Cats have a unique and amusing personality that makes them one of (if not the) internet's favorite creatures. Their owners often catch these animals doing silly things — like getting stuck in a box that's too small for them — and what's more, they have the facial expressions to make such moments even funnier
The Facebook group 'Kitty Litterposting' is a place that invites everyone to share their best cat content, and as the name — which is a reference to the term trash posting — suggests, it's pretty liberal with what it accepts. So let's dive in and see what this online community has accumulated over the years!
More info: Facebook
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Somewhere someones morning has been ruined, and peepers could not be happier!
i especially like pix of voids on social media. The more malevolent they look the better.
We all float down here… but we take breaks to get food, of course, so FEEEEEEEEEED
"If i want to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I put shoes on my cat."
Yeppers! That's the only grandbabies my parents and inlaws got from me. I told them that too, when they asked me about giving them grandbabies.
Same thing I told my mother. Her grandchildren had 4 feet and fur.
Kitty says hey grandma what am I chopped liver? Now pamper me with tuna and catnip.
Yes. No human kids. But I will one day have a house full of cats, dogs, fish, snakes, and whatever else will have me.
In the UK, cats can go in/out via a catflap whenever they like, its pretty standard here in many of our towns and cities.
And you think only dog farts smell foul. I think I can see the paint starting to peel off the walls from it in this pic.
Why do I sit here scrolling this stuff?? It worries people to see a man my age staring at his phone with a big, stupid grin and tears rolling down his face.
Even a dog person like me can appreciate the actual hilariousness of kitties. When my goodest dogs are gone and I am old I will have a cat or two.
Why is it, when you stroke a cat's fur you get anions instead of cations?
Why do I sit here scrolling this stuff?? It worries people to see a man my age staring at his phone with a big, stupid grin and tears rolling down his face.
Even a dog person like me can appreciate the actual hilariousness of kitties. When my goodest dogs are gone and I am old I will have a cat or two.
Why is it, when you stroke a cat's fur you get anions instead of cations?