People Still Can’t Stop Posting Corona Jokes And Here Are 40 Of The Freshest Ones To Make You Laugh Then Cry
The coronavirus continues to spread and has infected more than 26 million people all over the world. It’s no laughing matter and sometimes it’s tough to see the silver lining in life. But finding some humor in this thoroughly miserable state of affairs and poking fun at 2020 helps keep our spirits up.
That’s why Bored Panda brings you the newest edition of coronavirus jokes that people are sharing online. Upvote your favorite corona jokes, let us know which ones you liked the most and why, and make sure to check out our latest lists here, here, as well as here.
And remember, dear Pandas—even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson reminds us all to wear our masks. We gotta do what The Rock says, there’s no two ways about it. I mean, imagine saying ‘no’ to The Rock! Meanwhile, comedian and comedy writer Ariane Sherine told Bored Panda that she believes humor today is far more pessimistic and darker than at the start of the year because the pandemic's much more serious than most of us first thought. "But on the upside, there’s also a shared sense of camaraderie and getting through tough times together." Scroll down for the rest of the interview.
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Just like many of us, Ariane limits the amount of time she spends absorbing corona-related news nowadays. "I get my news in bite-sized chunks from Twitter. I read the news articles they recommend but I never watch the television news as I find that a lot more emotive and distressing than written news," she said. It's good for our emotional health to limit how much time we spend thinking about the coronavirus each day.
According to Ariane, there are some things waiting for us in the near future that could be cause for renewed hope and optimism. "The news that a vaccine is just around the corner is cause for optimism, but whether most people will be willing to take it or not is another matter. Hopefully, the pandemic will be over entirely by this time next year," she said.
I'd do what they tell me every one should see how a person dies from this it is a horror!
Previously, Bored Panda spoke about staying optimistic and hopeful in these trying times with psychologist, priest, and published author Dr. Fraser Watts. According to him, optimism is a matter or prediction while hope is a matter of attitude.
"In the present situation, I don't think there are any good grounds for optimism, and to be optimistic would be a retreat into a fantasy world. However, even in present circumstances, it is possible and really helpful to maintain a positive, hopeful attitude,” he said.
Dr. Watts explained that staying hopeful about the future requires practice and cultivating a positive mindset. “It is useful to be clear that hope does not depend on believing that everything is going to be fine. It is more an act of will."
Meanwhile, the question of whether or not anyone should be making jokes about the coronavirus is on some people’s minds. Earlier, Know Your Meme’s Senior Editor Matt Schimkowitz told Bored Panda we need to evaluate each joke on a case-by-case basis.
“There are plenty of great coronavirus memes and plenty of bad ones. I think when it comes to a situation like that, one that affects everyone on a global scale, it's kind of fair game. Of course, there's a line, I think, when you start mocking other people's experiences with the virus,” he explained.
Yes and then they’ll blame you if you get bitten by them. Jerks.
The meme expert added that some people will always be offended by some jokes and it’s impossible to fully reconcile them with the people who make jokes. “It's possible to make jokes about sensitive topics, but you have to listen to your audience in order to get there.”
Schimkowitz isn’t too fired up about the rest of the year. “Sorry to say, it's not looking good. We're currently in the middle of a global pandemic, so I think for many people it's probably going to continue being pretty painful. Oh, and there's a US election coming up, which are usually calm, orderly events with no problems, partisanship, or societal ruptures. Sorry to be a bummer!”
In the old days they used to burn real outhouses just for the hell of it.
My 2020 calendar was "A F*cking Calendar". September's month is "Holy Sh!t Balls" and it has random quips such as "F*cking Pumpkin Everything" on random days. Along with the middle finger stickers, and some that say "Suck it Up" I feel it was spot on for what this year brought us!
Ah, gravitationalism. Serious illness. #spreadawareness #thoughtsandprayers
I swear if this virus was visible to the naked eye people would stay the f**k home. I mean, some people had trouble accepting germ theory in the first place. "What do you mean there are tiny creatures making me sick? Everyone knows illness comes from bad smells."
I was just about to push the door open to a shop and in the reflection behind me I saw a man wearing a mask. First thought "oh bugger" - about turn!
That’s how I felt when I heard “must be free”, when a product wouldn’t scan or had no price tag.
