Forgetting things can be annoying. From the little things like heading into a room and suddenly standing there aimlessly to the big ones like noticing how meaningful dates, details, and tasks gradually slip from your memory. We’ve all been there. And we all know that watching your memory go downhill can be concerning, irritating, and downright scary.
But if this makes you feel worried, fear not! The good news is that it's just how our minds work. And apparently, it can lead to some pretty amusing situations, too. Because when our neurons go into brain.exe has stopped working mode, our silly forgetful selves end up in a variety of side-splitting scenarios that make us face reality. And then lead to utter hilarity.
Below, our team at Bored Panda has wrapped up a list of the funniest and most relatable pictures where people face the ridiculous results of their scatterbrained approach. So sit back, buckle up, and get ready to laugh as you scroll through this wild rollercoaster ride. Be sure to upvote your favorite pics, and let us know if you've ever experienced anything similar in the comments!
Psst! More of the same goodness can be found in our previous piece on this feature right here.
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I Forgot My Wife Was Away, And After I Rolled Over In Bed, I Saw This
Well, that is in no way an awfull consequence. This is a wonderful result!
I Forgot To Turn The Heating On In The Morning. Came Home To This
Forgot To Give Him His "Go" Command For Food. Poor Wee Pudding Sat There For About Ten Minutes And Didn’t Make A Peep
Forgot where you put your keys? Drew a blank on a birthday? Did going to the doctor’s appointment slip your mind yet again? We all know how easy it is to be embarrassed and feel your cheeks turning bright red whenever you fail to remember something. Especially when it comes to the most obvious things that often make you look like a complete fool and leave you seriously questioning your choices in life.
But don’t worry, you’re definitely not the only one experiencing these blunders. And forgetting these things is usually not that big of a deal. We at Bored Panda are firm believers that laughing off the embarrassment is extremely important, and thankfully, the internet is buzzing with brave people who think so too. The examples in this list even prove that being absentminded can cause some seriously funny consequences that will one day become entertaining tales you can whip out to entertain guests at your next dinner party.
Forgetting A Special Day
Forgot I Had A Dentist Appointment And Didn't Have Time To Change. They Think I Am Crazy In The Waiting Room
If I looked like that, I would dress like that every day. Dude is ripped.
My Mom Swore She Already Made Me A Waffle, But We Couldn’t Find It. So She Made Another One And I Grabbed A Fork
My mom was always doing stuff like that: One night my dad came home from work and went to get ice for a drink and there's a box of tampons in the freezer. He turns to my mom, ' um...?' Mom: 'OMG where'd I put the frozen peas?!' Found under sink in bathroom.
Not to belittle dementia but how do you confuse a box of tampons with a bag of frozen peas? One would, at least if recently taken out of the freezer, be cold to the touch. Tampons come in a box and hopefully are not cold (disturbing thought).
Load More Replies...Early onset Dementia 😞😔😪 at least my experiences so far. Grandma had Alzheimer's, this is the cute begnin things in the beginning... Unfortunately my mom right now is still a clear enough to know in hindsight how scary this is, but in the meantime it's kind of funny. Until we find the thing! Good luck to you both:/
do you have cats? because that is a cat people thing to do - hide food you will eat in a few mins in drawers
Are there foods that are dangerous to cats? I'm just curious
Load More Replies...*snort* Like putting your bowl of cereal in the fridge and trying to eat your carton of milk
🤣😂🤣😂 Your poor mother!!!!! Like us parents don't already feel like we're losing our mind on a regular basis.
So many people laying the blame for this on dimentia but even an overly busy mind or new medication can cause these actions. Over 15 years ago, after taking a new muscle relaxer for a few days my husband found my .380 in the freezer. I still have no idea why I even had it in my hand.
Back when we were teens, my big sis was making crepes one day. She would throw them up in the air and flip them once before catching them again with the pan. She was very proud she had mastered the move, as our older bro could flip them twice before catching them again in the pan. But one such crepe went up and seemingly never came down again. We looked for it everywhere in the not so large kitchen. The cooking machine was next to the window, but the window was closed. Well, we never found it that evening. Total mystery - and we all went to bed raking our brains as to how and where that crepe could disappear like that!! I was the one who found it the next morning, when I tried to put on my boots which, being winter, had been left to dry next to the heater in the kitchen... My foot met a soft, wobbly mass and I yelled "mouse!!!" before upending my boot from which the poor crumpled crepe fell...🤣 We still laugh to this day when we remember, after all these years.
