50 Funny Posts About The Reality Of Marriage And Parenting Shared By “Marriage And Martinis” (New Posts)
The paradox of being a child is wanting to grow up and be an adult, but once that dream comes true, we dive deeper and deeper into nostalgia, wishing that we were back to being children again. No bills, no responsibilities, free food and board, lots of playtime, and no random colleagues shouting by the coffee machine. That was the life!
As mature and self-aware adults, we choose to express our emotions and experiences through a visual medium, called a meme. Life’s tough! No one prepared us for it, and as we continue to make our way through the quicksand of time, we might as well add in a chuckle. The Instagram page called “Marriage And Martinis” has been helping us do just that.
Bored Panda has featured some delightful content from this page previously, so if you’re curious, feel free to click the link here and have a browse. Otherwise, I invite you to upvote your favorites, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and strap on in for some relatable memes that’ll have you shaking your head in no time.
More info: Instagram
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The fact that nothing is easy in life seems like the worst scam in existence. You’re craving the power that comes with adulthood, and you’re hungry for it to finally be yours! And once it’s there, it feels like you’ve won the lottery but you’re meant to be giving away all your funds to random research bits conducted by squirrels. You’re confused and frustrated—welcome to adulthood!
The two things that make adult life a little bit more interesting are matrimony and alcoholic cocktails. The Instagram page “Marriage And Martinis,” run by Adam and Danielle Silverstein, has become the home of some of the most relatable content and memes, dealing with topics ranging from spousal complaints to sleep deprivation.
That uncle has a strange name, Anxiety Disorder. Bet he was not so popular.
“In many ways we really are just an average married couple, but in some ways we are definitely not your typical couple, and we’ve really not tried to be,” Adam and Danielle state on their website. “Laughing at ourselves and the ridiculous expectations placed on us by society as parents and spouses makes this journey so much more enjoyable.”
“I think Adam and I are very in touch with the fact that if we take it all too seriously, we’ll lose so many opportunities for fun, hilarity, and bonding,” Danielle continues. “Marriage and parenting are seriously hard work. But it’s all filled with mistakes and fails that we can either hide in humiliation, or, if we choose, we can share them and know that we’re not alone.”
Many agree with the fact that laughter bonds people, and as stated by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, it can also act as a vitamin for your marriage, as long as you take it daily with food. Don’t choke though!
Mary Shull, a licensed professional counselor, states that learning to laugh at yourself, as well as how to laugh with others, lightens the load on a relationship weighed down by disagreements. “Life isn’t easy. Sometimes having a good, hearty laugh often lifts the weight of the world,” she says.
However, the type of humor used, as well as the timing of said jokes, is incredibly important to consider. Mary explains that sarcasm is actually hostility masquerading as humor. It can be used as a defense mechanism for an uncomfortable situation and a means to deflect feelings, which then leads to miscommunication and a growing wedge between the partners.
B******t. I was born in 1962 and my mother taught me everything home-ec. I can cook. I can bake. I can properly wrap a gift. I know how to dust and sweep and vacuum and clean. And it's all because my mother taught me that stuff. And my mother wasn't a "weirdo" for the time.
Honestly is the best policy, and laughing at your difficulties together also comes with solving issues together. Regardless of how healthy and happy your relationship is, you and your friend or partner are not the same, which will eventually lead to arguments and disagreements. One of the most common tools to wade through these storms is compromise.
Compromising with your loved one doesn’t mean you completely agree with their views or opinions. According to Davina Adcock, it’s healthy to maintain your personal values, beliefs, opinions, and preferences while still meeting halfway. Yet, one must always remember that the sacrifice should be mutual, not one-sided.
One-sided compromise is common in unhealthy relationships where one person does most of the heavy lifting. Over time, this person can be or feel taken advantage of and grow tired, frustrated, or resentful. Furthermore, compromising rarely works when intentions are negative; one should always want the best for one another in a relationship.
In a healthy relationship, both people ensure they make it easy, safe, and comfortable for the other person to share hard truths with them. Each person should feel able to communicate when a compromise is especially difficult or downright impossible and, as Davina states, compromise isn’t easy nor is it something we’re born knowing to do well.
