Name any soap opera, or reality show, and it will surely have the plotline twist devoted to revenge. And it shouldn’t come as a surprise. People are motivated to seek revenge — to pay someone back who has done something to them — when they feel attacked, mistreated or socially rejected.

Part of us thinks it will provide us with some closure, another part needs an emotional release, while the rest has a deep urge to restore our dignity or stature. Having said that, revenge is not always as rewarding as people expect. After all, it may involve risk, and largely dwells on lack of self-control.

But in order to really see what motivates people to act as if it was “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” we have to look at real-life examples. “What was your finest moment of revenge?” asked someone on Ask Reddit, and people confessed their stories. We selected some of the most interesting and thought-provoking answers below that will make us reflect on the very nature of revenge.


People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled When I was 11 years old, I was bullied by a 12 year old boy. He would steal things from my lunch every day. I got sick of it and decided to do something about it. One day, I brought a super hot pepper in my lunch and pretended to be really excited about it. Sure enough, the boy comes over, snatches it from my hand and pops it in his mouth.

He practically exploded in pain. Writhing around the floor, unable to handle the heat.

I calmly looked at him and told him that drinking a nice glass of cold water would help immensely. He did so. This promptly magnified the pain 100x.

He never stole food from me again.

I regret nothing.

i_am_not_a_numberr , Jessica Lewis Creative Report

To find out more about the psychology behind revenge and what makes people act on it, Bored Panda spoke with Susan Petang, a certified life coach and the creator of “The Quiet Zone Coaching,” who teaches people how to stop feeling overwhelmed and start waking up happy in the morning again.


    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled Beating the s**t out of the man who abused and beat my mother for 6 years. 7 years later and she still has no idea.

    cklly2013 , Luis Quintero Report


    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled A sh**ty repair shop in Moab, UT messed up our car which left us stranded in a nearby National Park. We called and demanded they tow the vehicle in, and while they said they'd come get us they never did. When we talked with park rangers they were quite familiar with the shop: the biggest in town, and with a terrible reputation.

    We were on our honeymoon, and had more time on our hands than I imagine most travelers do. We went to the shop, demanded a full refund, and when they refused we sat out front on the curb in our camp chairs for two days with homemade protest signs. I was overwhelmed with the support we got from locals, who honked and waved, stopped and chatted with us and shared their own stories of horror. The owner called the cops on us, but the joke was on him! We'd already notified the police we'd be protesting, and were well within our rights in doing so.

    In the end the shop owner refunded all our money, and left visibly distressed when we told him that even with the refund, we weren't sure we were ready to leave town. Eventually we did, but not before filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau and every review site we could find. They'd already been booted from the Chamber of Commerce.

    We ended up becoming friends with an awesome local mechanic, and having a great story to tell. Justice was served! And without a tinge of guilt.

    serenidade , cottonbro Report


    In 4th grade gym I discovered heart break, revenge, and victory all in one class period.

    Moments before class had started my "boyfriend" dumped me because I was too weird. There I sat in disbelief and sadness, and he just ran around like nothing had happened. We were put on opposite teams, only making the chasm between us greater.

    Now, I am possibly the worst person at sports, wiffleball being no exception. I stepped up to the orange rubber plate, the bat heavy in my hands. The Ex was pitching and called out to everyone in the outfield

    "Don't worry about this one, she can't hit anything."

    I was embarrassed. I was heartbroken. Mostly, I was pissed. I said nothing, watching as he casually cocked back his arm. His eyes gleamed as the ball flew from his grip, careening towards me. I raised my bat and swung with all of my measly strength. The wiffle ball met my bat with a dull, plastic WHACK. Next, the wiffle ball met The Ex's balls, square on. I watched as he crumpled to the floor, a wailing heap. My team cheered for me as I ran around the bases, greeting me with high fives as I cleared home.

    It was beautiful.

    anon Report


    Petang argues that there are many possibilities when it comes to WHY people feel the need to take revenge and actually do it.

    “It could be a lack of self-esteem - feeling the need to respond to hurt to make themselves feel important or valuable. ‘How dare they do that to ME!’ implies a need to prove your value, both to yourself and to others.” She continued: “It could also be unrealistic expectations. Others are going to do what they're going to do. What WE think they should do is irrelevant and won't change the weather on Jupiter, will it?”


    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled My ex-fiancee walked out on me a week before the wedding.

    I later married a a great girl, became much wealthier, and about to have a kid.

    Meanwhile, I heard she's still living in her parents apartment and is actively looking online for dates.

    The best revenge is living a *better* life without her, and that is what I did.

    ass_munch_reborn , Terje Sollie Report

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    Beth S
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Absolutely! My friend is in a similar situation. Being happy always burns the a*s of your enemy. They hate that.

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    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled I ground up laxatives and tainted all my kitchen fridge food with it to figure out which of my seven room mates was eating all my food, while I survived off a secret stash in my mini-fridge.

    I found out who did it. Very, very quickly.

    DefconDelta88 , Darrien Staton Report


    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled Telling a group of baseball bullies that were picking on my younger brother that Snape kills Dumbledore in Half -Blood Prince after realizing they had all just started it.

    TwoKingz Report

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    Black Pearl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn that's cold. I remember I accidentally spoiled something from the 7th book to a friend and I still feel guilty about it lol

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    Other times, it could be that we feel the need to be in control of a situation, Petang argues. “The more out of control we feel (even about something else), the more control we try to get.” Moreover, “there's the possibility that the need for revenge comes from letting your emotions run your life. Why is it so important to you to let that anger have control?  What does it get you?”

    Petang explained that “it can be much easier to let yourself have knee-jerk reactions as opposed to thinking the situation through logically, and understanding that your anger isn't going to help.”


    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled This one comes to mind because I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I was out snow-blowing the driveway one day. Some dude who is a friend of my sister's walks up to me and throws a snowball at me. He then gave that look like "What are you gonna do about it man?" and laughed, putting his hands up as if to go "ohhhhhhh!!"

    Dude? Do you not see this large snow-moving device I am pushing around?

    Only took several seconds to completely coat him in snow, and the look of defeat on his face was glorious!

    anon , Ivan Mudruk Report


    Driving home around 2 in the morning. Two cars ahead of me, one is clearly giving the other car a hard time. Tailgating him. Cutting him off. Windows open and he's yelling tame other guy. I catch up at the light and see a scared older man (70+) getting verbally cussed out by this kid. Now, I'm totally sober and I know that cops hang out in the back of the parking lot at work. Heh, heh. (They were security guards on their off hours)

    I get he punks attention and he starts harassing me. 1 mile to go. Cussing at me..trying to cut me off.

