People Sick Of Entitled Women Are Posting These ‘Karen’ Jokes As Revenge For Their Behavior (40 Pics)
Life can be tough if you’re named Karen—the internet now associates this name with some women who are entitled and want to speak to everyone’s managers. Keep in mind that the term 'Karen' isn't meant to insult all women; it's used to poke fun at super-entitled problematic people. The Karen meme is the female equivalent of the Kyle meme and you can check out our post about the times that the internet destroyed fragile masculinity right here. Now, we know that most women named Karen out there are probably awesome people in real life, but the name has become a part of internet and meme culture.
The ‘Eff You Karen’ subreddit is one of the places that is dedicated to “the hatred of Karen” as they put it. We’re not fans of hating other people, you can’t deny that this online community makes some hilarious Karen content. We’ve collected some of the best Karen memes, so scroll down, upvote your faves, and check out the ‘Eff You Karen’ subreddit when you have the chance.
Bored Panda reached out to Matt Schimkowitz, Know Your Meme's Senior Editor, and spoke with him about Karen memes, and how some people find them offensive and insensitive to women. "As [the meme] grows from a parody of a common social experience of someone demanding to speak to a manager to a statement about white privilege, the stakes over the meaning of the meme grow as well. So I think that users of the meme should be cognizant that what they're meme-ing might not be their intent anymore. It's very possible that the meme could grow even farther to exhibit misogynistic tendencies, which are somewhat already present." Scroll down for the rest of our interview with Matt.
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Karen: Excuse me God? Ummm like, I have a nail and hair appointment that day so could you please change it to Tuesday? *twirls hair around finger*"
Load More Replies...My wife is a photographer and we had a similar incident once. One of the makeup crew didn't want to drive the 2 hours to the location at some gorgeous hot springs and asked if we could shoot closer to town. I responded, "Sure, I'll move the geological feature to a more convenient distance for you".
it said solar eclipse "PARTY" not ''solar eclipse'' because those only happens every 100 yrs and that was in august 2017 now i sound like a karen lol....im sorry
I agree— she wanted to have a party at another time. Kids could learn about what an eclipse is on Saturday at the Space Museum party and then see it for themselves on Monday when the actual eclipse happens. Or we can all hate on this mother; whatever.
Load More Replies...The moon can't get it rescheduled because she is full...
Load More Replies...I think she meant reschedule the party? Let’s try to assume the best about people, or at least assume they share the same reality.
The kicker here is that she wanted to move the solar eclipse party to a day that wasn't a solar eclipse which, no matter what way you put it, is kinda stupid
Load More Replies...Oh dang I remember that eclipse! I was in school for it ( term started on august 1st for me) and it was pretty cool!
That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard! And the best part, she probably was very serious in her request!
Well, I'm ashamed to admit I do not know who this Karen person is or represents... did I miss something in the news or? and p.s. what do they call the male version of this b***h, Karl?
Some people have even stated that Karen memes allegedly promote so-called 'incel culture.' However, Know Your Meme's Senior Editor Matt doesn't believe that this is the case. "I don't think statements about white privilege necessarily align with most of that philosophy. I could see those with sexist beliefs using Karen as a catchall for all women, which is where things get really ugly and suddenly 'Karen,' a meme we all enjoyed and used with abandon is connected to something many would find offensive," he said.
Matt pointed out that most meme humor has a certain level of maliciousness to it. It's an inbuilt 'feature' of memes, in other words. "Meme-ing can be nihilistic artform and rewards really ugly behavior in some cases. Sometimes, what starts as a fairly inoffensive meme can grow into something really hateful, like Pepe the Frog. I could see that happening to Karen—though, I'm not really sold one way or the other on the debate."
He continued: "Personally, because I'm kind of iffy on the intent of the meme and where it's going, I probably wouldn't call someone a Karen or use the Karen meme, judging the trajectory of its meaning. The meme's meaning will change depending on who is meme-ing it and what their intent is, and that could alter how we all view Karen. As I tell most people, you should always meme with caution. These images, nicknames and jokes frequently have unknown origins and could be connected to some really hateful areas of the internet."
Matt said that it's been hard to pin down the exact origin of the Karen meme. However, he personally thinks that the most convincing origin story is Dane Cook's 2005 comedy special bit "The Friend That Nobody Likes" which names Karen as the friend no one likes. "This is one of the earliest examples that we have to using a specific name to stand in for a whole type of person, and it's a comedic trope that we've seen dozens of times over the last 15 years," Matt stated his position.
“Every group has a Karen and she is always a bag of douche," Cook said during his stand-up routine. “And when she's not around, you just look at each other and say, 'God, Karen, she's such a douchebag!'”
