There are days when it feels like the world is going against you. You’re late for work, and the keys have just fallen into the drain hole. But day-breaking fails have been well documented in the history of humankind, and there’s a silent agreement not to talk about ‘em too much. Unless it’s the misfortune of others and in that case, you may wanna hit Bored Panda’s previous compilations here, here, and here.
But what hasn’t been chronicled that well is animals going through a rough day, and we are about to change that. You heard me right. Our beloved furry companions have vile days too and they’re just as painfully funny. Squirrels, horses, doggos, they've all had their fair share of 24 hours turned nightmare.
So get some popcorn ready 'cause you’re about to see what a bad day looks like in the animal kingdom. And trust me, just because they don't have keys to fall into a drain hole doesn't mean they have it easier.
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Sarah (Dog) Stole A Bite Of Stella's Food And Stella Came Running To Me In The Kitchen To Complain About It
My Dog Ran Away, After Hours Of Looking I Came Home To This
Oh, Ralph
Bored Panda reached out to Karen Johnson, a doctor of veterinary medicine, certified canine rehabilitation practitioner, and the co-founder of VIP Vet Visit, who shared her expertise on pets dealing with stressful situations. Because apparently, it’s not only us who get our blood up to a boiling temperature from time to time.
Karen explained that every pet handles stress differently, but it’s important to notice what your particular pet does when they’re having hard times. Having said that, some pets do, in fact, cope with stress better than others.
“Dogs seem to be better equipped to handle stressful situations than cats,” the doctor explained. “Cats,” on the other hand, “very often can make themselves ill due to stress or have behavioral problems such as urinating outside the litter box.”
A Memorial For The Squirrel That Ate Through A Wire That Canceled Classes For Two Days. It Was Paid For By The Undergrad Class
My Pitbull Always Thought He Was The Biggest Dog At The Dog Park
I Think A Squirrel Fell Off My Roof
Often, it's people who add some fire to animals' stress levels. “It is very noticeable that if an owner is worried or stressed, the pet becomes anxious, nervous, and stressed as well. They can sense your emotions.”
Imagine if your pet saw you reacting like the world is turning against you after your car keys got into the drain hole—chances are, he would be stressed out too.
My Buddy's Dog Saw A Moose
I Had To Cut Down A Tree In My Yard And Now I Feel Bad
I Think My Dog Just Died A Little Bit On The Inside When I Didn't Give Her The Last Bite Of My Burger
The canine rehabilitation practitioner warned owners to look out for these signs of stress in pets: panting, shaking, lip licking, yawning, whining, pacing, hiding and shedding.
“If you notice any of these behaviors, you should stay calm and relaxed,” Karen suggested. Only when you’re feeling calm yourself can you go on to the next step of finding out what triggers averse emotions in your furry friend.
Do You Think This Is Funny?
So This Happened (Yes, I Rescued It)
Our Dog Opened The Upstairs Screen Door And Followed Our Cat Onto The Roof. He Required Consoling Before Coming Back Inside
We Actually Had To Help Him Down. Idiot
Reminds me of when one of our cats got on the top of our bifold closet doors, and the door started spreading wider...and WIDER... He worked it out.
This Fat Fool Had To Be Rescued By Animal Control
A Friend Left Her Dog At Home And Came Back To This. Oreo Apparently Found A Bag Of Charcoal And Played With It
Damn...I've been trying to tone down the white in my beard -- never thought of that!
A Little Hamster With A Broken Bone, The Doctor Had A Hard Time Dressing It
This Is Why You Shouldn't Leave Your Kids Alone With The Dog
My Friends' Cat Got Its Head Stuck In A Vase, Freaked Out, Broke The Vase, And Was Left With This
I Kicked Over My Cat's Milk And Had No Replacement. He Sat Opposite Me As I Ate My Dinner Looking At Me Like This
My Dog's Facial Expressions When I Didn't Turn Towards The Dog Park
Just A Cat Falling Off A Table
Smile And Wave Boys
This Is My Cat After Trying To Run Out The Door - Into A Wall Of Snow
My Friend's Cat Had Surgery And Now He Has No Pants
Sorry, but he looks like a mash-up of a cat with stuffed turkey. (I hope he's all cat again!)
My Dog Managed To Get Into A Pack Of Frozen Fish Fillets And He Would've Gotten Away With It If He Didn't Get Stuck And Had To Come To Me For Help
Bought A Couch From Craigslist, Heard Noises Coming From It After Bringing It Home. Cut It Open And Found A Cat
My Friend's Dog Is Not Happy About Leaving The Dog Park Early
My Husband And I Can Officially Check "Pull A Balloon String Out Of A Cat's Butthole At 11:30 At Night" Off Our Bucket List. Finally
Just a reminder for those who might experience this in the future. You can cut the protruding rope and let the cat keep passing it. Pulling it out can damage their little organs.