I do this stuff ALL the time. Found my car keys in the fridge after looking for 2 days because when I got home that day I put milk in the fridge that I bought, and dropped the keys out of my hands. Daily, I astound myself with these little stupidities. Thank you for letting me know I have company!
Sometimes while watching TV with my mom a phone would ring on the TV show and she would get up and go to her house phone to answer it. All the while I would be saying " It's the TV. IT'S the TV MOM."
Yep when u get old shiit happens I came home from grocery shopping put the food in the fridge and the car keys too
Moreover, there's no need to be concerned about premature memory loss or your brain slowing down due to age just yet. Memory lapses can happen at any age and for several different reasons. Seth Gale, MD, a neurologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, told Everyday Health that when patients experience memory loss, doctors can drill down and find out what’s actually happening with their mental functions.
"For example, it’s common for people to still have the capacity to learn and store information, but because of their overloaded mental resources at this time of their life, they have trouble doing it well," Dr. Gale said.
One issue that may play a significant role is nutritional deficiency. A lack of sufficient levels of B12, one of the B vitamins essential for normal nerve function, can lead to confusion and even dementia. Moreover, experiencing stress and anxiety can also affect brain function and lead to problems with attention and memory. This particularly relates to people who consistently juggle home and work responsibilities, sacrificing their sleep.
Don’t Forget Your Seatbelt
Last Year I Forgot To Get Batteries For My Niece’s Toy So This Year She Got Me This
My Wife Forgot To Leave For Me The Car Seat To Take Our Son To The Babysitter's House. This Is The Picture I Sent When She Asked How I Was Going To Get Him There
I then turned off my phone for the next 4 hours.
Speaking of sleep, Harvard Medical School found that inadequate sleep in midlife may lead to dementia. "If you’re currently only sleeping four to five hours because you’re up late working every night, you might want to change your habits, otherwise you risk developing dementia by the time you retire," Dr. Andrew E. Budson wrote.
The lecturer pointed out that previously, the relationship between sleep in midlife and dementia in late life has always been a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. "Was it really poor sleep that caused dementia, or just early dementia symptoms causing poor sleep? By looking at individuals who were initially studied in midlife — some as young as age 50 — we now have greater certainty that poor sleep can increase one’s risk of developing dementia 25 years or more in the future."
Drew This For My BF This Morning And Forgot About It. Scared The Poop Out Of Myself
Throwback To When My Mom Forgot To Submit My Senior Baby Ad For The Yearbook And Asked My Dad To Do It
This is amazing. As a father myself, I hope to one day dad as well as this dad, dads.
I Guess He Forgot To Switch Accounts
We’ve heard a million times that struggling to recall information is a sign of a worrying change. But sometimes, forgetting things is just how our brain works. Of course, sometimes our silly actions make you wish the ground would swallow you right up and hope that everyone can collectively pretend it didn’t happen. But if you believe you’re the only one facing these struggles, you might find comfort in knowing that forgetting things is only part of life. And people tend to forget surprisingly fast.
Here’s where Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve comes in. This model demonstrates how memories are lost over time and what we can do to reinforce the things that we learn. In the late 19th century, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus tested his memory over various periods of time and discovered that when you first learn something, the information disappears at an exponential rate. In other words, you lose most of your newly acquired knowledge in the first couple of days, after which the rate of loss decreases.
I Asked My Son What He Wanted From Taco Bell. He Said He Wanted Nothing. Now He's Crying Uncontrollably Because He "Forgot That Taco Bell Has Tacos"
Went In Our Supply Closet. Looks Like We Forgot To Give These Out
Put Both On This Morning To Get Wife’s Opinion. Forgot To Change Before I Left And Was At Work All Day Like This
Dr. Art Kohn, Professor at Portland State University School of Business stated that on average, 50 percent of information is forgotten after one hour, 70 percent in 24 hours, and 90 percent is lost in a week. Hence, what you do after learning and training is more important than what you do during.
