People lie. It’s no secret. But when you realize the extent to which they do this online, you might just lose a large chunk of your faith in humanity.
That’s where the ‘Yeah That Definitely Happened’ Instagram page comes in. The page names and shames the folks who make stuff up on the internet, all for the sake of getting attention. And the lies they come up with are so ridiculous, they’re as funny as they are sad.
Scroll down for the best of the worst, and some blatant internet lies that would even make Pinocchio blush with shame.
Bored Panda got in touch with the current owner of the Instagram page, Jordanna, who took over from the previous owner, Erin. "She came up with the idea for the account because she was really sick of seeing all the fake stories around, and thought making an account to call them out would be a good idea. It took off and this is where we are now. I became an admin, and after Erin left, I became the owner. Lexi and Ethan are our two other admins!" Jordanna shared with us.
Bored Panda also reached out to entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyle expert Mike Sington to get his opinion on why some people make stuff up on social media. He agreed that it's done for attention. "Getting clicks and amassing followers on social media is how success is defined. For many, it becomes addictive, and the more attention your social media gets, it actually creates an adrenaline rush." He added: "The monster feeds itself."
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The best part is that she negates her daughter’s intelligence to prove her point about being anti-vax. “Nope; she’s just not vaccinated”. Ok, so not vaccinated OR advanced for her age. Good work, Mum!
The founder of the 'Yeah That Definitely Happened' page told Bored Panda that it is difficult to decide what to post and what to ignore. "People's ideas of what is believable and what isn't are all very different. I like to stay on the safe side and post the stories that I'm sure aren't possible at all and are also just entertaining and funny," Jordanna told Bored Panda. She explained what her process is when deciding whether or not to feature a post on the account.
"You'll notice a lot of our posts involve clapping, or people getting congratulated on something that's really cringey or mundane. Usually, we look for those things, or we look for things that seem really improbable. Sometimes, I won't post a story cause I'll think, 'Nah, that definitely could have happened.' But usually, I will post stories that seem to get called out as fake consistently," she said.
Jordanna definitely believes that people make up fake posts online for attention and validation. "A lot of stories, I feel, are exaggerated, and are based on things that almost happened," she said that many people embellish the truth based on what they hope would have happened.
You’re not “doing your own research” unless you’re a scientist and you set up a lab and hold trials. If you don’t do that, you’re just Googling in hopes of finding the answer you want.
"Like perhaps OP got insulted and then came up with a great comeback later, and decided to write the story up and post it. I feel like the attention they get from it validates them and makes them feel important, and just writing the scenario out often gives them more power in that situation, too. They have control over the narrative now and can change it to suit them," she shared her thoughts with Bored Panda.
According to Jordanna, everyone has an angle and an agenda. "A lot of stories are also written with the intention of making certain groups of people look bad. Sexist men, for example, may write a story that makes a feminist look incredibly bad (fake encounters with a rad fem.) Or a radical feminist might exaggerate their encounters with men to push the idea that 'all men are bad.' Transphobes and racists often do the same. A lot of extremists post stories, especially on sites such as Reddit, I've found, in order to push their extreme personal views and back them up with an encounter that never happened."
Both comments are very rude. Second one was also hurtful on purpose, if it's true
Hollywood's Ultimate Insider, Mike, told Bored Panda that one way to realize that someone's unable to balance the role of social media in their lives is that they begin to lie or bend the truth online.
"A good sign of people going overboard in seeking attention and recognition on social media is when they start exaggerating or making things up. If you find yourself doing that, stop and check yourself, and maybe realign your priorities in life," he suggested.
Mike also shared with Bored Panda some ways to tell if a certain tweet or post might be made up. It's a good thing to trust your gut, as well as your mind. "If a post seems particularly outrageous, or too good to be true, it may be made up. Even if someone else is posting the same thing, that doesn’t make it true, because it could simply be a re-post from the original poster," the expert said.
"Your instincts can usually tell you when something is made up, and old-fashioned online sleuthing can usually confirm it," Mike told us.
The ‘Yeah That Definitely Happened’ Instagram page has just over 78k followers and invites them to send in their own submissions. So if you happen to stumble across something that fits the mood of the project, consider sending the screenshot over to the creator of the page.
However, one thing that they ask of their fans is that they check the posts to see if the particular screenshot has been posted before. If it has, it’s best to find something else to share. After all, fresh content is king, while reposting the same things over and over frequently would get stale quickly.
There’s no shortage of misinformation, fake news, and simply downright lies on the internet. While some people clearly make stuff up to get attention, others do it with different goals in mind, whether they’re political, social, or other.
