While some things people do are genuinely impressive, many others are not; but that doesn’t stop the latter group from bragging nevertheless. Be it the minuscule number of hours they slept or the number of social media followers they have, such “achievements” might not be the flexes they think they are.
These and many other examples were shared by members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community, after the user ‘LeatherFruitPF’ started a discussion about it. They asked the netizens about things that aren’t the flexes people believe they are, and the redditors had plenty to share. Scroll down to find their answers on the list below and see for yourself what’s simply not worth bragging about.
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Being proud about being uneducated. Bragging about having never read a book. "Went to the school of hard knocks" type of s**t annoys me. I have no problem with someone who isn't educated. But if you're flexing about it, you're a moron.
Being proud about being “brutally honest” when they’re just rude.
A great wise saying..Does this need to be said. Does this need to be said right now. Does this need to be said by you.
Declaring yourself an alpha male. I guess that means something in your little subculture, but to the rest of us, that's just head-scratchingly silly.
Especially since the thing this is based on (alpha wolves) is nonexistent in nature.
Men bragging that they've never changed one of their kids' diapers in their lifetime. Basically you've just outed yourself as a s****y, uninvolved parent and a s****y partner.
Not just having a big or expensive car, but a loud one.
Nobody is impressed.
The ceo of the company I work for was just featured on the cover of a magazine talking about how great their company culture is.
One of his points was how the company set up a program to annually nominate a coworker who can’t afford Christmas where their other employees donate to them. He used this to brag about our amazing culture
To me this reads as, we pay our employee so poorly that on an yearly basis we have so many employees who can’t afford Christmas we have to nominate who needs help the most and then we guilt trip our other grossly underpaid employees to compensate for it.
So basically any company that brags about culture due to their employees helping out other employees when it comes to financial stresses most likely cause by poor pay. I would say “donating” PTO falls into this category as well.
There was a time in the 80s and 90s when many companies had family Christmas party days that included a roast meal or BBQ and every employees child getting a gift from Santa....now, it's just how do I screw another penny out of my underpaid staff by Scrooge McScrooge and his executive evil minions.
Working yourself to the point of having absolutely no time for yourself.
Work ethic is good, strong work ethic is great. Living to work is not great.
Westerners moving to Dubai and flaunting their new lavish lifestyle. You’re basically validating the use of slaves to build that dystopic s**thole.
That is one seriously non sustainable locale for a civilisation to be, every bleeping drop of life giving water needs to be either shipped in or created via desalinisation plants, the soil is barren so all soil needs importing to grow anything, the temperature is so hot huge amounts of electricity, solar power, whatever is needed to stay cool enough to survive...good luck if there is an emp strike, the power grid fails, the desalination plant fails, all 2 or 3 highways and routes in and out are bombed or blockaded, you all dead in under a month, bye byes.
Not taking Sick days.
I've had co-workers that come to work with a runny nose, constant coughing and the need to go to another room to make vomiting noises brag about how they never take days off. Thanks for spreading your germs around work. Just stay home asshat!
Being disrespectful to the disabled or weird kids as a joke.
One of my brothers are disabled and in a wheelchair. One of my friends thought that because he was my friend he was allowed to bully him for being in a wheelchair. Jokes on him, my brother is now into wheelchair racing and my friend got kicked out for being to rude to everyone. He literally pulled out the Uno reverse real quick.
Literally anything you have to try flexing. The most genuinely impressive things by nature do not require you to rub them in peoples faces.
Anything you had zero choice in. Your sex, skin color, nationality, sexual orientation.
Bragging about not wearing sunscreen. Enjoy your premature aging and wrinkles, dumb**s!
Not doing something. Like not watching a popular show, not drinking coffee, etc etc. the amount of people who say these things as if they want a f*****g medal for it is astounding.
Then again, the amount of people who go on about watching things like GoT is also annoying
Boasting about how much something they’re wearing costs even though you know they can’t afford it.
"I'm a nice person unless you p**s me off. Then I go crazy" or something similar
If you're only nice when you're calm, you're not nice.
Fighting in bars. Honestly, being the type to square up with anyone over anything that you could just as easily walk away from.
"I tell it like it is."
No you're just a b***h.
Number of followers you have on social media.
I don't follow anyone now. All the restraining orders were a pain.
Showing up to work or class when you're deathly ill.
Driving around in a $50,000 new car while not being able to cover a $1000 emergency.
Right?!!? I never understood buying a new or expensive car but if something goes wrong I can't afford to fix it.
Perfect attendance in school.