    I pull into the parking lot, he follows. Whip down to the back and yep, there's the cop.. Lights come on. Both of us get pulled over. Other guy is screaming and I only have to explain for 30 seconds what happened. I leave the scene like I did my good deed for the day.

    TL/DR: saved old man from being harassed, cops pull over and arrest the right guy ...

    anon Report


    Years ago, living in an apartment in Johannesburg; the block consisted mostly of elderly folk and a few young working couples like me and my wife, who generally hit the sack early. The place was like a morgue after 10pm. Until a couple of guys move into the place below us. Party types, who would whoop it up till dawn. If anyone complained, they'd quickly get threatening. The owner of the apartment was one of the guys' dad, so they had no fear of being kicked out.
    One evening, around midnight, they hooked up with some mates & girls to go clubbing. They were outside in the road, talking, yelling, girls screeching. Bedlam. Eventually they depart. I was furious, but being an original 90 pound wimp, felt helpless.
    Then I remembered the tube of superglue in my desk drawer.
    I went to their flat, which had a serious security gate protecting the front door. I put the glue nozzle into the gate lock - a heavy duty bolt lock - and squeezed the sucker dry.
    Couple of hours later, lying in bed, I hear the Party Hardies arrive back. Same deal as when they left - making a hell of a commotion as they spill out their cars and head for the apartment. Then silence.
    Later I heard they ended up breaking a toilet window and getting in that way. The girlfriends of course were having none of it so they buggered off, as did the mates.
    The next day they had to get in locksmith who used a blowtorch to cut the lock out of its steel casing; this damaged the door behind, so both gate and door had to be replaced, along with the bathroom window. Because these boneheads did not have the money for all this, the dad who owned the apartment had to cough. He was so pissed off that he kicked out the roommate. From then on, it was the quietest flat in the building.

    anon Report


    In reality, revenge rarely pays off, Petang argues. “It might make you feel better in the short term, but is that angry, vengeful person who you really want to be? It's OK to set limits, let others know you won't tolerate a behavior, and set consequences for their poor behavior, but revenge means getting even. Is that a good idea?”

    Petang explained that if you look at where revenge and tit-for-tat behavior is going to go, you'll find that things can escalate - you might end up with a full-fledged war on your hands. She urges people to think about whether that's really what they want. “That doesn't mean that it's OK to be a doormat. But setting limits and consequences is a lot different than the hurt that revenge is meant to inflict.”


    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled This may seem small, but it was the most satisfying thing I have ever done. When I was in the seventh grade I sat behind a jerk who hated me and enjoyed being annoying. Every single goddamn day he would lean back in his chair and hit the front of my desk, over and ever again. If I was trying to write something, he would do it even harder. So one day I decided enough was enough, and in the middle of a lesson he started again. So I waited, and right as he was leaning his chair back fast, trying to knock my desk hard, I pulled it back. Without my desk behind him his chair tipped right over and he hit the ground hard. I can still clearly remember him whispering "you b***h" beneath the laughter of the whole class and the teacher yelling at him to get up. The look on his face was a mixture of shock, embarassment and pure rage as he looked up at me from the floor. Bastard never f****d with me again.

    walkingdisaster3 , Taylor Wilcox Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, so dangerous. A work friend of mine used to get antsy about people rocking their chairs because his sister once did that, tipped backward and fractured her skull on the floor.

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    I'm a professor. Many years ago, I had a small cluster of students in one course that I strongly suspected were cheating; scattered evidence suggested that they had knowledge of my test content ahead of time. I don't let my students keep their test copies, and I re-write my tests every semester, so this was puzzling. I determined that the most likely way they were cheating was during the photocopying process, so I set out to test that possibility first.

    When the next test in the course was getting close, I left the previous semester's version of the test in the photocopy room as bait. I then rewrote the new version of the test, keeping page 1 the same to avoid raising suspicions on test day but otherwise completely revising the questions. I made the new copies on another department's copier the morning of the test.

    Sure enough, when I graded the test I found that my cheaters all had perfect scores on the page 1 questions, but then bombed all subsequent questions to varying degrees. They all went from "A"s on the first two tests to "D"s and "F"s on the test in question. Those patterns alone probably wouldn't be enough evidence for an airtight academic integrity charge, but one of them gave up the whole group and the plan when I called her in to confront her with the test copies. Turns out they had access to my department's copy room from a former student worker and would routinely pop in and steal exams in the to-be-copied pile after hours.

    In the end, it caused a big disciplinary fuss in the administration with "F" grades, multiple suspensions, and one expulsion, which is a true rarity given how gun-shy universities are about kicking out students. The cheaters were hoisted by their own petard and I got what passes for professorly street cred among my peers for catching a well-organized group that many others had missed.

    **TL;DR: Caught academic cheaters in college with the right bait. Justice was served.**

    galileosmiddlefinger Report

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    Black Pearl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've gotta give credit to the students, that was a pretty smart way to cheat. Of course, I don't think it's okay, I just think it's very smart.

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    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled Driving to drop someone off my radar detector went off. Saw a cop sitting in a parking lot. Dropped off my friend and headed back. The whole way some a*s is tailgating me. Speed limits 40, I'm doing 45 and he's so close I can't see his head lights.

    We come up to a traffic circle and he tries to pass me on the right. I sped up and he kept trying. We hit about 80-90 with him on the shoulder. Come up to the crest of a hill and I know the cop is right on the other side. I hit the brakes and he flew up over the hill, had to be doing 90 in a 40.

    I even stopped to let the cop out of the parking lot. MOST. SATISFYING. THING. EVER.

    Jacknife_Johnny , Evgeny Tchebotarev Report

    When asked whether revenge is related to lack of self-control, Petang confirmed that is the case. Therefore, she argues, “a better strategy is to ask yourself, ‘WHY did this person do what they did?’ Maybe they never learned the skills they need to resolve conflict. Maybe they're angry at the world because of something that happened to them.”


    In fact, you might end up feeling sorry for them, because they are so miserable they had to behave that way, the life coach said.“


    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled Signed out of all devices on Netflix. That'll show her...

    Packabowl09 , John-Mark Smith Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Should have waited until the season finale of her favorite show came out.