...maybe they're using the latter 1980s definition of the word 'fresh', commonly used by East Coast urban dwellers (within hip-hop subculture), to describe something valuable...
Load More Replies...Some were very funny. Some were very stupid. Some dangerous. i have a couple I think are funny. Now they're saying that if you survived the Corona virus the Government wants my plasma. No way nobody gonna take my T.V. A mask is not a political statement its an I.Q. test. O.K. i will shut up for now. (love this site)
Pauline you made my day. The TV thing made me Chuckle. Haven’t seen that one! Have a great day!
Load More Replies...Will the future of education address the glaring shortfalls in people's conclusions when processing information? Like, will history classes include focus on the plagues and pre-germ theory, biology touch upon viral cell structure, chemistry the molecular composition of soap and its effectiveness in breaking down germ walls, math to explain exponentiation and data interpretation, sociology classes to explain "co-morbidity" and how to interpret studies, philosophy to identify logical fallacies and how to think critically, etc.?
I expect in some places they will, in others they won't. It will be interesting to see the degree science is adopted and accepted. Eg. Texas vs New York
Load More Replies...well, if worrying about corona is a "joke" then this pandemic proverb : "wear a mask a day keeps the corona away"which is not an identical twin to "eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away"is definitely not a joke. (P.S no one gives a damn if one eats an apple or not,but if doesn't wear a mask in name of standard health concern then one can't help but forced to be worried/concerned.
Modern medical science has halted evolution and allowed idiots to survive long enough to pass their genes on and upset the natural balance. We're over run with idiots! So now Mother Nature has introduced this virus in an attempt to restore that balance. But as usual, she hasn't got a chance. No one dies of AIDS anymore, soon, no one will will be dying of COVID-19. But eventually, the human race will be so saturated with idiots, medical science will fail, the human race will become extinct, and raccoons will evolve and take over.
Ok, I'm American, but just because you live in Russia doesn't mean you're dishonest. Their government might be, but the average Russian citizen has no control over their government and is therefore not responsible for what their government says.
Load More Replies...The real question is how come a pandemic has been turned into a political issue? An illness to which no one has any antibodies should only ever be a medical issue, nothing else.
Load More Replies......maybe they're using the latter 1980s definition of the word 'fresh', commonly used by East Coast urban dwellers (within hip-hop subculture), to describe something valuable...
Load More Replies...Some were very funny. Some were very stupid. Some dangerous. i have a couple I think are funny. Now they're saying that if you survived the Corona virus the Government wants my plasma. No way nobody gonna take my T.V. A mask is not a political statement its an I.Q. test. O.K. i will shut up for now. (love this site)
Pauline you made my day. The TV thing made me Chuckle. Haven’t seen that one! Have a great day!
Load More Replies...Will the future of education address the glaring shortfalls in people's conclusions when processing information? Like, will history classes include focus on the plagues and pre-germ theory, biology touch upon viral cell structure, chemistry the molecular composition of soap and its effectiveness in breaking down germ walls, math to explain exponentiation and data interpretation, sociology classes to explain "co-morbidity" and how to interpret studies, philosophy to identify logical fallacies and how to think critically, etc.?
I expect in some places they will, in others they won't. It will be interesting to see the degree science is adopted and accepted. Eg. Texas vs New York
Load More Replies...well, if worrying about corona is a "joke" then this pandemic proverb : "wear a mask a day keeps the corona away"which is not an identical twin to "eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away"is definitely not a joke. (P.S no one gives a damn if one eats an apple or not,but if doesn't wear a mask in name of standard health concern then one can't help but forced to be worried/concerned.
Modern medical science has halted evolution and allowed idiots to survive long enough to pass their genes on and upset the natural balance. We're over run with idiots! So now Mother Nature has introduced this virus in an attempt to restore that balance. But as usual, she hasn't got a chance. No one dies of AIDS anymore, soon, no one will will be dying of COVID-19. But eventually, the human race will be so saturated with idiots, medical science will fail, the human race will become extinct, and raccoons will evolve and take over.
Ok, I'm American, but just because you live in Russia doesn't mean you're dishonest. Their government might be, but the average Russian citizen has no control over their government and is therefore not responsible for what their government says.
Load More Replies...The real question is how come a pandemic has been turned into a political issue? An illness to which no one has any antibodies should only ever be a medical issue, nothing else.
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