Man Proudly Berates Women To His Fiancée, Is Shocked To Hear She’s No Longer In Love With Him
Interview With AuthorGenerally, most of us would prefer to really know who we were getting married to, which is why it’s never advisable to believe the honeymoon part of a relationship is representative of the entire thing. But what is just as scary is the fact that people can change and sometimes those changes can be for the worst.
A woman decided to reconsider her entire engagement after her fiancé would not stop making deeply misogynistic comments. We also got in touch with the woman who shared the story and she was kind enough to provide some more details.
It’s important to have compatible beliefs with your partner if you plan to get married
Image credits: Vitaly Gariev / Pexels (not the actual photo)
But one woman grew exhausted from the horrible things her fiancé kept saying about women
Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: RDNE Stock project / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Ataraxic-Metanoia
Later she shared a sizable update
Image credits: Alena Darmel / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Ataraxic-Metanoia
Some men truly embrace this skewed and misogynistic view of gender norms
Bored Panda got in touch with the woman in the story and she was kind enough to give some more details. First of all, we wanted to hear her opinion on why the story went viral. ” To be honest, I don’t know why people found this so engaging. When I posted it, I was hoping maybe 20 people would reply so I could get some perspective. When I woke up to see that thousands of comments were on the post, I assumed it was a glitch. The comments I found helpful were from other people who’d gone through similar things. Some had lost partners or family members to the MRA bs. Some were just abuse victims who told me that he’s showing signs of the early stages of having an abusive partner. He never physically abused me, but it’s scary to think that, if I’d stayed, it may have escalated to that.”
We also wanted to know if there were any further details after the additional post she made. “It’s not in the update post, but the number of friends coming forward to tell me they didn’t like him is staggering. I was already with him when we met at college or work, so they weren’t really comfortable telling me flat out to leave him. Looking back, though, it was clear they didn’t like him, but I was blindly in love”
“I would like to add how important it is to take online radicalization seriously. Some people said that he was always a red-faced misogynist and just waited a decade to reveal his true self. If I’m being honest, I don’t think he was. Manosphere spaces are recruiting boys and men using cult-like tactics. They convince them that anything contrary to Men’s Rights rhetoric is a delusion, a trick, or a lie. Despite being together for 12 years (10 preradicalization), he now believes that we can not have a happy relationship unless I am a tradwife. Because he believes that he is trying to save our relationship and save me from “feminist brainwashing”, he can’t be moved. Writing him off as “always a secret misogynist” ignores the serious problem of online radicalization.”
It can sometimes be hard to tell if your partner is actually compatible with you
It goes without saying that getting married is a pretty major commitment. If you are going to spend the rest of your life together with someone, you really, really need to be on the same page. This is why so many high-school-sweetheart-to-married-couple relationships fall apart, neither party actually knows the other that well.
Indeed, often enough, they don’t even know themselves yet. However, this story is one of those sad cases where it did seem like both people had a solid idea of who the other person was until personalities started to diverge. As shocking as his behavior was to the woman, we also need to consider his surprise that she was not at all interested in what he was putting down.
After all, he seemed to be operating under the assumption that she was picking up what he was putting down. Almost as badly, as she shared in the update, he suddenly decided that she should be a stay-at-home-mom. This was never part of her plan and it seems like a recent idea he wanted to push onto her.
Some couples choose this sort of arrangement and it works for them. However, it’s pretty clear that this woman is not at all interested. It’s not surprising that his behavior has her on edge. He doesn’t seem to want her to be a SATM because it “makes more sense,” he truly believes that it’s a superior social system.
A simple glance at crime statistics would suggest he is embarrassingly misguided
In other words, he is a bonafide misogynist. If even half of the examples she gives are true, it would appear that he spends way too much time working himself up about the “problems” women cause while severely underplaying male violent crime. Yes, there are women who commit crimes, even against men. But if committing crimes is enough to condemn an entire gender, men are really in trouble.
For example, in the United States, there are nine times more incarcerated men than women. On average, three quarters of people who are arrested are men. Even worse, men commit a staggering 89% of homicides. In the US, they also commit a horrifying 98% of SA’s and men commit the vast majority of burglaries, robberies and most arsonists are men. Interestingly, the only fields where women begin to even get close to male numbers are white-collar crimes, such as fraud and embezzlement. Importantly, these are non-violent crimes. This really shouldn’t surprise anyone, but men also commit 96% of domestic violence.
