That lovely German word 'schadenfreude' describes the pleasure that one gets in witnessing another person's misfortune. While we don't necessarily condone this slightly evil feeling, it can be useful in putting one's own struggles and unfortunate events into perspective.
For instance, it's Monday. You didn't get much sleep, the car won't start, and you're late for work. Seems like you're having the worst day ever! It's easy to feel grumpy and full of self-pity; you might even bring the people around you down as well, with your crappy mood.
However, one look at this list, compiled by Bored Panda, will immediately make you realize how much worse things can be. These people are having a really bad day, , and it's sure to be even more unlucky than yours!
Scroll down below for your Monday dose of schadenfreude for yourself, and sure your own funny accidents and worst fails in the comments!
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My Cat Couldn't Get To His Litter Box Because The Toilet Door Was Forgotten Closed At Night, So He Spilt The Litter Bag Himself And Pooped On It
Imagine the poor thing, desperately holding on while trying to rip the bag open. :-(
that isnt actualy a bad day, you f****d up and your cat showed you more iq then, never mind, you have realy bad day :D (up vote for the joke)
Cats are very clean, especially when they know from experience that you have to empty their toilets - they always poop somewhere where it's easy to clean up after them.
No. I find that to be not true. They tend to find a dark or hidden spot, and then never tell you what they did.
Load More Replies...I remember this story being on Bored Panda some time back. I thought it was adorable. He was smart enough to know where his litter was.
During medical residency I got home after a long overnight call with no sleep, and I shut the bedroom door so my cats wouldn't be stepping on my head and waking me up. I was so tired I forgot to give them a litterbox, so they knocked papers off my desk and used them as litter, bless them. They didn't soil the carpet. I was grateful to them and sorry I had forgotten the boxes, so I lavished praise on them. After that, and it is entirely my fault, they thought that any stack of papers I left lying around was a convenient table top litterbox. On the upside, this ensured I left things less cluttered.
They are very lucky, some cats would just "go" on their owner's bed (I speak from experience).
That is one pissed off cat! Once my cat and I were having a feud and he pooped on my pillow. He spent several days locked out of my room, but we eventually made up.
Load More Replies...Very nice cat! My cats have two clean litter boxes and still manage to pee/poop in one of the cat beds at least once a week.
Have you taken them to the vet? They may be trying to tell you something about their health.
Load More Replies...This guys has a bad day? I'd say he has a great day! When we had our first cat 30 years ago we made many mistakes, so our 6 month old cat pooped all over the tangled cables in the corner behind our "Entertainment" set (quite big piece of furniture with TV, VHS, radio tuner, record player and dozens of cables). And she had the runs... Sorry for the mental picture. Oh and we had a carpet...
you will never forget anymore, not to close the door again, good cat!
I had a cat that would poop in the shower. At least it made for an easy clean up.
What a sweetie. Took care of the problem in a socially acceptable manner
You hang a towel over the toilet door to provent situations like that ✌🏼
That cat was it’s owners mother in a past life & is resigned to the ethic ‘if you want a thing done pooperly then do it yer self!
Are you sure it was the cat?Looks like it might have been your husband.
So, like these unfortunate souls bestowed with bad luck, you have had a terrible day. What's the best and healthiest way to deal with such a setback? Psychology today has some basic tips on how to calm down, come to terms with your fate and carry on with serene acceptance, avoiding an existential crisis.
Start by setting an intention to be gentle with yourself. "When you're feeling battered around by the winds of luck, you're going to need some self-nurturing. Set an intention that you're going to be kind to yourself while you're waiting for the universe to start dishing out some kindness again."
He Saw A Squirrel And Dragged Me Through The Mud On My Ass
Some Musicians Just Aren’t Smooth
Treat yourself: "A dose of positive emotion will increase your resilience during stressful days. Know yourself well enough that you have a short mental (or written) list of simple things you enjoy that reliably boost your mood."
