This Artist Makes Colorful Comics With Wholesome And Funny Endings, And Here’s The Result (30 Pics)
Interview With ArtistHave you ever looked at an object or food and seen a face on it? Maybe an expression you could relate to? Well, cartoonist Adam Foreman from the northwest of England decided that he’d like to see what marshmallows would look like if you brought them to life via art.
Given all of that, Bored Panda reached out to Adam to find out a little bit more about him and his work.
“I worked as a game artist/illustrator and graphic designer for many years and when my son was born, I put it on hold to be a stay-at-home dad. Being creative, I still needed a creative output and it was the first time that I had the chance to work on a project for myself and not for clients."
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"That’s when I decided to make a webcomic. It coincided with the 2020 lockdown during the pandemic, too, so I was stuck at home alone and once the baby was asleep, I would draw a comic. This is when I draw comics most of the time too. When my son has a nap, I try to write, draw, and post a comic before he wakes up. 90% of the time I’m successful.”
We also asked how he was inspired to start Marshmallow comics and how his characters came to be.
"The marshmallow theme is inspired from watching Ghostbusters a lot when I was younger, it was one of my favorite films. I loved the scene with the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and they have been my favorite confection ever since. I’ve drawn versions of this mallow character for years now, even before comics, but the art style and humor of it has evolved over time.
I even had a version of it that I used as a mascot for my Twitch channel. I would say streaming art on Twitch is where the marshmallow character first found an audience. Nowadays the child-like nature of the character is inspired by my job working in childcare. Children are a great inspiration and say the funniest things."
We were also curious whether Adam was always involved with the art scene or not, and here's what he had to say, "I have. Back in the day, I studied art/graphic design in college and animation at University. I fell into being a game artist by accident but enjoyed it all the same and did it for many years. I can definitely see a mallow game happening in the future!"
A lot of people enjoy the "Slice of Mallow" comics so we were wondering what it was like to reach so many people all around the world.
"It’s still really surreal. I thought it would just be friends and family reading them and it still amazes me that my comic gets read by so many people. The highlight is connecting with fellow cartoonists and the regular readers that kindly take the time to comment on my posts. It’s all been a great experience and I can’t wait to see what the future brings for my comics. I wish I had created them sooner!"
Lastly, we asked Adam if he had any advice for those who were looking into starting their own comic account.
"Just start, you don’t need the best tech to be a cartoonist. The best advice I received when starting out was to make a google doc for notes. That way you can write down any ideas you have on the go using your phone. The best advice I could give would be to focus on having fun with it and not worry about the social media algorithm. Comics are a great relaxing hobby."
I know a lot of people like the one on the left. But it's okay. You known why? Because no matter who's going through the worst thing, it's still awful to the person going through it, and they need some one to talk to too. Still, it can be emotionally damaging to the one on fire, so be careful that you aren't giving someone else all your burdens to carry, when they're already struggling. That is all. I hope everyone here is doing okay today <3