As an adult, as I've noticed kids with stuff like health issues, family issues, etc. where they have no choice but to miss school, I've come to realize that perfect attendance isn't a flex. It's just having luck in life circumstances.
Calling themselves “entrepreneurs.” Dude, I know you’re in an MLM.
In my 20s, I liked a friend of a friend. She invited me to a small house party she was throwing. Thought I might have a chance to take a shot. Turned out to be an MLM pitch party. Said I forgot something and had to go to the car real quick. Wonder if she's still waiting for me to come back or not.
Having an expensive, usually large designer/ purebred dog, or a wolf hybrid. But especially having a husky.
All it shows me is the 90% chance you didn't do the research OR, that you gaslit yourself into thinking you'd seriously go running that much.
The neighbor that catches several f*****g bored, escaped huskies per year in my suburb.
A husky is a WORKING dog that, in its ideal life, would be RUNNING 50-100 miles a day *while* pulling heavy cargo-- and if you don't find a way to simulate that, well. This is a dog that is going to *find* a way to simulate that. Usually by eating your house, and or yeeting itself over your adorable little fence and chasing everything that moves.
I love dogs, but I hate most husky owners.
Your lack of sleep. You're doing significant damage to your brain and self.
Bagging a cheater.
If he cheated *with* you, he will cheat *on* you!
Bagging a cheater? Like catching them or starting to date them? I agree...neither is really a brag.
Wearing designer with huge logos.
Being a nihilist who complains about how meaningless life is and how awful all human beings are, and how the world will be so much better when we all die.
Newsflash to every redditor: It doesn’t make you smarter or more enlightened than everyone else. It’s just sad behavior tbh.
Gym selfies to announce you go to the gym.
And then not actually working out or wasting everyone else's time posing on equipment whilst people are actually trying to meet their fitness goals or exercise out their frustrations (me, always me)
Boasting/bragging about lots of money or material things.
Move in silence.. why does everyone care so much about image?
"I've had Covid 4 times already".
I’ve had Covid twice. Both times at Christmas. Two years in a row. 0/10 would not recommend.
Mom's who post videos of themselves with tons of kids while looking like s**t themselves thinking they're saints for "sacrificing" themselves to raise their kids.
Flashing large amounts of cash. It's just makes it look like that's all the money you have, and you are too poor to have a bank account.
Leaving tags on clothes/hats/shoes. Just looks like you’re planning to return it.
Replying to someone on twitter and mocking them for having no followers.
Bragging about a mental illness that you 'self diagnosed'. Like all those people who go tell you they have OCD because they like to organise stuff or brag about supposedly having depression or anxiety when those are actually serious disorders that they probably don't bave
Here's the thing. I self diagnosed as ADHD because I was looking at some memes went "hmm" and then (and this is the crucial bit) I did my research and self diagnosed. Then I went to my mom and my doctor and got diagnosed (with a bonus diagnosis from my therapist). Self diagnosing is a thing, because someone's gotta notice you're a little different and you know yourself best. But bragging about self dxing is usually a dead sure way to tell that they're probably faking.
Load More Replies...People who flex about not having kids while bashing people who do have kids, Women who flex about being a housewife and not having to do anything, people who flex about their job and how much money they make.
The worst part about the “No kids flex” is the “I get to do whatever I want because I don’t have kids” people. The best come back I’ve ever heard to that: “I spend all day playing running around with my kids outdoors when it’s nice playing with legos indoors when it rains, and eating Mac and cheese and chicken fingers with someone who appreciates it as much as I do. I would still do all those things if I didn’t have kids.”
Load More Replies...Bragging about a mental illness that you 'self diagnosed'. Like all those people who go tell you they have OCD because they like to organise stuff or brag about supposedly having depression or anxiety when those are actually serious disorders that they probably don't bave
Here's the thing. I self diagnosed as ADHD because I was looking at some memes went "hmm" and then (and this is the crucial bit) I did my research and self diagnosed. Then I went to my mom and my doctor and got diagnosed (with a bonus diagnosis from my therapist). Self diagnosing is a thing, because someone's gotta notice you're a little different and you know yourself best. But bragging about self dxing is usually a dead sure way to tell that they're probably faking.
Load More Replies...People who flex about not having kids while bashing people who do have kids, Women who flex about being a housewife and not having to do anything, people who flex about their job and how much money they make.
The worst part about the “No kids flex” is the “I get to do whatever I want because I don’t have kids” people. The best come back I’ve ever heard to that: “I spend all day playing running around with my kids outdoors when it’s nice playing with legos indoors when it rains, and eating Mac and cheese and chicken fingers with someone who appreciates it as much as I do. I would still do all those things if I didn’t have kids.”
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