Men do tend to be the victims of most male crime, outside of SA and domestic violence, so perhaps the fiancé should redirect his energy towards helping his fellow males. It’s bizarre that he should insist that this role is to “protect” his wife when, statistically, he is the biggest threat to her.
These are just US statistics, but broadly speaking, men commit vastly more violent crime. One global study suggested that men are responsible for 95% of murders in the entire world. It’s almost surprising that the average person isn’t more scared of a random man they encounter. His beliefs are immature, misguided, hypocritical and she shouldn’t just leave him, she really should run.
Most people suggested that she really needs to get away from him
A few netizens decided to take the man’s side
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Right. The screen name of one of them literally has scumbag in the name. This guy is falling down the rabbit hole of wanting a 'tradwife'. Run fast and far lady. Run!!!!!!!
Load More Replies...Looks like the tate bros made an appearance, idiots. And then they wonder why women don't like them.
I don't have proof of my SA's (yes, more than one) but that doesn't mean they didn't happen...that being said I don't give two shits if random people believe me or not, what happened happened, and my only option is to keep moving forward.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that. As a random internet stranger I'm proud of you for giving zero f*cks if people believe you or not. Good on you and best of luck.
Load More Replies...What the actual fűck was the point of including those YTA comments? Really?! He’s a man who values hard truths? No, he’s a misogynistic prick and he is 100% willing to turn her into his domestic slave. The hard truth is he’s an awful person with active aggression toward half the population.
Am I the only one who noticed that shed's 28 and has been with him for 12 years? And he's 34 so he was 22 when they met. I feel like it's been a long time since it was ok for a 22 year old man to date a 16 year old girl.
That's what I came down here looking for, despite likely being groomed she has a great sense of self worth and independence.
Load More Replies...If this guy hates women so much and thinks men are wonderful, maybe he's in the wrong kind of relationship.
I don’t think anyone should be saddled with him! Well, maybe his fellow incels
Load More Replies...The 4 who said YTA have no idea what they are talking about. Yes, men do get sexualy assaulted. But not nearly as often as women. 91% of those who are sexually assaulted are women, 9% are men. Those are FACTS. Yes, people get falsely accused, and those people should be punished. What OP's ex fiancee is asking for is straight out of medieval history, if not an even earlier time period. Can't work, be a baby making machine, obey and submit to him? Not bloody likely! Sad to say, there probably are a few misguided souls who agree with him & are willing to live like that. But it has taken smart, enlighten women far too many years to get where we are today to willingly go back to living that way. You 4 need to do some serious research about the issues & opinions you are tossing out. While I doubt you are able to, try to be as objective as possible while researching. Consider BOTH sides of an issue. And when I say research, I mean true research. Like you are writing a thesis for your masters degree! I've yet to meet someone who has really looked into a controversial subject whose opinions didn't change at least slightly. Let's see if any of you are courageous enough to even try. I look forward to your educated and informed replies.
Right! Lack of proof is not the same as false accusation. These Tate wannabes think if a man is accused of a sexual crime by a woman, he’s automatically the victim. Like you, I think people who make false accusations are culpable - that doesn’t mean cases that don’t go to trial or where victims withdraw their complaint are faked. These guys just want the option for no consequences back and are pìssed they don’t have it anymore.
Load More Replies...As a woman, I'm terrified of what this new hate for us will bring. Hope Andrew Tate dies in a fire, screaming.
I can't even with the "you're losing out on a man who values uncomfortably truths" comment. Like... Suggesting she should be a trad wife when she doesn't want to be one? Insisting she isn't special? That women are somehow worse than men as a gender? That isn't uncomfortable, it's deluded. She's well off without him.
Exactly, none of those were “uncomfortable truths,” they were just his entitlement and ego telling him he should be allowed to boss women around. It’s so immature.
Load More Replies...Factually speaking, SA is under-reported by both sexes and while false accusations do happen they do not in fact happens "all the time". Statistically, false accusations of SA are's about 2 to 10 percent and that includes cases where there wasn't enough corresponding evidence to charge someone and charges that have been dropped. When you consider the number of people that drop their charges because of the havoc a court case could cause to their reputation or mental health and when you consider how difficult SA is to prove then that percentage of false allegations is very low indeed.
