On Sunday, September 4th, the annual ‘Corso Zundert’ Flower Parade took place in the Netherlands. Just like last year, teams of volunteers competed for the best-designed parade float made entirely out of colorful flowers.

Made from thousands of beautiful flowers, we saw 20 different floats featuring everything from mystical creatures to animals to people. This year’s winner, titled “Dangerous Transportation”, featured a beautiful sculpture of a giant orange dragon and was designed by a team called Tiggelaar.

Want to see more of these stunning flower arrangements? Check out last year’s flower artworks, which were inspired by Vincent Van Gogh.

More info: | Facebook | Twitter (h/t: colossal)


    Image credits: Corso Zundert

    Image credits: Corso Zundert


    Image credits: Corso Zundert

    Image credits: John DG Photography


    Image credits: John DG Photography

    Image credits: Corso Zundert


    Image credits: Corso Zundert

    Image credits: John DG Photography

    Image credits: John DG Photography

    Image credits: John DG Photography


    Image credits: John DG Photography


    Image credits: John DG Photography

    Image credits: John DG Photography

    Image credits: Corso Zundert

    Image credits: John DG Photography