One alternative theory is that it all started with the hit 2004 movie Mean Girls (I still rewatch it every year) which had the ditzy and insensitive character, Karen Smith. This sparked the ‘Oh My God, Karen, You Can’t Just Ask Someone Why They're White’ meme and things snowballed from there.
Another theory about the so-called rise of Karen states that things got started with the character Karen from 1989’s Goodfellas.
Yes, very true! One restaurant I worked at...the managers would schedule you on Sunday as a punishment, lol. Like if you were late too many times, they wouldn't fire you, they would schedule you double shifts on Sundays for like a month or so. Sunday crowds are the worst
You have to judge each dog individually. However, there may be good reasons for dog weight limits. Just another reason to have cats instead.
A lot of "pro-lifers" are consummate hypocrites. They mightily protect embryos and fetuses, but don't give a rat's butt about children who have been born.
karens find every way possible to be mean to others and make a big deal out of their small mistakes but dont care when they or their kids do some thing ten times as bad
I’m so tired of hearing, “You just need to stop buying avocado toast and lattes, and then you can afford a house.”
And Death says, “Don’t worry Karen. You’ll be meeting him soon enough. No need to bring a sweater.”
Crawling on their nipples to church only to turn into absolute hypocrites!
What do people have against gay people? Not to sound cheesy but love is love
It's a great cartoon. Would be so much better without the massive sexism (and no, I'm not talking about Karen here).
This entire Karen thing started as way to make fun of the over-reacting, outraged middle aged woman that was calling the police for children having a lemonade stand. Now, any time a woman expresses an opinion or has a request, like extra napkins, she is labeled as a "Karen". It is sexist, rude, and insulting. Yeah, I get the joke that this started out to be, but it has evolved into a hatred of women in general. My mother, who would never harm a fly, is 70 years old and was called Karen in Target yesterday for asking for a receipt.
My boss is named Karen. She is the best person that I have ever worked for in my entire life and I feel bad for her because of this meme.
Load More Replies...I knew this would be a Jonas article as soon as I read the headline. 89 stereotypes to inflame hatred against women. Am I a Karen for expressing an opinion about this?
To be fair, most of Jonas’ articles here are excellent and I’m glad there was some discussion of the incel tie-in. We disagree on the Karen subject. I am against the Karen meme because for me it represents hatred of women. Other people with other backgrounds will naturally have other opinions.
Load More Replies...Doesn't it seem messed up to anybody that alot of these Karen posts show real people who aren't doing anything but having a bad haircut and or a certain type of clothing and not actually doing anything wrong it's a s****y precedent to set
Thank you! Isn't it even forbidden to take pictures of people and post them online without their given consent, or is that just a European thing? Especially the one with the laughing ladies on the pier - that was simply mean and not at all funny.
Load More Replies...It's about time someone came up with a male version of Karwn. Because I'm sick of people acting like men never do this kind of s**t.
I’d rather see less hatred and stereotyping altogether. But if we must have it, sigh, let’s distribute it evenly.
Load More Replies...I wish there is a block option on Bored Panda so I can avoid certain 'author' here who seems to really keen on making article that is just so full of negative things.
I'm in my 60s and have met plenty of "Karens" in my job as a school lunch lady. But I am offended by the stereotype that its always a white woman. I have met plenty of entitled black women. Just as nasty and annoying. There are good and bad in every race. If you were to target just black women this way the world would freak out. Justifyingly so. But it's ok to call out white women. Lets call out all women who behave this way regardless of race it's unacceptable.
Oh look BP is making fun of a meme about a year after it surged in popularity thinking they are hip....the cringe is strong. You missed the boat. Also, it turned into some weird rant against Christians about half way through. I guess someone hurt the bloggers feelings. Aww...poor widdle guy.
Can we have a black male version now or would that be sexist and racist?
If your real name is actually Karen (birth name), I feel bad for you. If you are a Karen (meme culture), I do not. :)
"What's that? You're a woman and you don't think my behaviour is perfect and you aren't complying with my demands? What a Karen lol!"
I think America has a lot of misogynistic people, and I'm including a lot of women in this category. The article says the first example of the Karen was Dane Cook's 2005 comedy special bit "The Friend That Nobody Likes", he also mentioned Brian was someone no one liked, that didn't go anywhere just the female version. Also as an insult, it is female references that are used all the time, never male. T
It’s not the name Karen that gets you looked at sideways it’s the actions and entitlement that these people put forth that infuriates us all
god, i thought you people where at least smart enough to take a joke- none of this is real, guys stop commenting "BuT iTs JuSt A sTeRiOtYpE" it is, that's why its a joke some people just wanna laugh
People saying it’s not always whites women. Lol yes it is! Most of the time with a bad blonde dye job. I have rarely seen a black Karen. I’m sure there are but let’s be real here. And no a Karen isn’t someone who wants to speak to a manager for a real reason a Karen is someone who complains about everything or very minor things and often calls or threatens to call the police on people then play the victim when they get confronted.