Looked this notion up for myself as I knew the % of false accusations is very low- average of 4% across The UK and the rest of Europe(and includes the reasons for cases being dropped as you mention)... I also knew that the rate of unreported sexual assault was is fact much higher. Women often do not report acts of sexual violence against them because of the stigma of reporting incidents like this to the police and not being believed and the fact that many sexual assaults result in minor or no charges against the accused. The mindset around this fallacy needs to change...
Load More Replies...According to law, if someone reports being raped, POLICE are supposed to proceed as if the accusation is true and investigate it as such. However, once charges are filed, the COURT assumes the defendant is innocent until proven guilty.
I hope he doesn't make his way back into her life! All of his statements are just huge red flags, and the fact that they've been dating for *twelve* years when she's only 28! He's six years older than her! So they were dating when she was 16 and he was 22, give or take.
Shhhhhh*t she was groomed! Ho dear ho sweetie RUN! RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!
Load More Replies...He's not your best friend. Why would you even throw that in? Even if all the sh1tty behaviour vanished, you still want different things, breaking up is the best thing to do in that case. But you shouldn't ignore misogyny or gaslighting (changing the terms of the proposal and then pretending that's normal). Get out, stay out. Upgrade your life
Good thing you tossed that ring before the I dos and wound up being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Any man or woman that can think an assault on a woman needs proof and that men don't get the same treatment really need to step back. Be it rep or dem it doesn't matter what party he's spewing hate about. It's still hate. Go live a life away from that monster in the making.
How can anyone be like "Oh, he was argumentative with others and it was cool. But when I started getting it, THEN it was a problem." It smacks of a lack of empathy and selfishness to me. We always hear "being rude to service workers" as a red flag, this sounds the same to me.
But remember, she was only 16 when he groomed her. He was ALL she knew of "romantic love", which turned out to NOT be what he was offering. He only pulled the real switcheroo on her a decade later. In the meantime, she missed out on the lessons most of us learn in our teens & early 20s, when we're still impressionable, as well as learning what we need most to feel content in Life. Her brain hadn't fully formed before he began *subtley* filling it with his own garbage. But she was still aware enough to recognize Trouble when he began dropping trash views by the truck-load. I hope this harsh & hurtful disappointment will serve to protect her for falling for some other subpar guy. She deserves a Keeper, who won't shatter what faith she still has in mankind.
Load More Replies...Men like that are so gross. “I want you to be submissive, I want to have the final say on most things” GROSS 🤮 must be nice feeling so entitled but they look like absolute morons who aren’t smart enough to realize it. They think they’re so pompous and so much better than women, when they’re really just far more entitled and have bigger egos. I’m so glad not all men are like that.
I see nothing to love about him. He’s a hateful, brainwashed misogynist who has absolutely no respect for women. He his not only a major AH, but he’s also a dangerous male who is obviously insecure about his own masculinity and therefore, feels the need to disrespect and abuse women.
This is the American Taliban taking over America & an extension of the Trump cult!
Well, at least we know where the incels and misogynists hang out. In the YTA section of posts like this. *shakes head*
Andrew Tate is the absolute worst thing to happen in American society. He’s spreading his own insecurities about his masculinity to others like him. Thes uncivilized animals will never be able to Marty a woman who has self respect. All these male animals want to do is have total power over women all because of their insecurities about their masculinity.
She needs to run, and get herself a good man who isn't wildly insecure and misogynistic.
I was impressed by this woman's emotional intelligence. I only wish I had half that at her (presumably late 20's-early 30's young) age.
She's 28. I'm amazed she even managed to develop that, since he'd been grooming her since she was 16 and he was 22.
Load More Replies...These aholes are too much. I was just called a woke lefty femmo a minute ago. I'm like we were discussing women choosing the bear and they just started spewing all this misogynistic polioticrap. You'd think in this day and age we'd move past this garbage, but they seem to be going backwards to the freaking middle ages 😑
What is going on with these people saying YTA? Women do not report sexual assault unless it actually happens. No woman wants to go through what happens as a result. And I am so sick of people saying that women focus on different arguments when they are only trying to get a word in while they are being bombarded with insults and BS.
