35 Hair-Dye Fails That Make You Feel Glad You’re Not The ‘Victim’ In The Pictures
If you've ever experimented with your hair, you know that mistakes are almost inevitable. Especially if you're dyeing it — so many things can go wrong. The color can turn out to be totally different than you expected, the hair dye bottle can spontaneously explode and cover all of your bathroom in pink or your head might turn into a watermelon because you're allergic to the product. It's pretty wild.
So in order to show you the possible side effects of going full Dennis Rodman, Bored Panda has compiled a list of the funniest (and saddest) hair dye fails ever. Continue scrolling, upvote your faves, and tell us if you've experienced something like this in the comments!
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Do You Think My Grandma Would Notice I Dyed My Hair?
I'd be whooping some major blue ass if I was Grandma and that was my shower!
Peter Regan, a hairdresser in Manchester city center, UK, who specializes in permanent hair straightening, precision cutting, and natural-looking color, thinks people can face different challenges if they're dyeing their hair for different reasons. "If the goal for coloring hair is to cover greys, then the main challenge is choosing the correct color," he told Bored Panda. "Most domestic tints turn out darker than expected. For example, mid-brown which is a common color used at home, when looked at on a color chart looks to the untrained viewer very nearly black."
"If the goal is to make a statement, then the appropriateness of color is the biggest challenge."
Hairstylist and colorist Jahlesa Taylor thinks "the biggest challenges when coloring your hair yourself is being able to see your whole head, and timing things properly, especially when you're doing touch-ups."
"When I have clients who need me to correct a color that they did themselves, the majority of the damage/unevenness is in the back and I know it's because we can't see back there properly, even with a mirror," the professional who works in Lauderhill, Florida, told Bored Panda. "Proper color application requires an understand of timing, as well as an understanding of tones and undertones, and many people think they can just spread the color or lightener all over their head and it will balance out in the end."
This Girl Used Walmart Plastic Bag To “Keep The Heat In” While She Bleached Her Hair. The Logo From The Bag Came Off And Is Now Dyed Into Her Hair
Once it’s dried and brushed or mussed about, it might just look like some neat random blue spots in her hair. Also, isn’t this picture like ten years old?
BP is refurbishing old stuff all the time when they're running out of ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Load More Replies...This process could be refined and commercialised to create color styles. Instead of a plastic bag it would be a styled dye cap.
Yes with advertisements. Isn’t this the direction the world is headed?
Load More Replies...Lucky she isn't bald..........then again might be better than a Walmart label on your head.
lol now you can be part of the walmart brand
no big deal when you shop in Walmart, they are much weirdos than you look like
Again just stupidity, she should have used any common sense she may have had.
it’s called a mistake, suzanne. have you ever made one?
Load More Replies...Allergic To Hair Dye
Jahlesa has noticed that color blocking is super popular again. "Personally, I’m a huge fan! Sometimes you want a little pop of color in the front or a little peek of color in the back and the color blocking method allows you to have fun without the commitment or responsibility that comes with a total hair makeover."
Regan, the author of The Hair Colour Book: A Practical Guide To The Theory Of Colouring Hair, noted that during the pandemic, the trends haven't evolved like they usually do as salons have been closed in most places. The last thing that caught his attention was balayage which is a kind of freehand painting on the hair.
However, if you want to infuse your hair with color but can't decide on the particulars, you might want to take it slow. "Whatever looks people are thinking about applying to their hair, they should understand a few things," Regan said. "Firstly, domestic hair color will only lift about 2 levels and if they have artificial color on their hair then it cannot be made lighter using a tint, only bleach can lighten existing dye."
The Time I Accidentally Dyed My Hair Orange And Then Accidentally Dressed Like A Bag Of Oranges
How’s College Going? Well My Roommate Is Now A Smurf
I Didn't Notice That My Glove Broke While Dyeing My Friend's Hair And Now My Hands Are Stained
"If it says lightener or something similar on the box, then it is most likely a bleach of some description and must be handled very carefully," the hairdresser stressed. "If their hair is partially grown out then the dye will react differently on the virgin hair than it will on the previously colored hair."
"Also, make sure that you do a skin compatibility test at least 2 days prior to applying hair dye – this is important as it is about safety." Judging from the pics, many people, unfortunately, skip this step altogether.
My Friend's Child Got Into Her Hair Dye Before She Woke Up
Guess Who's Severely Allergic To Hair Dye? This Girl
2021 Dad Of The Year: I Told Her To Shower Instead Of Rinsing Her Hair Out, Right After Dyeing It
Dad of the year indeed... What do you do after you get your daughter covered in purple stains? You humiliate her publicly online, of course!