Calling anyone a Karen is a mean and easy peasy way of passing the evil of racism away from yourself- by making someone else less human. Time to look in the mirror regarding racism and stop trying to change the conversation to how weird women are. Knock it off. It's too easy to attack your own mom for god's sake. Without real power in the world- women of all skin colors suffer here. We will all be in our 40's soon enough. No one owns being young. It would be wise to make the path nice and smooth for yourself so be kind to everyone no matter what.
Just another way to hate on women. Why are you posting this s**t here?
"Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord." Romans 12:19
Karen calls 911 on black man watching birds Karen then goes on cnn and claims shes the real victim...cause she was afraid... ( insert cringe..and implies..she was afraid of black guys)
"claim" is right. The video shows Amy Cooper getting into the man's face, at which point he asks her to keep her distance.
Load More Replies...Phew. As a non-native speaker, I finally understood what this "Karen" stuff is about that's all over the internet. Thanks for enlightening me.
I know I have commented already, but I have some more to say: I want everyone to picture an 11 year old girl being called a greasy headed N-word by someone who was supposed to be a friend. That was my sister. Picture a man throwing newspapers and having four carloads of police officers stop him to find out what he is doing. That was my father. Picture a girl in a college class being told that her cousin and uncle deserved to be in prison because of the color of their skin. That happened to me. I don't think any meme that makes fun of a name should be allowed, but I also don't think that this particular meme is a slur. If your name is Karen and people treat you badly then shame on those people, but please don't equate something like that to the things that happened and were said to people like me. I just want everyone to get along and be happy with each other on this planet we share.
Deanna, thank you for coming back to respond. I am on this website too much lately so I've seen your other comments, and I know that people are focused on the wrong thing. People can deny racism exists, use or allow the use of racial slurs to continue but get up all in arms over someone saying a meme is funny. You did not agree with the negative treatment towards anyone. This is her exact words the other day by the way, "I am sorry that you are seen negatively because you share your name with a meme. I am sure that you are probably very nice and I hope that people who know you know that you are."
Load More Replies...I think the Karen joke is funny, but I can also see how they can be offensive to some people and I just think that, like with any joke, we need to be careful about offending anyone.
Do you think you would be saying it was funny if it was for example 'drama-queen deannas' instead of 'call the manager Karens'? If you were reading your name up there being used to represent a section of society that is considered unpleasant? I know you are saying that it 'can be offensive' and that we 'need to be careful' but it is already offending people and no-one is being careful. It is already causing bullying in schools for children called Karen and I'm sure causing more harm elsewhere.
Load More Replies...My concern is that school children could be bullied. Off-hand, I can think of only two Karens that I've met. Nothing wrong with either one. Imagine a sensitive girl starting high school and being laughed at for sharing a name with a meme that started years after her birth.
Load More Replies...Tell the male writer of the headline 'people sick of entitled women'. 🙄
Load More Replies...This entire Karen thing started as way to make fun of the over-reacting, outraged middle aged woman that was calling the police for children having a lemonade stand. Now, any time a woman expresses an opinion or has a request, like extra napkins, she is labeled as a "Karen". It is sexist, rude, and insulting. Yeah, I get the joke that this started out to be, but it has evolved into a hatred of women in general. My mother, who would never harm a fly, is 70 years old and was called Karen in Target yesterday for asking for a receipt.
My boss is named Karen. She is the best person that I have ever worked for in my entire life and I feel bad for her because of this meme.
Load More Replies...I knew this would be a Jonas article as soon as I read the headline. 89 stereotypes to inflame hatred against women. Am I a Karen for expressing an opinion about this?
To be fair, most of Jonas’ articles here are excellent and I’m glad there was some discussion of the incel tie-in. We disagree on the Karen subject. I am against the Karen meme because for me it represents hatred of women. Other people with other backgrounds will naturally have other opinions.
Load More Replies...Doesn't it seem messed up to anybody that alot of these Karen posts show real people who aren't doing anything but having a bad haircut and or a certain type of clothing and not actually doing anything wrong it's a s****y precedent to set
Thank you! Isn't it even forbidden to take pictures of people and post them online without their given consent, or is that just a European thing? Especially the one with the laughing ladies on the pier - that was simply mean and not at all funny.
Load More Replies...It's about time someone came up with a male version of Karwn. Because I'm sick of people acting like men never do this kind of s**t.
I’d rather see less hatred and stereotyping altogether. But if we must have it, sigh, let’s distribute it evenly.
Load More Replies...I wish there is a block option on Bored Panda so I can avoid certain 'author' here who seems to really keen on making article that is just so full of negative things.