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    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled **Not me but my mom…**

    When I was nine (I'm 26 now) my parents went through a really rough divorce. Long story short, my dad had a very public and long-term affair with a prominent public figure in our area (We'll call her Debbie.) Naturally, my mother was humiliated, but back then she was quite meek, unassuming, and not at all vindictive. She only did one thing to the woman that broke up my family…

    My mom is a nurse and about 6 months after the divorce she was attending a medical conference our area. As she walks in the room, she saw that one of the panelists was the woman who slept with her husband. Shocked, but always in control, my mother calmly walked to the very front of the room and sat down silently in front of Debbie. Now, Debbie had been a family friend for over a decade, so my mom was intimately familiar with her upbringing and unfortunate issues. Remembering that she was an English Lit major in undergrad, my mom took out a red sharpie and drew a very large ["A"]( on the notebook that she brought to the conference. She turned it around and faced it directly at Debbie, never saying a word. Debbie was visibly agitated, and when it came time for her to speak, something amazing happened: she started ticking. You see, my mother also knew that Debbie had a condition that when under immense stress, despite significant speech therapy and experience in public speaking, she began to twitch and stutter. She twitched so much it impaired her speech, and she had to rush her portion. When she ended, my mother calmly shut her notebook, smiled at the woman, and walked out of the room. She never spoke a word. That was the last they saw of each other.

    **Tl;dr: Read it, my mom's a badass.**

    Snufaluffaloo , JESHOOTS.COM Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So the one who broke up the OP's family wasn't their cheating a*s dad, no, not at all, it actually was the person he cheated with? Got it!

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    This isn't that great, but I worked as a contractor helping IT set up hardware for a branch of hospitals. Almost everyone was easy to get along with, but one of the contractors treated me like I was an idiot because I was the only one there without any formal IT training. It was a daily explanation of something very simple that I already understood.

    "Okay, ceedubs2. You know how to put a USB in right? *laughs* Right. Well, okay. But just in case you forgot, let me show you."

    Dude, we did not have time for this ego-trip b******t. I just kept my mouth shut and worked my a*s off for the length of the contract.

    A few months later, I was rehired by the same IT team. They wanted me to go through the previous contractors we had that summer, and pick out which ones to help out with our project. Guess who didn't get hired?

    ceedubs2 Report

    Sometimes, the best revenge you can get is to not do anything. Don't engage. Don't give them control over your feelings and emotions - because that's exactly what they've done if you respond. Besides, if you DO let them gain control over your emotions and your behavior, what does that say about YOU?” Petang concluded the interview.


    Okay. I have two older brothers. Eldest is a good person. The middle is a monster. He is a meth-addled felon. He has tortured my family for 20 years and I have taken the brunt of the as**ult as the only person willing to openly challenge him.

    He stole my mother's wedding rings, my grandmother's car, and my tv - to name a few things.
    My family has decided to try again to welcome him back into their lives so I followed suit.

    It's Christmas 2013 - best holiday celebrations I could never imagine. All is well. - Middle brother walks in the door to collect presents two days after celebrations - Strike one.
    Middle brother drops bag of drugs when he walks in the door - Strike two.
    Middle brother criticizes eldest brother's renovations and tells my grandmother she wasted her money. - Strike three.

    In the car on the way home. Decide it is best to go back into town together so it saves someone a trip. Middle brother asks me for my passport. I say "no I can't do that". Middle brother concocts magical story where I have borrowed his ID to get into clubs when I was a teenager. Lies. I did not and would not. He says he needs it to get into a party. He's 300lbs and 35 and would never be carded under any circumstances.

    Middle brother differs to his standard method of persuasion and starts yelling and is getting increasingly loud and argumentative.
    I tell him that it is illegal and that it would be very bad for him if he gets caught.

    There's a line somewhere between asking and demanding something of someone - he crosses it. My heart races like it used to when I was a boy. When he used to follow my friends and I and beat the s**t out of us with his friends. I remember him pulling me out of a lake where I almost drowned. But it's not him anymore. The brother I knew is gone and there's a total stranger directly behind me demanding **the symbol of my liberty**.
    Strike f*****g four.
    I tell him that if he mentions my passport again on the ride home, I will crane the steering wheel into a snowbank and beat him to within an inch of his life.

    I hear 'Give me your passport' in the voice of a man I don't know, from a face I don't recognize. Blood and adrenaline surge from my heart faster and more rapidly than I have ever felt. We pull into a parking lot, I open my door and wait patiently until that f*****g a*****e works up the courage to fight me.

    He steps out and yells something I don't hear. I tell him that I'll give him one more chance to get back in the car without saying a word about my passport ever again. He says 'passport' with a wily grin and expects me to be the same cowering boy that I used to be. The same kid who loved him and adored him and wanted nothing else but to be just like him.

    I connect the quickest and hardest fist I've ever thrown against another person directly onto his chin. Blood spurts out of his mouth with the second blow. He hits me twice above and below my right eye. I completely lose my s**t and wail on the left side of his face until it is a broken and bloody ruin.

    If you're reading this, middle brother - F**k you.

    Edit: You bet your a*s I felt no guilt.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember him pulling me out of a lake where I almost drowned. But it's not him anymore. The brother I knew is gone and there's a total stranger directly behind me demanding **the symbol of my liberty**. ...bro, thats so fcking sad

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    My ex said she'd call the cops on me for confronting her repeatedly about having stolen and re-homing my cat, so I went home and called the cops on her. Found out what she did with my cat after that

    MOEman365 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Rest of the story goes like this : "I talked to the guy she gave him to and worked things out with him. He'd had my cat for about a month at that point (ex setup the theft to look like he ran away so I didn't even know she stole hime for some time) so I didn't want to just go barging in saying to give hime back. Long story short, I met with the guy, saw my cat was happier there cause he had more room, another cat to play with, and the guy worked less than I did at the time. In the end I decided to let him keep the cat cause he was happier there. I still miss hime all the time though, and if I'd found out he was stolen before she re-homed him there's no way I'd have let it happen."

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    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled There was a guy in high school who was a complete a*s to me, for a couple years. I decided to exact revenge via magazine. I went to the school library and pulled subscription cards out of every female magazine I could get my hands on, and a few strange ones like Psychology Today and Architectural Digest, and filled out cards in his name, with his address, and checked "bill me later"

    I overheard him complaining a few months later how he kept getting all these magazines he never ordered and it was getting irritating.


    LGXboxDewNissan Report

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    Paul K. Johnson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I did that to a guy in the Army who kept bragging at work about cheating on his wife and how stupid she was for not realizing it. He was a real piece of c**p. So I got a bunch of adult mags and sent in the subscription cards for all the adult toy places and whatever else with his name and address. She was home receiving all that mail while he was at work. I don't feel even a little bad about it.