"As a self-test, try to come up with five things now that reliably boost your mood. They need to be simple and under your control (e.g., "sunny days" isn't going to work since you can't personally create one of those.) If you find this hard, note whatever you can and add to it when something pops into your mind."
Some examples could include: Getting a kind of food that you like that you don't eat that often, maybe lobster or some fried plantain! A good, tasty meal is always good for the mood... You could also book yourself in for a massage or meditation session on the way home from work, or yes, even a beer. But don't overdo it, because alcohol is never the answer to a problem!
Kids Playing With Fire Hose During Coast Guard Demo
Those kids are going to have quite a story to tell when they get home.
This Big Guy And Three Of His Friends Got Into A Newly Built Montana House And Proceeded To Live There For A Month Before Being Found
Get something small done that's on your own agenda: "Positive mood comes from a combination of pleasure and a sense of mastery (feeling you're competent and can get things done). These both go out the window on bad days because having a run of bad luck usually feels frustrating, demoralizing, and out of control."
"Find something you can get done that will ensure the day isn't totally unproductive. It's a skill to be able to identify quick mastery tasks that feel achievable no matter what else you have going on. The more you practice, the better you'll get at it."
Went To Open My Fridge. Definitely Thought My Hand Was Connected Properly
Stuck His Head In A Hole In A Tree To Take A Look, Guess What He Found
And finally, learn to recognize the impact of stressful events: "When I worked as a therapist, clients would frequently overlook or underestimate the impact of stressful events and frustrations on their mood."
"It's a lot easier to cope with one isolated incident than it is to cope with a series of blows that come in quick succession. If you're feeling down or overwhelmed, it can help to recognize that many of the causes of your stress are temporary, one-off events, or random incidents of bad luck."
These incidents are all just that, random incidents of bad luck. Life goes on! In the meantime, let's all enjoy a little hilarious schadenfreude at these poor people's expense!
Crashed Car And A Parking Ticket
Put My Visor Down In The Side To Block The Sun
Threw My Swatter At A Fly. Don't Ask Questions Because I Don't Have Answers
My Brand New Roomba Ran Over My Puppy’s Shit And Proceeded To “Clean” The Rest Of My Home
Their Flight Left 2 Hours Ago
Oh No
I Came In To Find My Tortoise Like This
Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over. Good job, buddy.
Good Morning And Happy Valentine’s Day! Why Not Start Your Day Off With A Turmeric Smoothie?
Your Day May Have Been Bad, But It's Probably Not As Bad As 'I Tipped Over A Satellite And It'll Cost $135 Million To Fix' Bad
That impact test went well! It got hit by a planet and is still in one piece! That's a Job Well Done!
The F Fell Off My Ford Fiesta Flame. Now I Drive A Ford Fiesta Lame
When Your Snickers Bar Taunts You
My Dad Bought A Soap From A Charity In 2016 And Only Today Opened The Box. Look What Was Inside! P.S. My Dad Is A Huge Football Fan
That was just stupid of the soap company! Lots of people don't open a soap box right away but wait until they've finished the soap they already have.
So Excited To Use My Pizza Cutter For The First Time
Bet She's Glad She Bought That Tire Cover
Driver was taken to the hospital as a precaution.
When The Snowplow ‘Nicks’ Your Car
Poor Megan
Anyone Curious What Happened After That Guy Ripped His Pants At The Wedding. I'm His Wife
Siberian Summer
I Asked To Have It Edged Up So My Bangs Would Be Straight. Proceeded To Cut All My Bangs Off And My Entire Widows Peak. White Guy At A Black Barbershop Problems
I've Been Using The Complimentary Towel At My Apartment's Swimming Pool. Someone Just Told Me It's A Towel For Wet Dogs
I just moved in to a new apartment complex and I've been using the new swimming pool and hot tub. I usually come straight from gym, so as a courtesy to others, I shower in this locker room before I use the pool. I keep forgetting to bring a towel so I quickly use one of these towels on the wall. Yesterday, a stranger saw me bathing and here and told me that this is actually a room meant for residents to give baths to their dogs, and that the shower I'm looking for is in a different locker room. As he tried to hold back laughter, he asked me what I thought this blue thing was for. I told him I thought it was for bathing babies. FML.