When people want to use a semi-permanent color, Regan said they should check the following: are there two things to mix together? If the answer is yes then it is not a true semi-permanent color!
"One of the ingredients will be a developer (hydrogen peroxide). This will either be a permanent color or a quasi-color which is supposed to fade off the hair but in my experience is almost permanent," the hairdresser said. "True semi-permanent hair color is pre-mixed in a single bottle and lasts about 6-8 washes."
"There's little point in looking at photographs showing a color that is a long way away from the person's natural color as it would be too difficult for them to create at home."
I’m Sharing This For Educational Purposes Only. She Bleached Her Box Colored Hair At Home And Then Put A Relaxer On It To Control Frizz. Her Hair Is Beyond Recovery
When you want to randomly mix chemicals... don't do it on your body!
Today I Learned That Hair Dye Smudges
I bet he didn't read the instructions that clearly say to put the mix on your hair and not to spread it on your forehead, on your neck or on your abdomen....
I Think My Mom Is Allergic To Hair Coloring
Lastly, if you really like your bathroom, Regan believes you should think twice about coloring your hair in it. Some of the people on this list would definitely agree. The whole thing is very likely to get messy.
"Always change your pillowcase for an old one for the first few days after coloring," Regan added. "It's likely that you haven't washed all of the residues off the hair. Red is the worst color for this."
Just make sure you're comfortable (with unexpected results), have everything you need, and aren't pressed for time. Good luck!
So, My Friend Had A Pretty Ridiculous Allergic Reaction To Hair Dye. Pic On The Left Is What She Normally Looks Like
The explanation in the caption solves the dilemma. Glad to hear that the pic on the right isn't what she normally looks like.
Purple Dye Disaster. I Was A Walking, Wide-Eyed Eggplant
On the one hand, I was purple, we were going out later, and this was mortifying. On the other, it was absolutely hilarious
Aren't there instructions on the boxes of these hair colouring products in order to avoid such results?
This Is Why Hair Dye Says To Test It On A Small Spot Before Applying Everywhere. Bad Allergic Reaction
So, My Bottle Hair Dye Just Exploded
So My Wife Colored Her Hair Yesterday
Ha! Yeah, no cuddling directly after dyeing. Hopefully it was cool enough for you to wear long sleeves for a couple days.
What My Hair Looked Like - What I Asked For - And How It Turned Out
My Friend's Little Brother Had An Allergic Reaction To Hair Dye
We Had An Incident - I Think It Was A Faulty Bottle. But, Nora Is In Heaven That She’s Dyed Head To Toe In Pink. So We Will Call It A Lose-Win
Didn't Realize One Of My Glove Fingers Broke Until I Was Done Dyeing My Hair
My Friend Wants To Go To School To Be A Hairdresser, I Let Her Practice On My Hair
Dyed Everything Except For My Hair. Including My Tongue, Nail Beds And Corneas
It probably also dyed their hair, but since it's dark brown, it only got a tint of blue, and you can't really see it. To get really blue hair, dark hair has ti bleached first.
What Could Go Wrong If I Dye My Hair In Front Of My Laptop?
I Will Be Suing The Company Who Marked This Box Of Hair Dye As Dark Brown
An Allergic Reaction To Hair Dye
1 : I want a coat made out of puppies. 2 : take me to your ruler. 3 : mmmbrphlibplrt...
When You Dye A New Wig And It Straight Up Looks Like Barbie Has Just Been Murdered In Your Sink
When You Ask Your Husband To Dye Your Hair
During... And After. Yep, Neil's Hair Doesn't Do Dyeing
Don't Dye Your Hair Blonde If You Have Black Hair
So My Hair Dye Decided To Bleed Onto My Whole Body In The Shower
When You Practically Burn Off About Half Of Your Hair But You're Still Basically Orange. Oops Guess This Stuff Is Stronger Than The Stuff I Used To Use, I'll Know For Next Time
Well if I lose all the hair guess I can start fresh.
Accidentally Put The Hair Dye Gloves On Backwards. My Stupidity Knows No Bounds
Oh No
When Your Roommate Decides To Dye Her Hair Purple
Almost all of these is just people being stupid and not reading instructions.
and the other few are people trusting non-professionals to dye their hair.
Load More Replies...Unless it's Halloween and you reeaaaallly want to look like an alien but don't have the budget for a good costume.