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    Called out the teacher who told me I would fail her class and needed to deal with not succeeding in my valedictorian speech. Best "suck it" moment of my life.

    chandlerisawesome Report


    Ex cheated on me, moved out but moved out slowly over time, which meant I still lived with a lot of her stuff. Some of her clothes were left in the closet. I cut teeny tiny corners off of every sleeve, but barely enough to be noticeable. You'd have to think you were going insane to notice it...but then again, over time, each sleeve did look...somewhat off. She eventually asked me about it months later. I denied everything. I regret nothing.

    mikelovenotwar Report


    I was living in a Middle Eastern country a few years back. Nice place, but because 50% of the population in the region is under the age of 20, the roads are simply overrun by teenage and early-20s douchebags. The culture's fatalism makes young guys even more reckless and irresponsible than they are already programmed to be by their hormones.

    So, after a rare rain shower the highway is flooded up ahead. 18 inches deep. Traffic is backed up for at least a mile, and it takes us 15 minutes to get to the flooded patch. Everyone is pissed. Then I see two cars full of teenage douchebags passing people on the shoulder on the right from way behind me. Mother*f****r*, there's just no excuse for *that* horses**t.

    Eventually they get to where I am, and they pass me *just* as we're reaching the 50-yard stretch where the flooding is crossing the road. And wouldn't you know it? One of them crosses into the far left lane, and one stays in the right lane to avoid the deep water... in the middle lane...

    And wouldn't you know it? Their windows are rolled down...

    I'm in a Toyota Land Cruiser - nice big 4WD. So while they're crawling through a foot of water in their little action-boy Hondas, I decide f**k it and GUN IT between them through the deep stuff in the middle lane.

    The wave from my front wheels was about 6 feet high, and it had to have put 20 gallons of water through the windows of both cars. Completely. F*****g. Drenched. All of them. With nasty urban stormwater runoff. BUUUAAAAHAHAAHAHAAAHAAA!

    Of course they chased up after me once they cleared the water, screaming and cursing, but I just pretended to be on my phone and ignored them. Eventually they gave up and (I hope) figured I had just been as impatient and selfish as them and had hosed them by accident.

    Most satisfying revenge of my life.

    anon Report


    I was bullied a lot in middle school because, you know, middle school. I was a quiet, unassuming, itty-bitty girl who got along well with the teachers and always did my homework/answered questions/blahblahblah.

    One day in class, this kid is being a d**k and throwing (his) stuff at me. Whatever, the usual. BUT when the teacher is turned away, I whip an eraser (one if his that he had thrown) at this kid's face and hit him right in the middle of his f*****g forehead. He's stunned for a second and then tries to get me in trouble. B***h can't do s**t because a) it is his eraser and 2) no one believed that I would do something like that.

    Made my day.

    ohyaycanadaeh Report

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    Black Pearl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why I love being the quiet person people assume is so innocent. We can get away with a lot when we need to.

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    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled When I was 12 years old, a kid beat me up at a birthday party for reasons unknown. 4 years later, the kid is a pitcher (and a very good one at that) for his school in the playoffs. I was playing for the other team. After going 0-3 to start the game, I hit a walk-off home run off of him to advance to the next round. Kid actually started crying on the mound. I don't think I've ever had a bigger smile than I did in that moment. Still have the ball in my apartment at college.

    french_prince , Jon Tyson Report

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    Strawberry Pizza
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, I don't follow the rules of baseball. What exactly does this mean?

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    Recently posted this, but:

    Long story short, and kid I was friends with hit me in the balls 3 times in one night. He then called me a "wee baby" and got in my face. He tried to make me flinch by half-swinging at me. I didn't flinch, but instead headbutted him with everything I had. Crushed his nose, blood pouring out of his face. I had a tiny cut in the center of my forehead, with one line of blood running down my face. I looked f*****g psychotic, but badass. Also, f**k you for that David.

    Get_it_Reddit Report

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    Black Pearl
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember one day in my AP class one of my friends hit the other in the nuts and he couldn't move for like 5 minutes. Then he hit him with his Chromebook charger like 15 times for revenge and he was fine lol.

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    When I was 16, I was heartbroken by a girl who basically decided to f**k someone else after we were in love and I just used it as motivation to eat better and lose weight. I saw her a couple years later and it looks like she gained as much as I lost (80 lbs). Felt soo good.

    imdabesss Report


    My first "real" boyfriend (we kissed instead of just holding hands) kissed another girl and dumped me for her when I was a freshman in high school. She had actively pursued him although she knew he had a girlfriend, so I blamed her rather than him. (I know, I know.)

    Fast forward four years: I was a volleyball player throughout college. In the off-season I played in a city women's league and a co-ed league as an outside hitter. My team played a new team with a familiar face. She didn't recognize me (different high schools), but I immediately recognized her. My team's setter kept giving me amazing sets and I kept slamming the ball over the net, just waiting for my shot. Finally, she was in the back row and my setter set me up. I hit the ball and the boyfriend stealer stepped into the hit. It bounced off her foot, and went straight up into her face... and broke her nose.

    FutileUtility Report

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    Beth S
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't know this one seems quite a bit harsh of a penalty for the crime. Intentionally aiming to physically hurt someone 4 years after the fact is also a bit much. After 4 years, this probably should have been let go by OP.

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    During our 100 multiple choice law exam, I wrote all my answers on the original exam page and coloured in wrong answers on the scantron sheet. The girl who copied me since day 1 thought she was going to pass this exam worth 30% of our final mark. She looked over and copied almost each of my scantron answer, then guessed a few, handed it in, and left for the Winter break.

    I erased all my old answers, put the correct answers in, handed it in, and left. I got 71/100 and barely managed to pass that class. I'll find out what she got on Tuesday when I maybe see her with a gun at my locker.

    gggggllo Report

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    Jeremy Pierce
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gun?? I come from the 80s and 90s US public school system, used to bullying/hazing, i Do Not think joking about guns and school shootings are ok or funny even jokingly. Its down right frightening to think this is what our kids live. Makes me miss my school days of just throwing a few punches and the worst thing was your pride was hurt and be friends tomorrow.

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    The chainsmoker who lives above me tosses his cigarette butts on my back patio. I asked him not to and he just ignored every Friday when he has a party, I call in a noise complaint

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Collect all the cigarette butts for a month and dump them on his porch.