In Colorado, Due To Rock Fall, A 20 Mile Stretch Of Highway Now Has A 238 Mile, 4,5 Hour Detour
A Storm Came Through. The Plastic Furniture Barely Moved But The Grill Blew 30 Ft Into The Pool
Finally Gave In And Let My Daughter Get A Cat. Turns Out She’s Allergic
A Small Crash Revealed Just How Much Make Up She Had On
So This Guy Paused A Video Of A Model He Wanted To Look Like And His Barber Mistook The Play Button Icon With His Desired Hairstyle And Shaved Triangles On Both Sides Of His Head
A Woman Put 1.5 Gallons Of Windshield Washer Liquid Instead Of Oil
Life Must Be Hard For Him
Whoever Threw A Sink Into My Car Last Night
The Door I Had To Get Through Last Night To Get To My Room
My Favorite Wedding Photo. I Got A Bubble In My Eye While We Were Leaving
don't be ashamed by getting emotional, no need to hide behind a bubble-accident
I Proposed To My GF This Weekend And Proceeded To Drop The Ring Down A Gopher Hole
My Roof Caved In Last Night
Trying To Even Out My Tan On My Lunch Break
ATM Shut Down With My Card In It
Cut My Finger While Opening A Package Of Band Aids
Waited Almost 14 Years For This Moment, And Of Course I Missed It
Instagram vs. Reality
Some of these are so hilarious. i felt bad for laughing because if I were in any of those circumstances I would want to crawl in a hole and cry. But they were really funny.
I got in an Uber close to the Port of Miami. The previous passengers left their phone in the car and at that moment boarding for a cruise. I didn't mind the driver going back to the Port do drop off the phone.
I accidentally leaned on an electric plug and left the bottom plug inside the outlet. Still works, but now an outlet at my friend's house has the third hole blocked. Plus the thing was my dad's, so... Also bonus, my brother's earbuds got yanked out of his iPod, and left the metal part stuck inside. Neither the earbuds nor the iPod's sound work.
I enjoy laughing at the foibles of others, but when you constantly attribute anonymous dumb actions to women it becomes something sinister. If you truly want to "highlight the positive things that unite us" make sure it's all of us. Girls growing up in a society that treats them as if they are stupid will be less likely to rise to their potential and more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. And boys raised to believe their gender makes them superior will result in what we're experiencing today: rampant hatred and violence towards others. Please live up to your responsibility.
Makes the job search easier because I am now goofing off! Very entertaining! Thanks for the chuckles!!
Some of these are so hilarious. i felt bad for laughing because if I were in any of those circumstances I would want to crawl in a hole and cry. But they were really funny.
I got in an Uber close to the Port of Miami. The previous passengers left their phone in the car and at that moment boarding for a cruise. I didn't mind the driver going back to the Port do drop off the phone.
I accidentally leaned on an electric plug and left the bottom plug inside the outlet. Still works, but now an outlet at my friend's house has the third hole blocked. Plus the thing was my dad's, so... Also bonus, my brother's earbuds got yanked out of his iPod, and left the metal part stuck inside. Neither the earbuds nor the iPod's sound work.
I enjoy laughing at the foibles of others, but when you constantly attribute anonymous dumb actions to women it becomes something sinister. If you truly want to "highlight the positive things that unite us" make sure it's all of us. Girls growing up in a society that treats them as if they are stupid will be less likely to rise to their potential and more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. And boys raised to believe their gender makes them superior will result in what we're experiencing today: rampant hatred and violence towards others. Please live up to your responsibility.
Makes the job search easier because I am now goofing off! Very entertaining! Thanks for the chuckles!!