I had two favorites. There was a cat that he named Sylvie after the old blues song "Bring a Little Water, Sylvie" because her favorite thing in the world was to knock over anything with liquid in it. His first ever rescue he named Sovay. Also the name of an Andrew Bird song, sovay is an Appalachian slang that is a portmanteau of so very. It is used to describe any emotion that you experience to the overwhelming extreme. I thought it was perfect because you experience so many overwhelming emotions during your first rescue.
I've come across some great ones. There was a bonded pair of Pekingeses at a shelter that I volunteered at named Muscles and Capone. My mom's dog's name is Farrah. We picked her up out of a busy street called Farrow Rd where she was about to be hit by a car. Coincidentally it was the same day that they unveiled Farrah Fawcett's bathing suit in the Smithsonian. Plus she's kinda prissy (miniature poodle), so it suits her. My cat's name is Beatsie. My ex named him after a Beastie Boys song where Biz Markie sounds like he calls them the Beatsie Boys. Very few people at the vet actually get his name right.
I know a Donkey called Trevor, a Dog named Indiana (the family surname is of course Jones), a rat called Odo and a Cat called Leia.
I once had a cute little puppy and his sister we were going to adopt. I kept seeing a huge mouth on the male so I named him JAWS. His mouth! LOL They were little shih tzu's. We named the female CJ. Short for Calamity Jane. A little boy once asked her name and after we told him he thought we'd named her CUJO! lol I wish we'd have thought of it! lol
My cat's name is Aiedius, the beauty of Troubadour... we did not name him.
I have a cat called Mr. White. I called the cat Mytosis White (white toes). My husband renamed the cat Mr. White which is fine until it comes to vet visits. Mr. White is female.
I named my cat Twinkleberry but he goes by Twinkie :) paper-shre...873b85.jpg
I had a parrot named Bimbo - my dad called her that for her sillynes, and the name stuck 🤷♀️
Best dog name was Dammit. Kids told dad to name him that because he was always yelling damnit get in here! Damnit get off that!Damnit let's go! He came walking down during my friends outdoor wedding at her parents' ranch. Her dad hollered at him, it was funny!!
My kids named a chick Caroline. Caroline grew into a majestic rooster but he knew his name, so we just changed the spelling to Karolion.
My cat's name is GreTa. Its short for GREy TAbby. no one ever gets it.
My cat is named Suri (souris), aka Mouse, in French. Bc he looks like a mouse. XD and gets on his legs like a meerkat (suricat in French)
Let me introduce you to P. Ping the Tom turkey DSCF0047_s...49b705.jpg
We have a puppy named Zuzu - got her around Christmas time. Her full name is "It's a Wonderful Life". Unless you're a big Christmas fan, most people don't get it. And my parents had 2 cats named Heyyoo and Whomee. Calling them was really fun.
My current cat is Mocha, but I have had some strange cat names, like Purplesaurus (after the kool-aid) a huge a*s cat named Kitten and one named little S**t to name a few,
My nephew had a kitty that would jump straight in the air frequently. Named him Cocomo Joe SureHopsALot.
My mum has two cats, Magic, and Little Midd (missy for short) And my brother has a cat named Munchies I love them all
A pitbull at the dog shelter I used to collaborate with: Marlon Brandon
I had a lovely cat called Nzuri (which means beautiful), a chicken called Copernicus (known to all as Copper Nickers), another cat called Al Harijafa (a ginger called the Hairy Jaffa by everyone) - I like weird names for my animals.
I once had a 30 pound solid black cat named Spooky. He was such a frady cat. He was afraid of his own shadow. Never once did I see him.
My brother's Rottweiler has a mole on his cheek so his name is Robert DeNiro, Bobby or The Bobster for short.
My brother's turtle that I got him years ago for his birthday is named Jitters.
This is my 18 year old ragdoll cat called Miss Kitty Fantastico but we call her fluff bum I also have a 3 legged tabby, formally known as Mistress Mable but also Stumpy. IMG-201812...dc044c.jpg
Meet Polly Polydactyl, I trapped her near where I work. We have not been able to pet her for 7 years. She decided a few months ago that my husband may now have the honor. This is her right before her spay. Look at those toes. :-) Polly-5c5c...d24e16.jpg
We had a hen with an injured leg who never walked quite right, her name was IHOP.
We had another old hen who had lost a lot of feathers and had way too much skin showing. Her name was “Roti”, short for rotisserie.
I have a female cat called MARCO POLO, like the famous italian explorer.. I found her with other two kittens, maybe they were one month old, the mother abandoned them and they were so little I couldn't understand if they were male or female. so i called them, in honor of Venice, near wich I live: MARCO POLO, FENICE and DOGE.
My Aunt adopted a 3 legged cat in the nineties. He had been brought in to the shelter after he had been knocked down by a car. My cousin insisted on calling him Cuumba Wumba after the pop group who was around at the time iii
My scientific cats. Niko (Nikola Tesla) and Ada (Ada Lovelace) :) Niko likes to eat and hunt. Ada likes to destroy and watch demoscene videos? Her favourite is CoCoon - Terminal 7 miaus-60ba...c52490.jpg
Over the last forty years, we have named all our Basset Hounds after Italian food: Pepperoni, Panini, Linguini, Cannoli, and Lasagna.
I know someone who bought a purebred dog officially named Wascally Wabbit. He called it Fudd. I also know a dog named BradPett. And once knew a cat named Chaircat Mao (RIP). His owners said they believed he was a reincarnation of Chairman Mao because he was born on the day Mao died, and the first thing he ever said was, "mao".