Joseph M. Pierre, a professor of psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, previously spoke to Bored Panda about conspiracy theories and the type of people who believe in misinformation.
Professor Pierre told us that conspiracy theorists tend to focus on certain historical events when choosing to twist the truth for whatever goals they have in mind.
"increases the risl of homosexuality" I was a 38 year old heterosexual male before I got my first covid jab. Now I am gayer than Elton John's walk in wardrobe. Be warned.
I thought that vaccines gayfication was like a switch. First one makes you gay (or straight if you're already) second turns you straight again third gay and so on... So if you've odd number of vaccines you change orientation otherwise you remain how you was
Load More Replies...INCREASE THE RISK OF HOMOSEXUALITY IM DYINGGGGG "hello, im here to recieve my moderna yassification jab today?"
MODERNA YASSIFICATION JAB LOL I wish I could upvote this more 😭
Load More Replies...I love how all the toddlers in these stories have the vocabulary skills of grown a$$ adults.
I know right? My toddler younger brother simply screams at us, why doesn’t he have the grammar of an English teacher yet?? Are these posts lying to me?
Load More Replies...I especially like the old lady appearing like some kind of Yoda at the end
The old lady whose husband died. The husband who probably only got to be old by having his vaccinations.
Load More Replies...This is funny, but remember: these people actually truly exist in our world. Like they are real humans that are breeding. Think about that. I'll give you all the time you need.
I'm my limited personal experience, I can't help but notice they tend to breed a lot. That may not be true everywhere, but all the antivaxers I know have at least three kids. The dark part of me jokes that it's because they have to make back-ups in case one gets sick, but honestly it's just kind of depressing.
Load More Replies...It’s terrifying that these people walk among us. Imagine being out, just doing your thing getting groceries and this person adds themselves to a conversation to aggressively assert that vaccines cause homosexuality. And they are deadpan serious!!
i got the vaccine and the next day when i woke up my wrist wouldn’t stay straight
I got one of the vaccines and all of a sudden i have a beautiful singing voice? Help?
Load More Replies...The stats about autism were proven to have been falsified. No cancer correlation. And they should have banned Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand from the beginning.
Yah, the dude who claimed Autism made up that information because he was paid by ANOTHER vaccination company with the intent of saying something like "but this one is safe" or some b******t. He had lost his license, has never been published, and I believe he's in jail now. But anti-vaxxers cling to him like he's a God.
Load More Replies...If it makes ya gayer please get it. We need more gays in this world 😂
Oh damn. She forgot the "everyone cheered and clapped" part! Do even her anti-vaxxer friends believe any of this ever happened?
Load More Replies...So she's anti-vax and anti-gay but pro evolution when it fits her narrative.
And she knew this how???? Vaccines = Cancer = Death?? BTW, that shows a lot of articulation for a two year old.
Interesting… my little sister who is 2 can’t even say the word bathroom.
My almost two year old has an amazing vocabulary for her age and is extremely intelligent. She also tries to stick things in her nose, empties her plates and bowls to put them on her head, and Puts diapers and pants on her head( clean diaper obv. Lol). That's just a few of the random odd things she does. The list goes on so damn, I really must be doing something wrong. Maybe it's the vaccines..
And the deceased old man applauded; It began as a slow clap, which spread across the cemetery, growing to thunderous applause from all the vaccinated corpses who had passed, in deep pride for this small child who finally speaks the gospel truth. Also, they wept tears of joy. And one of them realized the boy was his long lost grandson, and he rose from the dead to be reunited, go fishing, and teach that boy to play catch...which the boy was an instant prodigy at, and would go on to win the World Series that next week. Not contribute to the team win, mind you; He WAS the winning team
At the beginning of article, she with two boys, but at the she leaving with only one. What happened there?
actually she didn't leave with any, just turned and walked off. seems that her over articulate 2 yr old was all in her imagination
Load More Replies...If I have had 2 covid shots, and my wife has had 2 plus the booster. Does that mean I went gay, and then straight, but my wife went gay, straight, and gay again because of the booster???
They always bring in an old, smiling woman with a dead family member.
“It’s survival of the fittest!”. Oh poor thing, it wont make it to next year :(
"The next day I went to work at my new job. As I was getting my paperwork out, I hear a voice 'you deserve a bonus.' I look up. It's the old lady."
"I gasped. 'You look surprised.' she said 'Daughter' I gasped. then fainted. Then a handsome prince kissed me, then i woke up and we got married.'
Load More Replies...Woohoo, I'm vaccinated! And theres nothing wrong with being gay! And aside from can't have a higher chance of being gay from anything, probably. Since it's more of a, "This is me, this is who I am, and I feel like this" thing. If you know what I mean. And all LGBTQ+ people, don't listen to the dumbfucks. Theres nothing wrong with you, and you are super duper awesome.
