Be careful what you bargain for. This story posted on the Malicious Compliance subreddit reminds us all of that. The incident happened at “our local high school’s football game,” wrote the author and mom of 4 kids. During halftime, the family left to grab some food but as soon as they got back, they saw “an elderly lady sitting in our spot and my stuff tossed to the side.”

But when the author tried to talk to Karen, she clapped back saying, “No one was sitting here. So sorry!” This is where a malicious compliance move was made as the mom came up with a plan to give Karen exactly what she asked for. Even if that meant squeezing in her four kids who were super excited, high on sugar and adrenaline.

Let’s read on to see how this whole story ended, and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Image credits: jpbcpa (not the actual photo)


Bored Panda reached out to the author of this post and mother of four to find out more about the incident. “I had never seen this “Karen” before, and I usually avoid conflict by any means necessary,” she said. Moreover, the author assured people that her initial reaction was pure annoyance. “Not only about our seats being taken, but that those we were with allowed it to happen.”


However, the author said she didn’t let it ruin their night and she “allowed my kids to behave exactly as I intended them to when I had chosen a front-row seat away from other people, and the kids had an absolute blast!”

“And since we were still so close that I could let them go down to the fence, they each got to catch the toy footballs the cheerleaders throw into the crowd and they even got to high-five the mascot!”

Having said that, the author revealed she felt bad at first. “I figured there weren’t many places the elderly lady could have accessed. But who brings an elderly lady to an outside rowdy event at 9 PM in a pandemic and not expect things to be a bit crazy?”

The author added that “it’s not like we were rude to her, just had the same amount of fun as we would have had if she hadn’t crashed in on our fun.”

And this is what people commented in response to the incident