The best we can do is to try our best and be patient with one another. Adulthood isn’t just about cooking, paying bills, managing finances, and keeping up with laundry. As Murray Bowen observed, adults are able to distinguish between feelings and intellectual processes and actually have the ability to choose between acting upon one or the other.
As Adam and Danielle Silverstein state, “people will judge no matter what, so you really have to do what is best for you and your spouse, cause in the end, it boils down to the two of you and your connection. No one else can make that happen.”
So, dear readers, continue laughing together with your loved ones, finding joy in the silliness of everyday life. That’s the best we can do to ensure our continuing happiness and feelings of fulfillment. As you continue scrolling through this list, make sure you upvote your favorites, and I shall see you in the next one!
Who has time for that s**t? Chuck em all in, and whichever gets stained are too weak to be a part of your wardrobe. Done and dusted.
Battle Royale in the washer! Only the strong survive!!
Load More Replies...i wash whites separate. Although I only have 6 white clothes, so you can imagine I wash whites once in two months or so. The rest of the clothes go together. Lord have mercy on them! And it works just fine. :D
Yeah! I’ve always washed whites separate in a tiny load if they’re important/fancy clothes. I also wash socks and underpants together, separate from my shirts/pants. I don’t know why I do this, I probably don’t have to XD
Load More Replies...I think this was more of a thing before color-safe laundry detergent, when detergent would make the color bleed onto white clothes. Now I just separate my laundry in to "can go in the dryer" and "can't go in the dryer."
Only thing I separate is lint factor" blankets & towels from clothes so you don't get "pill bugs" as we called, them on everything.
Colour catcher sheets are a life changer never separate your washing ever
Agreed, I've used these for years and they've saved many garments.
Load More Replies...You will have one disaster when you find your best white dress shirt is a natty shade of tie-dyed pink. Otherwise, you quickly get used to not-so-bright-white shirts.
I never separate by color, only fabric (regular load and delicates).
I used to separate everything but I gave up bc of my husband. Turns out it so much easier now!
Get the right detergent and you don't need to. I have two sorts - hot (towels, sheets and underwear) and cold (everything else). Works just fine and my clothes last ages.
I separate based on degree of dirt. That tshirt i wore when doing yardwork: long wash, lots soap. That pair pants I wore to go to dinner for couple hours: light wash, little soap.
Just fyi, it's actually the rinse cycle that gets the majority of the dirt out. Doing an extra rinse on very dirty clothes is better than more soap.
Load More Replies...I do whites separately because I love bleach. And my husband's work uniforms because they stink. Anything else doesn't really matter.
My clothes are so old and have been washed so many times they can all just go in together also.
I do the sorting part, but I have yet to master the putting it away once clean part.
The dyes in clothes have gotten much better in the past few decades. It used to matter much more
When I was growing up I was forbidden to touch the washer, dryer, stove, etc. (This was in the 60's!) My first extended stay away from home was 1979. (It lasted 'till 1989. I was in the army until I got a svc connected injury that got me discharged.) I've been dumping the entire bag of laundry in the machine for over 40 years now. All colors, all types. My clothing has not been destroyed, I've not been ostracized, excommunicated, or exiled. Women still speak to me, children do not run screaming in fear when I show up. If I'm out of laundry soap use what's available. What's the big deal? People used to beat their clothes with sticks & rock at a creek or river with no soap. Big waste of water & time.
It's only when we get brand new clothes that I take time to separate for laundry. Dark clothes can bleed a LOT in a first wash. After that I figure I'm good and don't see the need to separate. Unless a red shirt is dirty at the same time as one of my favorite white character shirts. Then the red shirt waits it's turn and doesn't go into the wash. Why are so many character shirts white? Put them on black shirts and be done with it already!
Ironing. If it needs ironing it goes to Goodwill. I can't believe that once upon a time I ironed my man's hankies. And pillow cases. As well as shirts blouses and pants. Not no more never ever.
