30 Times Parents Tried To Excite Their Kids With ‘Elf On The Shelf’ But Failed Miserably
For those of you who have never heard of the Elf on the Shelf, it’s a Christmas tradition where a special scout is sent by Santa to watch over children. The Christmas elf observes the kids by day and each night returns to the North Pole to report whether they were naughty or nice.
While this custom is really exciting for the children, their parents have it a bit more complicated. Thinking of creative ideas and remembering to change the position of the doll 25 nights in a row can be harder than you might think.
Whether it's forgetting the elf in the fireplace or setting up the dolls so they look like something from a horror movie, often things don’t go as planned. Here are some of the most hilarious Elf on the Shelf fails that are too funny not to laugh at. So continue scrolling and make sure to upvote your favorite ones!
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I Happened To Look In Our Window And Noticed That When She's Backlit, It Didn't Quite Look As Cute As Intended
The Elf on the Shelf tradition started from a children’s storybook which was published in 2005. The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell was incredibly successful. Today, millions of families take out their elves every year for almost a whole month, from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve, to spread the spirit of the upcoming holidays.
If you’re wondering how to start this tradition in your household, it’s quite easy. You buy the doll, customize it according to your preferences, and read the storybook with your children because it has all the information you need to know about your elf.
However, there’s one vital rule that the children need to follow—they cannot touch the elf or it will lose its magic. Plus, the elf only starts to move after the children fall asleep and creates mischief while running around the house, so the parents need to find a new place to hide it every night. If you wish to find out more details about the custom and the whole story, you can find it on their official company website.
Tried To Write A Fun Bathtub Message From The Elf, But It Turned Out A Little Cryptic
As adults, we know that Santa Claus isn’t real, but many of us remember the magic we felt when we thought he existed. Even though it’s generally best for parents to keep the number of lies they tell their kids to a bare minimum, the rules don't apply to the holiday season. Why is it considered good to tell our children the Santa myth?
Melinda Wenner Moyer, the author of How to Raise Kids Who Aren't A-Holes, wrote that stories about Santa and his little helper might actually be good for kids’ cognitive development. "Fantastical stories foster a type of imaginative play that sparks creativity, social understanding and even—strange as it may sound—scientific reasoning."
Daughter Ran Into My Room Screaming “What Is The Elf Doing To My Doll?” Well I Thought They Were Dancing
Things Got More Toasty Than Planned
According to the writer, Santa Claus belongs to the "good lie" category because by the time children find out the truth about him, they can already tell the difference between a good and a bad lie, so they don’t have any hard feelings for the parents.
"What Kris Kringle does do is feed the imagination. Kids picture him managing his elves at the North Pole, soaring through the sky or squeezing through chimneys," Moyer continued. Participating in fantasy play and adopting the role of Rudolph or Mrs. Claus in games "may cultivate a set of skills known as 'theory of mind,' which helps kids predict and understand other people’s behavior."
Did A Cute Angel Thing For The Elf. The Cat Thought It Was Litter And Did A Giant S**t On My Kitchen Side. My Poor Kids. We Go To Find The Elf And He’s Had A Giant S**t?
Balding Barry... Our Elf’s Hat Came Off So We Decided To Super Glue It To No Avail. Hey, Let’s Use Nail Polish Remover To Get The Glue Off....laughing Hysterically Ever Since!!!
Yet, while some adults think of fun and creative scenarios for where to place the Elf, others are not so fascinated with the concept. Emma Shingleton, a parenting expert, said that while the kids might behave themselves when the elf is watching, there’s no guarantee that it will continue after Christmas.
Snow Angels In Sugar Turned Out Looking More Like A Crime Scene
Intruder Alert!
Elf On The Shelf Display Goes Horribly Wrong And Stains The Kitchen Floor
Shingleton suggests a nicer alternative, a helpful elf who could support children in making good decisions. "Explain to your children that Santa's elf has been sent to homes to help them in the run-up to Christmas. They love to see children spreading kindness and joy, and then make the journey back to the North Pole each night to tell Santa all the lovely things children have been up to," the expert advised.