I'm in my 60s and have met plenty of "Karens" in my job as a school lunch lady. But I am offended by the stereotype that its always a white woman. I have met plenty of entitled black women. Just as nasty and annoying. There are good and bad in every race. If you were to target just black women this way the world would freak out. Justifyingly so. But it's ok to call out white women. Lets call out all women who behave this way regardless of race it's unacceptable.
Oh look BP is making fun of a meme about a year after it surged in popularity thinking they are hip....the cringe is strong. You missed the boat. Also, it turned into some weird rant against Christians about half way through. I guess someone hurt the bloggers feelings. Aww...poor widdle guy.
Can we have a black male version now or would that be sexist and racist?
If your real name is actually Karen (birth name), I feel bad for you. If you are a Karen (meme culture), I do not. :)
"What's that? You're a woman and you don't think my behaviour is perfect and you aren't complying with my demands? What a Karen lol!"
I think America has a lot of misogynistic people, and I'm including a lot of women in this category. The article says the first example of the Karen was Dane Cook's 2005 comedy special bit "The Friend That Nobody Likes", he also mentioned Brian was someone no one liked, that didn't go anywhere just the female version. Also as an insult, it is female references that are used all the time, never male. T
It’s not the name Karen that gets you looked at sideways it’s the actions and entitlement that these people put forth that infuriates us all
god, i thought you people where at least smart enough to take a joke- none of this is real, guys stop commenting "BuT iTs JuSt A sTeRiOtYpE" it is, that's why its a joke some people just wanna laugh
People saying it’s not always whites women. Lol yes it is! Most of the time with a bad blonde dye job. I have rarely seen a black Karen. I’m sure there are but let’s be real here. And no a Karen isn’t someone who wants to speak to a manager for a real reason a Karen is someone who complains about everything or very minor things and often calls or threatens to call the police on people then play the victim when they get confronted.
Calling anyone a Karen is a mean and easy peasy way of passing the evil of racism away from yourself- by making someone else less human. Time to look in the mirror regarding racism and stop trying to change the conversation to how weird women are. Knock it off. It's too easy to attack your own mom for god's sake. Without real power in the world- women of all skin colors suffer here. We will all be in our 40's soon enough. No one owns being young. It would be wise to make the path nice and smooth for yourself so be kind to everyone no matter what.
Just another way to hate on women. Why are you posting this s**t here?
"Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord." Romans 12:19
Karen calls 911 on black man watching birds Karen then goes on cnn and claims shes the real victim...cause she was afraid... ( insert cringe..and implies..she was afraid of black guys)
"claim" is right. The video shows Amy Cooper getting into the man's face, at which point he asks her to keep her distance.
Load More Replies...Phew. As a non-native speaker, I finally understood what this "Karen" stuff is about that's all over the internet. Thanks for enlightening me.
I know I have commented already, but I have some more to say: I want everyone to picture an 11 year old girl being called a greasy headed N-word by someone who was supposed to be a friend. That was my sister. Picture a man throwing newspapers and having four carloads of police officers stop him to find out what he is doing. That was my father. Picture a girl in a college class being told that her cousin and uncle deserved to be in prison because of the color of their skin. That happened to me. I don't think any meme that makes fun of a name should be allowed, but I also don't think that this particular meme is a slur. If your name is Karen and people treat you badly then shame on those people, but please don't equate something like that to the things that happened and were said to people like me. I just want everyone to get along and be happy with each other on this planet we share.
Deanna, thank you for coming back to respond. I am on this website too much lately so I've seen your other comments, and I know that people are focused on the wrong thing. People can deny racism exists, use or allow the use of racial slurs to continue but get up all in arms over someone saying a meme is funny. You did not agree with the negative treatment towards anyone. This is her exact words the other day by the way, "I am sorry that you are seen negatively because you share your name with a meme. I am sure that you are probably very nice and I hope that people who know you know that you are."
Load More Replies...I think the Karen joke is funny, but I can also see how they can be offensive to some people and I just think that, like with any joke, we need to be careful about offending anyone.
Do you think you would be saying it was funny if it was for example 'drama-queen deannas' instead of 'call the manager Karens'? If you were reading your name up there being used to represent a section of society that is considered unpleasant? I know you are saying that it 'can be offensive' and that we 'need to be careful' but it is already offending people and no-one is being careful. It is already causing bullying in schools for children called Karen and I'm sure causing more harm elsewhere.
Load More Replies...My concern is that school children could be bullied. Off-hand, I can think of only two Karens that I've met. Nothing wrong with either one. Imagine a sensitive girl starting high school and being laughed at for sharing a name with a meme that started years after her birth.
Load More Replies...Tell the male writer of the headline 'people sick of entitled women'. 🙄
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