Our adorable pets spend a lot of time with us, and they’re often smarter than we might think, so it certainly makes sense that they would pick up a trick or two from us. As proof, here are 22 smart animals that are slowly mastering the art of acting human.
Some of these are just coincidental photos which, while funny, are not quite as awesome as photos in which the adorable animals have actually been trained to do something funny or cool. With the exception of the practices of cruel owners and trainers, complicated training is a great way to keep intelligent dog breeds or primates occupied. These animals can become depressed or destructive without challenging tasks for them to learn and complete.
Or could it be that, because these pet animals live with us and because we call them our friends, we consider them to be, in a way, one of us? For more examples of funny animals exhibiting human behavior, check out our post about bears doing human things.
Source: animalsdoinghumanthings
Image credits: unknown
Source: vgmemes.com
Source: thetango.net
Source: animalsthatdopeoplethings
Image credits: @_jennbodin
Source: imgur
Source: collegehumor.com
Image credits: unknown
Source: imgur
Image credits: unknown
Image credits: unknown
Image credits: unknown
Source: imgur
Image credits: unknown
Source: imgur
Source: yarr.me
Image credits: unknown
Source: imgur
Image credits: UHM-7
Image credits: Brett Jessie
Image credits: unknown
P.S. We always try our best to credit each and every photographer, but sometimes it’s impossible to track some of them. Please contact us if you know the missing authors.
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