My Friend Took Her Cat To Get Fixed And His Face Shows Exactly His Thoughts About It
Her Bowl Is In The Dishwasher
Dad Took Our Dog Archie For A Walk. When They Got Back Dad Went To Eat Breakfast
He came back outside afterwards to see Archie was “stuck”. His back foot was on the lead so it strained when he walked forward. So he was “trapped”. Dad lifted his back foot and saved him.
When You Love The Smell Of Bacon, But Get A Little Too Close To The Frying Pan On The Stove
So My Bird Was Stuck In My Bathroom
My Cat Got Stuck Between The Glass Door And The Screen Door
I Had To Lock Her In The Dog Crate Because She Was Going To Break Something From Being Over Hyper. I Think She Hit Her Breaking Point
Is This What People Mean When They Say Their Dog Is Broken? Asking For A Friend
Our Cat Steals And Hoards Bottle Caps. Found His Stash While Cleaning
My Dachshund Puppy Got Stuck In The Couch Cushions
Just Another Day In Montana. Cat Chasing A Bear Out Of The Backyard
Just Thought I’d Check In On The Dogs
My Boyfriend Doesn't Believe That His Cat Bullies Mine
I Came In To Find My Tortoise Like This
Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over. Good job buddy.
This is the second or third time ive seen this turtle post and every time I laugh until my stomach hurts, its just so relatable, I mean who hasn't been there?
My Goat Broke His Trampoline And He's Very Upset. Anyone Have A Small One For Cheap?
My Friend's Dog Ate A Bee
Mistakes Were Made. The Dog Got Into The Weed Cookies. Money Was Spent. Doggo Is Fine. Owner Feels Dumb
Let My Dog Out Into The Garden, Two Minutes Later I Hear Her Barking And Go Outside To See This
"There Might Have Been Some Miscalculations In My Plan" - Dog
Owner Used The Wrong Shampoo (It's Hair Dye)
Doggy vs. Dangernoodle
It Was Not A Squirrel
We've just gone back into lockdown for 6 weeks - this was the perfect pick-me-up!!
Some of these are funny, but not the ones were the animal has been injured. :(
not bad enough to make the list, but when Mikko stuck his head into a tissue box, it wasn't long before he began regretting it 0-bad-day-...93069f.jpg
Note to self.. Do not check out animal things on Bored Panda when 1. you really have to pee and 2. you have a broken rib......
My dog clicked on hover mode as he'd never seen bubbles before! 10385313_1...acb54d.jpg
The cat falling off the table one was my favorite, couldn’t stop laughing!!
Why are half of these animals fat, stolen human food or just getting human food? How hard is it to not give dogs burgers or other human food. And how hard is it to make sure your dog cant reach it. I wouldnt want to give my dog stomach aches or worse.... apparently it funny...
Am I the only one who noticed majority black cats in a pickle? My black cat is quite clever
With the title I half expected shots inside a slaughter house. Happily disappointed.
Once everything is ok, it’s possible and even good to see the humor in the situation. (For those who think it’s not funny.) That’s why we love our pets so much. We appreciate the levity as well as the love they provide.
We've just gone back into lockdown for 6 weeks - this was the perfect pick-me-up!!
Some of these are funny, but not the ones were the animal has been injured. :(
not bad enough to make the list, but when Mikko stuck his head into a tissue box, it wasn't long before he began regretting it 0-bad-day-...93069f.jpg
Note to self.. Do not check out animal things on Bored Panda when 1. you really have to pee and 2. you have a broken rib......
My dog clicked on hover mode as he'd never seen bubbles before! 10385313_1...acb54d.jpg
The cat falling off the table one was my favorite, couldn’t stop laughing!!
Why are half of these animals fat, stolen human food or just getting human food? How hard is it to not give dogs burgers or other human food. And how hard is it to make sure your dog cant reach it. I wouldnt want to give my dog stomach aches or worse.... apparently it funny...
Am I the only one who noticed majority black cats in a pickle? My black cat is quite clever
With the title I half expected shots inside a slaughter house. Happily disappointed.
Once everything is ok, it’s possible and even good to see the humor in the situation. (For those who think it’s not funny.) That’s why we love our pets so much. We appreciate the levity as well as the love they provide.