Hi, I’m a professional pet photographer on Lockdown and I decided to illustrate self-isolation using my pets and a Box.

Everyday for 15 days, I imagined what my pets could do while self-isolating. How do they deal with solitude ? how they interact with each others ? Each box is like a flat in a building where they try to stay fit, organize, facetime their families, play games or help each others.

It was quite challenging to come with a new idea in such a small box everyday but I kept at it so my community could enjoy it.

Here is the final image where all 15 days are combined. Enjoy :)

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    For 15 Days Of Lockdown, I Took Pictures Of My Pets Self-Isolating In A Box

    Hi, I’m a professional pet photographer on Lockdown and I decided to illustrate self-isolation using my pets and a Box.

    Everyday for 15 days, I imagined what my pets could do while self-isolating. How do they deal with solitude ? how they interact with each others ? Each box is like a flat in a building where they try to stay fit, organize, facetime their families, play games or help each others.

    It was quite challenging to come with a new idea in such a small box everyday but I kept at it so my community could enjoy it.

    Here is the final image where all 15 days are combined. Enjoy :)

    More info:

      For 15 Days Of Lockdown, I Took Pictures Of My Pets Self-Isolating In A Box