Set The Elf Up Eating Cheetos, And Didn't Notice Where I Sprinkled Them Until My Kids Started Laughing
I Bit The Head Off The Kids Christmas Elf
Well I Guess I Should Have Checked To Make Sure That There Wasn't A F***ing Elf In The Fireplace Before Turning It On
After all that, it all comes down to your choice of what to believe. While some parents think that the Elf on the Shelf tradition is really annoying and time-consuming, it can actually be a lot of fun for adults too. Especially when something does not go as expected and you end up with a really messed-up elf and only a few hours left to think of what you're going to tell your children.
This Idea Looked Okay At That Time. Brandon Woke Up To Find Berry An Well Brandon Said That’s The Creepiest Thing His Elf Has Done And He Doesn’t Like It
Poor Ken! Tried To Spread A Little Christmas Cheer At The Piano And Look What Happened
So We Decided For “Buddy” To Have Some Lil Zipline Action, But Used Fish Wire Instead Of A Noticeable String, So Yea! Angelito Said He Seen Buddy Floating. He Is Scared Of Him Now
I Was Bound To Miss One Night
Throwback To That Time We Set Our Creepy Elf On Fire Last Year. Ooops. Don’t Let Your Elves Sit On Light Fixtures, Y’all
Getting Him Into A Balloon Isn’t As Easy As It Looks
Elf On The Shelf Was No Match For Booker The Boston
Bearded Dragon Don't Like Intruders Even If They're Santas Little Helper
You go, dragon! Keep those invasive little creepy Elf puppets out of your territory...
Found The Elf Covered In Nail Polish, So I Tried To Remove It And Fix The Elf's Face
Elf Was Hiding In A Balloon. Which Deflated Over Night And Now Looks Like He Is Waiting To Be Born. The Questions From Mister 8 This Morning Are... Colourful
I wonder how they even got the elf into the small opening hole of a balloon
When Your Husband Thinks Sitting On A Wall Sconce Was A Good Idea... Rip Chippy
Set The Elf Up Near The Toilet, And He Promptly Fell In
I Didn't Prepare For The Off Chance The Tape Didn't Hold. So My Children Woke Up To An Elf That Drowned In Last Nights Spaghetti Pot
Baby Boy Wakes Up And Searches For His Elf. He Finds Her And Says She Drew On The Bananas. I Asked What She Drew And He Says "Nothing, She Just Scribbled On Them"
New Puppy Got Ahold Of The Elf, And The Rest Is, Well
I Seriously Forgot I Put The Freaking Elf In The Freaking Oven
When Daddy Puts Maxi (Rowen Named Him) Too Close To The Light Bulb You Tell The Kids He Got Frost Bite On His Way Back From The North Pole
Well....i Thought It Would Be Funny. My Kids... Not So Much 😂😂. Both Had Tears And Told The Elf They Didn’t Like Her Anymore
The biggest natural enemies of the Elf on the Shelf seems to be dogs and light bulbs, according to this post.
A disturbing number of people are unaware that light bulbs get hot.
Load More Replies...Elf on a shelf is some dystopian bullshit that proclaimed itself a tradition
I always found the Elf on the Shelf to be creepy and preferred the Jewish counterpart, the Mensch on a Bench.
It was supposed to be sweet, innocent, lighthearted, and fun. But we all know some people just can't help themselves and turned it into the complete opposite. Much like so many other things in this world going on. What was meant to be good, gets turned into bad or negative. You know we can't have nice things or good things. Without someone completely corrupting it. I'll never understand why people do that.
Load More Replies...The biggest natural enemies of the Elf on the Shelf seems to be dogs and light bulbs, according to this post.
A disturbing number of people are unaware that light bulbs get hot.
Load More Replies...Elf on a shelf is some dystopian bullshit that proclaimed itself a tradition
I always found the Elf on the Shelf to be creepy and preferred the Jewish counterpart, the Mensch on a Bench.
It was supposed to be sweet, innocent, lighthearted, and fun. But we all know some people just can't help themselves and turned it into the complete opposite. Much like so many other things in this world going on. What was meant to be good, gets turned into bad or negative. You know we can't have nice things or good things. Without someone completely corrupting it. I'll never understand why people do that.
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