"Forgetting is usually an active, adaptive, and even desirable process," Dr. Kohn wrote. "After all, most of the things we remember (like where we set our glasses), are only of short-term importance, and after a day or so the brain needs to suppress such time-limited memories in order to free space for information that may be of more immediate value."
When You Live In Svalbard, Norway And Forgot To Close The Window To The Home Office
Well, mark it as "Svalbard reply to Ice Hotel Jukkasjärvi" and rent the room for exorbitant prices!
I Got A Panoramic Xray Of My Teeth The Other Day. The Dentist Forgot To Have Me Remove My Glasses
At My Apartments, You Need A Key Fob For Entry. Only Problem Is I Forgot The Key Inside. I Walked Out And Let The Door Shut Behind Me Before Realizing He Wasn’t Outside Yet
Now we wait.
However, the problem is that if you try to remember many different things throughout the day, your brain doesn’t know which of these bits of information will be useful to you in the long run.
"The good news is that while forgetting is a pervasive process, it is not random. In fact, it is possible to signal the brain that a particular piece of information is important and that it should retain it," Dr. Kohn added. So when learners are forced to recall this new information in the following hours and days after training, they are much more likely to retain that information in the future.
Dr. Kohn refers to this as booster opportunities, a series of questions and quizzes after learning something new that allow people to better recall the information. "Your brain wants to retain information that is useful to you and purge information that is not. And so, if you happen to call that information into your mind in the hours and days after training, your brain tags that information as important and is more likely to retain it," the professor explained. "If you use it, you won’t lose it!"
I Left My Snow Broom Leaning On My Car And Forgot About It. When I Drove Away, It Had Frozen To The Ground And Stayed Standing
Made Cake Toppers For My Wedding And Forgot To Check The Oven's Temp Before Putting My Fiancée In
Remove Your Ice Tray To Get Unlimited Ice
However, scientists recently presented a new theory that contradicts the belief that memories simply decay with time. See, every now and then, we tend to forget memories that are similar to each other to remember the novel or more interesting ones. The research proposed by Dr. Tomás Ryan, Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin, and Dr. Paul Frankland, Professor at the University of Toronto, found that forgetting some memories can actually be beneficial as this can lead to more flexible behavior and better decision-making.
Someone On The Ferry Forgot To Put Handbrake On
....and not any small thing at all on the deck to prevent things from rolling straight off? Bad design as well..
Put Them In The Oven On Purpose To Hide Them From Kids. Forgot About Them
Their Flight Left 2 Hours Ago
"Memories are stored in ensembles of neurons called 'engram cells' and successful recall of these memories involves the reactivation of these ensembles," Dr. Ryan explained. "The logical extension of this is that forgetting occurs when engram cells cannot be reactivated." In other words, memories are still there, but they can't be recalled: "It's as if the memories are stored in a safe but you can't remember the code to unlock it."
"We propose that forgetting is actually a form of learning that alters memory accessibility in line with the environment and how predictable it is," Dr. Ryan concluded.
Uhh, Excuse Me Officer, But It Looks Like You Forgot Something
One Of My Students Forgot Her Cheat Sheet Inside Her Biochem Finals Answer Sheet
I Picked The Ladder Up Forgetting The Paint Was On Top
Glad it wasnt a bucket of paint, that could have really hurt your head!
Dear Person That Drove Off With The Air Pump Still Attached To Your Wheel, You Forgot Your Teeth
My Father Forgot To Tell Me The Renovations Would Be Taking The Stairs Out Today
Forgot To Switch Back From His Fake Account After Complimenting Himself
“I Think I Left A Window Open Last Night, Not Sure”
My Friend Forgot To Check His Underwear Before Putting It On
Friend Forgot He Had Bear Mace In His Car After Camping Over The Weekend, And The Hot Sun Turned It Into A Spice Missile
It shattered the windshield and coated the inside in no-no foam.