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    People Are Sharing 30 Fine Acts Of Revenge They Pulled Late to the party... But here's mine

    In high school one of my best friends started dating my ex boyfriend the day after we broke up... Which happened to be my 16th birthday. So then and there I decided to ruin her sweet sixteen. I just wasn't sure how.

    Fast forward three months. She planned an extravagant birthday party and played hookie from school the Friday before the big party to prepare. This was my opportunity. I told everyone at school that she had gotten the flu, and was postponing the party (hence why she wasn't in school). We were neighbors so everyone bought it.

    The next day she got all dolled up, arrived at her sweet 16 party in a large rented ballroom only to spend the entire party with her mom and little sister, not one person showed up.

    Looking back it was terrible and mean, but to a 16 year old girl I felt she broke sacred girl code, and that's never okay

    TL;DR: a birthday for a birthday leaves the whole world sad

    reading_is_sexy Report

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    Caro Caro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it just me or is this a bit too mean for what the friend did?

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    So my grandfather was driving and an obviously drunk man threw a rock and shattered his windshield. My grandfather talked to him and told him 'If you give me your real number, I'll only have you pay for half of the windshield or we can figure something out'. The guy turned out to give him a fake number. A year later, my grandfather picks up a guy from Park & Ride (carpooling), he happens to be the man that shattered his windshield. They're driving on the freeway and the guy doesn't recognize him. He's being rude and talking on his phone. My grandpa asks to see his phone and throws it out the window. The guy freaks out and my grandpa goes 'Remember me?' . He then made him get out of the car.

    thetimewizard Report


    When I was a kid I had acne. My dad was very misinformed and didn't really want to inform himself. he was one of those people who just figured anyone who had acne was "just dirty" and that things like chocolate and pizza would cause acne. He would make comments when he saw me eating things etc. saying that that's why I had acne, he didn't really realize they were hurtful. This is all despite the fact that he was paying for me to see a dermatologist and get prescription medication so he knew damned well I was doing what I could to get rid of it.

    Well, one night he got on my case about eating some chocolate. I got after him and told him he didn't have any idea what he was talking about and that if he wanted to open his mouth then maybe he should do some research, my mom backed me up.

    Well, the next morning I was up eating breakfast. I had poured some milk and right before drinking it realized that it was bad to the point of being chunky. I just set it aside with the intent of dumping it out after I finished eating. Well, he came downstairs and mad some smartass comment (not being mean, just trying to be funny) and grabbed my milk without asking. I just had this flashback memory to the night before and rather than stopping him I kept my mouth shut.

    He ended up dry heaving into the sink and then I told him that next time he should be nicer and I would have warned him. I was laughing pretty hard (we actually get along pretty well, this was just a blind spot that he had).

    Did I feel bad? Not really, even if it wasn't intentional he was being pretty hurtful. That being said, to this day I can't drink any milk until I've smelled it several times so I think I've been punished.

    puterTDI Report

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    When I used to be a Cheerleader, we were organising a trip to Florida (from the UK) to do some training and to have an awesome holiday. I took charge of organising the flights, and asked everyone if they were OK paying me back if I bought all the flights together. Yeah I know, bad idea.

    Anyway needless to say one girl changed her mind about going because she was starting a new job, and just before we were due to go I got a handwritten note in the post from her mother (we were in our twenties) saying that she never agreed to me booking a flight on her behalf and that she wasn't liable to pay me because she had decided not to go.

    I was in a bit of a panic because I didn't have her home address, and she just ignored all my calls and emails. I wanted to take her to court but to do that you have to have their address in order to serve the papers.

    After spending ages trying to ask around if people knew her address, and even trying to get her friends to give it to me without success, I stayed up all night figuring out a way to figure out where she lived.

    It literally took me all night but I managed to hack into her hotmail account and then her PayPal account, which lead me to her home address. (I could have just taken the money from her account, but I did want to do this as by-the-book as possible...)

    She turned up in court accompanied by her mother, and they tried to use Facebook photos to prove that I had used her ticket to take someone else in her place. I came armed with a printout of the airline terms which clearly stated that the tickets were non transferable.

    Judgement was swift. Victory was mine.

    kayleighswift Report

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    My college roommate had a sketchy friend he would invite over. My textbook was stolen the weekend before my final. I went to the bookstore and found the book. I had notecards that I used as bookmarks still in the book. I texted my roommate's friend and made up a story that the bookstore was going to press charges unless he gave the money back. He confessed over the phone and told me to meet him at his place to get the money.

    When I got there he was smoking a bong. After taking the money I poured the bong over his head and told him to never come to my place ever again.

    anon Report


    When I was in 4th grade, I was pushed around a lot by a kid who thought he was hot s**t. I told my parents, I told my teacher, they told the teacher and the principal..... no avail. So, one day on the stairs he kicks the back of my shoe making it pop off and fall. I turn and punch him in the stomach. He keeled over and rolled/fell down about 5-6 stairs to the next landing. I didn't even get in trouble, and even though he is still an a*****e, he never dared to touch me again.

    diamondeyes18 Report

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    An old post of mine :

    I used to go to a public high school where the majority of students were low to middle class Italian origin kids of immigrants (90% +). Tough going to say the least. When I was in high school I used to get bullied by a guy called Renaldo. We had a few scraps, either verbally or fisticuffs over the years. I was always the type of guy who wouldn’t take other people’s s**t and while others balked at giving me a hard time particularly when I went through puberty and became one of the tallest, largest guys in school he somehow always managed to give me a hard time. It was a tough time but in a way, I paid my dues early and learnt from a stern father that if people punched you, you punch back and you punch harder and you'll know if they are men or not.

    As luck would have me, Renaldo ended up in the same college I went to and he always managed to somehow, someway be a little s**t to me. What made things worse is that we fell for the same girl, Andrea who eventually became my girlfriend of over 4 years. Everyone knew he had feelings for her and that it killed him she was with me and not him. He always tried to “seduce” her with random calls and emails, being the son of a wealthy father who owned his own construction company, that he had nice cars, lots of money, a bunch of s**t that I didn’t have and over the years worked hard to earn coming from a low income family that was having problems making ends meet.

    He was a constant issue the first year of my relationship and we had several conflicts,

    Years later, after college and shortly after I broke up with Andrea, I received an e-mail from him out of the blue. I never corresponded with him (Facebook didn’t exist back then) and he went out and told me in an epic letter which went far too long, swore at me in excess and used terrible English (no wonder he never finished college and dropped out to work with daddy). Basically it was a "No one liked me in college and to F off".

