If you've seen one of Bored Panda's earlier lists of the funniest dog posts on the Internet, you know how fast they can fill you up with positive vibes.
Whether you catch these wonderful animals trying to steal a snack or just loafing around like a piece of bread, dogs can put a smile on your face and make your day by just being dogs. They constantly overwhelm our hearts with pure happiness and make sure we know just how much they appreciate us.
Continue scrolling to see what I mean!
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Retired NASA Astronaut, Leland Melvin’s Official Portrait
According to New York City-based dog trainer and pet expert Andrea Arden, the human and dog relationship is very much the equivalent of a parent and child relationship. "Dogs feel most secure, comfortable, and happy when around their people," the author of Barron's Dog Training Bible and Dog-Friendly Dog Training told Bored Panda.
"Even just the scent of their human makes them happy. This has been proven in studies that use MRIs to track brain activity in dogs."
You can see this in their eyes. "A dog looks at the owner and attempts to work out what kind of relationship is taking place," Nigel Reed, a dog behaviorist and author from London, UK, said.
He Wanted Me To Go Outside And Play Fetch
Science says that spending time with canine companions does wonders for our well-being.
For example, a comprehensive review of studies published between 1950 and 2019 discovered that dog owners had a lower risk of death—studies suggest that dog owners have lower blood pressure levels and improved responses to stress.
Interestingly, people who had experienced previous coronary events had an even higher level of risk reduction for death.
Also, dogs make us a lot more sociable. Think about it, aren't people with canines more approachable? There's always a conversation starter wagging its tail next to them!
Researchers have found that about 40 percent of dog owners have an easier time making friends—these animals really help us to get to know strangers and form new relationships.
Possibly The Greatest Photo Ever
With all of the unconditional love we receive from dogs, it's only fair we take real good care of them. "Dogs provide one of the most uncomplicated (and most beneficial) relationships one could hope," Arden said. "Making them happy is generally as simple as providing them a home, nutritious food, clean water, appropriate toys, plenty of appropriate exercises for them to release both physical and mental energy, and companionship. Pretty short and easy list for a bestie."
And while dogs can't articulate their emotional state, they can certainly show us when they're having a good time. "A dog's body language tells you a lot about how they're feeling," Arden said. "Relaxed, soft, loose body language (including soft tail wag, play bows, relaxed ear set, and soft eyes) are all indicative of a happy dog. Also, a good appetite, good sleep habits (about 16 hours a day for an adult dog), and enthusiasm for interaction are signs that a dog is healthy and happy in their environment."
To see just how much pups benefit from a healthy relationship with humans, check out these 30 Photos Of Dogs Before & After Their Adoption That Will Melt Your Heart.
When You Leave Your Dogs Alone For Just A Few Minutes
The Dog Was Much Happier Before Her
"Thinking of all the possible ways to get rid of her and make it look like an accident"
Cause This Is Thrilleeeeeer!
I've suspected my dogs of taking joy rides in the middle of the night using this tactic.
Load More Replies...For real Rufus this is the last time I’m doing this. I am putting my foot down. I’m always boosting your ass up on my back while I get the low view. You need to start boosting me up sometimes or we aren’t hanging anymore
Little known rodeo event, at the Calgary Stampede. 8 second pupper riding. Yeehaw.
Ball Toy
Leave Me Alone, Human! I Told You I Hate Baths
Breaching Buddies
All Hail The New King
I Look At My Dog
If You Can't Hide A Crime Scene, Just Pretend You Are A Victim
Dog Park Engagement Photos Did Not Disappoint
White Doggo vs. Freshly Cut Grass
The Division Has Begun
We Don’t Need Any Fake Frens
This Aquatic Explorer I Ran Into Yesterday
When Your Chihuahua Uses Your Bulldog As A Horse
Just Wanted A Nice Family Photo
Head Pats And Rubs Go Right Here Please
Our Dog's New Hairdo, Courtesy Of The Cat
Day Dreaming In Front Of The BBQ
Guard Dog On Duty
So Close, Yet So Far...
During And After A Shower
It’s That Time Of Year Again!