I consider myself a "real" adult & do the same thing... as long as my clothes is clean! 😛
You are all (insert racially and gender safe and inclusive non insulting insult) 😭 I would die if I was at the laundromat and seen even one light grey sock in my load of blacks whiz by the window 😂
Color safe bleach and double the amount of detergent and boom clean colored clothes and bright white whites
I separate by using two rubrics. One, whites and darks. Two, separate the darks by the fabric of the clothes. It helps with keeping the fine stretchy clothing out of the dryer, and the heavy stuff with receiving the adequate amount of dryer time.
i bought a 3 hamper basket on wheels, each little hamper thing comes off … here’s a link to wayfair who has one similar ((it has 4 spaces)) https://www.wayfair.com/Wayfair-Basics%C2%AE--Wayfair-Basics-Laundry-Sorter-X115641059-L3150-K~W004530948.html?refid=GX490221400688-W004530948&device=c&ptid=1096362271361&network=g&targetid=pla-1096362271361&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=230210671&fdid=1817&gclid=CjwKCAiAnZCdBhBmEiwA8nDQxYpofkFYzFtYoHC57hLHDbbZ_hpE7pv1xtmvMpzY6z6eY5KbwngSPxoCGIoQAvD_BwE
I sort by color, 'cause it's easy. My mother is worse: she sorts by type of fabrics and programs her machine accordingly! I never change the program of my machine. Always the quick one. If clothes shrink, then it's diy material.
I separate clothes to darks & reds and lights & blues. Bedclothes on their own and towels on their own.
so, you wash your clothes often enough they all fit in the same load? Or do you have one of those hotel washing machines that are big enough to put a Volkswagon in? MOST clothes these days are color fast. Be wary of cheap stuff though. Bought a bundle of cheap washcloths from Walmart a while back and the black ones took several washes before the stopped bleeding black dye. (It occurs to me that goth kids are probably onto something. The black clothes always win that battle)
My husband thinks clothes need to washed in warm or hot water. Cold works just fine.
Everything goes in. Everything comes out. Haven't separated clothes in 20+ years and it's always fine. (Exception, a newly made tie dye shirt from camp my kids make each year)
Don't wear anything that has to be coddled. Life is too short to do two loads of laundry.
You only need to sort like that if you buy high maintenance clothes.
I am trying to stay with the times by doing All Inclusive Non Gender Specific Anti Racist Laundry..... I just dump it all in together
Buy a new red sweater and wash it with your other cloths. A funny thing will happen!
Wait for it. One day your son will get that nicely blue t-shirt from the MIL and it will turn the entire load nicely blue too!
I put everything in together except whites. Been doing it for decades and it's still a working system.
I have said so many sentences I never knew I would need to say but the amount of times I’ve had to say “Dont lick that” is astounding. Most common is don’t lick the floor (typically in public), but other family favorites are don’t lick the slide at the playground, the bottom of so and so’s shoe, the door handle, the edge of the restaurant table, my toes… no idea why my son got sick so often as a toddler.
I listened to 20 years of complaints about how bad I snore. Boyfriend even made me use my CPAP machine to help with my sleep apnea because I snore so badly. HIS snoring and sleep apnea is 10 times worse than mine, but he won’t use a CPAP, see a doctor about it, or do anything about it. I have to sleep on the literal opposite end of the house from him. And he says he “misses me” at night. Sorry, buddy, I like to actually be able to sleep!
This is funny....but you'll never catch me referring to my wife as "the wife"
That's hurtful. I am an adult and even I agree to put shoes on. I am in bed.
My lovely wife has done this to me and has had a conversation in her head, to the point were she is unhappy with my response, before I've even been made aware of the "conversation". I'm like, "but, I, what, who, how, why,.......I'm sorry". It is quite funny but also a little scary.
The doctor said I needed to consume more greens. Creme de menthe is green. For all I know, so is whatever is in this little green bottle.
I do wish meme-makers learned to speak/write the languages they pilfer to make something funny... "there, they're, their"... "bought, brought".... waa laaa = voila! It's French, it's not difficult! I am going to lie down now... ;-)
Thanks fellow pandas,it changes life forever losing someone to suicide.I hope everyone knows they are loved and the bad times are just a glitch in life...let people know you are there for them and they are valued .Cry with them,laugh with them,just hold them.The stars just don't shine as bright for me anymore
Sending love your way. I don’t know your pain but I know you are really strong.
Load More Replies...Thanks fellow pandas,it changes life forever losing someone to suicide.I hope everyone knows they are loved and the bad times are just a glitch in life...let people know you are there for them and they are valued .Cry with them,laugh with them,just hold them.The stars just don't shine as bright for me anymore
Sending love your way. I don’t know your pain but I know you are really strong.
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