Falling in love often feels a lot like falling ill. Your knees may become weak, your cheeks might be flushed, and your brain may feel foggy due to the nerves you’re experiencing. A smile from your crush can make your heart skip a beat, but the jitters might make your mouth drier than the Sahara Desert. However, all of these uncomfortable feelings are worth it to find the love of your life. And someday, the person who once filled you with nervous energy might be the only person on the planet who makes you feel calm. 

But sadly, not all love stories last. And you might end up back at square one if your relationship starts fizzling out. Redditors have recently been sharing heartbreaking signs that someone is falling out of love with their partner, so we’ve gathered their thoughts below. We hope that you can’t relate to any of these replies, pandas. But if you can, remember that you deserve to love and be loved!


60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Going home to them makes you anxious instead of excited.

AdTotal801 , Mikhail Nilov Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You don’t want to be intimate with them anymore - that was my first sign.

DryExpression511 , Ketut Subiyanto Report


60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Love is not a feeling. This idea of “being” in love is the modern era’s greatest lie. Love is a choice. It’s a choice to respect, honor, and be dutiful to someone even when it is not convenient - even if it sucks. Lust and desire are feelings you can “fall” out of. Love is a choice and giving up on someone is a choice, not because you “fell” out of something. Every couple I’ve talked to that had lifelong marriages always said the same thing - there are long stretches in any committed relationship where it’s stale, stagnant, and sometimes even downright unpleasant. But it’s the choice to stay and the choice to figure out how to rekindle the relationship that is the most important thing. Abuse and affairs are different - that’s always the retort. Those two things effectively relieve the other person in the relationship of any duty to even try. But short of those two things, if you’re committing to “loving” someone, you do it even when you don’t feel like doing it. If you’re not willing to do it, then you don’t “fall out” of love, you made a choice to no longer commit to the person.

PsychologyFancy4356 , Anastasiya Lobanovskaya Report

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danrider avatar
Son of Philosoraptor
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42 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We realized 27 years ago that we are better together than apart. And we've held on through the hard times and now we are looking at retirement and it's worth it kids

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You don’t want to share your thoughts, experiences, and memories with them anymore.

throw123454321purple , Samson Katt Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You prefer them not being there.

TT_________ , RDNE Stock project Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Not enjoying spending time with your partner. Feeling irritated by your partner's presence, quirks, and habits. Losing interest in what's going on in your partner's life.

LoveLustEnchantress , RDNE Stock project Report

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stan_y234 avatar
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6 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you find yourself getting irritated at those things -- do that person a favour and set them free. It's so hurtful to treat someone who loves you with contempt. I've been on the receiving end of that, until I learned better.

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner I just want to add that a healthy long term relationship can go through cycles where your feelings wax and wane, sometimes with different feelings in different directions.  Don't immediately assume your love is diminishing, because believe me it can come roaring back even stronger after a period of less interest.

Being appreciative makes life worthwhile, but often times it's impossible to hold that view 24/7.  Sometimes you have to get a bit lost in the weeds before understanding the true value of what you have.

extropia , Orhan Pergel Report

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Lisa T
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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’ve been with my husband for 35 years and we’ve gone through “rough patches” where you start to doubt their love or your own love, but we always come out on the other side stronger and more in love. People change a lot as they age. We aren’t in synch at the moment. He’s a morning person, likes to do stuff very early, before too many people are around. I’m a night owl, am a people person, so happy to do stuff when it’s crowded. We’ve developed our own individual hobbies, but we also still do a lot of activities together. I guess with age you realise you don’t have to do everything together and you can have quite different personalities, but it works.

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner This was from some other redditor months back when this question was asked. It always stuck with me though. You can tell when you are not interested in the little things to make them happy. Like making them a snack, or the little nice text messages, or random non-sexual physical affection, or doing one of their chores for them; all unprompted. Arguably you could say that you are starting to no longer care about their happiness.

jjcnc82 , Antoni Shkraba Report

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Daya Meyer
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This! Why do we do those little things for our loved one? Making a tea, bring the favourite snack home, do this one annoying task, make the favourite meal...? Because we are in a relationship and we like it when the other one feels good and appreciated and we want to hear the merry 'thank you' and we love to see that little smile! Thinking not about 'me' but about 'us'.


60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Spending time with them starts to feel like an obligation or a chore.

PewpyDewpdyPantz , Redd F Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You make excuses to avoid them.

NervousSeagull , Alex Green Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner For me it was when I would slowly realize the return investment from my effort wasn't there, so I'd stop putting in effort.

Elliejq88 , Vera Arsic Report


60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You start enjoying time away from them more than you do time with them.

UpperFeed8847 , Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Coming home is no longer a pleasant feeling.

