Paul Woods aka "Woodsy" is a 41-year-old cartoonist and illustrator based in Melbourne, Australia. He creates hilarious single-panel comics, and you might find it hard to keep a smile off your face when scrolling through them.
Paul is a big fan of using puns and word play to make his single-paneled comics come to life. With all of that being said, we suggest you scroll down below and see the artist's work for yourself, also don't forget to let us know down in the comments which comic was your favorite and why!
More info: Instagram
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Bored Panda reached out to Paul with some questions. We asked the artist about how comics came into his life.
“I've always been interested in drawing, I remember in high school drawing caricatures of my teachers and making my friends laugh. When I lived in London, a local magazine was looking for a regular comic and I started doing Insert Brain Here, this must have been about 2008. It's been going strong ever since.”
Given the previous answer from Paul we asked the artist what inspired him to make comics, and here's what he told us after a little bit of consideration, "Documentaries, movies, my kids. Sometimes I'll see a particular animal on TV or outside and an idea will come to me. I just love making people laugh."
" But I watered them every day" ..............." Like you floss?"................. "...Oh"
Woods previously mentioned that art has always been present in his way of life, ever since the artist went to school, he already found art to be something therapeutic.
"As in question one, I've always been interested in drawing, ever since school. I see it as therapeutic, it's nice to switch off and do something I enjoy. Witt that being said, being a comic artist is not my full-time job, still, my comics are published in several regular newspapers in Australia and the UK."
Paul has quite a big following on his Instagram, and his fans are admiring his hard work and creativity, given all of that we were wondering what it was like to bring so many people joy almost daily.
"I love making people laugh or smile. I love finishing a cartoon and showing my wife or my kids and seeing their reactions. Not every cartoon works, obviously, and sometimes it's the ones you're unsure of that get the best laughs!"
“But Dad I wanna be a magician, you know how good I am at smoke mirrors!”
When the Nokia Snake game crashes, is it due to some e-reptile dysfunction ?
Love these! They remind me of "The Far Side", one of the funniest comics ever!
Love these! They remind me of "The Far Side", one of the funniest comics ever!