50 Relatable Posts For People Who Are Done Interacting With Others
Interview With AuthorJust because introverts prefer to keep to themselves doesn’t mean they have nothing to say. Quite the opposite—these folks are often bursting with vivid imaginations, bright minds, and deep thoughts. They just tend to be selective about who gets to hear them.
When introverts do find someone they trust, though, they’re more than happy to share. And sometimes, they even turn their experiences into memes. That’s why we’ve put together a collection of the funniest ones from the Facebook page Understanding Introverts.
Scroll down to enjoy them, upvote your favorites, and pass them along to your quiet-loving friends!
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Some research estimates that about 65% to 75% of people lean toward being extroverted, while the remaining 30% identify as introverted. But personality isn’t so black and white—it’s more of a spectrum, with the majority falling somewhere in the middle. So in truth, we’re not limited to the extremes of social butterflies or reclusive hermits.
Still, extroversion is often considered the more socially desirable trait. Studies consistently find that extroverts experience higher levels of well-being, more frequent moments of joy, greater career advantages, and stronger satisfaction with their relationships.
But don’t roll your eyes just yet. While happy extroverts outnumber happy introverts on paper, the take is much more nuanced. Researchers that claim extroverts do better at work often say it’s because they’re drawn to leadership roles and more likely to be chosen for them.
However, that doesn’t mean they’re naturally more suited for the job. In fact, introverts and extroverts are equally successful when it comes to leading teams and achieving strong company performance.
And when it comes to relationships, extroverts typically feel more satisfied with the people in their lives because they trust others more easily and have fewer negative interactions. Their friendships, though, are often less deep, while introverts, with fewer friends, form much closer and more meaningful connections.
Let's speed this protest up because my Outroversion only lasts about an hour.
The founder of Understanding Introverts agrees that their personalities are regularly misjudged, hence the name of the group. “I started this page because I felt that most people think there’s not much to introverts beyond their introversion,” she told Bored Panda. “That’s wrong—we’re so much more: we work, we have families, and we have a sense of humor!”
I'm more of a leave an hour earlier to make sure I'm on time then sit awkwardly until the other person arrives and half smile at people so they know I actually have a friend and not just sitting there.
“I sometimes feel that society sees us as weirdos, as if we live in some strange way,” the creator continued. Not to mention, introverts often get a bad rap for being anti-social. “That’s not true. We just need to recharge after social events, we need alone time,” she explained. “We also prefer our circle of friends to be small—quality over quantity.”
Reflecting on her childhood, the mind behind Understanding Introverts admitted she often felt out of place. “When I was younger, kids were a bit rude to me because I wasn’t interested in the same things they were,” she shared. “I hated gossip and never felt the need to belong to groups.”
Even her family had trouble relating to her, since they’re all extroverted. “For them, it was difficult to accept this trait of mine,” she revealed. “But they’ve learned to respect my boundaries and wishes.”
Now, she’s thrilled that so many introverts can connect with her page. “It’s proof that there are others who feel the same way I do.”
I struggle with this. I am introverted and am required to be on zoom calls with clients all day everyday. It exhausts me.
At the end of the day, the owner of Understanding Introverts finds it baffling that some people can’t handle silence or time alone. “To me, it’s a sign they can’t accept their real selves,” she said. “What are they running from?”
So if there’s one thing introverts can teach us, it’s to embrace our authenticity. Because when we are comfortable in our own skin, we become the kind of person whose company we enjoy.
I would like telekinesis so I can move myself away from everything.
That's the look on my face when someone says "Can I share something with you?" No, you can tell me something, but hearing you talk is not a gift to me. In fact, my taking the time to listen is a gift from me to you.
Such a perfect image for that because Will's haircut is just so awful in it, too.
Dino nuggets, tater tots, and a fine selection of Mountain Dew. Classy.
There are introverts and extroverts and we can all be both at one time or another- I loved all of these 😂👏
these were nice - also the real comment section is in the reply to jayjay for some reason
Wtf happened bored panda? I have to subscribe to continue reading? No thanks, I'll go back to reddit.
There are introverts and extroverts and we can all be both at one time or another- I loved all of these 😂👏
these were nice - also the real comment section is in the reply to jayjay for some reason
Wtf happened bored panda? I have to subscribe to continue reading? No thanks, I'll go back to reddit.