1. You're coming back from work or errands, but you delay your return home, preferring to stop somewhere first, or sitting in your car a couple blocks away psychologically preparing yourself for entering the house.

2. You're at home and you hear the car pull up in the driveway or the keys in the door, and you think "Oh no.".

BubbhaJebus , Marta Wave Report


60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You stop sharing anything about yourself or your day because you don’t want them to know anything about you anymore. You cherish time away from them. You dread being with them. Everything about them annoys you. You don’t want to be intimate with them anymore. You do anything to pacify them or get them to leave you alone. You busy yourself with work, chores, childcare or other reasonsable responsibilities that keep you away from them. You feel complete indifference to their existence.

Njbelle-1029 , Kampus Production Report

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Crystal M
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13 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have started working every weekend, it isn't mandatory, I volunteered so I don't have to spend time with him.


60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner The way he looked at me changed.... Heartbreaking. Honestly.

abundantgloria , JD Mason Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner I can't stand the sight of him. It happened when I overheard him bad mouthing me to my doctor when I was admitted to emergency with a near death illness.  I never got over it because it was a deep betrayal that I never expected.  Now I know who he really is. There were so many other things along the way that I overlooked but this was the end.

Substantial-Bag5141 , RDNE Stock project Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Apathy is the opposite of love, not hate.

HomeChef1951 , Antoni Shkraba Report

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You'd rather stay at work than go home.

Puzzled-Passenger479 Report

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Spending time with them drains your energy instead of gives you energy.

Far-Score7411 Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner For me, it's when I finally realized that I didn't want to be seen with them in public because it felt embarrassing.

bigcarl116 , Vladimir Kudinov Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner When you stop caring, even to get angry. I knew my last relationship was over when I realized I wouldn’t even be mad if he cheated on me.

MangoSalsa89 , cottonbro studio Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Resentment is building and nothing to get rid of it.

buggerit71 , Timur Weber Report

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When they become just a roommate.

CashnJinx Report

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sharoncameron_1 avatar
Sleepy Panda
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This depends on how long you've been together, everyone I know who are a couple of decades in talk about reaching this point in their relationship.

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You understand that living without them would be easier.

galDifficult Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You seem obligated to talk or hang with your partner rather than actually wanting to talk or hang out.

cfresh12 , Kampus Production Report

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You might be falling out of love if you feel emotionally distant, avoid physical affection, get easily irritated, or prefer spending time alone. If you're fantasizing about being single or struggling to see a future together, it could be a sign the relationship is losing its spark.

Serene-Lights- Report

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Honestly man, you just know. The thought of losing them, stops scaring you, I guess...

OhReallyReallyNow Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Here are some signs I felt with my ex when we were still together. I don’t enjoy spending time together him, we stop sharing and caring about each other’s lives, my physical attraction fades, I feel emotionally distant, and I compare our relationship to others.

Local-Quality-634 , RDNE Stock project Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner When you don’t care to argue w them about anything anymore you’ve checked tf out and never coming back.

Ohtrueeeee , cottonbro studio Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Even though I loved and cared for them, I dreaded seeing them and I began to resent them. I should have left WAY sooner and it was mean of me to stay and try to make it work for so long. I was very angry at things they did early on but it was "the best relationship I've had" so I made excuses to stay.

signalfaradayfromme , Charlie Foster Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Everything you loved about them just starts to irritate you. It's like you can't find one thing that you like about them anymore.

030117 , RDNE Stock project Report

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You can go an entire day without wanting to talk or see them. As if their presence just annoys you.

wishmeluck- Report

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When you start counting down the days until your next Netflix binge alone!

Little_Tennis6111 Report

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You stop going to bed together. People do it so they can have quiet time to themselves. It can be normal, but it can also be an escape for a person to "catch their breath".

Hefty_Peanut2289 Report

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You might start feeling indifferent about spending time together, find yourself frequently annoyed by minor things, or realize you’re no longer excited about future plans as a couple.

QuietTechStorm2100 Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You get frustrated with them really easily.

Sea-Chest3135 , Karolina Kaboompics Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner The sound of them eating makes u want to thrust a red hot poker into their eye socket.

PoopMousePoopMan , Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 Report

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sharoncameron_1 avatar
Sleepy Panda
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not necessarily, been married over 20 years and I hate the sound of my husband eating, but still love him dearly.

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1. Dreading texts from them.

2. When you’re on vacation without them and you are actually happier not hearing from them.

ExfoliatedBalls Report

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You stop liking how they smell.

__porsche__ Report

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Work becomes more fun than home,
Home feels like a drag,
And you resent your partner for being so damn negative all the time, and denying any issues on their end…
I hope he keeps sucking his own life out of himself.

greenebeane22 Report

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doodle_robot Report

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Unconsciously rolling your eyes is a very good sign.

mundanetiddy Report

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They lie to you about what they are really doing behind your back.. finding out the hidden agenda is a deal breaker..

