You know, they say that we all have two lives: the second one starts right when we realize we only have one. At first, this idea might not make lots of sense, but if you think about it, as people grow older, they start to realize that their life might come to an end without them having done all the fun things they wanted to do. This is when people start making a bucket list.
If you have never heard this expression or are wondering about the meaning of bucket list, it actually comes from the phrase “to kick the bucket,” which means, well, to die. With time, it lost its morbid vibe and came to mean things you want to do during your life – usually, fun and unconventional things.
For most people, things to put on a bucket list include traveling to an exotic destination, living in a foreign city for a month, trying a new hobby you never had time for, and other similar things. But there are people who go all in and put all sorts of funny things on their bucket list. Because, you know, if you’re planning to have fun, your list might as well include some crazy things to do.
For this article, we collected some funny, unusual, and sometimes even crazy bucket list ideas. We sincerely hope they will inspire you to have some fun and create moments to remember. Vote for your favorite entries, share this article with your friends, and if you have crazy bucket list ideas of your own that you have already tried or are still planning to, tell us all about them in the comments.
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Hire Two Private Investigators To Investigate Each Other
Call Someone To Tell Them You Can’t Talk Right Now
Pretend To Have An Argument With A Mannequin At A Store
Unless it turns out to be the living plastic, because then it’ll just kill you.
Send A Hogwarts Acceptance Letter To A Random Address And See If They Respond
Ride A Horse Through The Drive-Thru
Create A Random Piece Of Art And Put It For Sale For $1,000,01
Go In An Elevator And Then Make Peek-A-Boo Sounds When The Doors Open
Get A Ride To A Graveyard And Invite Them Into “Your Home”
Eat Vanilla Pudding Out Of A Mayo Jar
Since your bucket is now empty, you can eat your vanilla pudding out of it!
Randomly Place Gnomes In Your Neighbors Yard
Wear An Ugly Christmas Sweater In The Summer
Throw Your Dog An Elaborate Birthday Party
Accuse Someone Of Farting In An Elevator
Convince Someone You Are From The Future
Play Hide-And-Seek In IKEA
Bring A Fishing Pole To An Aquarium
Laugh Randomly For 5 Minutes On A Public Place
Go To A Nightclub And Ask The Bouncer If They Know Who You Are
Jump Into A Taxi, Then Shout “Follow That Car!”
In my city that would get you kicked out real fast, and possibly the cabbie would press that Panic button they have now.
Pretend To Have A Very Personal Phone Conservation In A Public Place
He was like..."what is this? Tastes weird." And I was like... "Honey don't move there, the rabbit pooped all over the floor again, I'm about to clean it"
Put Vaseline On Your Hand And Give People A Handshake
Vacuum Your Lawn
I've actually done this, primarily to pick up the rabbit poo so my toddlers didn't think there were chocolate treats on the lawn. 😂
Have A Water Balloon Fight With Friends
The last time I did this water balloons were all over my street for months and I'm still finding them
I used to do this all the time as a kid. I once used rotten egg smelling g balloons. Accidently got one in their house
For my 40th birthday, we had a water balloon/water gun fight with the colored water paint. It was so much fun, I highly recommend!
Ask Someone “Do You See That Cow Barking Or Is It Just Me?”
Say “Yes” To Everything For One Day
Speak In Third Person All Day
Put A Clear Coat Of Nail Polish On A Bar Of Soap
Put A Small Post-It Under The Mouse
'Bark' Every Time You Receive An Email At The Office
Only Speak In Song Lyrics For A Day
Wear A Funny Couples Halloween Costume
Spend The Whole Day Speaking Like A Pirate
This is what September 19th is for, it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Dress Mismatched
Santa looks fine in this photo. Would be mismatched if he wore mambo shorts instead
Try To Replace Your Family Photos With Photos Of A Celebrity
Take A Stuffed Animal To The Vet
Wear A Funny Temporary Tattoo
I actually have Henna on my hands right now. It's not silly, but it lasts for about a week.
Drive Around In A Clown Costume
Let The Kids Draw On A Parent While They're Sleeping
I don't understand this one. I'm not going into their house to stop them. no matter what.
Poke Someone In A Crowded Place And Point It Towards Another Person And Leave
Some of these ideas might be funny in a country where everyone isn't armed.
Spend The Whole Evening Pretending You Don’t Speak English (Or Your Own Language) And Only Talk Gobbledegook
Crash A Wedding And Give A Toast
Follow A Friend Around For The Entire Day
Go Up To Strangers And Act Like Lifelong Friends
Make A Hilarious Photo Calendar
Refer To A Stranger As 'Grandma'
Text Some Random Number Saying “You Have 7 Days”
Put Invisible Ink On Someone’s White Shirt
Switch Your Friends Phone To A Foreign Language
Rearrange Kitchen Drawers
Only exciting if they aren't your drawers. Shakespeare never wrote a play about moving the big spoons closer to the stove.
Block A Store’s Door At And Ask For The Secret Entry Password
At Church During A Baptism, Stand Up And Yell “I Volunteer As Tribute!”
Good way to accomplish the next thing on my list which is… *checks paper* getting murdered by my parents, got it.
Glue Coins To A Street In The Crosswalk
always act slightly scared anytime someone does something on the bus,or also push an empty stroller,but really sell the fact there is a baby in there
always act slightly scared anytime someone does something on the bus,or also push an empty stroller,but really sell the fact there is a baby in there