You dodged a bullet. Something similar happened to me (even if he didn’t want me to be a SAHM) and leaving has been the best decision
Sounds like someones been listening to a lot ot Poole, Shapiro, Rogan and Walsh. Can 10000% blame right wing talkers online for his mental decline and corruption.
Run, far and fast. Change your contact info. Get a different job away from him. YOU are not the problem. He sounds dangerous to me. You owe him nothing.
YWBTA if you stayed. He's incelling, and you can see the support group at the bottom.
Today, in France, there is a trial that opposes a woman to her husband and 51 of her 92 r*pists. The husband dr*gged her for 10 years to make her sleep while he went on the Internet to find men. He said 7 out of 10 men accepted. That means that 3 out of 10 men saw the proposition, refused it but didn't report it to anyone. The husband filmed every act so they are all on camera. We can see their faces and we can hear them. And you know what ? They are still claiming they didn't do anything ! But yes, it's always women...
How absolutely Repulsive. I hope that poor woman has a loving support system of friends & family to help her heal. And that her beyond-creepy ex runs into a crowd behind bars that DETESTS him.
Load More Replies...I am extremely impressed with you. You understand that the life he wants is no longer compatible with yours. Instead of dragging this out, hemming and hawing, you were upfront, honest and decisive. Bravo
This idea that the victim should have to prove they were assaulted is ludicrous. What’s she supposed to do? Say to her r@pist, ‘hang on can we just record this so I have proof you’re assaulting me’???
HE might be a good man if HE didn't have to be right all the time. If you think women are people too, then you're a feminist. That is all it takes, really. Patriarchy tells them that women are property, accessories, brood-mares, and think we are BAD if we have our own will. Don't feel bad for hurting his feelings, you only said that because HE hurt YOUR feelings. Women who lie about SA make it even harder for the rest of us to be believed, so women in general probably hate these women more than men do.
You can always easily read the Andrew Tate followers. They give themselves away every time.
A misogynist slowly unmasking, hoping the frog he's put in the water doesn't notice it's starting to boil. Why do they keep trying to date "modern" women and then force them into that tiny traditional box? The women who do actually want to be traditional wives and SAHP's don't deserve to be shackled to these pathetic men though.
HE could be a good husband if HE could stop needing to be right all the time. Feminism isn't lying, feminism is just the radical idea that women are people too. He clearly doesn't agree, women are property to him.
SAHM Feminist Agenda: 1) Get up & make breakfast for the kids, pack their lunches, send them off to school. 2) Hug partner and send them off to work. 3) Laundry, dishes, clean house. 4) Overthrow the patriarchy. 5) Welcome home kids & partner. 6) Dinner.
12 years together, not married, only engaged, and he suddenly wants all of this radically different stuff before they marry? He 1) doesn't want to marry her, so this is equal parts trying to put her off and turn her into someone he thinks he might like better and, 2) he wants marriage/the right woman to magically transform him into the important, decisive man he always wished he was
I’d be curious to know what radio programs he’s been listening to
I think at some point I would have looked at him and asked him if he would rather marry a goodness. My husband and I are modern-traditional I guess you could call it. We both work and we have equal salary but the house and kids are mostly my workload where other bigger maintenance is his and it works. We help each other, however my husband does have an outdated view of things and generally has a poor outlook toward women. It's a constant agree to disagree but I have managed to put him right a few times and he has slowly changed his views a bit.
Are you happy? Do you have female children? I'm only asking because I couldn't be with a man who looks down on women, especially if I had children that were girls. Hell I wouldn't want boys around a man who thinks less of women. I'm not trying to disrespect you in any way, but what you wrote is kinda disturbing, and makes me wonder why you are married to your husband and procreated with him.
Load More Replies...Sexual assault is a real thing and goes under reported. Based on DNA, incest stats have been revised from 1 in a million, to 1 in 7000. Many folks haven’t had DNA testing done at all. So abuse against women able to bear children, is higher than reported.
There have been some comments about women lying that they have been raped and women abusing boys. That is true. There are some cases. However, a lot of rapes are not reported to the police as they fear that they won't be believed. according to rape crises charities.
