If your household happens to have both a pet and a pair of glasses, I can say with a fair amount of certainty that at some point you’ve tried to put glasses on the pet, and now your household also has at least one, but probably multiple, funny pics of said pet in the said glasses.
But honestly, it’s not only a dog with glasses that makes us laugh. Somehow we managed to develop this incredible tool that helps us improve our eyesight but that at the same time creates all sorts of hilarious situations. And it doesn’t really have to be some goofy glasses, like disguise mustache glasses or glasses with blinking lights. Those who have to wear glasses on a daily basis know how many hijinks they can create throughout the day.
Scroll down to take a look at some of the funny glasses pics we have collected for you. How many of these weird glasses photos make you go “Yep, that’s definitely happened to me”? Share this article with your friends who can appreciate the humor of these situations too, and share with us any funny photos with silly glasses that you have.
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My Daughter Got Glasses. Everything She Draws Now Wears Glasses As Well
I Got A Pair Of Circle Rim Shades, But My Girlfriend Didn't Like Them, So I Gave Them To My Grandmother, And Then All Her Friends Bought The Matching Pairs
A Pair Of Doll Glasses And Now Me And The Little Boy Match
If he weren't wrapped in that burrito he would 💯 be swatting those glasses out of his ears. That'd feel annoying af.
Proper Lab Attire
Lee Taylor, An 83-Year-Old Woman, Wears These Giant Glasses "To Spread The Fun And Make New Friends"
I Put Googly Eyes On My VR Glasses And Let My Grandparents Try Them Out
How The Cleaning Service Attendant Left Us Fresh Towels. He Even Used Our Sunglasses. So Perfect
This Is Thunder. Thunder Is A Blind Mini Horse. Thunder Needs To Wear Special Goggles To Protect His Eyes. We Took The Liberty Of Personalizing Them For Him
I Lined The Inside Of My Clear Eyeglasses With Glow In The Dark Paint. Now This Happens When I Walk In A Dark Room
Cat Glasses
So Rude
Reflection Of Tunnel In Mirrored Sunglasses
My Glasses Defog In Perfect Circles From The Center Of The Lenses. This Is How I Look Like With Them
"Gas In The Tank - Check. Goggles On - Check. Best Friends By Side - Check. Let's Ride"
A Goat With Sunglasses Staring At The Sky
I Designed Some Sustainable New Year's Eve Glasses Last Night
I'm Healing From A Septoplasty, And I'm Not Allowed To Wear Glasses As They Put Too Much Pressure On My Nose, So I Rigged Up A System
I Got A Panoramic X-Ray Of My Teeth The Other Day. The Dentist Forgot To Have Me Remove My Glasses
I Like To Design Stupid Products For Fun, So I Created Blinds For My Sunglasses
My Little Niece Thought That Putting Sunglasses And A Hat On The End Of My Boxer's Butt Would Be Really Funny. She Was Correct
My Father Lost His Reading Glasses About Two Years Ago. Found Them Today
I Forgot To Bring My Sunglasses To Work. Only Pair I Had In My Car Were My Toddler's
You look very fetching! And I'm sure all your work colleagues reminded you of that, all day long.
My Friend Got New Glasses Which Have Heels
This Dog With Wonka Glasses. I've Seen Everything Now
Do These Glasses Make Me Look Weird?
This Child
My Clip On My Sunglasses Looks Like An Insect
Neck Arthritis Is Killing Me Right Now. These Glasses Let Me Lay Flat And Scroll
The Reflection In My Sunglasses Looks Like Eyes
Prepared For The Summer
Eye Glashes
Yes, I Often Think Putting Broken Stuff In The Microwave Will Help Fix It. This Is Contrary To Any Actual Evidence From Experience Though
My Husband Took This Picture Of Me This Morning While I Was Trying To Clean My Glasses
My Thick Lenses Look Like An Ice Cubes
These Glasses With Wipers I Saw In A Store Window
She Checked Me Out At The Waffle House
After writing out my receipt, she started looking around for her glasses, so I started chuckling and told her she was wearing them. She said, "No honey, not those glasses, these..."
This is what lack of access to vision care looks like. She can not afford a new prescription or new glasses. This is a sad picture of American Health Care.
Inventing New Frames
My Wife Was Getting Her Pictures Taken With A Baby Alpaca But Got Photobombed By An Alpaca With Shades
Well I Found My Glasses
A Newspaper Wrote A Story On All The Fake Inventions I've Been Posting. So It Inspired Me To Create The Focusframes. Always Be Laser Focused
Using Swim Goggles While Cutting Onions
The Photo Progression
I've Been Looking For My Glasses For 3 Days
I'm glad I'm so short sighted that I never take of my glasses during the day... So they basically can't get lost by misplacing them accidentally
My Cat Wouldn't Stop Messing With My Glasses, So I Decided To Try Something
One-Eyed Glass
My Prescription Glasses Lenses Are So Thick When Fitted To These Vintage Aviator Frames
My Girlfriend's Glasses Broke, So I Replaced The Lenses In Google Cardboard With Her Prescription Lenses
My Father And His New, Improved Reading Glasses
You Just Have To Choose
Taking Off Your Hat For A Second And Forgetting Your Sunglasses Are On It While In A Public Bathroom
I'm impressed by the home-made repairs. All but two of those would actually work.
Well I have just ordered 3 new pair of glasses. None of these and I was due but still
I'm impressed by the home-made repairs. All but two of those would actually work.
Well I have just ordered 3 new pair of glasses. None of these and I was due but still