    I haven’t seen him in well over 2 years, nor did we have any real friends in common. As a way of keeping my cool, nor did I want him to have the satisfaction to get me mad, I never responded to his emails (he sent several).

    However, I couldn't let his taunting go without consequences.

    So I went online and Googled his name. After searching around a bit I easily found a complete profile of him regarding his career, where he worked and what type of work it was. His father passed away recently and he now owned his father's business and had a team of employees working for him. I spied a bit more and hung onto the address of his place of employment for several weeks while I plotted.

    One day, I proceeded to go into a local sex shop and I purchased the largest, fattest, floppiest black dildo that I could find along with some KY and I went home, wrote a special note for him and put it along with the big fat black dildo and KY and boxed it in a standard box that couldn’t be traced back to me and sent it priority mail that required for him specifically to sign.

    The note read, "Since you have so much time to search out people that never gave a s**t about you to begin with, I figured you'd have enough time to go f**k yourself with this!"

    One of our mutual acquaintances dropped me an email a few days later. This acquaintance worked for Renaldo during his "internship" and apparently the package arrived while they were preparing to head out for a team lunch on a Friday and he was very excited to get the box opened since Renaldo thought it was something he ordered online that he was expecting and would "make it a good weekend" and he opened it in front of a number of co-workers and instead of whatever he ordered he pulls out....a giant black floppy dildo.


    chabaz Report

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    There was a teacher that I hated in middle school and he hated me just as much. One day I noticed that one of the magazines in our classroom had his address on it. I wrote it down and waited until summer vacation, so it would be less suspicious. I went to Borders and got a bunch of magazine subscription inserts and had a close friend who went to another school fill them out with his information. I checked the bill me later and sent them out. When I got back to school the next year, I could tell he suspected me but couldn't prove it and I was happy because I didn't have any classes with him anymore.

    -eDgAR- Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure how this counts as revenge. It's a mutual hate (although to me, if a teacher hates a student it's not simply because they exist, because then why become a teacher?), and nothing I can see says the teacher did anything, so OP was just a little prick.


    I like to get revenge by making all of a person's dreams come true without them.

    Once I dated a girl who told me about all of these life goals she had. Go on a road trip with no predetermined destination, go night swimming in a lake int he middle of nowhere, etc etc. Whenever i suggested we go do one of those things she had an argument that is was not sensible at the moment but would be when she finished school, secured a job, and so on.

    She dumped me, and I got my revenge by doing all those things as dates with other women. To my knowledge she has still done none of them.

    I met a guy who always wanted to start his own coffeeshop, but he started spreading malicious rumors about me and i lost a lot of friends. One friend i did not lose however had a line of a coffeeshop that he needed someone to get going for him.

    I was working in student life at a university and but heads with one of the other program directors who was very demanding with his participants. show up at X time and do not leave your seats until I say, and so on. When students complained I tried to talk to him about it and he basically told him I had no idea what I was talking about I had no seniority and i should leave his students alone.

    So I just started another program which became successful and made his redundant. Got promoted ahead of him.

    Why would you take revenge that makes the world worse for someone else, when you can make it better for yourself?

    BackslidingAlt Report

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    Canadian air cadets, summer camp, got picked on and things stolen from by one other cadet with issues for duration of the camp. Was allowed to go buy sundries at a local Pharmacy once a week. On final day of camp we did precision parade drills for friends, family, dignitaries, etc. Sort of like graduating from boot camp. A formal event where we were expected to be at our best. Swapped the contents of a package of [chiclets]( for a package of Feen-a-mint (laxative gum). Sure enough bully takes the gum as I opened the package in front of him. Awhile later we are called up for drill. Since it was hot and in full uniform if we experienced exhaustion or were about to faint we were to drop to one knee and wait till we taken out of formation. He and one other guy dropped to one knee part way through. I don't know if he s**t himself but I like to think he did.

    vog1 Report

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    Very petty, but a major victory for me.

    In elementary school (1st - 7th grade where I live), I was bullied by this girl. I was tiny, red haired, braces and glasses, with low self esteem, of course I was a target. She was just fat and entitled. She gave me numerous concussions and loose teeth and some emotional scars which made me apply for a secondary school in another district (my parents were a bit surprised when they got the letter about my being admitted, but that's another story).

    I went on to be accepted in one of the more prestigious public high schools in my area (again, I have no idea how this works outside Norway). Met her one day at the end of the second year. She had put on *so much weight* and was on her way home, four take-away bags in hand, to her parents' place. I lived on my own, and was out jogging, at my skinniest, that day.

    My revenge was being nice to her. She had failed everything, and could only get into the lowest priority high school. I was in the highest priority. She had gained so much weight, and I was skinny and felt beautiful. She bought kilos of take-away, and I was out running. *And I was so nice and compassionate*. All those years of bullying... I just felt sorry for her.

    onthebalcony Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is what my mom always told me: "When they take the low road, you take the high road." In other words, hold your head up high, don't respond with the same low class behavior, and do your best to succeed & be better.

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    My friends ex. She was quite the b***h and deserved to be dumped, she treated my friend like s**t and saw him as nothing more than a pair of lips. After they broke up she refused to talk to us. Fast forward 2 months she's still a bit bitter at most of our group with the exception of me. She wanted me. So she asks me out. That's when we came up with a brilliant plan. In order to put as much distance between her and me, along with making her feel extremely uncomfortable, we decided that everyone would just so conveniently be at the movie theater when we were on our date, this included her ex and his current gf. The look on her face when she was essentially flash mobbed and completely ignored for the night was priceless.

    GiGeGe3 Report


    This isn't as clever or conniving as some on here but it still ranks as the number 1 top spot for my best revenge moment. I was 13 and was reclining on a beach chair. This boy about my age and his younger friend, who I'd known for about a week, were standing behind me and kept messing with the chair and wouldn't stop when I asked them to. Him and his friend were classic little bratty, redneck children (the younger one had a rattail mullet, relevant for later) and the entire time I'd known them they were spouting off about how the boys were doing this but the girls couldn't do that because they were girls, stuff like that. The last time they messed with my chair I stood up, spun around and looked the bigger one dead in the eye and told him he'd better stop. He looked right at me with a smirk on his face and asked, "What are you going to do about it?" As soon as the words left his mouth I punched him dead in the eye and grabbed the younger kid's rattail mullet and yanked it so hard he fell to the ground. Then I sat back down. Both started crying almost immediately and didn't mess with me again. Eight years later and it's still the best feeling of revenge I've ever had.

    onlyforthevotes Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Deserved! Rattail-Mullets never were worn by any decent humans - maybe when they were children, one couldn't tell yet, but those I've known so far turned out to have antisocial tendencies at least, worse being the norm. And ... boundaries are a thing you gotta respect.