Honey. You marry this man. He gonna beat you and ra@e you and then blame you. Run and run as far as you can
Guys like that can argue all they want about false accusations, but with a couple of thousand years of women not being believed much of the time and there still being people who believe that being the victim of an assault makes a woman 'dirty' or says that she was 'asking' for it because of the clothes she wore, things she said, the place she was... men should acknowledge that the first step is to fix the culture of allowing anyone to believe that kind of sh*t is ok. I don't want anyone innocent to be accused, but the reality is that most of the accusations are not false.
Did you somehow fail to realise she was sixteen and he 22 when he started grooming her?
Load More Replies...Right. The screen name of one of them literally has scumbag in the name. This guy is falling down the rabbit hole of wanting a 'tradwife'. Run fast and far lady. Run!!!!!!!
Load More Replies...Looks like the tate bros made an appearance, idiots. And then they wonder why women don't like them.
I don't have proof of my SA's (yes, more than one) but that doesn't mean they didn't happen...that being said I don't give two shits if random people believe me or not, what happened happened, and my only option is to keep moving forward.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that. As a random internet stranger I'm proud of you for giving zero f*cks if people believe you or not. Good on you and best of luck.
Load More Replies...What the actual fűck was the point of including those YTA comments? Really?! He’s a man who values hard truths? No, he’s a misogynistic prick and he is 100% willing to turn her into his domestic slave. The hard truth is he’s an awful person with active aggression toward half the population.
Am I the only one who noticed that shed's 28 and has been with him for 12 years? And he's 34 so he was 22 when they met. I feel like it's been a long time since it was ok for a 22 year old man to date a 16 year old girl.
That's what I came down here looking for, despite likely being groomed she has a great sense of self worth and independence.
Load More Replies...If this guy hates women so much and thinks men are wonderful, maybe he's in the wrong kind of relationship.
I don’t think anyone should be saddled with him! Well, maybe his fellow incels
Load More Replies...The 4 who said YTA have no idea what they are talking about. Yes, men do get sexualy assaulted. But not nearly as often as women. 91% of those who are sexually assaulted are women, 9% are men. Those are FACTS. Yes, people get falsely accused, and those people should be punished. What OP's ex fiancee is asking for is straight out of medieval history, if not an even earlier time period. Can't work, be a baby making machine, obey and submit to him? Not bloody likely! Sad to say, there probably are a few misguided souls who agree with him & are willing to live like that. But it has taken smart, enlighten women far too many years to get where we are today to willingly go back to living that way. You 4 need to do some serious research about the issues & opinions you are tossing out. While I doubt you are able to, try to be as objective as possible while researching. Consider BOTH sides of an issue. And when I say research, I mean true research. Like you are writing a thesis for your masters degree! I've yet to meet someone who has really looked into a controversial subject whose opinions didn't change at least slightly. Let's see if any of you are courageous enough to even try. I look forward to your educated and informed replies.
Right! Lack of proof is not the same as false accusation. These Tate wannabes think if a man is accused of a sexual crime by a woman, he’s automatically the victim. Like you, I think people who make false accusations are culpable - that doesn’t mean cases that don’t go to trial or where victims withdraw their complaint are faked. These guys just want the option for no consequences back and are pìssed they don’t have it anymore.
Load More Replies...As a woman, I'm terrified of what this new hate for us will bring. Hope Andrew Tate dies in a fire, screaming.
I can't even with the "you're losing out on a man who values uncomfortably truths" comment. Like... Suggesting she should be a trad wife when she doesn't want to be one? Insisting she isn't special? That women are somehow worse than men as a gender? That isn't uncomfortable, it's deluded. She's well off without him.
Exactly, none of those were “uncomfortable truths,” they were just his entitlement and ego telling him he should be allowed to boss women around. It’s so immature.
Load More Replies...Factually speaking, SA is under-reported by both sexes and while false accusations do happen they do not in fact happens "all the time". Statistically, false accusations of SA are's about 2 to 10 percent and that includes cases where there wasn't enough corresponding evidence to charge someone and charges that have been dropped. When you consider the number of people that drop their charges because of the havoc a court case could cause to their reputation or mental health and when you consider how difficult SA is to prove then that percentage of false allegations is very low indeed.
Looked this notion up for myself as I knew the % of false accusations is very low- average of 4% across The UK and the rest of Europe(and includes the reasons for cases being dropped as you mention)... I also knew that the rate of unreported sexual assault was is fact much higher. Women often do not report acts of sexual violence against them because of the stigma of reporting incidents like this to the police and not being believed and the fact that many sexual assaults result in minor or no charges against the accused. The mindset around this fallacy needs to change...
