The Star Wars universe expands far beyond the movie script. It’s an infinite universe of real life fans, which make this movie a true religion. Star Wars fans tribute to their favorite saga goes as far as fans lining up seven weeks in advance to see revenge of the sith, at a theater that wasn’t even playing it. And there’ve been far worst cases – like the fan who killed his wife after she smashed his toy collection. How dares she! As you see George Lucas’ creation is not just a movie – it is a diagnose. However, not all of the movie fans are so extreme. There are million others fans of the space saga who’s fandom is based on having fun rather than taking it seriously. My post is dedicated to those Star Wars fans, who are on the Light side of the force. Their ingenuity and dedication have produced tons of amusing images and I’d like to share some of them with all you bored movie pandas. May the Force be with you. Enjoy!
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