50 Times People Found Something So ‘Mildly Interesting’, They Just Had To Share It In This Group (New Pics)
The internet is a vast sea of content, with countless memes, jokes, and videos flooding your screen every day. It's no wonder that it can be challenging to focus or genuinely appreciate something amidst the constant barrage. But fear not, for today, we bring you something simple and 'mild.'
Introducing the humbly titled subreddit r/mildlyinteresting, where you'll find things that might pique your curiosity. We've handpicked a fresh collection, and it turns out that for photos that are, well, mildly interesting, they tend to be surprisingly captivating.
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My Favorite Local Restaurant Collects Tips To Help People In Need
To be great at something, it's not about doing something extraordinary once; it's about mastering the everyday basics and doing them consistently over a long time. Greatness is often simpler than it appears from the outside.
A Bike I Bought Got Delivered In A Box Showing An Aquarium And A Note Explaining Why
My Honey Came With A Tiny Handmade Beekeepers Hat
Think about when you've tried to get good at something challenging. Let's make it even simpler: remember those New Year's resolutions you set last year? Chances are, you've either forgotten about them or given up, and I'm guilty of that too.
Public Air Shower In Tokyo To Blow Pollen Off Hay Fever Sufferers
This Restaurant Named "Thai Food Near Me"
Very smart. Now whenever anyone Googles the phrase "Thai food near me," this restaurant will always come up. It's brilliant in its simplicity.
My Husband Got Me A Bouquet Of Mushrooms For Mother's Day
So, what went wrong? People often blame the task being too hard, their lack of talent, or not enough discipline. These reasons sound reasonable, but each of us has strengths and discipline in different areas. So, what's the real issue?
Local Creamery Has Beef With Chase Bank
My Friends Cat Got Shaved At The Vet And Now She Looks Like A Game Of Exquisite Corpse
My Local Pizza Hut Hasn’t Changed Since The 80’s
The problem usually comes down to not fully understanding what we're trying to achieve, which means we aren't ready for what it actually takes to succeed. We often have big ideas about what it means to be great or master something, and this can lead us to either avoid trying or quit too soon.
My Husband Has Brown Eyes, I Have Blue. These Are Our Four Children's Eyes
The Different Reflections From My Glasses
Can..Can this be done at home? I'd love to see what my glasses' reflection are!
A Rabies Vaccines That Is Airdropped In The Woods For Raccoons To Eat
Finding joy in little things means being thankful and happy with what you have, even if it seems small or unimportant. It can also mean finding purpose in everyday tasks and enjoying simple pleasures. By staying in the moment and having a positive outlook, you can find joy in even the most ordinary situations.
This Car Is Full Of Bumper Stickers That Say Bumper Sticker
I Flew Over Some Lakes That Looked Like A Man Walking His Lama
A Reflection From My Friend’s Phone Created A Pink Floyd Album Cover On Her Hazard Button
Finding happiness in small things helps us handle life's tough times. It also reduces stress and makes us feel better overall. This skill can be developed with gratitude, mindfulness, and being present in the moment. Below you'll find some ways to practice it.
Woke Up To A Swan Peering Through My Front Door
This Bi- Colored Leaf I Found Today
I’m At The NYC Macys And The Escalator Is Made Out Of Wood
Try practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness means being fully in the moment without judgment. You can practice it through activities like meditation, yoga, or simply taking deep breaths and focusing on what's around you.
These Two Food Droids Trying To Figure Out How To Get Past One Another
A Globe That Shows Elevation
This Bridge's Fencing Has Holes In It For Cameras
Pause and enjoy the beauty in your surroundings, whether it's a sunset, a flower, or a kind gesture. It can be as easy as smelling the flowers or watching a sunset.
Trying new things can open your eyes to new joys. Consider taking a cooking class, going for a hike, or visiting a museum. The excitement of something new can bring happiness.
Building and nurturing close relationships with friends and family can bring joy and a sense of connection. Invest time in meaningful conversations and activities you both enjoy.
Laughter and enjoying the silly or absurd can brighten your mood and bring happiness. Watch a funny movie, share jokes with friends, or simply find humor in everyday moments.
Saw This Adult Sized Little Tikes Car In The Parking Lot Where I Was
I Found A Tiny Pocket Knife At A Music Festival
I Found This Box Of Fentanyl Test Strips In The Local Brewery’s Bathroom
Finding joy in small things takes practice and mindfulness, but it can greatly improve your overall well-being and happiness. By nurturing gratitude and staying in the present moment, you can discover happiness in life's little pleasures. Keep scrolling to check out more 'mildly' interesting things from the Reddit group and our previous posts.
This Gummy Brand Of Candies From Norway Have Boobs On Half Of The Gummies
My Transition Glasses Were Left In The Mesh Pocket Of My Backpack
What Microwave Popcorn Looks Like Inside The Bag
I Had A Tendon Transplant In My Finger And They’re Using A Button, Sewn Through My Fingernail, To Hold The New Tendon In Place While It Heals
A Walmart In Florida Now Has Sensory Friendly Hours
A Broken Quarter
This House That Has A Tunnel Through A Juniper Bush To Get To Their Front Door
My Collection Of (Mostly) Vintage Uranium Glass
Pool Themed Restrooms In A Hotel
Fanta In Italy Has No Dyes Or Artificial Flavors
My Library Is Displaying An Archive From Our Local Newspaper Predicting A New High Schooler In Town, Taylor Swift, Will Rise To Stardom
Taylor Swift? Who's that? Must be a pretty small artist, never heard of her
This Vintage Calculator Is Transparent So It Could Be Displayed Via Overhead Projector
This Tiny Stop Sign
The Difference Between My Brother And I’s Tan
This Group Of Colorful Humans Waiting For A Train In Montreal
One Of My Laundry Pods Has No Detergent
The 1st Class Shower/Toilet On An A380
My Used Soap Bar Looks Like Chicken Breast
My Daughter’s Pediatrician Has Higher Door Handles So Kids Can’t Run Out Of The Room
These Electrical Outlet Plates My Mom Painted For Her Kitchen To Match The Granite
My Local Cinema Has A Guide To Which Movies Have Mid And Post Credit Scenes
This Person Taking Their Parrot For A Walk At The Mall
Poor little fellow, it it frightened and alone. This type of birds needs at least one other to feel happy and safe. And the cord hangs too low, tailfeathers should not be bend. "Like other members of the genus Aratinga, the sun conure is very social and typically occurs in large flocks of 15 to 30 individuals. They rarely leave the flock, but when they get separated from the group, they squawk and scream in a high-pitched voice, which can carry for hundreds of yards, allowing individuals to communicate with their flock and return to them." So this is not cute, but pure torture for the bird.