I can believe she was out shopping......I can believe she butted into a conversation that wasn't any of her business......I can believe security was called .....And I certainly believe that "what the big pharma companies want is money" .....But the rest of it, not so much
I mean they don't cause any of those things but I'd definitely rather have a gay or autistic kid than a dead one. And while it might be a toss up between the side effects of some of those 'childhood' illnesses and really seriously autism symptoms as both are debilitating disabled or gay is only a difficult decision if you're a raging bigot.
The RISK of homosexuality… I’m an autistic homo she probably thinks I’m walking proof
"increase the risk of homosexuality" I've never had the jab and I'm gayer than Harvey Milk
This explains why I haven't stopped having sex with men since I got my first Fauci Ouchie.
Wish I had met this woman. I would have told her, "Ma'am, I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You see, I've had vaccinations when I was a kid and because of this, I've never had cancer, I'm not autistic and I'm certainly straight."
2 yr olds dont have good vocabulary ... and seriously come on! Maybe say hes 8... i mean, itd be more believable. dont tell me i dont know kids. I knew a two yr old and all he said was random words not even sentences. (It was real funny) hes six now, aproaching seven. He still doesnt have the best grammer but hes getting better
Because I've had just about every vaccine that normal people get, I have so much autism and cancer. I also permanently live in my wife's vagina.
I think I may have hurt myself a little with the involuntary eyeroll when I reached "(both unvaccinated)" in the first sentence.
Okay, I could say a lot of things about this but for one thing: sure the big pharmaceutical companies want money. They're companies. But that doesn't mean the vaccine is somehow invalidated!!
THIS MAKES ME SO MAD! Homosexuality!? How is that even bad!? THEY HAD NOTHING TO SAY BECAUSE OF HOW F*****G STUPID THAT WAS!!!!!!!!
I heard vaccines were brewed in a cauldron full of Dolly Parton wigs🤯
Well at she will not need to pay for schooling or college as her crotch goblin will never see 5.
I'm always proud when my kids say things like let the government kill them
Man I wish vaccines caused homosexuality the world would be better off with more gays
I got halfway through this one. People have too much time on their hands.
Is that why I'm gay then? The vaccinations? Boy that's good to know. I thought it was just because girls are really pretty.
this woman............................. and the son................................. i am just in shocked by the imense stupidity of anti-vaxxer. Like r they afriad of needles and trying to come up w excuses? or r they just stupid? or in denial? like, if i don't think covid is happening, it aint happening!
I always laugh at “increased risk of homosexuality” because of how ridiculous it sounds.
Prime example of.. When people are so dumb it hurts to listen to them.
Why involve in a conversation you hear in the street to begin with? Leave those people alone and don’t bother them with your view on things. Freedom of choice, freedom of expression, and we should respect that (up to a certain point of course, you don’t have to accept everything).
If this was true that woman should have been arrested for refusing to stop yelling at them, wth why would you brag about that?
If you look back on your life and don't realize you were an idiot, you are probably still an idiot.
Yeah, that never happened. (I feel like I need to just copy & paste this comment on every single post).
She does know that the doctor who created that study had his license revoked, right?
not proven to to cause autism or cancer and homosexuality cannot be caused*
I’m gay and it’s tOtAlLy from all the vaccines I’ve got that have kept me from getting sick or death
the son is correct it is survival of the fittest your not the fittest
Yes, that's right, because giving cancer to your customers is an awesome money making strategy.
Oh wait, let me guess, they're in cahoots with the funeral industry. Yeah, that's it.
Load More Replies...Is that it what happens when you aren't vaccinated? You seriously believe this bullcrap?
Understand how anti-vaxxers cling to the cancer theory: before the most common vaccines were invented the possibility to reach such an age were cancer would snuff you wasn't that common (I'm not ignoring that also young people and children have to deal with this nasty fate!). However anti-vaxxers have become an own type of cancer. I hope that there would be a vaccine against bullshít talking people.
Oh my, so that's why I'm gay! As an aside, as a zoologist, that's not what "survival of the fittest" means and irks the sh!t out of me when people say it like that. Survival of the fittest has to do with reproductive success: "Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations." So, not just YOUR children, but your children's children and so on is the the measure of survival of the fittest. If your genes have continued to further generations.
Send them doll sized leg braces, wheelchairs, iron lungs, and coffins. Pictures of children's cemeteries and polio wards, too.
Wtf is wrong with everyone?!?! This whole story is just ridiculous!
