Feb. 28, 2020 – A Window Before The World Changed – (Or, My Pictures Of Deep Ellum In Dallas, Texas)
On my 22nd birthday, I went to Deep Ellum in Dallas to enjoy a night with friends to take photos and walk around the city. Granted, to our knowledge, we did not know that it would be the last night of normalcy. The last night before the world changed due to the pandemic a few weeks later.
I love pictures like this, especially of the night life in my city. I wonder what else the world has in store. I have taken it upon myself to take more and more pictures with my camera, even now.
But it is odd to see my city before it all changed.
The lit room
sepia whiskey
I’m rather shy about going up to people and asking for a picture, so this is one of my shots that I took from walking by a bar window.
red, blue, and white
I love flares and reflections, especially when it comes to low light photos like this.
Another installation of the window saga.