Load More Replies...Always read and follow the instructions that come with your hair dye / colour mix.
What products are these people using? I've dyed my hair so many different colours over many years and have never ended up blue or had dye explode. i feel like I haven't tried hard enough :-D
Because you're careful and follow instructions. Also, critical thinking
Load More Replies...Besides the allergy thing (which can actually happen even when using the same dye you've used before), most are just plain stupid. I mean who washes their hairdye off in shower? Or forgoes the gloves...
I do rinse freshly dyed hair (several colours over the 30+ years I've been colouring) in the shower every time but NEVER stained my skin or the shower as I scrub my body and the shower enclosure/bath afterwards
Load More Replies...I get a little on my ears and forehead when I dye my hair but it always comes off...why? Vaseline. And the parts I miss, rubbing alcohol. but first off, read directions, second, lather Vaseline on your hair line and ears and back of neck. RINSE your gloves before taking them off so when you put them back on you don't make a mess. RINSE your hair after until water runs clear then condition and THEN and only then can you shower. Use a dark towel / sheets for the first couple of days because dark colors bleed for a bit.
You are absolutely correct! The only thing I do differently is NEVER use those worthless gloves that come in the package - I have a pair of the heavy dishwashing gloves specifically for using with home hair color kits. They're much stronger, wash up easily to be used over & over, and they're fairly inexpensive.
Load More Replies...My boyfriend helped me dye my hair throughout quarantine (he had never done it before). I have really long hair so it requires 2 boxes of dye and I have to rinse it out in the shower because I have too much hair for the sink to handle. Never once have any of these happened. What are they doing in the shower to create that much of a mess? I don't understand...
I think they're showing regularly, instead of flipping their hair over so it drips down, so it goes on the and all over the shower floor...
Load More Replies...I feel sorry for a few of these, but most are the result of stupidity
Hair dying rules. 1. Don't dye kids' hair. 2. Read the instructions 3. Follow the instructions 4. Seriously, that's it!
Naw, more like 1. Read the instructions. 2. Follow the instructions. It's perfectly fine to dye a child's hair if that's what they want & it's light enough to not require bleach, or they're old enough to sit perfectly still while bleach is applied. Dying hair is probably the most harmless thing a kid can do to feel more grown up, as opposed to piercings which are often done with cheap unsanitary piercing guns, or more trendy clothing which is often sexualizing children without their knowledge. Besides, it'll wash out in a few weeks. Just let them dye their hair.
Load More Replies...I've been dyeing my daughters hair for her for years without any issues or screw-ups. These people just weren't paying due care and attention to what they were doing and a lot of them just didn't take any precautions in regards to potential allergic reactions. If anyone is wondering why this dad is dyeing his daughters hair for her, it's because she has autism and a learning disability, i'm her only perant and carer and most hairdressers she has gone to struggle to cope with her. It's just a lot easier for me to dye her hair for her instead and i've gotten good at it over the years. I won't touch hair bleaching though, i'm not that brave.
I've dyed my hair myself for years, gotten a little stray dye on my forehead, ears, neck and sometimes it's gotten under or inside the gloves. Nothing ever like this. As long as you keep on top of it you might have a little staining but it's gone a a few days. I feel some of the ones that has the dye all over the shower did so on purpose.
After disastrous home hair dye efforts to go blonde, and going orangey instead, I tried to dye it back to brown but it couldn't hold. Took a visit to a fancy salon to have my hair returned to its natural dark brown (I was shocked how dark, I'd started dyeing my hair lighter when it was still dark blonde!) Sometimes you just gotta pay to get the good results 🤗
Usually dying bleached hair back dark will result in flat color. A box isn't going to get the many different tones that hair is made up of.
Load More Replies...Dyeing your hair isn't that hard. These people are either going out of their way, hoping for hits on social media, or are complete idiots. Or all three, those things aren't mutually exclusive.
I’ve been covering my increasing number of gray hairs by doing “bottle jobs” on my hair every other month for years now. I have never, ever had any of the problems these people have had. I don’t keep dye past it’s expiration. I certainly don’t mix dye then not use it right away (the mixing of the chemicals is the reason for the explosions). I always clean off any place the dye drips or smudges on my face, neck, and ears. The dyes I use allow for me to rinse them off in the shower once they’re set, without stating the rest of my body. I have always read the instructions, and followed them to the letter. The only glitches I’ve ever experienced are once in a while trying a different brand or variation of my usual shade that doesn’t really suit me, but which I can live with until I correct it by waiting 4-6 weeks and dyeing it with my usual brands/colors so I don’t turn it into straw. Just be careful and you’ll be fine. Otherwise, go to a salon and have a professional do your hair.
