When you think about it, there's a whole lot that you can do with your hair that most of us never come close to trying. These are some of the craziest and most creative haircuts we found online.
You can vote for your favorite weird haircuts to rank them or submit others that you think we should see. And bonus points if you have a picture of yourself with one of these haircuts!
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Gecko Haircut
Spider Haircut
Up Hairstyle
Gecko Haircut
Tomato Haircut
Bear Hair
Pineapple Haircut
Hands Haircut
Dali Haircut
Face Haircut
Coming and going. Wear your clothes backwards and f**k with people
Robin Williams Haircut
Tennis Ball Haircut
Lady Gaga's Hat Made Of Her Hair
Tim Duncan Haircut
Tupac Haircut
When I was born, I recieved a stuffed animal which my dad named 2pac. The nicknames...Basha, Chup, Tupper, Chupper, Pacu...
Porcuppine Hair
The Eye
Sydney Opera House Haircut
The girl with the hands haircut is the japanese singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. :)
why do some of the cooler ones have so many downvotes? the cupcake one was very cute!
Awesome! Artistic. But if I had a spider on my head I freak myself out every morning when I look in the mirror.
I saw a man with a dreadlock comb-over about 10 years ago. It was before I had a smartphone, so I couldn't get a picture.
Can I use these pics to make YouTube videos...by mentioning the website on my video?
Very Funky & Imaginative! If I was younger ...... Imagine walking into a Prom Dance with a hairdo like those?
Fryzury genialne :) -tylko prawdziwi artyści mogli je stworzyć...
your post is very interesting to read.it’s very informative and helpful. Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. http://www.chillybuz.com/lifestyle/top-10-hairstyle-for-women/ You’re doing a great job, Keep it up.
The girl with the hands haircut is the japanese singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. :)
why do some of the cooler ones have so many downvotes? the cupcake one was very cute!
Awesome! Artistic. But if I had a spider on my head I freak myself out every morning when I look in the mirror.
I saw a man with a dreadlock comb-over about 10 years ago. It was before I had a smartphone, so I couldn't get a picture.
Can I use these pics to make YouTube videos...by mentioning the website on my video?
Very Funky & Imaginative! If I was younger ...... Imagine walking into a Prom Dance with a hairdo like those?
Fryzury genialne :) -tylko prawdziwi artyści mogli je stworzyć...
your post is very interesting to read.it’s very informative and helpful. Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. http://www.chillybuz.com/lifestyle/top-10-hairstyle-for-women/ You’re doing a great job, Keep it up.