Load More Replies...According to law, if someone reports being raped, POLICE are supposed to proceed as if the accusation is true and investigate it as such. However, once charges are filed, the COURT assumes the defendant is innocent until proven guilty.
I hope he doesn't make his way back into her life! All of his statements are just huge red flags, and the fact that they've been dating for *twelve* years when she's only 28! He's six years older than her! So they were dating when she was 16 and he was 22, give or take.
Shhhhhh*t she was groomed! Ho dear ho sweetie RUN! RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!
Load More Replies...He's not your best friend. Why would you even throw that in? Even if all the sh1tty behaviour vanished, you still want different things, breaking up is the best thing to do in that case. But you shouldn't ignore misogyny or gaslighting (changing the terms of the proposal and then pretending that's normal). Get out, stay out. Upgrade your life
Good thing you tossed that ring before the I dos and wound up being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Any man or woman that can think an assault on a woman needs proof and that men don't get the same treatment really need to step back. Be it rep or dem it doesn't matter what party he's spewing hate about. It's still hate. Go live a life away from that monster in the making.
How can anyone be like "Oh, he was argumentative with others and it was cool. But when I started getting it, THEN it was a problem." It smacks of a lack of empathy and selfishness to me. We always hear "being rude to service workers" as a red flag, this sounds the same to me.
But remember, she was only 16 when he groomed her. He was ALL she knew of "romantic love", which turned out to NOT be what he was offering. He only pulled the real switcheroo on her a decade later. In the meantime, she missed out on the lessons most of us learn in our teens & early 20s, when we're still impressionable, as well as learning what we need most to feel content in Life. Her brain hadn't fully formed before he began *subtley* filling it with his own garbage. But she was still aware enough to recognize Trouble when he began dropping trash views by the truck-load. I hope this harsh & hurtful disappointment will serve to protect her for falling for some other subpar guy. She deserves a Keeper, who won't shatter what faith she still has in mankind.
Load More Replies...Men like that are so gross. “I want you to be submissive, I want to have the final say on most things” GROSS 🤮 must be nice feeling so entitled but they look like absolute morons who aren’t smart enough to realize it. They think they’re so pompous and so much better than women, when they’re really just far more entitled and have bigger egos. I’m so glad not all men are like that.
I see nothing to love about him. He’s a hateful, brainwashed misogynist who has absolutely no respect for women. He his not only a major AH, but he’s also a dangerous male who is obviously insecure about his own masculinity and therefore, feels the need to disrespect and abuse women.
This is the American Taliban taking over America & an extension of the Trump cult!
Well, at least we know where the incels and misogynists hang out. In the YTA section of posts like this. *shakes head*
Andrew Tate is the absolute worst thing to happen in American society. He’s spreading his own insecurities about his masculinity to others like him. Thes uncivilized animals will never be able to Marty a woman who has self respect. All these male animals want to do is have total power over women all because of their insecurities about their masculinity.
She needs to run, and get herself a good man who isn't wildly insecure and misogynistic.
I was impressed by this woman's emotional intelligence. I only wish I had half that at her (presumably late 20's-early 30's young) age.
She's 28. I'm amazed she even managed to develop that, since he'd been grooming her since she was 16 and he was 22.
Load More Replies...These aholes are too much. I was just called a woke lefty femmo a minute ago. I'm like we were discussing women choosing the bear and they just started spewing all this misogynistic polioticrap. You'd think in this day and age we'd move past this garbage, but they seem to be going backwards to the freaking middle ages 😑
What is going on with these people saying YTA? Women do not report sexual assault unless it actually happens. No woman wants to go through what happens as a result. And I am so sick of people saying that women focus on different arguments when they are only trying to get a word in while they are being bombarded with insults and BS.
You dodged a bullet. Something similar happened to me (even if he didn’t want me to be a SAHM) and leaving has been the best decision
Sounds like someones been listening to a lot ot Poole, Shapiro, Rogan and Walsh. Can 10000% blame right wing talkers online for his mental decline and corruption.
Run, far and fast. Change your contact info. Get a different job away from him. YOU are not the problem. He sounds dangerous to me. You owe him nothing.
