The ability to tell the entire world what you feel or think is dizzying. 'How should I phrase this?' 'Do I include that?' 'Is this oversharing?' So many doubts are lurking around that share button.
But believe it or not, some people are immune to them. They post every thought that crosses their mind. And they can be anyone! Parents complaining about their kids, high schoolers "analyzing" political discourse, celebrities interacting with fans, or everyday folks venting about their lives; we can't keep count.
Here's a collection of tweets from people who decided to get personal online. Too personal!
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Great Step
They Can Barely Manage English
This Hits Home
The staff at CollegeGrad, an entry-level job site for college students and recent grads, believe there are at least 9 things you should never post on social media.
1. Profanity. The language you use on social media is often the same one you'll use when casually interacting with coworkers. A minor four-letter-word once in a while isn't a crime, but if swearing is a big part of who you are, it may affect how employers look at you.
2. Abusive content. Social media can be a great place to share opinions, but if your feed is full of arguments and rants, you may come across as an overly negative person, probably not the kind of employee companies want in their office.
3. Adult content. A snapshot on the beach is perfectly fine but posting explicit photos of yourself can have a noticeable impact on your image. The Internet is a public place. So, before posting a selfie, consider if you are OK with being seen like that in the office.
Best Of Both Worlds Honestly
I Love That Life Makes Sense For Him Now
4. Illegal content. Not only could this get you fired, but it may also land you on America's Stupidest Criminals. Even worse, you could be arrested if authorities see credible evidence of certain kinds of illegal activity.
5. Offensive content. Racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination should have no place in your (online) life.
6. Negative opinions about your job, employer, boss, or professor. One comment about how you hate your job could cause future employers to wonder if you really like the work you are doing or not. And a comment about your "stupid boss" could make your next conversation about the raise you were hoping to get a lot more difficult.
7. Drug-related content. Some employers may require you to pass a drug test as a hiring condition. But chances are you won't even make it that far if you post about substances publicly.
Love By Algorithm
If you like this pneumatic jack hammer, you also might be interesting in this ergonomic crochet hook set.
Wait! You Guys Got A Tutorial?!
Imma take the unpopular side here; EVERYONE has their challenges. Yes it is easier when you don't have to worry about food/shelter/clothing but insecurities, depression, mistakes, regrets affect ERVERYONE. I have a huge mortgage, drive a 20 year old beater car, and sometimes have to borrow to get over a rough patch, but I am still in the top 10% income in the world, live in a free country with (mostly) honest government and a social safety net. I STILL struggle with the issues I noted above. I am sure there are millions in the developing world who would claim I have nothing to whinge about. There are many reasons to dislike the top 1%er's but this is not one of them.
yeah that’s exactly what i was saying!! But i got downvoted 😩😩
Load More Replies...Yes I've been playing for years and I'm still on the tutorial
where in the hell is this supposed tutorial you folks are referencing?
Load More Replies...Well, can you blame someone using them if you found them? I'd love some cheat codes myself.
Sometimes the weight of the world is almost unbearable, until I remember it's not all mine to carry. If I were a billionnaire, I wouldn't have that release from responsibility. So to some extent, I can understand how a billionaire could find life challenging. Whether that person is actually carrying the weight of the world and trying to solve the greatest injustices, well, that is another matter.
My life is a game but I have so many tasks I need to write them down :'D
For all of the folks that say he is playing with cheat codes, you do realize that he started off like everyone else on top of the fact that he is on the autism spectrum. If anything he started off worse off than everyone else but due to this ambition, luck and intelligence was able to level up faster than the rest of us. We are stuck at level 10 complaining that he was able to level up to 70
I would like to know how I can get this tutorial! I'm 33 and still haven't found it!
IDDQD, possibly noclip as well. Should we tell Musk to play on a higher skill?
Granted this comment is off but those of you who feel billionaires should always be happy have missed the point of life and have also forgotten about mental illness
Elon is the guy who types "rosebud" and keeps adding exclamations and semicolons.
I hope he thinks the tutorial for space travel is too long and steps outside for some air
I sometimes feel like life is a video game I'm winning. Then I notice my controller isn't even plugged in.
This guy! much nerve to say something like that especially when he's one of the RICHEST people in America. So silly! He might be book smart, but...the things he says...him and that silly ole Zuckerberg boy .... SMH!