Now when I have the urge to kiss a man, I can blame it on the vaccine!
oh that's enough of this *uses autistic mind beams to remove the ability for you to close your bowels*
He also noted that the only spike of conspiracy theories in recent modern history was during the communist ‘red scare’ in the 1950s.
“It is true that certain historical events do tend to attract conspiracy theories and there is evidence that times of societal upheaval or crisis when people are feeling unsafe and desperate for clarity offer a kind of fertile soil for conspiracy theory beliefs,” he told Bored Panda.
Ah...remember the days when you'd let strangers inject your child in the park?
“Over the past 60 years, the assassination of JFK, the death of Princess Diana, and 9/11 are the most obvious examples of national traumas surrounded by conspiracy theory beliefs,” the expert went into detail.
“We should acknowledge that many conspiracy theories, like the idea that the Earth is flat, aren’t really based on any kind of obvious traumatic event,” he added that not all misinformation, fake news, and made-up ‘facts’ are associated with traumatic events.
The professor told Bored Panda that the people who tend to believe in conspiracy theories are usually those who see the world in a very black-or-white way: they see history as a struggle between good and evil, and don’t tend to notice nuances or subtleties.
Why are these guys always annoying the crap out of baristas? Just shut up and take your damn sugar filled weird flavoured coffee and leave
“People who believe in conspiracy theories are also often attracted to the Manichean narratives that conspiracy theories offer, involving battles of good and evil pitting against each other in an almost apocalyptic fashion. So, it should come as no surprise that conspiracy theories might sprout up from World War II—a real-life apocalyptic battle between good and evil,” the expert noted.
I shook my head so much while reading these, that I gave myself whiplash. And then my chiropractor clapped.
Got less than a quarter of the way through. Reads like young kids competing to out lie each other.
Yeah, in the ultrasound my daughter signed to me, in American sign language, that I should buy Bitcoin. But it has been 27 months and she has not come out of the womb....what is she hiding from?
Normally I like to continue going past the posted list and get everything. I could barely get through the 30 posts. I'm tired now.
Do these people spend all their time thinking up porkies to tell? If they did, they are crap at it.
So sick of these sick people, let me add to these. "It's 2030 and all the doctors in the country are now seeing people come in with huge foreheads. They insert a needle and draw out the fluid. Out come thousands of microchips. They ask everyone, did you have the covid shot? No was the answer from each patient. Then the government said "if you voted for donny, when you submitted your ballot, a laser immediately beamed in a duplicating microchip directly to your are dead." That was your "Trump conspiracy fairy tale" of the day. Just wait til 2030!!
Reminded me of some of the stories I used to hear from kindergarteners and first graders. But they had the excuse of being very, very young.
These people literally just type the fiction they imagine in their minds as if it's the truth a wear it like a badge of honour. I'm sure most of them were aspiring writers but we're rejected one time too many and something snapped.
it isnt "anti-anti-vax" to post lies that anti-vaxxers tell in a post about lies, especially considering everything anti-vaxxers believe is a lie. is protecting anti-vaxxers, who willingly endanger their children & the general public, from mockery really the hill you want to die on?
Load More Replies...I shook my head so much while reading these, that I gave myself whiplash. And then my chiropractor clapped.
Got less than a quarter of the way through. Reads like young kids competing to out lie each other.
Yeah, in the ultrasound my daughter signed to me, in American sign language, that I should buy Bitcoin. But it has been 27 months and she has not come out of the womb....what is she hiding from?
Normally I like to continue going past the posted list and get everything. I could barely get through the 30 posts. I'm tired now.
Do these people spend all their time thinking up porkies to tell? If they did, they are crap at it.
So sick of these sick people, let me add to these. "It's 2030 and all the doctors in the country are now seeing people come in with huge foreheads. They insert a needle and draw out the fluid. Out come thousands of microchips. They ask everyone, did you have the covid shot? No was the answer from each patient. Then the government said "if you voted for donny, when you submitted your ballot, a laser immediately beamed in a duplicating microchip directly to your are dead." That was your "Trump conspiracy fairy tale" of the day. Just wait til 2030!!
Reminded me of some of the stories I used to hear from kindergarteners and first graders. But they had the excuse of being very, very young.
These people literally just type the fiction they imagine in their minds as if it's the truth a wear it like a badge of honour. I'm sure most of them were aspiring writers but we're rejected one time too many and something snapped.
it isnt "anti-anti-vax" to post lies that anti-vaxxers tell in a post about lies, especially considering everything anti-vaxxers believe is a lie. is protecting anti-vaxxers, who willingly endanger their children & the general public, from mockery really the hill you want to die on?
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