Hello! I started creating my amateur illustrations almost two years ago. Looking back on my drawings I realized that Friday and Mondays are giving me a lot of inspiration, however, I have mixed feelings towards them...
Let's see a few of my favorite Friday and Monday illustrations. I made them to cheer you up on a hard day. Hope you will enjoy them too.
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Monday Morning Coffee
Better Days Are Coming, But The Mornings Will Be The Same
This Side Up
Little Morning Dance
Drink Responsibly
Sloth Mode On
Just One Sip
I Got You
Friday Night Plans?
Energic Or Tired - There Is No Inbetween
Little Friday Treat
I Know You Can Hear It
Yay Or Nay?
Scariest Moment
Monday Essentials
Drama Queen In The Mornings
Keep Searching
Like A Hamster On A Wheel
Monday Motivation
Maybe Tomorrow
These drawings are amazing. I have no idea why you call yourself immature. These are amazing! I can totally relate to them! Keep on going! You´ll achieve those dreams!