I Keep Forgetting This Soap Dispenser Is Motion Activated So Every Time I Go And Pick Up Trash, I Risk Getting Soap On My Head. Today Was The Day
A Family Member Forgot To Turn Off The Sink Light Overnight
Pretending To Travel The World But Forgetting To Pose In Front Of A Different Fence
The Employer Forgot To Delete The Final Line "If It's Still Too Long Let Me Know"
Forgot Spaghetti With Mushrooms In The Microwave For A Week. Now It's A Floofly Ball Of Mold
There Were 12 Minutes Left In The Washing Cycle When I Saw This
Walked To Work In A Thunderstorm, But My Boss Forgot To Tell Me We All Have Today Off
Left Beer In A Cooler Outside. Wife Found It
We Got Our Doors Painted During A Remodel And The Painters Forgot To Put The Plastic Covering On The Ground
Forgetting About Your Pizza For 8 Hours. Burnt So Bad It Looks Like A Double-Chocolate Brownie
NYC Fireworks - Guy Films For 15 Mins But Forgets To Hit "Record"
Tried To Save Money By Having My Roommate Cut My Hair. She Forgot That She Took The Guard Off
I Totally Forgot That Having "Now Playing" As A Face On Your Apple Watch Isn’t Just For Music, But Just The Last "Media" You Might Have Watched That Day
It’s the new watch, too, the one that doesn’t turn off the screen. Cringe for me and the amount of customers who likely saw this today.
Forgot My Plastic Spatula In The Oven While Heating Up My Lasagna
Been there, done that. Bonus to this is how great your home smells for days after this mistake.
I Forgot To Take The Old Coffee Pod Out Of The Coffee Maker Before Making Cup Noodles
I was confused as to why on earth someone would choose to use a coffee machine just for hot water for their noodles. Then I realised it must be because they don’t have a kettle.
Forgot To Tell The Wife I Uncrossed The Plugs. Guess Who Doesn’t Have A Ready Dinner Now
My Brother Tried To Dye His Brand New Nikes In Coffee And Forgot About Them For A Month
I am amazed at all these people trying to cook noodles without water - I would not have thought that to be a common mistake?
I just learned today that you can cook noodles by microwaving them
Load More Replies...I just looked up how much air pods cost. I think I'm good with my bulky 60$ headphones that aren't small enough to forget in a pocket in the wash...
AirPods are a huge waste of money. I lost mine and replaced them with a $20 pair of wireless earbuds from Amazon. The $20 ones honestly sound better and last much longer on a single charge
Load More Replies...These remind me of the time my MIL was visiting. I showed her a drawer I had cleared out for her use in the guest bedroom. She threw her makeup bag in there and closed the drawer and we both laughed and then promptly forgot all about it. She thought she had forgotten her makeup and had to buy all new. I was cleaning the room after she left and opened the drawer, surprise!
I've read numerous stories of individuals losing bitcoin through fraud. I prefer to start by stating that the organizations in charge of bitcoin security have done nothing to assist in the recovery of lost or stolen coins. In my case, my computer was hacked and someone with access to my emails stole 4.3 bitcoins. I contacted blockchain right away, but they wasted my time. I then looked for help elsewhere and was directed to speak with a bitcoin professional who helped hunt down and recover my bitcoins for a charge. After the job was finished, I was more than happy to pay more. I'm glad I got help, and I want to urge you to contact proassetrecoveryexpert at gmail com
I am amazed at all these people trying to cook noodles without water - I would not have thought that to be a common mistake?
I just learned today that you can cook noodles by microwaving them
Load More Replies...I just looked up how much air pods cost. I think I'm good with my bulky 60$ headphones that aren't small enough to forget in a pocket in the wash...
AirPods are a huge waste of money. I lost mine and replaced them with a $20 pair of wireless earbuds from Amazon. The $20 ones honestly sound better and last much longer on a single charge
Load More Replies...These remind me of the time my MIL was visiting. I showed her a drawer I had cleared out for her use in the guest bedroom. She threw her makeup bag in there and closed the drawer and we both laughed and then promptly forgot all about it. She thought she had forgotten her makeup and had to buy all new. I was cleaning the room after she left and opened the drawer, surprise!
I've read numerous stories of individuals losing bitcoin through fraud. I prefer to start by stating that the organizations in charge of bitcoin security have done nothing to assist in the recovery of lost or stolen coins. In my case, my computer was hacked and someone with access to my emails stole 4.3 bitcoins. I contacted blockchain right away, but they wasted my time. I then looked for help elsewhere and was directed to speak with a bitcoin professional who helped hunt down and recover my bitcoins for a charge. After the job was finished, I was more than happy to pay more. I'm glad I got help, and I want to urge you to contact proassetrecoveryexpert at gmail com