What a ridiculous and whiny stance. He was born in South Africa and worked his way up. Oh but he has ChEaT CoDeS. Yeah his cheat code was having courage to risk failure.
He was born to an extremely affluent white family during apartheid.
Load More Replies...Yep,she's Right
8. Poor grammar. A comma here and there is nothing but if you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", it's time to learn. Communication, including writing, is an important part of professional life.
9. Threats. It is not OK to threaten others, no matter the situation you're in. Wishing someone ill, whether it is a friend, family member, colleague, politician, celebrity, whatever; if you don't like someone else, social media is not the place to be hurling threats of any kind.
The Internet is public. Remember that when you're posting from your personal account.
34 Also Applies
This One Hit Home
Yes. I thank my lucky stars every day I live in a place where the former is the majority
Wisdom If I've Ever Seen It
It's Truly A Blessing
I might hold a gander reveal party then release the geese on my foes...
And A Family That Takes Care Of Their Elders
Because it's my religious duty to be a bigot, homophobe and sexist according to my holy book, written by bigots, homophobes and sexists ages ago.
Anxiety Goes Brrrr
I Wouldn't Even Be Mad
Spot On
Many times while my wife was in the hospital fighting her losing battle with cancer, I would stay overnight with her. It cost me $25 every time I did. F'in US hospitals.
This Is Important And Deserves To Be A Movement
Well, Do They?
Life Hack
No Wait!
Why is your political affiliation so important to Americans? Are there no people that just don't like any of them? That think, I'll listen to what they say and vote for the person that seems to have the best ideas to me? Nobody that thinks, 'I agree with the Dems on that subject, but disagree with the other thing. And I like the Reps idea on this, but not on that'?
Consider It
Truly A Yearly Highlight
When I was 7, I lost a tooth. I put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy. The next morning I found a $20 bill under my pillow. I rushed in to the kitchen and said "The tooth fairy gave me 20 bucks!!" My mother looked at my Dad and said "Wow...the tooth fairy was generous!" To which my Dad responds "Probably because it was dark and the tooth fairy couldn't see what he was pulling out of his wallet."
I’m Sure He Brewed His Own Coffee Too
Good Firm Handshake Should Open Up Doors..
The first breakdown would be their wage. The second would be their zero benefits. The third... no pension. This. Is. Genius.
Is It Even Real??
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!! And what's with everyone flying off to far away places to enjoy the sun when I can't visit my parents who live 2 miles away!?
Why Not Both...
So What Breed Is He
Top Notch
Such A Good Boy
Get Shrecked
Its so weird how Magic Mike is literally a movie about male strippers, yet they still managed to sexualise women/treat women as somewhat of a joke (i.e. its 'funny' but not threatening to see middle-aged women losing it over male strippers), all the while still portraying the men as dominant and strong
The Elephant In The Room
He Needs 8 Months Of Tips
My gf found a lost phone once, which of course was locked, and we were sitting there wondering what to do with it when it rang and it was the owner's mother. So if you lose your phone, try phoning it, as some nice person may have found it and be trying to work out how best to return in.
100% Talk To Myself
That's what cats are for. (To the tune of "That's What Friends Are For".)
All Colleges Should Offer This
A terrible reality, but glad there are people who think about what they've learned and don't just have the "too bad, but doesn't affect me" take away
This Has Potential
This Is The Way
Dead Turkeys Don't Grow
More Like A Hell-Iday
I'm convinced it's a strategy of the hotels so they don't have to feed as many guests breakfast.
No, No He Has A Point
I live in Virginia. The sky is hazy because Oregon is on fire. Maybe we'll just stay in this weekend.
It’s Never Too Late...
I Ain't No Hometown Hunk
It's okay. I'm pretty sure in most of those films, you fall for your secretary/coworker/boss anyway. You'll be okay.
Cover Me
“Could Use A 7th Bathroom But You Can’t Have It All I Suppose”
First! This is a superb thread :) Now I think humanity is worth it again.
Great post!!! Every one of them made for a fun and interesting discussion.
First! This is a superb thread :) Now I think humanity is worth it again.
Great post!!! Every one of them made for a fun and interesting discussion.