He’s Extremely Stubborn
One Of Piper’s Heckin Cool Tags Came In Today
Knock Knock
I Guess I'm A Towel Now
He Has Been Known To Accost People For Ages If He Thinks They Will Throw A Ball Or Stick For Him
Don't Stop Me Now
My Girlfriend Finally Woke Up Before Me And Caught Our Usual Sleeping Arrangement That I’ve Been Complaining About. The Bed Is King-Size
These Are In Fact The Same Dog On The Same Day
Sliced Bread
They Grow Up So Fast
Anubis Wears Adidas, Apparently
She's The Only Thing Keeping The Tower From Falling.
Say Hello To Bagel The Beagle
I Looking Cool With Them Paper Rolls
Perfect Timing
Draw Me Like One Of Your German Girls
I Use Cannabis Oil For Medicinal Purposes, I Accidentally Dropped Some To The Floor And My Dog Licked It
My Dog Gets Ear Infections Easily, So I Got Him A Shower Cap
Mom Decides To Cut Dog's Hair Herself
Dog Steals Dentures
When You Grow A Potato That Resembles Your Dog
The potato took one look at your dog and said, "One day i'll look like that find beast"
Transmission Is Stuck In Bark. Put It In Rufferse
I know this is not about dogs, but I would like to remind everyone that today, in 1973, Secretariat won the Triple Crown. I saw all three races and I have NEVER seen a more incredible trio of races. It was like the other horses in the race were not even on the track, he out distanced them so far that the only question was which horse would come in second. He was magnificent and nothing I have seen since even begins to approach his ability. He was what all horse trainers wish their horses were.
Hi fellow Secretariat fan! I was so priviledged to be at Secretariat's final race at Woodbine Racetrack. It was such a rainy day. I mean pouring. We had plans to go, but with the rain my parents decided no. Woodbine is waaaay on the other side of Toronto. Heckuva drive. Because the track was so muddy running him was questionable. I was crying, so we went. OMG!! When he was walked out, one word. Majestic! When he reached the finish line the other horses weren't even out of the final turn. Unfortunately Ron Turcotte wasn't riding due to a suspension. My Dad went and got me two $2.00 tickets I have safely tucked away. Has BIG RED on them. There is a statue of him at Woodbine for his last race. We are sooo lucky! I don't think the Belmont record will ever be broken.
Load More Replies...Secretariat loved winning and would sulk at the rare occasion that he lost. Didn't like the roses though. Never met Him but his grandson owned me. Out at the sanctuary Pair-O-Docs (pictured) would snarl at the other hourses and run them off if he caught them petting with me. PAIR-O-DOC...5489ac.jpg
I know this is not about dogs, but I would like to remind everyone that today, in 1973, Secretariat won the Triple Crown. I saw all three races and I have NEVER seen a more incredible trio of races. It was like the other horses in the race were not even on the track, he out distanced them so far that the only question was which horse would come in second. He was magnificent and nothing I have seen since even begins to approach his ability. He was what all horse trainers wish their horses were.
Hi fellow Secretariat fan! I was so priviledged to be at Secretariat's final race at Woodbine Racetrack. It was such a rainy day. I mean pouring. We had plans to go, but with the rain my parents decided no. Woodbine is waaaay on the other side of Toronto. Heckuva drive. Because the track was so muddy running him was questionable. I was crying, so we went. OMG!! When he was walked out, one word. Majestic! When he reached the finish line the other horses weren't even out of the final turn. Unfortunately Ron Turcotte wasn't riding due to a suspension. My Dad went and got me two $2.00 tickets I have safely tucked away. Has BIG RED on them. There is a statue of him at Woodbine for his last race. We are sooo lucky! I don't think the Belmont record will ever be broken.
Load More Replies...Secretariat loved winning and would sulk at the rare occasion that he lost. Didn't like the roses though. Never met Him but his grandson owned me. Out at the sanctuary Pair-O-Docs (pictured) would snarl at the other hourses and run them off if he caught them petting with me. PAIR-O-DOC...5489ac.jpg