I can not believe the stupidity of these people then they blame the dye
Cigarette ashes on a wet cotton pad will do wonders to remove dye stains. Just don't scrub too vigorously if you'd like to keep the top layer of your skin!
Ew. Who would rub cancer on their own skin? This is a terrible idea
Load More Replies...So many easily avoidable mistakes. I dye my hair vivid colors all the time, you never ever ever shower.. always rinse just the hair first, otherwise you end up with a big mess. Rinse hair, then shower, then bleach the tub, and you're good. Easy peasy.
Bored Panda should collate a list about post-Holi horrors in India. When there's a darn friggin tornado walloping little kids with chemicals and eerily perpetually unfading dyes. Half the school the next day including the teachers look like aliens.
Use Vaseline ALL OVER your face, no eyeballs or inside your nose and mouth(didn't think one would have to say this but^^^^^) why all over? You have hair all over your face, you'll wind up looking dirty.
When I did mine, my mother said it looked like Harley Quinn died in the bathtub...
Rubbing alcohol takes hair dye off your skin. It's really easy to remove.
From my own experience: it is worth to put some face cream before appplying the hair dye. Also those with oily skin have bit advantage here. When ordinary soap is not enough to remove the dye from the face/skin, try to use micellar water, skin toner or make-up remover.
I recently dyed my hair purple from green and at first the purple covered the green, but after some purple washed out in the tips the mixture and the green, purple, and my naturally brown hair has turned the bottom of my hair a silver-greyish color. It's weird, but I actually kind of like it too.
This is why (after accidentally dying my it Cheeto orange as a teenager) I don't dare try dying it myself.
I used to dye my hair, followed the instructions, usually turned out OK. Why are they doing it in the shower remember gravity makes liquids run down, covering their heads with plastic printed bags. dumb and dumber
Loving the Smurf comments I am apparently easily amsuef
And now you know why there are professionals who dye peoples' hair for a living.
What do people think is going to happen when they take a shower and the dye is then flowing down their entire body? Do they think it goes inert as soon as the timer goes off?
I was a home hair dyer when I was a student and while working my first job. It was a lot cheaper than letting a hairdresser do it, and most of the time it went quite well. That was, until the time I tried to home bleach aubergine purple dye out of my hear. It turned out bright orange...! 🤭😱 I went to a hairdresser in despair and asked her if she could get the orange out. She said she couldn't do anything right now. My hair couldn't take another bleach treatment right now, I needed to wait a few weeks. So I had to walk around with that weird shade of orange for a while... 😟 After a month I went back. The hairdresser bleached my hair to platinum blonde and cut it very, very short to get rid of most of the damaged hair. After this wild ride (and many different hair colors before that, by the way) I stopped dying my hair, it had been enough! And if I ever would want to dye it again, I will let a hairdresser do it, no more experiments at home...
Here is a thought. Do you ever wonder why a quality salon charges so much for color??? This whole article answers that.
34 is bs. There technically no "backwards" for simple plastic gloves. I am horrified at the parents who don't take care of their kids or put things safely out of reach. Little kids SHOULD NOT be without supervision for that long, and imagine if any of them turn out allergic to the stuff, seems pretty commom
Nothing wrong with dyeing your hair at home, if you have done an allergy test and read directions. A Bit of common sense also helps.
I always shower when rinsing out hair dye, never stained me and cleaned up any stains that leaked on my ears, forehead and neck every time without issue. Use quality products that stick to your hair only after having set the required time peeps and wash any glove leakage off your arms straight away when finished applying dye, if I thought it would stain I would use a little clothing bleach, lots of hot water and soak in sink then scrub, no issues ever.
Moral of the story. Read the instructions or pay a professional. Feel free to play with your hair and have it any damn colour you like.
Load More Replies...In high school I always had crazy colors in my hair. I let a professional bleach + color it for the first time and tried some different colors for a while, never went wrong. My then best friend wanted blue hair, so I told her "oh you should bleach it, these brands hairdyes are good, wear gloves etc." Guess what? She didn't bleach it AND didn't wear gloves. Ended up with brown hair with a slightly blue hue and blue hands. Still don't know why she didn't listen to me.
Only self haters & celebs dye their hair. Ohh the poor hairs. I hope all of them go bald
Almost all of these is just people being stupid and not reading instructions.
and the other few are people trusting non-professionals to dye their hair.
