We believe that you’re familiar with “Dude With Sign”, a popular social media account and internet personality created by Seth Phillips. He gained fame by posting pictures of himself holding humorous cardboard signs with relatable messages in public places. Now, if you're a fan of him, you're in for a delightful twist. Imagine if we took the wit, humor, and cardboard signs of Seth Phillips and handed them over to a witty Dudette!
Meet Nisarah, the creative mind behind “Dudette With Sign”. She emerged onto the social media scene after “Dude With Sign,” and while the format may be similar, her unique take adds a refreshing twist to the world of humorous signage. With her quick wit and relatable commentary, Nisarah brings a female perspective to the everyday situations we all encounter, and her signs are nothing short of hilarious.
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While the format might seem familiar to those who follow “Dude With Sign”, Nisarah’s take is refreshingly different. With clever wit and relatable commentary, she dives headfirst into the everyday situations we all find ourselves in. It's like she's speaking our minds with her signs.
Now, you might wonder, "What's the big deal about cardboard signs, anyway?" Well, Nisarah's signs capture the essence of everyday life. Whether it's the troubles of adulting, the quirks of technology, or the hilarity of human interactions, she's got it all covered. Each sign is a slice of life that makes you nod in agreement while secretly chuckling.
Any excuse that involves the gender of a person is not an excuse. Don't say "Girls eh?" or "Boys will be boys" say something like "Tracey! Barry! Get you f*cking a*ses her right now you little b*stards!"
Signs have had a massive impact on our society. They're like the mirrors reflecting our beliefs and the loudspeakers for our shared dreams. Throughout history and across different cultures, these simple visual messages have been used to bring about political and social change. They represent the voices of the underrepresented, question the way things are, and inspire movements that have changed the world.
Compliment a woman, and she smiles and says "No I'm not". Compliment a man, and he will look confused, then smile for the rest of his life because you made him happy for a day, and he will never forget that
UK charity shops don't hike the prices up on clothes, but they do know the value and sell them at as low a price as they can
In today's digital world, signs have found a new stage on social media. When people take pictures of signs at protests and share them online, those pictures can spread like wildfire. This means that the message on the sign can reach lots of people quickly, even people from different parts of the world.
The use of hashtags has become integral to this phenomenon. Activists often accompany images of signs with relevant hashtags, such as #BlackLivesMatter or #MeToo. These hashtags serve as digital signposts, guiding social media users to related content and discussions. They create online communities around specific issues, making it easier for people to connect, share their experiences, and stand up for the same important things.
I wish people were more honest in this sense... I hate it when someone comes up with some convoluted nonsense instead just saying "no thanks, not my thing"
People invite me my response now is "Wow that does sound like fun. I will give it consideration but you know me I most likely will not go. Thanks for the invite...that's the best part."
Thank you, I am just honest about that now I’m old, I don’t care if people find it antisocial
Throughout history, signs have been powerful tools for political and social activism. Nisarah's signs may not be your typical protest placards, but they are undeniably effective in drawing attention to various social concerns. While protest signs have traditionally conveyed powerful messages to rally people around a cause, Nisarah uses her own unique brand of signage to tackle important issues in a refreshing way.
Agree. If one starts with the 'customer is always right' stuff, then ask them how they would do your job and keep correcting them when they are wrong. End with "Not so right now, are you?"
EXACTLY! My tap water tastes entirely different from the toilet water! Even after I flush!
Honestly, my business is so boring, you would be wasting your time.
I have so much medication that any bug that bites me dies of a drug overdose
Maybe he should change his first name to Richard and then the sign would describe him as well as name him
Yep... it's been well over 10 years and the psycho is still blocked... staying that way too...
But answering "with hard work, and a monthly subscription for mace" works well.
I know she doesn’t know, but I know. I’m excited about it and looking for an excuse to buy her a special treat and a toy!
NO ONE is qualified to give relationship advice. You would have to know both parties so intimately that you are both of them. The best you can do is give relationship ideas and suggestions (My Mom)
Bev and I use the Tealc GIF Indeed when we agree on something or think something is a good idea https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/tealc-stargate-gif-17960585
'Supply Chain Issues' has resulted in my medications being changed a lot over the last few months for compatible medications
Steph, can you shut it? If you like the post, upvote it, but we don't need to hear about you being a negative jerk.
These are awesome - especially the joint signs, and the ones with props!
Steph, can you shut it? If you like the post, upvote it, but we don't need to hear about you being a negative jerk.
These are awesome - especially the joint signs, and the ones with props!