ComisclyConnected Report

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There's a few common signs:
- you never close your eyes anymore when you kiss their lips
- there's no tenderness right before in your fingertips
- there's no welcome look in your eyes when they reach for you
- you're starting to criticize little things they do.

Cheddarface Report

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If old conflicts or grievances are surfacing more often and you’re struggling to move past them, it might indicate underlying dissatisfaction, and when you find yourself thinking more about your own needs and desires rather than considering how your partner fits into your life, it might be a sign of growing distance.

defnotnatalia Report

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When I stopped caring about showing any form of physical intimacy to her or receiving any from her. I stopped hugging , kissing, and cuddling to going days without physically touching her. It wasn’t even a conscious decision, I just couldn’t love her anymore.

thevoidthoughts Report

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When your heart drops when you hear the garage door opening.

alibaba88888 Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner Having a sense of dread about them. You dread having to spend time with them. You dread getting a text from them. You dread having to talk to them or call them or saying I love you to them. You may not notice it, but it's been a long time since you've initiated anything. You might also have someone else in mind that you'd rather tell first whenever you have something to talk about or something to do.

 You're watching the clock for when you get to leave and you never linger even a little once time's up. There's no lovey-dovey goodbyes, you're already off and running. You tell them you "fell asleep" very often (this is not an accidental once or twice, this is on purpose) whenever you miss or ignore their texts/calls. The future looks bleak with them, the future looks better alone. 

 You don't want to work things out. There isn't anything to work because really, you just don't like them. (You might have more frequent arguments, but oddly, this is the one thing I'd say varies between couples when one or both fall out of love.) 

Things that matter to them don't take up space in your mind anymore. Forgetting their birthday, forgetting plans you made together, forgetting to tell them stuff that's happening in your life. When they're talking to you, it's easy for you to space out, miss what they're saying, and overall be generally disengaged. You might even walk away from them on accident because you're not thinking of checking if they're still behind you or not. 

Anyways, to anyone falling out of love, I recommend you break up quickly once you feel certain you no longer want to have that relationship. It's hell for the person to watch you slip away like this if they still like you. I'll also make it a point to mention that I've been the person who watched someone slip away and have been the person who has slipped away from other people. You just have to work up the strength and end it clearly without mincing words, because it'll blow up eventually. It's never easy to tell someone they're not right for you, but it must be done. If you want something to be over, then the onus is on you to end it. The only time you may be able to get away with not doing anything is if your partner is _also_ slipping away from you and not texting/calling/reaching out at all. That's rare but if it happens, you can either let it fade or send a quick text after a while to clarify it's done.

888277499991 , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner You run to reddit for bad relationship advice from strangers.

imjacksissue , Brett Jordan Report

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When the affection stops.

AppearanceMaximum454 Report

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You get bored a lot more often.

InterestingOven8976 Report

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She brings home a date, and you're most concerned he's going to drink your beer.

Deitaphobia Report

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You both have more snuggle time with your cat.

Lord-Lobster Report

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60 People Share Heartbreaking Signs That You’re Falling Out Of Love With Your Partner I am very much a Giver, but the second its not reciprocated im out!

(Im not talking 100% all give and take all the time, but you can easily notice when its 80\30 or 90\10.

WastelandViking , Odonata Wellnesscenter Report

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The book I’m reading talks about each partner figuring out how to create more distance versus genuine connection and it felt spot on.

julz805 Report

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You start to ignore them more.

Valentinawowo Report

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(Nervously checks marriage… yep, we’re fine! 😂)

I’m glad y’all got out of your bad relationships. I had to think back to my girlfriend before my wife (25 years ago) for this question. It was exactly as a lot of you said… I started to dislike going home, I made excuses to stay out longer, when I was home I felt annoyed by her presence, etc. I was sad when I broke up with her, but I knew it was the right thing. We both did. We had a good cry together (we were together for almost three years), then went out for pizza and enjoyed each other’s company for the first time in a long time because we were both ready to move on.

My wife now… I called her at work today to tell her what stupid thing our little booger of a puppy did this morning, and we had a good laugh about it. 😀.

FalconBurcham Report

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When you can't believe how long it takes them to tell a simple story from their day at work.

"So, then, Judy, she's the one whose sister's neighbor had that cute cactus statue in her backyard before it was ruined by a trick or treater...or was it a loose dog? No, I'm pretty sure that it was the trick or treater...".

CarlSpencer Report

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If you ask yourself the question am I falling out of love with my partner, 95% of the time you've got your answer.

thingsorfreedom Report

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You start to feel the "ick" about them.

Daring__D Report

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