Load More Replies...Unless it's Halloween and you reeaaaallly want to look like an alien but don't have the budget for a good costume.
Load More Replies...Always read and follow the instructions that come with your hair dye / colour mix.
What products are these people using? I've dyed my hair so many different colours over many years and have never ended up blue or had dye explode. i feel like I haven't tried hard enough :-D
Because you're careful and follow instructions. Also, critical thinking
Load More Replies...Besides the allergy thing (which can actually happen even when using the same dye you've used before), most are just plain stupid. I mean who washes their hairdye off in shower? Or forgoes the gloves...
I do rinse freshly dyed hair (several colours over the 30+ years I've been colouring) in the shower every time but NEVER stained my skin or the shower as I scrub my body and the shower enclosure/bath afterwards
Load More Replies...I get a little on my ears and forehead when I dye my hair but it always comes off...why? Vaseline. And the parts I miss, rubbing alcohol. but first off, read directions, second, lather Vaseline on your hair line and ears and back of neck. RINSE your gloves before taking them off so when you put them back on you don't make a mess. RINSE your hair after until water runs clear then condition and THEN and only then can you shower. Use a dark towel / sheets for the first couple of days because dark colors bleed for a bit.
You are absolutely correct! The only thing I do differently is NEVER use those worthless gloves that come in the package - I have a pair of the heavy dishwashing gloves specifically for using with home hair color kits. They're much stronger, wash up easily to be used over & over, and they're fairly inexpensive.
Load More Replies...My boyfriend helped me dye my hair throughout quarantine (he had never done it before). I have really long hair so it requires 2 boxes of dye and I have to rinse it out in the shower because I have too much hair for the sink to handle. Never once have any of these happened. What are they doing in the shower to create that much of a mess? I don't understand...
I think they're showing regularly, instead of flipping their hair over so it drips down, so it goes on the and all over the shower floor...
Load More Replies...I feel sorry for a few of these, but most are the result of stupidity
Hair dying rules. 1. Don't dye kids' hair. 2. Read the instructions 3. Follow the instructions 4. Seriously, that's it!
Naw, more like 1. Read the instructions. 2. Follow the instructions. It's perfectly fine to dye a child's hair if that's what they want & it's light enough to not require bleach, or they're old enough to sit perfectly still while bleach is applied. Dying hair is probably the most harmless thing a kid can do to feel more grown up, as opposed to piercings which are often done with cheap unsanitary piercing guns, or more trendy clothing which is often sexualizing children without their knowledge. Besides, it'll wash out in a few weeks. Just let them dye their hair.
Load More Replies...I've been dyeing my daughters hair for her for years without any issues or screw-ups. These people just weren't paying due care and attention to what they were doing and a lot of them just didn't take any precautions in regards to potential allergic reactions. If anyone is wondering why this dad is dyeing his daughters hair for her, it's because she has autism and a learning disability, i'm her only perant and carer and most hairdressers she has gone to struggle to cope with her. It's just a lot easier for me to dye her hair for her instead and i've gotten good at it over the years. I won't touch hair bleaching though, i'm not that brave.
I've dyed my hair myself for years, gotten a little stray dye on my forehead, ears, neck and sometimes it's gotten under or inside the gloves. Nothing ever like this. As long as you keep on top of it you might have a little staining but it's gone a a few days. I feel some of the ones that has the dye all over the shower did so on purpose.
After disastrous home hair dye efforts to go blonde, and going orangey instead, I tried to dye it back to brown but it couldn't hold. Took a visit to a fancy salon to have my hair returned to its natural dark brown (I was shocked how dark, I'd started dyeing my hair lighter when it was still dark blonde!) Sometimes you just gotta pay to get the good results 🤗
Usually dying bleached hair back dark will result in flat color. A box isn't going to get the many different tones that hair is made up of.
Load More Replies...Dyeing your hair isn't that hard. These people are either going out of their way, hoping for hits on social media, or are complete idiots. Or all three, those things aren't mutually exclusive.
I’ve been covering my increasing number of gray hairs by doing “bottle jobs” on my hair every other month for years now. I have never, ever had any of the problems these people have had. I don’t keep dye past it’s expiration. I certainly don’t mix dye then not use it right away (the mixing of the chemicals is the reason for the explosions). I always clean off any place the dye drips or smudges on my face, neck, and ears. The dyes I use allow for me to rinse them off in the shower once they’re set, without stating the rest of my body. I have always read the instructions, and followed them to the letter. The only glitches I’ve ever experienced are once in a while trying a different brand or variation of my usual shade that doesn’t really suit me, but which I can live with until I correct it by waiting 4-6 weeks and dyeing it with my usual brands/colors so I don’t turn it into straw. Just be careful and you’ll be fine. Otherwise, go to a salon and have a professional do your hair.