My kids named a chick "Caroline" who grew into a majestic rooster. Caroline knew his name so we just started spelling it Karolion.
my friend had a cat called popcorn when she was a kid. I now have a very fat one called Bavin
I want to name a pet The Plague. A vet will come out and say, "The Plague!"- "How did you get that mark on your arm? It was The Plague." -"Is The Plague in the house or outside?" - "*arrives at the groomer* I'm here to get The Plague" - And should it get loose, "The Plague escaped! Help! Stop The Plague!" and ultimately "Don't worry, I caught The Plague!" The best name I've seen personally was a group of 4 dogs at the park. Doodle, Streudel, Noodle and Oodles. They were all in a wagon labelled The Poodle Caboodle. I had to take a picture with them! Cutest little things I've ever seen!
Got a pup named Prince but I've been calling him Bubbie (like the whale from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, even tho he's small and not a round pup) and Pub for most his life.
My friend has a 3 legged rescue dog who he calls 'Tripod', very simple but always gets people talking.
That puppy is so cute I love him or her well she or he reminds me of my neighbors dog
I think my two faves are a mastiff named Lady Catherine De Burge. (Pride & prejudice ref) And a cat named Yardstick.... who has 3 feet.
My friend's dog is named DOG (pronounced Dee-OH-jee) and the cat is named CAT (pronounced See-EH-tee).
Got a cat named Luxus cause he waltzed right in, got comfortable and laid like a king in luxury. ;) A former she cat I grew up with was named graffiti, cause she was a calico. :) we just calles herwas fidi. Anotger I named after a pokemon, and another Loppe, which is the Danish word for Flea. XD
My mother-in-law has a cat named Betsy Macaroni because she let her then 4-year-old grandson choose her middle name. Recently we let him choose our kitten's middle name, so we have a kitten named Zuri Boo.
i have six cats with very creative names, unfortunately most of them have italian references (since i am italian) and explaining them would spoil the fun. flip harkonnen von throtta though has an international approach. flip is eega beeva's gangarone in the disney universe; harkonnen comes from frank herbert's dune saga; von throtta is a tribute to thomas mann's the buddenbrook (one of my all-time favourite novels) where lieutenant von throta is a minor character, doubled the "T" because flip likes to trot very much like a dressage horse XD
Two of mine are Bucky the Whisker Soldier and Furriosa (like Furiosa from Mad Max, but with fur)
I have a cat. Named her Cher. People think it's really stereotypical what with me being gay n' all but, really, it's short for Chernobyl. Found her as a kitten at a dumpster that looked like some nuclear wasteland.
I have a pug/chihuahua named Flapjack that is often called Bubbles and I used to have another dog named Taco Bella, she was also a chihuahua. We always had an affinity for food based names for dogs lol.
My dog's name is Snaggleface and my cat's name is Princess Meowzers
My friend had a persian cat named Shovel Face because of her breed's squished in face. We had a cat named Jello.
I once met an English bulldog named Cornwallis. Great name!
I've had a lot of crazy names for animals over the years but my favorites are all from the same family of rescue cats. All solid black with yellow eyes. Lestat, Boomstick, Thunderbutt, Goop, and Mr, Spock.
my friend Joe had a cat named "No Dad", they knew who the kitten's mother was, but not the kitten's father...
I had a cat called Claudius, on his first visit to the vet we found out he had a deformed palate so stammered. And we now have a dog called Kermit the Dog, the rabbits are much more prosaic with River and Valentine
When I was 4 I named my goldfish Simon and Garfunkle, it was 1982 I had a hamster named Nuit (night in French and she was a dark brown almost black colour). I had a beta fish named Archimedes, my daughter had fish named Max and Ruby and right now we have a dog Maverick, but we call him the doctor (among other things) because he has scruffy hair like the 11th Doctor
I had a cat named Lucifer, later changed to Lucyfer, because it turned out, she was female. Still called her Lucifer.
i have a cat nammed kiki bell. the reason we nammed her that was cause of my moms boyfriend cause hes deaf and thats the only thing he can say of a cat name
A friend of mine just got a new kitten, a small fluffy white one. I asked him its name, and with out skipping a beat my buddy says "Zorgon the Destroyer".
I had a rescue cat named Turnip...because he just turned up!! Also had a ginger named Milkshake!!
My friend named his cat Ivan Hoe (pronounced as E-van Hoe). And here I thought I was creative when I named my cat Banshee.
My Chantilly cats name is Mooch, or Moochi(y). Her full name is Moochindenomnoms, but she mostly answers to Mistress Fuzzypants. Her vet fawns over how beautiful and small she is lol 8 years old and bounces between 4 - 6 lbs
We always have jazz cats. The previous generation were Ella and Louis and now we have Nina, Sarah, and Charlie. I wanted to name Charlie Bird instead, but I was overruled.
My Siameses name is Jack the Ripper, Jack for short. You have to see my furniture to really understand.
I was very conscientious when getting my dog that someday I would be wandering the alleys of my town screaming his name at the top of my lungs at 3 AM, so Riley came to be. I now have a grandpuppy named Little Ooffy. *shakes head*
Mine are named Sushi and Geisha...a Japanese Spitz and a Chow Chow. Love those girls so much!
Our tuxedo tabby (meaning he's got 4 white feet) that we rescued from starving in a park in the late, late fall: Frost Claw, Winter's Herald. Last time we were at the vet, one of the assistants was raving about how she tells everyone that's her favourite pet name.