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    A friend of mine had been seriously third wheeling me with a certain girl that I was into. I asked why and he said it was fair game, "may the best man win" so I decided to find him another suitable partner. I went onto omegle typed "gay" into preferences, met a slew of lovely middle aged men who wanted my kik and thus gave them his. He received pictures of asses, d***s and 44 year old men wanting to "let daddy see you." In my eyes justice was served finely, no ragrets.

    Dapper-P96 Report


    I posted this somewhere else a long time ago, but here it goes:

    I was in the Navy. I was in Basic Enlisted Submarine School with shared barrack rooms. I had two roommates who for a lack of a better term, sucked. They were dirty, they never cleaned and they just smelled bad all the time, oh, and also they NEVER woke up on time for anything. Every week during room inspections we failed. Terribly. I ended up getting so annoyed with them because we started to get into a lot of trouble that I plotted the revenge to show the inspectors that it wasn't me and it was my two soil-sack roommates. Every 4 or so days everyone stood duty. One weeknight I had duty and I waited for the exact time that I was a roving watchstander in the barracks to pull off the trickery. I pissed in a ziploc baggy and placed it in my friends freezer prior to my watch and there I had it, a sheet of p**s-ice. I walked up to my room 60 minutes before inspection, knowing my f**ktard roommates wouldn't be up, and slid this sheet of p**s-ice under the door into the middle of the room. And you may ask why I didn't just open the door as it was my room? Because I didn't want to take the chance of waking one of them up during my covert operation. The inspectors came around and sure enough, oops, I forgot to wake up for my roommates like I did everyone else on the floor. Amidst the may-lay of the inspector banging on the door, them trying to get dressed and them both very confused and shuffling through the p**s, all hell broke loose. The inspector had those s**t f**ks standing at attention leaning over to smell the huge puddle realizing it was p**s in the middle of the floor. The face he made when he made that realization was something I will never forget. He lost it. Those two got in a ton of trouble and since I was on watch they lifted all punishment on me finally realizing it was them the whole time. I don't feel guilty at all. I never did, I never will.

    tl;dr Roommates were dirty, I made them dirtier with frozen p**s.

    Edit: I forgot how to words.

    robbel Report


    There was the kid in Jr. High that was always in my s**t. Not a bully, but just 2 parts d******d and 1 part b***h. Constantly trolling me, following me around talking s**t. I tried turning the other cheek, being nice and s**t like that, but it just was not working.

    Fast forward to high school, we are both on the wrestling team. I'm like one weight class above him, so we have lots and lots of close contact and he was still being a d**k.

    Double leg take down. Scooped that s**t head up in the air and dented the mat with him. Coach got pissed and made me do extra cardio after practice. Felt really f*****g good.

    J_G_B Report


    I know this will get buried but here goes... My step sister is a spoiled brat, and loves to p**s me off. So she's making fun of me in front of her boyfriend, making him laugh at my expense. I took the Beefy Five Layer Burrito I was eating and f*****g pelted her smug little face with it. She was cleaning sour cream out of her ears for days. I got my sweet cheesy justice.

    anon Report


    My Senior year in college my housemate went from being my best friend to a cold hearted a*****e who was mean to my dog. So I peed in his mouthwash.

    Re-ReadIt Report


    Caught my ex cheating on me with another guy. I took all her pants in a half size.

    DrWatsin Report


    This is more petty revenge but yeah.

    A few years back, my 15 year old cousin was staying over at my place which I shared with my boyfriend at the time. Her parents were on vacation in Cuba for a few weeks. While she was with us, we had to make ALL of her food. She couldn't cook and waited for me or my boyfriend to come home, otherwise she would only eat chips or popcorn. She wouldn't even make a sandwich.

    One day, she updated her Facebook status which was a whiny complaint about how bored she was(she had free rein to go out) and how weird I was. I guess she forgot I have her on Facebook. It really pissed me off since I made all of her meals and tried my best to keep her company.

    That night, when I was making her a turkey sandwich, I took my revenge. I used the end slices of the bread loaf to build the sandwich and the bitter white part of a romaine lettuce leaf. I also put too much mayo on it.

    She ate that sandwich. And she had a look of annoyance on her face.

    But there was nothing she could do.


    whatsasnozberry Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yet you still fed her and took care of her. You are a person of high integrity to still take care of someone while annoyed. Respect.


    I have done this multiple times but here is the most recent story.

    So I was coming back from this road trip with a few friends and holy s**t... there was a Pretty Lights show on the way home! So I immediately buy the cheapest tickets available, which came in a package of 4. It cost $40 for each ticket, but the face value was $55. Anyways, 2 of them went to my friends, and with no time to lose (the show was starting in 2 hours), I posted an ad on craigslist asking for $60 for it.

    Wasn't long before I got a message. The guy sent me a text and agreed to meet me in front of the venue in order to pay for the ticket. When we met, it was kind of my fault because I didn't check, but he shorted me $20. I was furious. What kind of c**t rips off somebody who hooks you up with a last minute front-row ticket, right?

    So... I have his phone number. For every holiday I wait... Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. I like to think he's having a good time, hanging out with his buddies or family. It is then that I post an add on craigslist in highly populated cities (San Francisco, New York, Detroit, etc.) casual encounters m4m that says something like:

    "Bicurious twink looking to suck first c**k"

    I put a convincing message in that ends with "send your c**k pics to 123-456-7890 and I will pick the sexiest one."

    I wait a day, and take it down, for I am merciful.

    TLDR: guy ripped me off, I make sure that every holiday he is sent hundreds of d**k pictures.

    burpingtiger Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds great until he changes his phone number. And then the next poor sap who gets assigned the phone number starts getting d¡ck pics every holiday.

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    I was at a house party with some friends in like, 2009 I guess? I don't quite remember, I was hammered.

    People were taking turns on the pong table, like you do, and this super trashy looking, s**t faced broad comes in and demands that we start playing flip cup, which is the most idiotic game of all time. Nobody paid any attention to her demand so she went around in a circle and pointed right in the face of everyone at the table in turn saying "you're a pussy, you're a pussy, you're a pussy, and you're a pussy!" We later learned that this chick had done her first porno that week and thought she was hot s**t, had been acting like a prima donna for days.