I can not believe the stupidity of these people then they blame the dye
Cigarette ashes on a wet cotton pad will do wonders to remove dye stains. Just don't scrub too vigorously if you'd like to keep the top layer of your skin!
Ew. Who would rub cancer on their own skin? This is a terrible idea
Load More Replies...So many easily avoidable mistakes. I dye my hair vivid colors all the time, you never ever ever shower.. always rinse just the hair first, otherwise you end up with a big mess. Rinse hair, then shower, then bleach the tub, and you're good. Easy peasy.
Bored Panda should collate a list about post-Holi horrors in India. When there's a darn friggin tornado walloping little kids with chemicals and eerily perpetually unfading dyes. Half the school the next day including the teachers look like aliens.
Use Vaseline ALL OVER your face, no eyeballs or inside your nose and mouth(didn't think one would have to say this but^^^^^) why all over? You have hair all over your face, you'll wind up looking dirty.
When I did mine, my mother said it looked like Harley Quinn died in the bathtub...
Rubbing alcohol takes hair dye off your skin. It's really easy to remove.
From my own experience: it is worth to put some face cream before appplying the hair dye. Also those with oily skin have bit advantage here. When ordinary soap is not enough to remove the dye from the face/skin, try to use micellar water, skin toner or make-up remover.
I recently dyed my hair purple from green and at first the purple covered the green, but after some purple washed out in the tips the mixture and the green, purple, and my naturally brown hair has turned the bottom of my hair a silver-greyish color. It's weird, but I actually kind of like it too.
This is why (after accidentally dying my it Cheeto orange as a teenager) I don't dare try dying it myself.
I used to dye my hair, followed the instructions, usually turned out OK. Why are they doing it in the shower remember gravity makes liquids run down, covering their heads with plastic printed bags. dumb and dumber
Loving the Smurf comments I am apparently easily amsuef
And now you know why there are professionals who dye peoples' hair for a living.
What do people think is going to happen when they take a shower and the dye is then flowing down their entire body? Do they think it goes inert as soon as the timer goes off?
I was a home hair dyer when I was a student and while working my first job. It was a lot cheaper than letting a hairdresser do it, and most of the time it went quite well. That was, until the time I tried to home bleach aubergine purple dye out of my hear. It turned out bright orange...! 🤭😱 I went to a hairdresser in despair and asked her if she could get the orange out. She said she couldn't do anything right now. My hair couldn't take another bleach treatment right now, I needed to wait a few weeks. So I had to walk around with that weird shade of orange for a while... 😟 After a month I went back. The hairdresser bleached my hair to platinum blonde and cut it very, very short to get rid of most of the damaged hair. After this wild ride (and many different hair colors before that, by the way) I stopped dying my hair, it had been enough! And if I ever would want to dye it again, I will let a hairdresser do it, no more experiments at home...
Here is a thought. Do you ever wonder why a quality salon charges so much for color??? This whole article answers that.
34 is bs. There technically no "backwards" for simple plastic gloves. I am horrified at the parents who don't take care of their kids or put things safely out of reach. Little kids SHOULD NOT be without supervision for that long, and imagine if any of them turn out allergic to the stuff, seems pretty commom
Nothing wrong with dyeing your hair at home, if you have done an allergy test and read directions. A Bit of common sense also helps.
I always shower when rinsing out hair dye, never stained me and cleaned up any stains that leaked on my ears, forehead and neck every time without issue. Use quality products that stick to your hair only after having set the required time peeps and wash any glove leakage off your arms straight away when finished applying dye, if I thought it would stain I would use a little clothing bleach, lots of hot water and soak in sink then scrub, no issues ever.
Moral of the story. Read the instructions or pay a professional. Feel free to play with your hair and have it any damn colour you like.
Load More Replies...In high school I always had crazy colors in my hair. I let a professional bleach + color it for the first time and tried some different colors for a while, never went wrong. My then best friend wanted blue hair, so I told her "oh you should bleach it, these brands hairdyes are good, wear gloves etc." Guess what? She didn't bleach it AND didn't wear gloves. Ended up with brown hair with a slightly blue hue and blue hands. Still don't know why she didn't listen to me.
Only self haters & celebs dye their hair. Ohh the poor hairs. I hope all of them go bald