50 Of The Most Brilliant Comebacks Ever Screenshotted, As Shared On The ‘Clever Comebacks’ Twitter Page (New Pics)
Comeback refers to a quick reply to a critical remark which basically shuts down the critic immediately. The best comebacks are always a step ahead in restoring karma, defending the accused ones, and making that snap which is entertaining to anyone who witnesses it.
And since experiencing a real-life clapback which is both fun and witty is somewhat rare, we turn to the internet, or this Twitter page, to be precise, to give ourselves a masterclass in savage comebacks.
Named “Clever Comebacks,” the page is busy sharing exactly what it promises in the title and from 75.5k followers, it seems like it’s doing a pretty good job. More masterclass comebacks from the same account can be found in our previous feature right here!
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Call the fire department, thats is not a burn, thats a frikking forest fire....
In a previous interview, Bored Panda spoke with Abigail Paul, an actress, standup comedian and improviser who has been giving seminars on incorporating theatre techniques for purposes beyond the stage to schools, businesses and organizations.
Abigail argues that the secret to any comeback is connection. “If you are really listening to (and connecting with) another person, you are taking them in fully, aware of who they are, the context in which you are dealing with this person,” she said.
if the shoes are long enough that takes care of social distancing
Moreover, according to the comedian, people do this assessment unconsciously. In fact, we aren't even always aware that we are always sizing up other people. “This is too often because we are so focused on ourselves.” A great comeback feels great because it was earned, Abigail argues. “It was spontaneous. The commenter was probably really listening. It was unique to that moment, set of people, situation,” she told us some time ago.
Yeah, that’s because we’re so.... I can’t be bothered to finish that sentence 🥱😴
One of the biggest challenges in saying a comeback is making sure it doesn’t sound mean. But Abigail reminds us that a comeback is not a clapback. The latter one “is generally sarcastic, but a clapback might be fun among friends.”
At the same time, the context of a situation always matters. “In working on status exercises in improv, we try to get people to see that the easiest way to raise another person's status is to lower their own. We see that in standup comedy too. Usually it works best if the comic is the butt of the joke, not the audience. (There are plenty of exceptions.)”
And also, expecting them to be happy is first of all sexist, and also dumb because how would they be happy when so many problems plague femalekind, like pink tax, groping, jerks like this guy, etc. Today in my bus some guy apparently pulled up the shirt of & touched this girl in her private parts. That girl is a 4th grader, and that guy is that age or younger! (my school goes from Nursery to 12th grade).
Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate. Karens gonna talk to a lawyer about suing an underage child. Something tells me there's more than just hairstyle why kids call that karen, karen.
While you don’t need to be too self-effacing for a good comeback, if it can lift other people up, the job is done. “When it works well and gains the speaker a laugh and cements the bond that says, we are in this together,” Abigail explained.
While comebacks can be used as an excellent communication tool, listening skills are the most important thing. “Paying attention, making accurate observations about the people in the room, and how they feel—these are the tools that will make a comeback really shine,” Abigail explained.
My granddad died of Parkinson’s so it would be a slap in the face for me if a cure is discovered now
certainly played a part in my communism love story comrade
True beauty comes from the inside. This new gf must be a better person than the ex.
well it involves a time machine, some ballpoint pens and a whole lot of dumplings. Who's with me?
I get so mad at this, if the rest of the clothes turned back, why didn’t the shoe? And also if the shoe didn’t turn back when it fell off, why didn’t she take off other things so they would stay?
do. not. put. the. salmon. in. the. wet. towels. and. then. the. microwave.
Frank Zappa once said when you reduce a concept to a bumper sticker mentality you are in deep s**t. Lots of snappy comebacks though.
Lol once in class my teacher said the name of some show that I forgot it’s name, and one kid was like,” lemme guess, an old person show,” and the teacher just stopped in her tracks but she is a nice teacher so she didn’t take it too seriously and later she was talking about discounts, and said that there are discounts for people like senior discounts and she said specifically to the one kid that no, she isn’t old enough for it not expecting anything, and he said “really?” It was hilarious lol
Frank Zappa once said when you reduce a concept to a bumper sticker mentality you are in deep s**t. Lots of snappy comebacks though.
Lol once in class my teacher said the name of some show that I forgot it’s name, and one kid was like,” lemme guess, an old person show,” and the teacher just stopped in her tracks but she is a nice teacher so she didn’t take it too seriously and later she was talking about discounts, and said that there are discounts for people like senior discounts and she said specifically to the one kid that no, she isn’t old enough for it not expecting anything, and he said “really?” It was hilarious lol