YWBTA if you stayed. He's incelling, and you can see the support group at the bottom.
Today, in France, there is a trial that opposes a woman to her husband and 51 of her 92 r*pists. The husband dr*gged her for 10 years to make her sleep while he went on the Internet to find men. He said 7 out of 10 men accepted. That means that 3 out of 10 men saw the proposition, refused it but didn't report it to anyone. The husband filmed every act so they are all on camera. We can see their faces and we can hear them. And you know what ? They are still claiming they didn't do anything ! But yes, it's always women...
How absolutely Repulsive. I hope that poor woman has a loving support system of friends & family to help her heal. And that her beyond-creepy ex runs into a crowd behind bars that DETESTS him.
Load More Replies...I am extremely impressed with you. You understand that the life he wants is no longer compatible with yours. Instead of dragging this out, hemming and hawing, you were upfront, honest and decisive. Bravo
This idea that the victim should have to prove they were assaulted is ludicrous. What’s she supposed to do? Say to her r@pist, ‘hang on can we just record this so I have proof you’re assaulting me’???
HE might be a good man if HE didn't have to be right all the time. If you think women are people too, then you're a feminist. That is all it takes, really. Patriarchy tells them that women are property, accessories, brood-mares, and think we are BAD if we have our own will. Don't feel bad for hurting his feelings, you only said that because HE hurt YOUR feelings. Women who lie about SA make it even harder for the rest of us to be believed, so women in general probably hate these women more than men do.
You can always easily read the Andrew Tate followers. They give themselves away every time.
A misogynist slowly unmasking, hoping the frog he's put in the water doesn't notice it's starting to boil. Why do they keep trying to date "modern" women and then force them into that tiny traditional box? The women who do actually want to be traditional wives and SAHP's don't deserve to be shackled to these pathetic men though.
HE could be a good husband if HE could stop needing to be right all the time. Feminism isn't lying, feminism is just the radical idea that women are people too. He clearly doesn't agree, women are property to him.
SAHM Feminist Agenda: 1) Get up & make breakfast for the kids, pack their lunches, send them off to school. 2) Hug partner and send them off to work. 3) Laundry, dishes, clean house. 4) Overthrow the patriarchy. 5) Welcome home kids & partner. 6) Dinner.
12 years together, not married, only engaged, and he suddenly wants all of this radically different stuff before they marry? He 1) doesn't want to marry her, so this is equal parts trying to put her off and turn her into someone he thinks he might like better and, 2) he wants marriage/the right woman to magically transform him into the important, decisive man he always wished he was
I’d be curious to know what radio programs he’s been listening to
I think at some point I would have looked at him and asked him if he would rather marry a goodness. My husband and I are modern-traditional I guess you could call it. We both work and we have equal salary but the house and kids are mostly my workload where other bigger maintenance is his and it works. We help each other, however my husband does have an outdated view of things and generally has a poor outlook toward women. It's a constant agree to disagree but I have managed to put him right a few times and he has slowly changed his views a bit.
Are you happy? Do you have female children? I'm only asking because I couldn't be with a man who looks down on women, especially if I had children that were girls. Hell I wouldn't want boys around a man who thinks less of women. I'm not trying to disrespect you in any way, but what you wrote is kinda disturbing, and makes me wonder why you are married to your husband and procreated with him.
Load More Replies...Sexual assault is a real thing and goes under reported. Based on DNA, incest stats have been revised from 1 in a million, to 1 in 7000. Many folks haven’t had DNA testing done at all. So abuse against women able to bear children, is higher than reported.
There have been some comments about women lying that they have been raped and women abusing boys. That is true. There are some cases. However, a lot of rapes are not reported to the police as they fear that they won't be believed. according to rape crises charities.
Honey. You marry this man. He gonna beat you and ra@e you and then blame you. Run and run as far as you can
Guys like that can argue all they want about false accusations, but with a couple of thousand years of women not being believed much of the time and there still being people who believe that being the victim of an assault makes a woman 'dirty' or says that she was 'asking' for it because of the clothes she wore, things she said, the place she was... men should acknowledge that the first step is to fix the culture of allowing anyone to believe that kind of sh*t is ok. I don't want anyone innocent to be accused, but the reality is that most of the accusations are not false.
Did you somehow fail to realise she was sixteen and he 22 when he started grooming her?
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