    Anyhow, my friend was playing pong at the time, and he's a nice fella, so he says something to the tune of "There's a few people waiting for pong still. Can you wait like fifteen, twenty minutes?"

    She SLAPS him in the face. He yells "what the f**k is wrong with you?" She is streaming curses at him, and goes to get her boyfriend. One of the guys on the table pulls me and my friend outside and tells us to just chill for a few minutes, that this girls boyfriend is jacked, a cokehead, he lives here and he'll probably beat the s**t out of us/throw us out of the party.

    So while we're "cooling off" I see my opportunity. I climb in to the empty kitchen and p**s into the half full gallon jug of orange juice on the table, then climb back out the window.

    What happens next? This b***h walks in to the kitchen with her boyfriend who is FUMING, pours herself a screwdriver, downs it.

    Me and my buddy took two unopened twelve packs of beer from the patio and bailed.

    TheVegetaMonologues Report

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    My friend Roman had just bought a brand new shiny bike. We were taking it for a spin around the nieghborhood and stopped off at my woman's house. We left the bikes on her big porch and went inside. Not 5 minutes later we went outside and my friends new bike was missing. We promptly hop in my car and start to search eugene for the bike. After about an hour we were giving up and thought we'd better check the central bus station one last time. Sure enough there was 16 year (roughly) with my friends bike and stickers already removed. We pulled over and confronted him. He said he found the bike in a ditch and promptly handed it back. I was putting the bike in the car while my friend fumed and looked up this kid up and down. Right as we're about to head out he yells "Give me f*****g jacket!" He made the kid give him the jacket he was wearing is punishment for stealing the bike. We ended up finding lipstick. a camera with some unusual selfies, and other random things in the pockets. It was a nice rugged carhart jacket, to this day my friend still uses it.

    anon Report


    I was in the locker room in high school gym class, hiding in the back because I had to call my mother about something ASAP. Just as I'm listening to the recording, this kid who had been a longtime bully to me came over and started taunting me with his usual threats. As I was leaving the message, in which I did not want him taunting me in the background, I kicked him as hard as I could. I aimed for his stomach, but he reacted and somehow managed to get himself kicked in the balls instead. He looked at me in shock and amusement and ran away. I managed to finish the message without faltering once.

    Not long after this I happened to be at the DMV with the same kid and both of our fathers, both of us testing to get our permits. I passed. He failed. *Extra* karma, b***h.

    hutacars Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I call BS on this. Kid may have looked in shock, but certainly not amusement and definitely not been able to run away. I don't know why OP didn't just let the bully taunt, as it would have been picked up on the telephone message-bank, and OP would have finally had proof.

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    I just posted this in another thread the other day, but it's pretty relevant here too so I figured I'll share.

    I was probably like 10 years old at the time. So this b***h girl was a friend of my b***h cousin's, and I was stuck at her house for the day. I took a dead leaf and a dandelion (as pictured) and told her to hide the leaf somewhere on her, and I would use the dandelion as a magic wand to find it. So I'm pretending to scan her body looking for it when I make my way up to her mouth. I stop at her mouth and I'm like, "Open your mouth". She cocked this smug-a*s b***h smirk that was made 100 times better when I jammed the dandelion down her c**t gullet. She's crying, my cousin's crying, I'm getting yelled at by grown ups, and the whole time I was just soooo satisified.

    I didn't get in any trouble with my parents because they knew how this girl had been giving me s**t for a long time.

    mikesername Report


    Back in the summer of 09 me And my girlfriend were going pretty strong, anyway I found out she was f*****g this guy on the side. She admitted it and said she was sorry an I dumped her.
    Anyway I didn't know the guy but it remembered his name, one night at a party a few months later I got introduced to a guy I thought was him, I slyly worked out it was him. I'm not a guy to hold a grudge generally but this was something else. I didn't want to do anything to him but when I walked into a bedroom to take a phone call and there he was passed out drunk on the bed.
    I didn't know what to do but I knew I had to good an opportunity to pass it up. I was pretty drunk at the time but the first thing I thought of was to take a Dump on him. I passed it off as a stupid idea but I couldn't think of anything else so I went with it. So I went with it. I left the party just after and I haven't seen or heard from him since. Not a day goes by I don't think about it. Needless to say I haven't told anyone about this in real life. I'm not sure but is say vengeance was a dish best served sh**ty.

    Quadration Report


    When I was a kid (probably 4 or 5 years old) I was watching Dumbo with my neighbor. The "elephants on parade part" was scary as all hell to me back then, and I peed my pants. My neighbor told *everyone* in my Pre-K class and would not stop calling me the "pants-peer" for weeks. Finally, one day I slept over at her house and took a pair of her pants out her closet, put them on, and peed in them. I woke her up to show her, and that's the story of how I became the two time pants-peer.

    TL;DR got revenge on a girl by putting her pants on and peeing in them.

    Chuck-E-Sleaze Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I may be the two-time pants-peer but only one of those times was intentional, so suck on that!"


    I got in a fight with one of my "friends" when I was about 12 or so. We were in a heated argument and I decided enough is enough so I picked up some seaweed with a stick from the nearby creek and threw that s**t on her head.

    *Oh sweet justice*

    iceybong Report


    I found out my gf was cheating on me, so I moved out. I kept my copy of the apartment key for a while after, and I'd go over when she wasn't home and pass small but worthwhile amounts of urine into her collection of shoes and swirl the toilet with both toothbrushes by the bathroom sink.

    GaryGeneric Report


    My girlfriend's college roommate last year started out pretty cool but eventually turned really bi***y and petty for god only knows what reason. Stuff like using my girlfriend's stuff without asking, being generally rude and OH YEAH HAVING SEX IN MY GIRLFRIEND'S BED AND ON HER DESK MULTIPLE TIMES. She bragged about it to other people on the floor and then told *really* bad lies to us about it. (i.e. "Why are the covers moved?" "Uh, I vacuumed." "The covers weren't touching the floor and the floor is still dirty." "...") Soooooo among one or two other things...I came in my gf's mouth one night and she spit it into Cunty McBadliar's brand new bottle of face wash. We never told her about it, we just laughed to ourselves quietly every time she took a shower. That bottle lasted her the whole rest of the year too. No regrets, she deserved it.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Uh, gross! Sure this wasn't a bit over the top?


    A guy cut me off on the freeway, so I followed him home and s**t on his lawn.

    chrisj2383 Report